The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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They sped away without looking back. Esjekshb and Mischia were feeling dizzy and disorientated, there were flashes of coloured light appearing from all directions and heavy vibrations of energy flowing through they’re bodies. Ywoth was worriedly trying to transfer the energy from Esjekshb to Mischia, but was unsuccessful, as the energy scattered all over the place, causing havoc.

Arriving at the house in Kensington, Ywoth and Tgthiem picked up each of the women and carried them inside to the ritual room. Laying them side by side on the floor, as they sprinkled a circle of salt around them to contain the energy, then began to chant in their foreign tongue.

Almost immediately, the bubble around Mischia began to absorb the stray energy within the circle, and Esjekshb began to gain control of herself, but Mischia was still weighed down.

Esjekshb touched Mischia’s necklace and pressed her to the ground, the energy stayed contained within the bubble, and when it had all been absorbed, Mischia gained control of herself again.

She stood up and gave them all a very long look, opened up the salt circle and went to her room, to sleep.

That was raw,’ communicated Esjekshb, she was too tired to speak.

‘How is she?’ asked Justine.

‘Still unconscious, she must have knocked the tree really hard,’ said Kelly.

‘Well, stay with her for another hour or so, and then Warren will come and get you.’

‘Ok, then, bye.’ Kelly hung up and went back to the girl, who was coming to.

She had been knocked unconscious when the burst of energy from Mischia had thrown her against a tree. ‘Hi. How are you feeling?’ asked Kelly.

The girl looked around her, then at Kelly.

‘W-where am I?’ she asked, sleepily.

‘You’re in the hospital’

‘What happened?’

‘You fell unconscious when you hit your head against a tree.’ ‘Did I?’

‘You don’t remember?’

She shook her head.

‘Do you remember who you are?’ Kelly asked worriedly. ‘Keneisha. Who are you?’

Kelly smiled with relief, and left the cubicle to phone Warren. But when she returned, the girl was gone.

Keneisha was feeling weird, she’d taken a concoction that her dealer, Darryl, had given her. It was like something in her body had started to rearranging itself. But, strangely enough, she didn’t feel as heavy as when she had woken up, just different – more alert.

She walked past a room where a patient was being resuscitated by a team of doctors and nurses, and there was blood everywhere.

Usually, Keneisha felt faint at the sight of blood, but this time she felt drawn

To taste it.

‘There you are,’ said Kelly ‘How are you feeling now?’

Keneisha turned to her.

And bit.