The Conquered by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 14




2 months after Sasiege had woken up Dramkick was still tying up loose ends. The Aovaba war is still raging with no end in sight. The politicians want a cease-fire, but the generals are having too much fun to even talk of ending the hostilities. Even Dramkick himself has grown so very fond of his daily casualty count and hearing about his soldier's bravery on the battlefield (so much so he can't even bear to think of ending it). Even in the light of his wanting to leave for Sras Oblique his heart says fight on. He even pondered adding another planet to the war in the hopes of one colossal battle before he leaves. Smoking up one more pig even though his belly is full.


Not to mention the troubles with the Tonyx Preserver helmets, and namely popular figure's helmets being stolen and sold on the black market. This was fueled by the common man's insatiable need to see what the rich and powerful were really thinking (and the desire to know their innermost secrets). This forced Dramkick to decree that anyone caught with one of these masks would be killed on sight. The problem with that was, so many were stolen that he'd end up killing millions of loyal followers. So he was thinking it over.


Then there were the daily thefts from the Praem suppliers and the reluctance of anyone to turn them in. This caused Dramkick to have to tighten up security even further. And, to ration the Praem supply once again. He was losing fans all over, but gaining a slight grin. And there was an ever growing tension between Bree and Dramkick because of the large chunks of time he was spending with Mela. All of this combined stress had caused Dramkick to up his Praem consumption. And when he got the helmets of Vield and Poeragard, he learned that they were part of several assassination attempts on his life (this nearly sent him over the edge).


Inside Gadileap Dramkick is sitting with Mela in the Energy Circus room. It is filled with animals made of different forms of energy that will do various tricks and maneuvers over obstacles. Dramkick shot them occasionally with a low intensity laser beam when they came in, sending them tumbling over themselves. With one being an 8 foot tall gorilla like animal made from green energy. It tried again and again to climb a ladder with broken rings, but fell over and over again onto its back. Dramkick laughed slightly at this. It was a momentary respite. The 2 red energy birds (that looked like buzzards with Mohawks) pecked constantly at the other animals. The yellow energy bear like animals (nicknamed Unwanted Bastards by Dramkick) are perpetually doing front, back, and side flips. The walls are covered in moving colored segments that change every 10 seconds and give the room many different looks and feels. The ceiling has an upside down racetrack with miniature space ships racing on it continuously. The floor is covered in thick white bendable foam that molds to the contours of each person's foot. There are also 6 yellow chairs arranged in a semi-circle that have small snacks, beverages, and of course government cigarettes and Praem.


Mela is wearing a loose fitting orange dress and black slippers, with a necklace that consists of 9 blocks of crystal with a different picture of Coup in each. Dramkick has on a black silk shirt with a small collar and white loose fitting pants. Not to mention his black sneakers with Memoa sticks on the side.


Memoa sticks are a powerful hand operated explosive that can be thrown at an attacker or used to blow a door open.


"You look very happy, Dramkick, I was beginning to worry," Mela said as she lit up a cigarette in the side of her mouth. Her hands tended to fumble with her cigarettes when she hadn't entered the conversation the way she had hoped.


"For the moment, but this will not ease all of my struggles so easily. To see something so comical does help, but I have great aching stress right now. I just-"


"Yes," Mela said quickly as she set down her cigarette on the table and gave Dramkick her full attention.


"I can't do more than I am doing and nothing is getting done," Dramkick's eyes were fixed on the wall as he thought of killing Vield and Poeragard. "What I want to do is simply fulfill my obligation to you and be done with it, but I don't want to leave in this state. I am tempted to go on a journey to Hankfur's," Dramkick said as he rubbed his arm in a circle and then gently ran his fingers through his hair. He hoped that Mela hadn't noticed.


"What is this Hankfur's?" Mela asked puzzled.


"It's…it's a vacation spot on the other side of Membra where they cleanse the pathways in the brain, and flush out all the toxins in your body. They also have several entertaining pastimes to relax and enjoy yourself," Dramkick found Mela's interest calming and his breathing changed like the calming of the ocean. "The problem is I can't justify a vacation while you're waiting for me," Dramkick said then he cracked the joints in his back very loudly on the door jam.


"I'll admit I am eager to get my problem taken care of, but I'm getting the sense that this vacation is a necessity for your well being."


"That's entirely correct, I can't physically or mentally even think of leaving in this state," Dramkick admitted as his eyes darted around the room.


Mela gestured with her hand for Dramkick to come closer. And when he didn't she gently touched his wrist and said, "Then you must go, Dramkick, we must be immediately."


"Okay then, but I have another question and that question is this, will you come with me I could use a good friend at my side?" Dramkick asked as he slid his other hand on top of Mela's.


"Of course, Dramkick, I will aid you in any way I can. When shall we leave?" Mela asked as she smiled. She knew how a powerful man's mind worked and how to aid it as well. She needed a confident Dramkick or that little brat Peastro would continue to win.


"We've already left," Dramkick replied as he pressed a blue button in the armrest of the chair and the entire room started to moving upward (and upward very rapidly).


Mela braced herself as they continued to rise up past floor after floor. The entire room came to a stop inside the hangar bay. The 2 Vor Me soldiers guarding the Debrist Morou looked at Dramkick and Mela in bewilderment. Dramkick stood up and helped Mela to her feet. They walked over to the Debrist Morou and boarded the ship. They made their way to the lounge and each took a seat on a tan leather couch with foldout foot rests. They are sitting next to a round island bar. The lounge is small, but has high ceilings-12 feet high. There is also a chair made from a statue of Emasip and Snatsy Reign. The couches and chairs are facing a large television screen that runs every inch of the room-with snapshots of Dramkick's life popping up here and there. There is also a Mochi machine.


A Mochi is a wage stick operated hand to hand hologram video game (a favorite of Dramkick's). The floors are filled with dozens of small carpets from everywhere the Reign family has traveled.


"I thought we'd have a drink to ease the start of our voyage," Dramkick said joyfully as he poured Mela a glass of Stokas Bourbon.


Stokas was only brewed in the 85th century by Det Stokas and there are only 3000 bottles left in existence (with Dramkick having horded away 2,500 for himself).


"You read my mind, how long before we arrive?" Mela asked as she took her glass from Dramkick. She knew she’d have to handle drinking with Dramkick if she was smart.


"An hour or so tops, but it's a beautiful trip this time a year. And Hankfur's is in a very picturesque spot as you will see," Dramkick said as he slid in beside Mela on the couch.


"I must ask, WHO’S THAT!" Mela shouted as she watched a man burst out of the center of the island bar.


The man has black and orange skin like a leopard, with yellow eyes and red teeth. He has a white tattoo across half of his face of the Messi solar system. His nose is crooked and is bent to the right. His forehead is filled with slashing V shaped wrinkles. He is wearing a white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up and a pair of tan trousers with the words, "Be broken Be just," written across the front. He is also wearing Poskit brand black sneakers, no socks. His name is Via D.


Via pulls a Chest Shredder flesh grenade out of his pocket and throws it at Dramkick. Dramkick feels the sting of fear as he knows that the Chest Shredder grabs flash as it passes through the body in violent directions. Dramkick sees it coming his way and drops to the floor and twists sideways. The Chest Shredder just clips his right shoulder and tears off a piece of his shirt and flesh. Dramkick's blood gushes from the wound and he lets out a yell, but as he does Dramkick also reaches down to his shoe and grabs a pair of my Memoa sticks.


Via reaches into his pocket for another Chest Shredder, but Dramkick sees this and throws a Memoa at his feet. This blows him back against the television smashing it to pieces.


"COME ON!!" Dramkick shouted as he jumps to his feet and then jumps on top of Via.


Via puts the soles of his feet on Dramkick's chest and flings him across the room. Dramkick lands awkwardly on the Emasip chair and his adrenaline really starts to flow. It tasted almost better than pure Praem.


Mela meanwhile ran to Dramkick's side and helped him to his feet. She couldn't help but think if Dramkick died so did Coup. Via did a double leg kick and vaulted towards Dramkick. Dramkick was still startled and had lost a lot of blood, but as Via threw his roundhouse punch Dramkick extended his right fist outward (at lightning speed) and he ran face first into it. The blow crushed his cheekbone and Via's punch lost all of its power.


"Get back!" Dramkick ordered as he intertwined his fingers.


"Oh God!" Mela muttered as her body heaved.


Via grabbed the Snatsy chair and slung it into Dramkick's bloody shoulder. This caused Dramkick to scream out in agony. Via tried to hit Dramkick again, but Mela pulled him out of the way just in time. Dramkick mustered up all of his strength as he lunged at Via and grabbed him around the waist. He started squeezing with all of his might. Via gasped for air and tried to free himself, but Dramkick squeezed so hard he started to feel his ribs crush and pop. Dramkick crushed his torso to half of its normal size and blood gushed from out of Via's mouth. He let out one last gasp and then died in Dramkick's arms. Dramkick dropped Via's body to the floor and fell into Mela's waiting arms.


"You need to sit down, My Love, please," Mela suggested as she helped Dramkick to the couch.


"I need you to go into the next room and get the medical kit, please hurry," Dramkick said breathlessly as he slumped over on the couch and took a deep breath.


"O.K.," Mela answered quickly and then she raced into the next room.


Her eyes darted quickly around the room as she searched for the medical kit. She saw the medical kit on the far wall underneath the red suede coat that was hanging from a steel hook. Mela hurried over and grabbed the medical kit. She quickly ran back into the lounge where Dramkick was now lying down.


"I've got it now, what do you need?" Mela asked quickly as she sat down beside Dramkick.


"Take out the blue vile and dump its contents on my shoulder," Dramkick said calmly as he crossed his fingers.


"O.K.," Mela answered as she emptied the blue vile on his shoulder.


Instantly the blood stopped gushing and the wound started to dull its color.


"Now take out the Larvie medical laser and do a once over the wound," Dramkick said calmly as he inspected what was left of his wound. Dramkick thought of Via getting the jump on him and vowed never again. He looked at his reflection on the TV screen and made a goofy face to amuse himself. Still the greatest he thought.


The Larvie is a silver laser pistol that fires a cauterizing laser beam and extremely potent antibiotic.


Mela took the Larvie and went over the wound twice and then asked, "It seems fine, is there anything else?"


"One more thing, I lost a lot of blood take out that large red vile and affix it to the Larvie. Then inject it into this vein here," Dramkick pointed to the bulging vein in his forearm.


Mela did exactly what he said and soon fresh blood was pumping into the vein. She pulled out the Larvie and removed the red vile. She cauterized the wound by going over it with the laser.


"How do you feel?" Mela asked as she looked into Dramkick's eyes.


"Completely and utterly whole again. That vacation can't come soon enough for me though," Dramkick said brightly as he sat up now.


"You need to be relaxing for even another reason, how nice," Mela said jokingly as she looked down at Via and then continued, "It seems he could use a little rest as well."


"Oh I think he'll get rest weather he wants it or not he he ha. Sure was a sharp dresser, but not much of an assassin. It does beg the question, who sent him?" Dramkick asked with the thought of Poeragard and Vield somehow behind this. He sauntered over to Via and grinned. Dramkick grabbed his collar and pulled it back. He read the label and said quietly, "Atumky, that's a Vexidian tailor and a well known one at that. This stinks of Vield and breaks my heart once again. Alright…I've decided."


"Decided what?" Mela asked in puzzlement as she rubbed her chin and gazed at Dramkick.


"I've decided that after the respite we'll immediately leave for Sras Oblique. I can see now that the longer I wait the more reasons there'll be to wait. Then it's settled." Dramkick checked his pockets for a cigarette. "I'll leave Gigg in control of the forces I leave behind. And the bulk of my armies will set off into the blackness of' space," Dramkick said nonchalantly as he calmly walked over to the bar and started fixing 2 fresh drinks.


"That's great news, that really sets my mind at ease,” Mela felt invigorated as she knew the Line would rise again. “It had worried me, but now I will not worry, and we can enjoy our vacation free of any stress or pressure. But I must ask will there be any more assassins on this trip or attacks on my life per se?" Mela asked with a wry smile on her face. She knew she was only half joking and so did Dramkick.


"Probably only a dozen or so, but don't worry I'm very handy and good in a tight spot," Dramkick said as he fiddled with their drinks. "I'd be more concerned that we've only got half a bottle of Stokas left after the other 2 bottles we cracked, during the excitement," Dramkick said as he lifted the Stokas bottle and half frowned. He knew that last line could've been a joke in any other time but not this time. Would Peastro have laughed he wondered.


"What a travesty I was counting upon it. That dashes all my hopes for total happiness," Mela said sarcastically as she walked over to Dramkick and grabbed her glass of Stokas. She held it like she'd been to too many dinner parties, with her fingers stretched to the ceiling and a few inches below her mouth (like she was ready to say something). Dramkick noticed this, he'd been to too many as well.


They embraced the next hour by finishing off the bottle of Stokas. The Debrist Morou made its way to Hankfur's (and at maximum damn speed too). They landed in a tightly mowed grass field that is surrounded by an 8 foot stone wall that slants away from the ship. At end of the field, there is a man made waterfall that rises 50 feet in the air and has a sitting deck on top of it. At the base of the waterfall is a swimming pool as well as an elevator. Behind the waterfall there is Hankfur's rising 600 yards into the sky. The majestic rubber gift to all Talz Dramkick thought. It has Hankfur's torso with his arms outstretched on the front of it- and his arms serving as a relaxation deck. The giant head of Hankfur is filled with Dramkick's Quadromolan suite. The face of Hankfur is part gorilla part man with a thick black beard, as well as thick black hair on top. He has a goofy smile and seal black eyes. In life he was a striking fellow, a towering mountain of man at 7'4" tall and 700 pounds. He always wore perfectly tailored suits and tan shoes with his signature white ties-the ties had his face and crest on them. Hankfur Dellow was one of the only 7 Monipac left in existence. The Monipac are a little known about race of giants that came out of the Heyydue jungle 200 years ago. They instantly started adapting, then thriving on Membra. They have an uncanny ability to learn virtually anything in an instant. Giving them a mastery of every level of education in only a 5th of the time it would take a normal person. They all looked to the world of business and immediately welcomed giant success with their theme parks and vacation spots. 50 years ago inexplicably, they started to each get violently ill and soon after perish. Thousands upon thousands of them died and there was no reason for it. The doctors isolated the illness as a microorganism that was living in their blood. When this organism was exposed to the population of Monipacs in the Metropolitan area, it poisoned them instantly. The remaining Monipac upon hearing this fled to the countryside-including Hankfur and his brother Drevous. For most it was too late, but a lucky few survived. Dramkick quipped at the time "I lost a few too many taxpayers to that one."


They exited the Debrist Morou and a pair of black Hovacycles sat waiting for them.


"I hope we’re not too old for this," Mela said warmly as she mounted the Hovacycle.


"I hope I'm not too young," Dramkick said sarcastically as he put on his leather riding gloves and then said smoothly, "You're never too old to love the kid you once were."


"That, Dramkick, should be remembered every second of every day woowee," Mela answered and then she sped away towards the waterfall.


Dramkick smiled at this and said to himself, "God what a magnificent woman."


He mounted his Hovacycle and tore after her at break neck speed. He thought of the time he rode his first Hovacycle as a child and nearly ended up a permanent fixture on the side of a tree. He caught up to Mela and gave her a nod and a wink as she looked over. She smiled a wry smile and playfully swerved at his Hovacycle. They rode through a tree lined tunnel and came out the other side in front of the waterfall. Mela stopped and looked Dramkick with a puzzled look on her face and asked, "What do we do now?"


"Well we ah…swim for it," Dramkick said boldly and he floored his Hovacycle into the waterfall and Mela watched in shock.


After he had disappeared into the waterfall Mela sat there for a few seconds and then muttered to herself, "Fine, let's swim."


She questioned her next move for only a second (and no more). And then she gunned it into the waterfall. Her eyes had never opened wider and seen so little. She found herself in an underground banquet hall where dozens of people were sitting at tables eating their dinners. When they saw Mela they all started to cheer. This while she sat on her Hovacycle and looked at them in bewilderment. She saw Dramkick climb out from under a table and into an elderly woman's lap (much to her delight). Dramkick gave the old woman a kiss on the cheek and danced over to Mela and said, "All great journeys start with a perilous step."


"True, but they're usually not quite so dangerous. How was that old woman's cheek, makeup or soup?" Mela asked jokingly and she ran her fingers through her wet hair (too embarrassed to try and style it).


"A little bit of Dr. Damnabi's strawberry soup. I have to admit, one of my personal favorites," Dramkick replied sarcastically and then said, "That man behind you will get you some dryer clothes." Mela turned and she was handed a Praem tube by the waiter.


Mela went with her male waiter-who was a dressed in a gold leaf Hapkin suit-and into a changing stall a few feet away. The changing stall is a good hundred feet long and has been drilled out of solid stone and into a cave. There are little ledges every 5 feet that have lights of different colors on them to illuminate the room. In the center of the room there is a small stage with a lone Mortos player standing there (and he is crying and playing a somber song).


The Mortos is a 70 key half moon shaped piano like instrument. It plays guitar notes and chords with just the press of a key. It also has a blue button that can turn it instantly into a wind instrument (and still be able to be played the same raucous way). While you are playing the Mortos it has its own self generated light show with holograms of ships flying around it.


The left wall is filled with secret passageways where the wait staff (and even a few horny guests) can enter or leave the room without anyone knowing. There is a mist from the waterfall that combines with the ever changing lighting to give it an otherworldly feel.


Dramkick watches as his table is brought in and 2 chairs are placed facing one another. Mela came out of the changing stall a second later in a long form fitting black lace dress. Her hair was completely dry and tied back into a triangular ponytail. She smiled when she saw Dramkick's jaw drop and she said as she walked up, "Careful now, my heart is spoken for."


"It's not your heart I was thinking of. I am only kidding, I'm not trying to steal you from Coup. I value your friendship too much to make you uncomfortable," Dramkick said honestly as he pulled out Mela's chair.


"I appreciate that, I know Coup would appreciate that as well. By the way you look very handsome in that suit," Mela said as she set down. The memory of an old cocktail party jogged loose in her mind as she sat. That's when they were on top, she thought. Why is it a bad memory now, she wondered.


"Thank you," Dramkick said as he pushed in Mela's chair and sat down across from her.