The Conquered by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 15



The following morning everyone awoke separately with Dramkick getting up at dawn to get a run and take a look around. Mela awoke and went downstairs. She breezed into the kitchen and activated the android chef. The androids started fixing fried Comman as well as toasted Porntap ears with a Zeya glaze-which is a white sugary glaze that sharpens the natural flavors.


While the android was doing that, Mela started peeling various fruits in the Hoyea machine and putting them in the PW perfect mixer. When she had finished she put the juice into the fridge and added some crushed ice. Sasiege came downstairs and bellowed, "It smells like heaven is cooking again. Oh what a miraculous day to be alive. How are you, Dear?"


"Couldn't be better, I've got the glory the morning filling my lungs. Would you like a bit of breakfast?" Mela asked warmly as she flashed a youthful smile.


"Mela, a bit of breakfast would charge up these old engines and give them youthful glory. So yes, a little juice please?" Sasiege asked as he looked over the android's shoulder at the feast he was making. And then he smiled at Mela when he realized she was watching him.


The androids started frantically filling 2 plates with food and a small garnish of Toldyo-which is the made from the eggs of the Yupfin bird.


The Yupfin is a powder blue bowling ball sized bird, with fish lips, and bulging eyes that look like they're about to fall out of their sockets. It has a black anchor for tail that constantly pulls the Yupfin towards the ground. Its feet are 2 toed, white, and make a whistling sound as it flies.


Just as Mela and Sasiege grabbed their plates Dramkick came in the front door and said cheerily, "It certainly smells like morning in here. You should see that beautiful lake. It has hundreds of small boats dotted all over it."


Mela took a bite of her Porntap ears and said, "Wow, I wouldn't have expected this to taste like that."


"Is that good or bad?" Dramkick asked as he was handed a plate of food by the android.


"Great, absolutely the best thing I've ever eaten. I feel all of my taste buds buzzing with sensation, incredible!" Mela declared as she popped her hips out right and then left. "So what do you have planned for today, or have you thought that far ahead yet?" Mela asked as she continued eating her Porntap ears.


"I had thought we'd spend the morning in Dillduc, then go try out Egocent for a while. And possibly sleep there tonight," Dramkick said as he inspected his Comman. He could still remember the first time his mother gave him Comman and the warm sun on his neck.


"That works for me," Sasiege agreed as he walked over to the sofa and sat down.


"I think that's a fine idea. It would be great to see as much as we can," Mela was feeling overjoyed at such a tremendous day. Just to have plans for the day made her giddy. "The question now is will Paut and Uaty be joining us while there's still daylight?" Mela asked sarcastically as she poured herself a glass of juice. Then she poured 2 more glasses for Dramkick and Sasiege.


"Well I would hope so, but Paut never made it back last night," Dramkick said as he was handed a glass of juice from Mela.


"You're kidding," Mela said anxiously as she set down her juice.


"No, not at all when I got up this morning I saw that his bed had not been slept in,” Dramkick had already prepared himself for any eventuality concerning Paut’s disappearance. He knew how things worked. “He was not downstairs when I went for my run. Obviously Paut is a grown man and can take care of his own comings and goings, but is a bit odd," Dramkick spoke in a concerned tone and took a long drink from his glass. He thought his way through the whole drink and knew something bad was in the offing.


"Well, it's still early, but if he's not back by mid morning I say we try to find him," Mela said hopefully as she fixated her eyes on Dramkick. "He would do the same for us that is certain. Maybe Uaty will know what we should do, this could be something he's done on occasion," Mela said hopefully she looked at Dramkick for answers.


"Yes, we’ll wait and an answer will come, it always does. Who's up for a game of To Taste Bronk?" Sasiege asked as a hit the power button in the battlefield and the robot armies rose up from inside the table.


Dramkick was lost in thoughts of Paut, but then said quickly, "Yes, yes indeed let's show Mela this wonderful creation."


Mela was worried about Paut and that his appearance might have gotten him into trouble. She stood behind the sofa and watched the game of To Taste Bronk, but was eagerly awaiting Uaty to emerge from the upstairs bedroom.


Sasiege used his ground troops in the game as a diversion as he took aim at Dramkick's battleship. While he was doing that Dramkick was closing in on the Levitios warrior with his tank squadron. Dramkick had him pinned in the wooded area of the battlefield. Sasiege saw this, and instantly came in from behind Dramkick's tanks with his battleship and opened fire. He didn't realize that Dramkick saw this coming and used his ground troops to blast Sasiege's battleship from the side. Suddenly a massive firefight ensued, with both sides taking heavy casualties. Dramkick saw his chance and shot the Levitios warrior in the leg. He had his lead squadron of ground troops throw a rope around his legs and torso to pull him to the ground. The outer edge of the game board exploded with fireworks and a hologram appeared and declared Dramkick's the winner. This caused Dramkick to shout, "And the mighty prevail!"


Sasiege bit his lip and let out a sigh and said, "Nice match, I thought I was going to get you. I still can't believe I didn't, so close."


Just then Uaty came down in the elevator and stepped out and asked brightly, "This looks like a fun day. Hello everyone where's Paut, is he out for another walk?"


Mela walked over to Uaty and said anxiously, "Paut didn't come back last night. We didn't know if this was something he usually did or has done in the past. You look shocked, Uaty," Mela said nervously as she put her hand on his shoulder like a winter scarf.


"I am shocked supremely so, Paut has never not come back after his nightly walk," Uaty looked dazed and his body standing near lifeless. "Something is horribly wrong here. We need to start looking for him immediately. The longer we wait the worse for him I fear," Uaty said sternly as he moved quickly to the front door.


"I'm alerting the Hankfur's security right now that Paut is missing and I'm sending them his specific appearance," Dramkick declared as his sunny demeanor was now completely gone. "O.K. they say they've dispatched their full security detail in all 4 Pedalisps. Let's do what we can to help them out and get out there and look," Dramkick said as he used a palm size computer to send his message.


"Right, let's get out there," Mela said as she followed Uaty out the front door.


Sasiege and Dramkick were close behind. They looked all over the immediate area for any signs of Paut. Dramkick wasn't going to say it but he knew these things always ended badly. He'd seen it too many times before. Uaty went door to door up a long row of cabins, asking if anyone had seen Paut. Dramkick started to jog and scan each person's face for Paut (and for signs of stress firing minds). He knew that if someone had taken him, or even killed him, their face would have tells that Dramkick knew well (facial tics and drooping eyes were some). Frantically he looked at each and every person he saw. And then he took a double take of a green haired man in a purple shirt and orange shorts. There was something off about this man, he thought. He stopped looking and walked right over to him and asked, "Why are you so nervous it's a beautiful day?"


"Nervous no, I am Eastick and I am just enjoying this tremendously exceptional day," Eastick answered hollowly as he softened his face and hands for Dramkick. "I bet I've never seen a finer day in my life, wouldn't you say so, Quadromolan?" Eastick asked with a wide smile.


Eastick has the face of a Basset hound with large fleshy jowls and thick green eyebrows. The type of face you only accidentally drew. His mouth is large and crooked with a slight slant to the right. There are small circles of facial hair in rows on each cheek. He is slightly shorter than Dramkick and very thin except for his forearms. Dramkick noticed the forearms. He knew this man's power.


"What a way to phrase a greeting. Well you sure seem to think so," Dramkick replied boldly as he started to get the picture that Eastick had something to hide. Dramkick felt himself getting a little cocky. "But it can't be both, is it tremendous or exceptional because now you've peeked my interest? So go ahead, let's have it," Dramkick barked as he glared at Eastick.


Eastick immediately looked away nervously and started to fidget. He said sharply, "I wouldn't know, my description should suffice. I’m amazed a man of your stature had to ask such a thing, seems a bit childish if you ask me."


"Alright, Eastick, where have you hidden my friend?" Dramkick asked bluntly as his fist started to curl. "And pray you haven't harmed him or your fate will be far worse than his," Dramkick said sternly as he put his hand on Eastick's shoulder and squeezed him tightly. It was not a friendly squeeze.


"Look I just…I don't know what you're talking about,” Eastick mumbled as he looked wide eyed at Dramkick. “I was just out enjoying this spectacular day. I don't understand why you're holding me so tightly," Eastick said nervously as he grimaced in pain.


"O.K. you little Porntap, I want you to take me to your cabin right now and if my friend is not in the finest of shape, then you will feel more than my grasp. Now let's go!" Dramkick said sharply as he pressed even harder on Eastick's shoulder causing him to scream out in pain.


"Okay okay I'll take you, but you’re wasting your time," Eastick said hollowly as he tried to calm his thoughts. He knew if he could just get to that gun he'd hidden in the cabin he could take out Dramkick. "All's you'll find there are my 2 friends having lunch I swear it, but we will go if WE MUST!” Eastick said hollowly as he started to walk up the sidewalk in front of Dramkick.


They walked past several cabins and then Eastick walked through a brief tunnel, took a right, and went up to a red cabin. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a quarter sized round key. He waved it in front of the lock and said coyly, "You know this is foolish, your friend is probably in one of the other Pedalisps."


"Well, we will certainly find out, but you're right, maybe I should alert the authorities first about you," Dramkick said and then he sent Hankfur's security his address and told them to meet him at Eastick's cabin.


He stood next to Eastick and waited for the security team to arrive. He kept an eye on Eastick and looked around the room casually. He spotted a small piece of Paut's white robe peering out from behind the sofa. Dramkick slowly looked over Eastick and asked, "Wear a lot of robes do you?"


Eastick looked at Dramkick nervously and then his eyes darted over to the robe. He had to be wise and he knew it. He said quickly with a laugh, "Oh that's my roommates he grew up in the desert. Would like a quick drink while we wait? I've got some Wams in the fridge."


"No, I think we'll stay put until the authorities get here," Dramkick replied as a cocky grin came across his face. He knew the likes of Eastick all too well. "Why don't you grab a seat on the sofa and rest your legs," Dramkick said slyly as he grabbed hold of Eastick and threw him onto the sofa.


"Fine, Quadromolan, but this is a fool's errand I'm telling you," Eastick said hollowly and then he saw his roommate Sepenn-to his left and in the bathroom-out of Dramkick's view and gave him a nod. This was too easy Eastick thought.


Sepenn is a full hand shorter than Dramkick with triangles of blonde hair in a plus sign pattern on the top of his head. His skin has a purple hue and his eyes are lime green with far away white retinas. He is burly like a wild bear. He has on black leather jumpsuit and black motorcycle boots. On his right hand are 2 large silver rings.


Dramkick walked over to the robe behind the sofa and bent over to pick it up. He looked at and asked, "How did blood get on this robe?"


Sepenn came out of the bathroom and hit Dramkick in the head from behind. Eastick jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen to get a knife. Dramkick was stunned by the blow, but had presence of mind to swing his right arm back at Sepenn. The blow caught him hard in the mouth, knocking out two of his teeth. Eastick rifled through the drawers and found a large carving blade. He raced out of the kitchen. He slashed at Dramkick gashing into his left forearm. Sepenn ran at Dramkick, but Dramkick thrust his knee into his chin and shattered his jaw. This sent Sepenn face first onto the floor and unconscious. Eastick looked at Dramkick coldly and inched nearer to him. Dramkick kept his eye on the blade and kept his right hand extended to tempt him to slash at it. Eastick slashed at Dramkick missing and said coldly, "This isn't going to end well for you. Your last few breaths are filling your lungs right now."


Dramkick smiled and said snidely, "I'd hold that blade tighter because when I get it, I'm going to slice you open like a Namis fish. Go ahead, Eastick, try and take my life with your children's hands."


Eastick gritted his teeth and thundered, "How dare you, you worthless fool! I'm gonna split you down THE CENTER!"


Eastick lunged at Dramkick and Dramkick grabbed onto his wrist just before the blade got to his throat. He crushed the bones in his wrist to powder and the knife fell out of Eastick's hand. Dramkick's grasped the blade and grinned. He thrust the blade into Eastick's stomach and out his back. He pulled the blade up through his innards to the base of his head and then pulled out his arm. Eastick fell lifeless to the floor. Dramkick knew he was ten ways dead now.


Sepenn started to wake up and Dramkick put his foot on the back of his head and shouted, "Where is my friend! You will tell me before I crush the life out of you!"


Sepenn said nervously as he shook like a cherry tree, "He's in the bathroom upstairs. He's still alive, I'm sorry for what we did I mean it. Please don't kill me, I couldn't help it."


"Neither could I," Dramkick said coldly as he crushed his skull under his boot.


The front door swung open and in rushed the security team with Mela, Uaty, and Sasiege just behind.


"What happened?" Mela inquired anxiously as she looked at the bodies.


Dramkick just shook his head and said, "Paut is upstairs in the bathroom."


"Thank you, Dramkick," Uaty said just before he rushed into the elevator.


"Are you are right, Dramkick?" Sasiege asked as he looked at the gash in Dramkick's forearm.


"Never better, it was nice to get in a good workout," Dramkick said sarcastically as he rotated his torso from side to side and smiled. "All's I need now though is a Praem tube to ease this horrible ache and a medical kit," Dramkick muttered as he walked over and put his arms around Mela.


The security team started cleaning up the bodies. The elevator came down like a giant cinderblock on a man's back. Uaty was inside helping Paut stand up and walk. Mela rushed over to them and asked, "What did they do to you, Paut?"


"They beat me viciously and tied me to a chair," Paut spoke with pain shaking every syllable. "They repeatedly slapped me and shouted at me. It was a nightmare that cannot be forgotten, all of it," Paut said quietly and then he embraced Mela and saw the bodies and said, "You've gotten your justice I hope it was worth it!"


Dramkick walked over to Paut and asked, "Why did they do this to you, did they know you?"


"They said this was how they felt about strangers on Membra," Paut replied as he tried to breathe. He continued, "And that it was my mistake for coming here and that I would have to pay with my life. You saved me, Dramkick, I won't ever forget this. I will be forever thankful," Paut said honestly as he breathed heavily and shook off a face full of sweat.


"You don't have to thank me, you are my friends now I will keep you safe," Dramkick said as he held onto the sides of Paut's neck softly. He could see Paut wasn't enough of a warrior these days but had been at one time.


"I've decided something, Dramkick, you don't have to honor our agreement,” Uaty said honestly as he bowed to Dramkick. “You saved my brother's life and as far as I'm concerned we're even," Uaty said sincerely as he looked at Mela sternly.


Mela nodded yes and Dramkick said sternly, "Absolutely not, your problems are my problems. I will do what has to be done to help Mela get her life back, and that is final. Peastro will come to the same end as these 2."


"What about your vacation, do you still wish to continue?" Sasiege asked.


"Now more than ever, we need to cleanse ourselves of this ugliness," Dramkick answered as he rid himself of what was left of his adrenaline from the fight. "Let's go back to our cabin and rest for a bit, then make our way to Egocent and fill our hearts with wonder," Dramkick was joyful now and went outside with everyone close behind.


Dramkick got patched up and let out a yawn (he didn’t mind the loss of blood, it was commonplace by now). After an hour at the cabin everyone walked over to Egocent. They got cozy in a large castle. Dramkick couldn't help but think he was always in castles these days. The Castle is 3 stories high and has gently sloping blue stone walls that form a perfect rectangle. There are 4 crow's nests on each corner and on top there is a white marble tower-it has a floodlight inside shaped like Hankfur's head. On each of the 4 walls there is a protruding deck for taking in the days battles. On the deck there are 3 large yellow couches and outdoor refrigerators for battle snacks. There is also a 20 person hot tub on the deck facing the battlefield, as well as a Parnig board-which is a 10 foot long polka dotted numbered board used to count casualties. Also, there is a retractable roof for rainy days and also for shade. Each wall has the visage of Hankfur painted on the bottom left and upper right hand corners. There is also a large picture window every few feet shaped like a bursting sun.


Everyone made their way to the battle deck and Mela and Dramkick sat on the couches. Sasiege, Paut, and Uaty got into the hot tub. The 3 servants were all wearing white and standing on the left side of the deck waiting for commands.


"Well, Mela, what do you think our chances are of winning this battle today?" Dramkick asked as he lit up a government cigarette. He thought to himself who needs cigarettes that aren't made by the government.


"I don't know, but if I had to guess I would say it was a certainty," Mela said calmly as she surveyed the battlefield.


"Why do you think that? If you don't mind me asking," Dramkick asked intently as he took a long drag.


"If you can’t win today’s battle then I say the fix is in," Mela said proudly as she looked at Dramkick with a wry smile.


"Well put, oh here's our control sticks. This will be a magnificent test of our fortitude," Dramkick said as he watched three servants bring him and Mela their electronic control sticks- the sticks controlled their entire armies.


In front of each castle there are: the residents, troops, Roto tanks, and small battleships of their individual colors. Dramkick's forces are wearing the color blue with gold trim. A red flare is fired into the air and then the battle ensues. Dramkick starts by sending his tanks to the right to engage his nearest enemy.


Dramkick’s 4 lead Roto tanks catch them off guard and blow the red army's battleship to pieces. Dramkick shouted, "NO sleeping on the battlefield!"


Mela orders the ground troops to move to the top of a small hill. She has them blast away at the troops on the other side with their backs facing her. She watches eagerly as her troops kill the yellow army's soldiers as they attempt to run up the hill. The yellow army's battleship starts to turn towards Dramkick's tank, but Dramkick sees this before they can fire. He swings his battleship around and starts blasting into the side of it. The blast sends burning troops flying out screaming at the top of their lungs. What's left of their crew is inside looking sheepishly out the gaping hole.


Dramkick swings his Roto tanks around to flank it and uses his battleship to take it head on. All of his firepower centers on the yellow battleship and soon it bursts into a fiery inferno of death. It crashes to the ground in a blazing pile of steel and charred bodies.


"Try again, you will fail the same!" Dramkick shouted triumphantly as he gently sucked on his cigarette.


"The green army is cutting across the center of the battlefield, watch out!" Mela shouted as she ordered her troops to turn and face the green army. She knew they'd take a lot of casualties but it had to be done.