The Space Dreamers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 11



Neilaville looked nice and quiet while numerous hovercraft vehicles carefully flew down Neilaville Parkway.

The Neilas walked down the sidewalk along with the buildings and felt they were safe from those three dangerous earth creatures. 

A fast whirl and the sounds of two screaming voices filled the air. This was an unfamiliar scream to the Neilas, and they started to get worried.

The Space Dreamers in that Jeep suddenly flew into view way down Neilaville Parkway. 

The Jeep flew wildly all over the street with Frankie and Monica screaming at the top of their lungs. 

The Neilas saw the earthlings and got scared. They dove for cover after the Jeep came inches from smacking into their heads.

"It's those earth creatures!" a scared female Neila said while she cowered behind a parked hovered car.

Then all the Neilas cautiously stood up and peeked over their hiding places.

They watched while the Jeep flew wildly down the street and lightly banged into numerous cars that slowly flew six feet above the street.

A little while later it was quiet at the mountain ledge.

The quietness was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the whirl of that Jeep flying up from that trail. 

The Jeep's headlights were visible from the trail with Frankie and Monica still screaming. 

The Surfers run out of the hut, wondering what was wrong. They looked and saw the Jeep soar out of the trail. 

The Jeep did a loop-d-loop that caused the scared to death Frankie and Monica to fall out and tumble to the ground.

The Surfers quickly ran over, and Lon caught Frankie while Bingo caught Monica in their arms, saving the two from slamming into the dirt. 

The Jeep flew off by itself fifty feet in the air back over the trail. The Jeep took a nose dive into the vegetation off to the side of the trail and disappeared.

The Surfers put Frankie and Monica down then heard the faint of an explosion from the Jeep after it slammed somewhere in the ground. 

"Luna, Sona, and Timmy got arrested by that Meena dude!" Frankie told Lon with worried eyes. 

"We know. We saw it from up in the air," Saul responded. 

"What do we do now?" Monica asked and looked like she wanted to cry.

"We try to contact King Tona," Lon told everybody. 

The Space Dreamers watched while Lon ran into the hut. 

He ran back out with a Holophone and set it on the ground near everybody. He pressed a button on it, and they watched as a hologram of nothing but static TV snow emitted from it. 

"King Tona. Come in King Tona," Lon spoke into the Holophone. Nothing but static TV snow still emitted from it. 

"Great. We lost King Tona, now what?" Bingo asked. 

Frankie and Monica looked at the Holophone in awe.

"I want a Holophone. It's cool," she said.

Frankie nodded in agreement that he also wanted Holophone.

Everybody pondered for a few seconds.

Frankie's eyes lit up with an idea. "We do what they do on TV. We do a jailbreak!" he said and looked serious. 

They thought for a second then everybody nodded in agreement, as they realized they didn't have any other choice. 

"If we get caught, we'll be experiments! Just like Timmy. No! I'm not going!" Monica said with scared eyes. 

"That's another reason why we need to rescue them. We can't have our friend being an experiment by aliens," Frankie told Monica then he looked at the Surfers. "I don't mean any disrespect by calling you, aliens."

"Don't worry, we also call you aliens," Lon replied.

"Can't I stay here?" Monica pleaded.  

Bingo looked concerned with Monica, so he walked over to and placed his arm around her. 

"Monica, I'm also afraid, but my friends need me, and I can't let them down. My future King needs me," said Bingo in a comforting tone.

Monica thought about his comment for a few seconds.

"Plus you'll have the best feeling in the world after this is over knowing you saved your friends life. If you stay here, you'll have to live with the feeling that you were a chicken for the rest of your life. And we know that Astronauts are not chickens," Frankie added.

Monica thought about their comments and started to feel a little braver. She smiled and puffed out her chest. "Let's rescue our friends!" she said but still felt a little scared inside.

"Great! But how can we get on base?" Frankie asked. 

"Yeah. They'll be looking for us, and I can imagine they have a guard gate," Monica added.

Lorge thought for a few seconds then reached in his pants pocket and removed a brochure. He looked at it, and his eyes lit up with an idea. "I know how," Lorge said then showed them the brochure of an antique spaceship show. 

They looked at it but did not understand how that show could be the answer to getting their friends out of jail.  

Lorge could sense they could not make the connection. "Well, I think that there are always soldiers that attend these antique spaceship shows. So if we by chance get some of their uniforms, we could easily waltz onto the base," Lorge told them then he pretended to waltz into the base.

The rest of the Surfers and the Space Dreamers thought about his proposal. They all nodded in agreement as that was their best solution.

"Good, now here's our plan on getting their uniforms," Lorge told everybody while he motioned that they get in a huddle.

Meanwhile, back in a jail cell on the Army base, Luna sat on a bed directly under a barred window. Sona lay next to Luna and used his legs as a pillow.

Timmy sat on the other end of the bed near Sona. 

Luna played a blues song on his weird looking harmonica. 

"I can't even get my one phone call to call my parents," Timmy said and looked worried.

From the sky, the Surfers surfed thru some clouds with the Space Dreamers on their boards.

Frankie was on the back of Lon's sky board, clinging to his chest.

Monica was on the back of Bingo's sky board clinging onto his chest. Her eyes were closed, but she did not look as scared as she was during the previous flights.

All of the exposed skins of Frankie and Monica were coated with green stuff the Surfers had in their hut. It was similar to make up used on earth and hopefully helped the two earthlings blend in with as Neilas. They Frankie and Monica were a lighter shade of green as compared to the aliens.

The Surfers surfed down to the woods surrounding a clearing where the antique spaceship show was in progress. 

The Surfers landed in the clearing in the middle of the woods.

Everybody hopped off the sky boards. 

"Are you sure this will work?" Frankie asked Lorge. 

"You bet! These soldiers love these shows," he answered while they rushed off through the woods with the Surfers holding onto their sky boards.

Meanwhile back on planet Deserta, King Tona's limo was stuck with its front end buried in the desert, and its rear up in the air. This configuration created some shade. 

Albie sat under the rear of the limo in the shade.

King Tona paced outside in the hot sun while he drunk liquid from a container. He reached down and handed the liquid container to Albie. 

"The ship's engine is dead. No communications and nothing works," Albie said to King Tona while he took a drink. 

"I thought you had my limo serviced?" King Tona added. 

"I did sir, last week and she came was in tip-top shape," Albie responded.

King Tona looked upset up at the sky. "Luna, my dear son," King Tona wiped tears from his eyes.

Back on Neila in the clearing in the woods, there were hundreds of antique spaceships parked in rows for viewing at the annual Neila antique spaceship show. Some of them had features that resembled antique cars from earth. 

Hundreds of Neilas wandered around admiring these spaceships.

At the back row of spaceships, the Surfers and the Space Dreamers poked their heads around some trees. They all had a broken tree branch in hand.

"Let's move out," Lon said.

They stepped away, but Monica's ears perked up. "Wait, someone is coming," she called out.

They stepped back behind those trees when they saw a male Neila with a potbelly and his wife walked near the Surfers and the Space Dreamers.

The male drooled over the sight of this spaceship, which was a sleek two-seater with 1962 Corvette features.  His wife could care less.

"Look, honey! Isn't she pretty? I've wanted one of these ever since I was a kid," he told her. 

She looked at the spaceship and got upset. "Well, I've always wanted a space knight in a shiny spacesuit and look what I got," she responded and walked away. 

The male realized he said the wrong thing and ran after her. "I mean, I've always wanted you, honey," the man said while he ran up to his wife. 

Frankie, Monica and the Surfers snuck up to the back of that Corvette spaceship. They crouched down behind it.

"The coast is finally clear," Lon told everybody.

Lon snuck around to the front of the Corvette spaceship. He pretended to check out the spaceship while he discreetly scanned the area over.

Two minutes had passed, and Lon saw four soldiers named Woula, Doona, Gorga, and Alba walking down the aisle toward him. They all wore the standard Neila Army green fatigues and hats with no stripes on their sleeves.

"Perfect," Lon quietly said to himself then rushed back to the rear of the Corvette spaceship.

"You're on Monica," he told her the second he got to the rear of the spaceship where everybody else crouched out of view.

Monica got up and strutted down the left side of the Corvette spaceship and headed to the front end.

Woula, Doona, Gorga, and Alba walked and admired the spaceships on both sides of that aisle. They didn't see Monica standing by the Corvette spaceship. 

"Hey fellows, I love kissing soldiers. Follow me," she said then blew kisses at Woula, Doona, Gorga, and Alba.

She turned around and ran down the left side of the Corvette spaceship.

The four soldiers could not believe their eyes.

"I want some kisses," called out Gorga and looked excited.

"Me too!" Doona replied and looked to be in love.

Alba and Woula nodded in agreement they wanted some kisses then the four ran after Monica.

The second Woula, Doona, Gorga, and Alba arrived at the rear of the Corvette spaceship they were whacked on their heads by tree branches by the Surfers. The four soldiers did not know what hit them when they dropped to the ground all passed out.

Lon, Saul, Lorge, and Bingo quickly dragged Woula, Doona, Gorga, and Alba away to the woods by their black boots.

In the woods, Lon and Bingo started to remove the uniforms off of Woula, Doona, Gorga, and Alba.

Lorge, Saul, Frankie, and Monica went back to the Corvette spaceship for two more victims.

Three minutes had passed, and Saul and Lorge dragged two more knocked out soldiers named Sallo and Rillo by their boots into the woods.

A few minutes passed, and Lon, Saul, Lorge, Bingo, Frankie, and Monica rushed off in the woods wearing those soldiers' uniforms and hats.

In another area of the antique spaceship show, an orange alien from another planet with his orange wife walked around and checked out the Cousteau capsule.

"I'm going to buy it," the orange alien told his wife.

"I don't know why you like those foreign spaceships. If it breaks down who can fix it?" she asked with her arms crossed.

The orange alien did not hear his wife, as he was too interested in the Cousteau capsule.

A few minutes later, the Surfers surfed out of the woods on their sky boards.

Lon was on the back of Lon's sky board while Monica was on the end of Bingo's sky board. She looked a little braver flying high in the air.

Back on earth in Florida, the Brevard Sheriff's office started to gather up volunteers to search the woods by the southern end of the space center. All the volunteers were provided pictures of Timmy, Frankie and Monica and handheld radios for communicating back to the Command Post. The Command Post was where the Commander monitored the progress of this search effort.

An unmarked sheriff's detective's car was parked down the street from Kirk's place. Two detectives staked out Kirk's place to make sure he was not involved with the disappearance of the three kids.

Back on the planet of Neila, the Surfers sky surfed over to the Army base. 

They surfed down to some woods out of view of the front security gate.

They got off their sky boards and stuffed them behind some big bushes.

They rushed off through the woods.

Five minutes later, the Surfers walked down King Tona Parkway and headed to the front gate of the base. When they got closer, they got nervous.

"Are you sure we can pull this off?" Bingo asked.

"Yeah, it sounded good when he first talked about it, but now that we're almost there, I'm a little nervous," Saul added."

"Yeah, I also starting to wonder if we can pull this off without getting arrested," Frankie said.

Monica nodded in agreement while she stared at the front gate of the base.

"We have to try, as we can't let our friends rot in jail," Lon replied with a tone of confidence they were going to pull off this heroic act.

The Surfers all got quiet while they got closer to the front gate of the base where there was a guard shack.

A few minutes later, the Surfers walked up to the guard gate where mean-looking Sergeant Carto with a huge big crooked nose and spiky purple crew cut stepped out of the guard shack.

Sergeant Carto held up a hand. "Halt!" he demanded with a stern look. 

The Surfers stopped and cringed, thinking they were caught. 

Sergeant Carto looked at the Surfers and Frankie and Monica.

His eyes made them all nervous. 

"You two Privates look a little pale," Sergeant Carto yelled at Frankie and Monica like a drill instructor spraying spit on them. 

Frankie and Monica got even more nervous. 

"Report to the gym immediately. Some exercise should bring your color back!" Sergeant Carto yelled, spraying more spit on them. 

The Surfers, Frankie, and Monica nodded their heads agreement, and that pissed off the Sergeant. 

"I can't heeaarr you!" Sergeant Carto yelled with a Marine drill instructor tone. 

"Ah...thank you," Lorge responded.

His response made Sergeant Carto fuming mad. 

Bingo figured it out and saluted. "Yes, sir!" Bingo responded like a soldier. 

Frankie, Monica, Lon, Saul, and Lorge saw Bingo, and they saluted then took off running down the main street of the base called Meena Parkway.

Sergeant Carto watched them with suspicious eyes.

Frankie, Monica and the Surfers all wiped off Sergeant Carto's spit off their faces while they ran down the street.

Later on, Frankie, Monica and the Surfers walked down a side street Laser Beam Street on the Army base. 

They walked past a newsstand with a hologram newspaper with "King Tona Held Prisoner on Earth. General Meena Wants War!" headlines. 

They all got a curious look on their faces. They stopped, walk back over and read hologram. 

"Privates! What are you doing?" bellowed Meena's voice from behind them. 

They turned around and saw Meena standing behind them, and he was furious. 

"Reading the news sir," Lorge responded. 

"We have dangerous aliens on our planet, and all you can think about is reading the news! Get off to work finding these dangerous creatures!" Meena screamed at them, spraying them with spit. 

Frankie, Monica, and the Surfers jumped up startled and took off running while Meena watched them. 

Meena got a "Do I know them?" look on his face for a few seconds, but shrugged it off and strutted away.

Frankie, Monica and the Surfers again wiped spit off their faces while they ran off down the street.

"What's with you aliens and your spit?" Monica asked.

The Surfers chuckled while they ran down Laser Beam Street.

Back down on earth in Florida, the volunteers gathered at the Command Post located at one of the old abandoned badging stations at the southern part of the space center.

The Commander for the start of today's search activities provided the volunteers a briefing.

Back on Neilson at the Army base, Frankie, Monica and the Surfers ran to the back of the two-story jail building located off Laser Beam Street.

They looked around and saw that the coast was clear. 

"Let's do this," Lon told everybody. 

They all looked up at the row of barred cell windows on the first floor. 

"I wonder which jail cell they're in?" Frankie asked while he looked at the barred windows. 

They all looked up at the barred windows. 

Monica's ears perked up. "Shhh! Someone's coming," she cautioned everybody. 

Frankie, Monica, and the Surfers looked around and saw a bush near them. 

They ran over to it and jumped inside the thick bush and hid. 

They all peeked out between the leaves and looked around the building.

They saw Sergeant Carto walked around the corner of the building. 

Sergeant Carto saw Frankie, Monica, and the Surfers peeking out from that bush. He got mad while he clenched his fists. "What are you doing in that bush?" the Sergeant yelled. 

"Ah, we're, ah," sputtered Lorge while he and everybody got out of the bush.

"We're ah, practicing maneuvers for when we attack earth," Frankie replied.

"Well, you're doing a lousy job as I could see all of your ugly faces from inside that bush," Sergeant Carto replied and looked pissed. 

"We'll do better after some training," Saul replied.

Sergeant Carto looked at them for a few seconds that made everybody nervous. "I want you four to work at the front gate," the Sergeant barked out while he pointed at the Surfers. 

"I don't think we can do that," Bingo replied. 

Sergeant Carto got red, faced furious, and jumped into their faces. "Disobey an order? From a Sergeant? I'll have you in jail!" Sergeant Carto screamed while he sprayed more spit on their faces and pointed to the barred windows. 

The Surfers ran away, wiping the Sergeant's spit off their faces.

"You two stay here and guard the rear of the jail. We have one of those creepy earth aliens inside, and you better catch him if he escapes," Sergeant Carto said to Frankie and Monica.

Frankie and Monica saluted Sergeant Carto.

Sergeant Carto just grunted at the two showing his displeasure, turned around and marched off.

Frankie and Monica looked at each other and felt so alone and clueless about what to do next.

Back on earth in Florida, the volunteers started their search through the woods of the southern part of the space center. It was another hot and muggy morning, but they were determined to tolerate the heat in hopes of finding the three kids alive.