The Space Dreamers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 10



Later that night, the Neila Army base was quiet, with only a handful of soldiers pulling guard duty. They were all bored to the point of almost falling asleep at any given second.

A wire fence surrounded the perimeter of the Army base with sharp razor blades that resembled a barbed wire fence from earth. Even though there was not a high crime on Neila, Meena insisted on this type of fence so he could feel superior.

High up in the sky above one section of fence, Luna and the Surfers surfed down with the Space Dreamers clinging on to the Surfers chests for dear life. 

"I hate these things!" Monica muttered quietly to herself, as she decided to tag along because staying up on that mountain ledge alone was even scarier. 

They landed near the barbed wire perimeter fence, which had some nearby woods. 

Luna stepped off his board. Timmy stepped off with a strange-looking shovel in hand.

"I want one of those things," he said while he admired Luna's sky board.

Frankie stepped off Lorge's sky board.

"You can open your eyes now," Bingo told Monica.

She opened up her eyes and looked around. She felt safe, so she jumped off Bingo's board.   She was relieved the second her feet touched the ground.

The Surfers looked at Luna. "We'll meet you back here with a Holophone," Lorge told Luna. 

The Surfers jumped back on their sky boards and surfed back up into the sky and away. 

Luna grabbed his sky board and ran with it into the woods. 

Inside the woods, he stashed his sky board into a bush. Then he ran back to the Space Dreamers.

"Okay, let's get to work," Luna said then took the shovel out of Timmy's hand. 

Luna rushed over to the fence and started digging a hole with the shovel.  He placed the dirt next to the breach by the fence.

For the next fifteen minutes, Luna, Timmy, Frankie, and Monica took turns digging a hole under the fence.

Monica's ears perked up. "Someone's coming."

Everybody looked and saw the headlights of a vehicle approaching by their left.

They all ran into the woods, and Luna had the shovel in hand.

Inside the Army base, a Jeep hovercraft, with two soldiers named Noobo and Jabo, inside flew about twenty feet from the fence and hole then stopped. The Jeep hovered four feet above the ground.

Noobo looked the second a searchlight passed along the middle section of the fence. The light illuminated the dirt mound from their digging that hole.

"Those ants are back again," Noobo said.

"Whoa, look at those ant piles. They're huge. We better get the exterminator out here at sunrise," Jabo commented to his partner who nodded his head in agreement. 

The soldiers flew away in the Jeep and never noticed the hole under the fence.

Luna, without the shovel, and the Space Dreamers ran out of the woods.

He headed back to the hole under the fence.

He looked around the area. "They're gone," he told everybody. 

They all took turns and crawled in the hole and snuck into the base.

Inside Meena's residence, a guard stood by a closed door. His eyes slowly closed, and his body swayed. He almost fell over from falling asleep. He woke up and regained his composure. He was so close to falling asleep. 

Meena walked down the hallway carrying his crown under one arm. He stopped at the guard, who immediately snapped to attention and saluted. 

"I'm going to bed and nobody, I mean nobody's allowed in her room," Meena instructed the guard. 

"Yes sir," the guard said and followed up with another salute.

He watched while Meena walked down the hallway and turned down another hallway then went out of sight. The guard placed his arm back down and slowly closed his eyes.

In another section of the Army base, Luna and the Space Dreamers ran along the back of a building. 

Luna suddenly stopped. "Freeze!" he warned everyone. 

The Space Dreamers piled up and stayed frozen in a heap while a searchlight passed along the ground and missed them by inches. 

"It's safe," Luna motioned for them to continue. 

Luna and the Space Dreamers peeked around the side of the building and saw Meena's residence across the street with two guards stationed at both sides of the front door.

 At the front door of Meena's residence, the two guards stood with their eyes slowly closing. They didn't see Luna sneak across the street and then ran down the side of their building. They opened their eyes, but they were too sleepy, so their eyes slowly closed shut. They did not see the Space Dreamers while they snuck across the street then ran down the side of their building.

Meena was sound asleep inside his bedroom. He had one arm around the crown and his other arm around a toy alien creature. He slept with a smile while he had a dream.

In Meena's dream, he had King Tona's Palace torn down, and he had a new Palace built. It was three times larger as the old Palace and flashy. He had Sona as his Queen and changed the name of their planet to Meena.

Meena was now King of the Universe, as he just conquered earth and had so many weapons of mass destructions that all the other planets surrendered. He even had a new crown made and was more flasher than King Tona's old crown.

He lived a good life.

The Holophone on Meena's bedside table bee booped and woke him out of his sweet dream.

Meena opened his sleepy eyes while a hologram of a Soldier emitted from it. 

"General Meena, someone broke into the base," said the soldier hologram. 

Meena yawned. "That's nice private," he replied without a clue what the soldier's message meant — all he wanted wad to return to his sweet dream.

Meena reached over and slapped a button, and the hologram disappeared. 

Meena closed his eyes. A few seconds passed, and his eyes opened wide, and it dawned on him what the soldier told him. He jumped out of bed, holding the crown and his bedtime toy. He wore new PJs that had little gold crowns all over them. 

He ran over to a dresser and opened up a drawer. He removed numerous pairs of underwear then placed the crown inside the drawer. He kissed his toy, which squeaked and put it inside the drawer. He covered them with his underwear and slammed the drawer shut.

He didn't notice one of the guards that watched from the doorway. The guard rolled his eyes, thinking Meena was weird. The guard saw Meena move to turn around, so he quickly ran down the hallway.

Meena stormed out of his room.

Outside at the rear of Meena's residence, Luna stood on his tippy toes and peeked into Meena's bedroom. 

Meena wasn't inside the room. 

He rushed over to another window and peeked inside Meena's office. Meena wasn't inside the office.

"He's not in the building," Luna told everybody.

Outside the front entrance of Meena's residence, the two guards drifted off to sleep. 

The front door slammed opened with a bang, and the two guards jumped up awake.

Meena stormed out of the door and stopped at the guards. "You're on triple high alert as those earth creatures are on base," Meena said.

"Yes sir!" the guards snapped back in unison.

Meena rushed off down the street.

At the rear of the Meena's residence, Luna and the Space Dreamers tried to open a window at the back of Meena's office.

"It won't open," Luna said then thought how he could get inside. 

"We'll have to break in the glass," Timmy told Luna.

Frankie, Monica, Luna, and Timmy looked around the area for something that would perform this task.

"I found something," Monica said while she bent down and picked up a small sparkly crystal looking rock.

Luna took it out of her hand. "I'll do this and take full responsibility," he said then immediately threw the crystal at the window. The glass shattered into a million tiny pieces.

Luna and the Space Dreamers took turns climbing through the window.

Luna and the Space Dreamers stood inside Meena's office.

They ran out of the office and into a hallway.

They stopped dead in their tracks the second they saw the guard.

But the guard they saw leaned against the wall by a door, and he was sound asleep and swayed a bit.

Luna thought for a second. He looked down at the Space Dreamers then got an idea. He motioned them into a huddle where they quietly talked. The huddle broke up.

Frankie quickly ran down the hallway to the sleeping guard.

Frankie got inches from the sleeping guard's face.

Luna and the other Space Dreamers stepped into Meena's office out of view of the guard. 

"Hello, General Meena!" Luna yelled out from the inside of the office. 

The guard woke in a panic, afraid of the wrath of Meena if he was caught sleeping. Then he realized that Frankie stared into his eyes.

"What's up, dude," Frankie said with a smile in the guard's face.

The guard's eyes widen with fear. "Earth creatures!" he cried out in a panic then his eyes crossed and he passed out. He dropped to the floor.

Luna ran out of Meena's office.

He and the Space Dreamers ran to that door. Luna stepped back, and body slammed the door. It did not open.  He stepped back, and body slammed the door with his shoulder. The door did not open. Luna rubbed his shoulder in pain. He looked at the Space Dreamers, and they figured out what he wanted. They all took a couple of steps back to the wall.

Inside that room, Sona sat on a bed scared over that sound of someone banging into the door.

The door slammed opened, and Sona freaked out. "Ahhh!" she screamed out in fear.

She saw the Space Dreamers while they tumbled into the room with Luna.  She did not see Luna amongst them. "Aliens!" she screamed out louder while she stood up on her bed.

Luna got up out from under the Space Dreamers.

He ran over to the bed and quickly covered, her mouth. "Sona! It's okay. They're my friends from earth who helped me come home. They won't hurt you. That's Timmy, Frankie, and Monica," Luna comforted her. 

Sona saw Luna and calmed down. She looked relieved and hugged him tightly. "I thought I'd never see you again," she said while her eyes welled up.

Luna grabbed Sona's hand. "We're getting you out of here," he said.

Sona quickly got off the bed.

They all ran out of the room.

At the back of the building by Meena's broken office window, Luna assisted all the Space Dreamers while they climbed out of the window. He then helped Sona while she climbed out of the window. Then he climbed out.

"Let's get out of here before Meena finds out," he told everybody outside the window.

They all ran away.

Sona and the Space Dreamers ran to that area of the perimeter fence with their hole.

They got to the fence and took turns crawling through the dug. 

Monica was the last one to crawl through the hole. They stood and looked happy; they were free and clear. They started to run away when someone stepped out of the woods.

"Did you think you can stop me from being King by stealing my Queen?" Meena's voice surprised them. 

They turned around and saw Meena still in his PJs, with Boe, Burpy and Dopey by his side. The three goofs had laser pistols aimed at them. 

Meena rushed over and grabbed Timmy by his right arm. He pressed his laser pistol into the back of Timmy's head. "Arrest them all!" Meena ordered. 

Boe walked over and slammed Luna into the ground with his boot and handcuffed him. 

Dopey walked over and slammed Sona into the ground with his boot and handcuffed her. 

Luna got pissed and tried to squirm away from Boe, who pressed his boot harder into Luna's back, which caused him pain. Luna stopped.

Frankie and Monica all ran around like crazy people while Burpy chased after them. 

Burpy tried to grab Monica's hair, but she was too evasive, and Burpy fell flat on his face. 

He got up with grass in his mouth. He spat it out and ran after Frankie thinking he was an easier challenge.

He tried to grab the back of Frankie's shirt. 

He missed and fell flat on his face. 

He got up frustrated with more grass in his mouth. He spat it out and saw Monica and decided to try her again.  

He dove after her and grabbed missed her right shoe. He fell face-first into a pile of ants.

"Ahhhh!" Burpy cried out while he frantically smacked the hundreds of giant ants off his face.

Frankie and Monica ran into the woods, scared to death.

Meena got upset. "Let's go! I'll send out Squad Beano to hunt down the rest of them. They'll be perfect experiments for my new laser weapons," he told Boe, Burpy, and Dopey.

Meena kept his laser pistol pressed in the back of Timmy's head. Timmy fought from peeing his pants.

Boe pointed his laser pistol into the back of Luna's head.

Dopey pointed his laser pistol in the back of Sona's head.

Burpy looked ashamed for letting the other earthlings escape.

Way up in the night sky, the Surfers surfed down toward the fence on their sky boards with Lon holding a Holophone. They looked down at the Army base and saw Meena, Boe, and Burpy escorting Luna, Sona and Timmy away into the Army base. 

"Big trouble. Let's get back home," Lon told the others. 

They nodded in agreement and surfed up and away into the sky.

A few minutes later, Frankie and Monica cautiously stepped out of the woods by the fence where Meena caught them. They looked around and saw they were alone and got scared. 

"What do we do now?" Monica asked. 

"The only place to go is that hut, but how do we get there?" Frankie replied. 

"I don't want to be an experiment!" said Monica with a scared to death look. 

"Me neither," Frankie added.

The whirl of an approaching vehicle was heard then its headlights became visible. They looked around and saw a bush nearby. They rushed over and jumped into it and hid.

A Jeep hovercraft with two soldiers named Bouno and Souno from Squad Beano was inside.

The Jeep flew four feet above the ground then stopped close to that bush. Bouno and Souno hopped out and left the Jeep hovering above the ground. They grabbed two laser rifles from the rear of the Jeep.

They ran off into the woods, searching for the two remaining Space Dreamers.

Frankie's head poked out of the bush and looked the area over. "Let's make a run for it now," he told Monica.

"Do we run?" she replied.

"We take their Jeep," he replied, then rushed out of the bush.

The second Monica realized she was alone; she ran out of the bush.

They both hopped inside the Jeep with Frankie behind the controls.

"Do you know how to drive this thing?" Monica asked.

"Don't have a clue," Frankie said while he started playing with the joystick control. 

The Jeep lunged forward. Then it lurched backward. It lunged forward, and it flew widely away six feet above the ground.

Monica had her eyes closed, scared of being that high off the ground.

Ten minutes later, Bouno and Souno came out of the woods.

"Where's our Jeep?" Bouno said while he looked the area over in a bit of a panic.

Souno scratched his head while he looked around the area and looked worried. "I know I placed it in hover mode," he replied.

"How are we going to explain this to General Meena?" Bouno asked with fear in his eyes.

"We don't report it was stolen. We'll tell him we walked to this area," Souno replied.

"You got that right," Bouno said then they walked away.

It was nighttime back on earth in Florida.

Kirk stood on the roof of his building and stared at the night sky filled with stars. He was worried and now regretted talking the kids into flying off with Prince Luna. 

At this time he was not suspected of any foul play with the disappearance of the three kids.  T

he parents all told the deputies that they knew and trusted that Kirk was telling the truth. 

The parents knew their kids often went off and pretended to go on outer space adventures. They figured the kids got lost in the woods somehow what they did not all realize that Kirk told the deputies the actual truth.