The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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Justine and Warren were the first to arrive on the scene. ‘My word!’ she exclaimed in shock.

Warren sighed, then walked to the driver’s side of the BMW, and noticed PC Lions sitting on the floor, propped up against the car.

Guys, hurry up,’ he communicated, and went to PC Lions.

A second later, Colin, Trevor, Kelly and Carissa appeared as a group, and got to work.

Justine went to the pedestrian who had been hit and felt for a pulse. ‘She’s dead.’

Carissa shook her head with disgust ‘Can they even do this?’

‘They have,’ said Trevor, indicating the scene.

‘We have to stop this Justine, we just have to,’ said Carissa, desperately.

Colin went to the police car, knelt in front of PC Marabecks, and began sending him energy and instructions to ‘think positively’, while Warren attended to PC Lions.

Kelly went to the passenger side of the BMW, where there was a young Asian woman talking non-stop to the driver, and tapped her on the shoulder, she turned to start yapping at Kelly.

‘I kept telling him to stop when the police were chasing us. I mean, I didn’t mind the joy ride and all, maybe even the chase, but then she got hit. She smashed into the windscreen then flew off, I can’t believe I saw that, why did I-’

‘Stop!’ Kelly shook her shoulders, while looking into her fearful and shocked eyes ‘Just breathe...breath.’ she visualised energy flowing from her body, to the other woman, who began to relax, then started to cry.

Trevor was dealing with the driver, who was silent and shocked, he didn’t seem to be seeing or hearing anything, just watching the dead body. He grabbed the driver’s shoulders and shook him ‘come back to me now, come back’ he said, to no avail.

Police and ambulance sirens could be heard approaching in the distance.

‘Lets go!’ shouted Justine.

They regrouped, and huddled discreetly on the pavement, where they stood for a few moments, sending combined energy to the scene, then disappeared, but a spectator saw them.

Her name was Keneisha.