The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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The next morning, Tgthiem, Ywoth, Esjekshb and Mischia were in Aldgate East, when they heard a police siren, seconds later, a blue BMW came speeding down Commercial Road, hotly pursued by a police car.

Tgthiem waited at the traffic lights for the cars to turn into Whitechapel High Street, then followed.

They turned onto Braham Street, where all three cars took advantage of the long stretch.

‘Ywoth, where do you want them?’ asked Esjekshb.

‘Off the main road, but make sure he stays where we can move. I don’t want traffic slowing us down,’ he answered.

‘Ok, I’ll take the BMW and you clear the way.’

Esjekshb closed her eyes and focused on the BMW, a blue wave of energy flew out of her throat, and into space.

‘Go to Tower Bridge and keep at speed,’ she communicated.

They were still behind the police car and approaching the traffic lights, but the BMW showed no signs of slowing, or stopping.

It sped right through the lights, and nearly collided with a number 100 bus, which stopped for all three cars to pass, and then continued.

As they were about to turn into Aldgate High Street, Esjekshb and Ywoth remembered that traffic was likely to slow them down, so they held hands and frantically sent instructions to drivers.

‘ Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way’ they communicated.

Sure enough, when they rounded the corner there was traffic, but the warning had been effective for there was manoeuvring space for the BMW, the police and their car.

Following a bus number 115, the BMW turned into the Minories and sped down the stretch of road, which was surprisingly clear.

Tgthiem floored the accelerator and caught up with the police car, then overtook it.

Go to America Square, NOW!’ instructed Esjekshb, as the BMW approached Crosswall, where it seemed to slow down, but was still at sufficient speed.

A pedestrian was crossing the road, concentrating on her chocolate bar, and the horn was sounded to alert her, but only disorientated her.

She stood frozen to the spot.

The BMW tried to break but was going too fast: the woman was scooped up onto the bonnet, smashed into the windscreen. It finally came to a violent stop, and the woman was thrown off the bonnet, landing on the ground with a heavy, dull thud and the sound of cracking bone.

Shortly before the woman was hit, Tgthiem, Ywoth and Esjekshb put an invisibility bubble around the two cars in pursuit, giving themselves and the police car enough time and space to hit the breaks, without crashing into anything.

Their surroundings were white and hazy, but the scene could still be seen, and people were beginning to gather around to witness the accident.

Even before the police car had stopped, Ywoth, Mischia and Esjekshb had got out and ran up to it.

The cars had come to a halt in the middle of both lanes, but were unseen by the other drivers, who drove straight through them.

The Run: London’s Secret Esjekshb headed to the driver’s side of the police car, while Ywoth went to the passenger’s side, Mischia planted herself firmly on the road, a few feet from Esjekshb, touched her necklace, and outstretched her left hand, ready to receive the energy.

The police officers were so angry, they wanted to arrest somebody. Calling for backup, they got out of the car, ready to exercise their power, when their necks were grabbed and they were thrown against the sides of the car.

PC Lions, who had been driving, noticed the strangest thing about the situation, there was a hazy mist around them, and cars were going right through them.

Esjeksh grabbed his neck, and began squeezing the life out of him; PC Lions could not breath or move, he tried to fight her off, but she had total control over him, he was paralysed.

PC Marabecks couldn’t move or speak either, he was rooted to the spot, and was feeling weaker by the second.

Mischia stood looking at the energy coming her way – there was a lot of it, and she was finding it hard to keep her balance, but was determined to hold it up and conserve it.

Soon it would be over anyway.

She couldn’t have a repeat of the previous day, which had been too awful, she had felt totally out of control and weighed down, it had been hard to breathe and she had felt so dizzy.

Mischia felt the bubble quickly fill up but, there was plenty more energy still coming her way, it showed no signs of stopping. With the greatest effort, she fought against it, and touched the necklace again, opened up another bubble, that instantly began to fill up.

Finally, it was over, and when the energy stopped coming at her, it started to weigh her down, and she felt dizzy again, swaying on her feet.

PC Marabecks went down like a sack when Esjekshb let go of him, and she ran to the car without looking back at Mischia, who was finding it hard to move.

Ywoth noticed her as he was about to open the car door, just as Tgthiem started the engine. He ran up to Mischia, picked her up and waited for the car to turn around, put her in the back and jumped into the front.

The haze disappeared, and they were exposed, but the driver behind them was too mesmerised by the accident to notice.

They sped away.