The Spurgeon Mission by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

Jack had time to reflect on his journey home he realised he’d made the right decision to let Veltz go, in fact the only one he could have made under the circumstance By the time he’d reached his destination he was resigned to it. Never having Veltz her on his farm or waking up to that beautiful splendid creature at his side. Hearing the happy laughter of her young at play. Jack sighed deeply bracing himself for the barrage of questions he knew his mum would fire at him. He entered the kitchen the familiar smell of food cooking on the range wafted towards him. Fred looked moodily up at him.

“Why didn’t you wait for me you promised me I could go with you?

Any way I’m tired of you treating me like a baby. I could have helped with the twins I’m always being left out it isn’t fair.”

“I am sorry Fred there wasn’t any time besides I didn’t know what to expect. I wouldn’t want to burden you. Death isn’t at all a pleasant sight. Tomorrow we will all be going up it will mean staying a few days. You won't like that will you Fred?“ Jack said teasingly. “Especially has it will mean time off of school.”

“Yuck school; I’ll go and pack my things now then I’ll be ready for the morning.”

Fred hurried out of the kitchen mounting the stairs two at a time. Reaching the top he shouted down. “Can I take some of my old toys for the twins? I have so many and I will be getting more at Christmas.” Jack hadn’t the heart to tell his young brother that the twins wouldn’t be staying for much longer. He doubted if they would be taking any toys with them where they were going. Instead he answered

“As long has you don’t take to many, just a couple.”

“Alright Jack” Fred began singing in a loud toneless voice.

Mary came down the stairs tossing the garments to Jack.

“Here these are finished. Did you bring the babies measurements?”

“Yes mum. “ He fished in his pocket and produced the piece of paper with them on.

“This can’t be right Jack these aren’t the measurements of babies but more like four and five year old.”

“They’re right enough you are forgetting how tall Kith and Veltz are and anyway these youngsters mature a lot faster than ours do.”

“I see well I’d best get started on them at once. You had better come and help me. I know you don’t like to but if I aim to get them completed you’d need to do the tacking for me while I get on with the machining.”

“Alright what about the dinner will it?”

Mary interrupted him mid sentence. “I’ll come down and check on it in an hour. Come on we’ve no time to waste.”

Jack reluctantly followed his mum into the sewing room. Jack could barely keep up to his mother machining so fast was she and so nimble were her fingers despite her advancing years.

“Jack come on stop day dreaming.  I’ve spoken to you at least three times, I know you have a lot on your mind, but do pay attention.”

“Sorry mum I was just thinking about all that has happened this last few weeks.  It isn’t yet Christmas who would have imagined last Christmas we would have been through all this?  I was thinking by next year all this will seem like a dream, but a fleeting memory.  Veltz and Kith will be gone, taking their babies with them.  It made me realise since the birth how poles apart we are from them.  I wonder if one day they will be allowed to visit, I mean a proper visit, not a crash landing?”

“Who knows Jack?  Will you tell Fred?  He was right taken with them and adores the youngsters.  What with loosing Tom and all, I reckon he will really take it badly."

“I know mum, just let us get over the funeral first.  Kith has made a superb coffin and even dug the hole.  I have to arrange for a vicar and I’ve asked the doctor to spread the word, the funeral will be Friday.  This will give us a day to arrange the flowers and the reception afterwards.”

“Well done love, you have thought of everything.  It can’t have been easy for you.”  Mary placed her hand on Jack’s arm.  “You still have me, Fred and all your pals at the Social Club.  We’ll help you through it.”

Jack’s face showed his emotional state, he was near to tears.  He stood up.  “Can you finish without me, I’m useless anyway?  I have something to sort out with the farm before we set off tomorrow.”

Mary realising her son was anxious to avoid showing anyone his true state of mind, least of all her.  She beckoned for him to go.

Has Jack walked along the landing, Fred was just coming out of his room.  His arms full with assorted toys.  “Fred, I hope you aren’t planning on taking all of those with you?”

“Well perhaps not all, but I haven’t yet decided which of them to take.”  He dropped one and it went tumbling down the stairs.

“That’s one less anyway.”  Jack laughed.  “Give me some here.”  Jack leaned over and took a few of the toys from his young brother.

“Look Jack, remember this?”  He pointed to a fort.  “You gave me it for my eighth birthday.  I’m sure Zeus would like it, he may be young yet, but I’d like him to have it.”

Jack could only nod.  “Take what you like Fred.”

“Why you telling me that?  What’s up?  Are you getting soft in your old age or something?”

Jack laughed, he knew that Fred had said it without any malice.  “Just watch it young man.  Don’t push me.”  They both walked down the stairs happy in the knowledge they were a family unit and as such would pull together come what may.

Jack checked the stove; the dinner was coming along quiet nicely.  So he went and settled himself down on the sofa.  Fred plonked himself on the floor and began sorting out his toys into two piles.  “Do you think a girl will play with this?”  He said, holding up a large kite.

“I expect so, why not?  Girls fly kites, in fact girls fly planes these days.”

“Yuck, you’re kidding, girls!”

“I’m afraid so Fred, it’s equal rights now.”

“Oh heck, they may even have them fighting a war, what a thought!”

“You don’t like girls very much now, though just you wait in another couple of years, you will change your mind.”

“I don’t think so.”

“You will.”

“I won’t.”

Just then Mary walked down the stairs with the two finished garments.  “You two at it again?  Here Jack, what do you think?”  She tossed the clothing over to him.

“Excellent, just the thing, not too much, just right for them.  Thanks mum.”

“You’re welcome.  I do what I can.  Now I’ll get the meal ready.”

“Sit down mum, me and Fred will do it.”

“Speak for yourself Jack.”  Said Fred.


“Okay Jack you win!”  He scampered up and went to assist Jack.

Mary looked on in amazement this was a first.  Maybe something good might come out of the situation.  It had certainly brought her two boys closer.  She smiled in the knowledge that she mostly on her own had done an excellent job with rearing them.

The meal over they decided to have an early night, because of the day ahead.  So all three retired to their respective bedrooms.  However, there was little sleep in the Johnson household.  Each in their own way was preoccupied with their thoughts.

Sleep was just as elusive for Kith and Veltz. Kith’s mind was racing ahead he was planning in his mind the reunion, being back home one Spurgeon and showing his off springs to them. Getting his new ship, telling them of his life here. He knew he would have to reveal the fact that this planet could sustain his people how could he hide the truth from them. He also knew there could be the possibility that they would want to use this planet for that very purpose. This worried him perhaps he could persuade them to think differently. A little white lie added here and there maybe enough to convince the council that it wouldn’t be viable. He guessed if the council did decide to inhabit this planet there would be no stopping them. Kith realised he would have to convince them this just wasn’t the right place. Despite the evidence showing to the contrary one look at their healthy off springs would he guessed be enough. He must find the way to convince them and soon but what? He was worried these people had been very good kindness it’s self towards them. How could he put them in danger because they would be? He tossed and turned most of the night yet still he hadn’t an answer.

Veltz also spent the night her mind in turmoil only for a very different reason. How could she go back to Spurgeon leave Jack pretend this place wasn’t for her? When all she really wanted to stay, feel Jack at the side of her when she awakened see his smiling face. Then there was young Fred how sweet he was towards her youngsters so tender. Veltz had studied him with her young and had noticed how he had interacted with them. They in turn had reacted favourably back. She realised that as young as her off springs were if they sensed any animosity towards them or felt threatened in anyway, that nature would have taken over. They all had the ability to destroy anything that threatened their survival. This diminished has they matured but for now her young could be without knowing lethal. She now was worried what if any of the strangers that were coming for the funeral took a disliking to her young.  If they should feel the hostility how could she control their natural instincts, She just didn’t know. She was afraid, afraid for the strangers but most of all afraid for her young. She lay awake wondering what she should do so far they had been happy and contented but this could all change tomorrow so far they had not encountered any hostilities. Maybe she could talk to them explain it to them. She quickly dismissed the idea knowing it would only make matters worse her off springs were far to immature to be confronted with this problem. It might even have the opposite effect and cause them to over react. Veltz sobbed quietly into her pillow until finally sleep over took her.

Next morning they awoke to snow. Kith ventured out to investigate the phenomenon He came back with a puzzled expression on his face “I don’t know what it is but if I hold it in my hands it disappears leaving them wet. It is covering every thing out there I don’t know why it doesn’t disappear like it did on my hands.”

“Can we go and have a look?” asked Zeus.

“Yes can we?” Echoed Savina.

“Well only for a minute or two. We shouldn’t really risk going out, but if you are quick, you  can go and have a look, Veltz maybe you won’t get another chance.”

“Why wont she get another chance?”

“I’ll explain it to you later. Go and see the white stuff, feel it enjoy it.” He smiled at the youngster. Zeus ran out side followed closely by Savina, Veltz followed up in the rear. The youngsters were thoroughly enjoying themselves even if they were very wet. On seeing the effects of the snow Veltz went to go and check on the pigs. She wondered what would become of them when they left here who would take care of them. She hated to think they would be neglected. Has she walked into the sty the pigs gave a squeal of delight and came running over to her.  She petted each one in turn but when it came to the old sow’s turn she gave her extra attention.

“I will miss you when I’m gone.” She whispered in her ears, the old sow responded with gusto just as though she understood every word. Realising the time was getting on Veltz hurried back towards the barn gathering up her young on the way. Zeus protested loudly he didn’t like it he was enjoying himself too much to go in He let out a loud scream and what Veltz had feared only last night began to happen. The door slammed shut Veltz was thrown sharply towards it. Shaken she stood her ground and began to emit a shrill sound this brought Zeus back to his senses. He began to sob. “Sorry I didn’t mean it.”

“I know.” She hugged him closely to her until his tears were spent.

Kith having witnessed the scene. He too recognised the enormity of the situation and realised that tomorrow would pose a problem for them. He knew that he could not lock the youngsters away, but on the other hand he would have to watch them very closely in order to avert any danger to the visitors.  Jack expected there would be several people to show their respects has he called it.  Veltz dried them both off and wrapped them in blankets.  “This will have to do until Jacck arrives with your new wear.”  She said.

“Are we getting new wear?”  Asked Savina.

“New clothes.”  Corrected Kith much to Veltz annoyance.

“New clothes, good new clothes.”  Echoed Savina.

Jack cleared the path of snow outside the farmhouse.  Armed with a pile of freshly chopped logs, he entered the kitchen.  “I’ve brought these logs in mum, they will  dry out  ready for our return.  Can’t be messing with wet logs when we get back.  By the looks of this lot we’d best set off soon or we might get stuck in a drift.  It looks set for the day.”

“All this snow and I’m going to miss it, can’t I stay behind?”

“Stop you whining Fred, this is only one day you can play tomorrow.  There is no fear of it melting by then.  You’ll probably get to play in the snow all week long.”

“Do you think so?  Can I put my sledge in the back please Jack?”

“Oh go on then.”  Jack smiled remembering how he used to feel as a kid if only things were that simple now.  “Come on mum, let’s get going.”

“I’m coming, I was just doing a last minute check.  Here Jack you look after the key.”  The trio entered the station wagon.

“All aboard, wagons roll!”  Yelled Fred.

They quickly left the farm behind them and headed towards old Tom’s farm.  The going wasn’t easy, but Jack was an old hand at negotiating the station wagon.  Slowly but surely they completed their hazardous journey.  However, it was nearly lunchtime before they finally arrived.  Kith came forward to meet them.  “Am I glad to see you.”  He looked anxious around him for Veltz.  Veltz came from the barn alone.

“Where’s the babies?”  Asked Mary sensing something was amiss.

“Oh they’re wrapped in a blanket awaiting the clothes.”  She smiled.  “They were playing in this white stuff and got all wet.”

“Snow.”  Interrupted Fred.  “It’s lovely isn’t it?  I’ve brought my sledge, look!”  He said proudly taking it down from the back of the wagon.

“Leave it there Fred, go in and keep the youngsters company.  Will you look after them until we come back?”

“Where are you going?”

“Only over to the house, we won’t be more than thirty minutes.  Okay?”

The four adults winded their way towards the house.  While the two females entered the kitchen to prepare sandwiches, Jack and Kith went to clear the burial site of the snow.  “What’s on your mind Kith?  Something is worrying you deeply.”

Kith relayed to Jack what had occurred with the young Zeus.  When he had finished Jack startled has he was about the revelation.  He thought carefully before he answered.  “I didn’t know about your powers, you hid them well.  I can see how it might be a problem with the youngsters.  Lucky for us the weather isn’t good so I don’t think we will have too many visitors.  Most of old Tom’s friends are just as old.  So I don’t anticipate more than three or four will turn up.  Still we will have to be vigilant Kith, I suggest that you contacting your people had better be sooner rather than later.”

“I agree Jack, what time are we to put Tom in the ground tomorrow?”

“I said  So we will grab a bite to eat and then prepare for the event.”

Back in the house Mary and Veltz was placing the sandwiches on a table in the front room.  They were getting the place ready for the visitors.  “There aren’t enough sherry glasses Jack.”  Said Mary anxiously.  “I only found a few.”

“Don’t worry mum, I think the weather will keep most away.”

“Don’t kid yourself, wild horses wouldn’t have kept me away.  I expect there are a lot more people like me around here Jack.  Old Tom was well liked.  I’m betting on around twenty people will turn up.”

“Oh lord!”  Jack looked at Veltz who had paled at the thought of them.

“We’ll manage somehow.”  He said abruptly.  He walked over to Veltz putting his arms on her shoulder.  “Don’t worry Kith told me, we will sort something out.”

Mary looked at her son suspiciously, but didn’t say anything.  Mary walked out into the kitchen and came back with another plate full of sandwiches.  “I’m afraid we will have to make do with these.  Better save some for Fred and twins.”

They ate in silence, and then Veltz left to dress her off springs and herself in the clothes Mary had made for them.  She came back shortly after with all three children.  “Look!”  She said proudly.  “Turn around.”  Jack gave a wolf whistle Mary laughed.

“They look great don’t they?”

“You all look good.”  Said Mary admiring her handy work.  “See they don’t get dirty before tomorrow.  You know what youngsters are like.”

“I will see their clothes are nearly dry so I will change them when I can.”  Once the youngsters had eaten, Kith went to fetch their old clothing.  Once changed into them, they went out to play on the sledge with Fred.

Old Tom’s body was placed in the coffin and taken to Tom’s old room.  This kept the men busy the rest of the afternoon.  The two women were busy preparing for old Tom’s big send off has Mary had informed Veltz.  “Must make sure everything is just so, we don’t want folks around here thinking we’re cheap skates.”

Veltz didn’t understand most of what Mary was saying, but she kept nodding in agreement.  She liked Jack’s mum and even though she found her slightly odd.  Just like old Tom, maybe she thought these beings became odd when they grew older.  Her people were quite the opposite; they got very wise and were revered.  This was not the case here.  Perhaps they revered their young it appeared so.  Anyway they were decent sorts and she smiled again has she recalled the image of Jack struggling to free himself from the wire fence.  She had known then and there she had feelings for him.  Mary brought her back to reality.


“Sorry what was you saying my mind it went off.”

“It’s alright, I suppose you will be eager to be back with your own folk.”

Veltz nodded not at all sure what folks were.  “I am sad for Tom, I will miss him.  He was nice being.”

“Yes he was nice, we go back a long way.”  Replied Mary.

Perhaps they go back somewhere together later.  Funny Jack didn’t say so.  She thought they put him a in big hole and covered him. 

She did hope they didn’t put Mary in one too.  She would ask Kith later, he would know.  He seemed to understand these beings better than she did.  Mary was still going on about her and Tom.  Funny she kept laughing, perhaps you laugh at funerals.  Jack hadn’t looked like he wanted to.  They did what they could do for tomorrow funeral, though a lot of it would have to be done in the morning.  Knowing now there would be quite a few on this occasion, she would sandwich the off springs in between her and Kith.  She dare not risk anything going wrong.  She sighed.  “Mary we will be getting in touch with our planet tomorrow after we have put Tom in the hole.  When your beings have gone home.  Kith has fixed the receptor, he tells me it will work.  So I expect we will be going back to Spurgeon soon.  I will miss you all.  You have been so good.”

Mary placed her arms around Veltz.  “We’ll miss you and all lass.  If it had been under different circumstances I would have been proud for you to stay.  You have been good for Jack and Fred; you brought them both closer together.  I thank you for that Veltz.”

Veltz began to cry softly.

“Nay lass don’t take on so.  It will be for the best you’ll see.  It’s a lovely little family you have to take back home with you.  Here love.”  Mary produced a large white handkerchief. Veltz took it and wiped away her tears.

“Thank-you I’m alright now.”

Just then the two males walked into the room to join them.

“I’m feeling rather hungry “ Kith stated rubbing his stomach.

“I must confess I am feeling the same Jack declared.

“You men! Laughed Mary, “there are some scones over there but mind you only take a couple each. Don’t forget the rest of us have the need to eat also.”

The scones devoured Kith and Jack went to join the youngsters.

“Come on Fred “  Said Jack, “let’s show them how to build a snow man.”

The snowman rapidly grew. The twins cottening on to the idea began to help to erect it. Kith stood back and watched the scene. He had to admit living here had a certain attraction and that if it wasn’t for his  love of space travel  he was sure he  would succomb to the idea He knew it was Veltz wishes to remain here.  He shook his head, whatever was the matter with him this wasn’t anyway for him to be thinking. He went forwards just has the finishing touches were being administered to the snowman.

“Can I go and find an old coat to put around it?” Asked Fred.

“Not really Fred it somehow doesn’t seem right at this moment to use old Tom’s under the circumstances.” Jack replied.

Hearing old Tom’s name mentioned Zeus  interrupted the talking, “Tom I want old Tom Where is he? I want him to see our snowman too.”

Jack gently bent down and picked him up, Looked down on his angelic face Jack was filled with an overwhelming love for him.

“I’m sorry Zeus when people get old like Tom they have to go to a place called Heaven. We all miss him but we know he is going to a better place.”

“I want to go to a better place too” he demanded.

“I know Zeus but you can not you see you are just starting your life Old Tom was at the end of his.”

“Oh I see is your life nearly over?”

“I hope not Zeus”

Jack placed him gently back on the ground. He ran off happily.

“You certainly have away with youngsters why don’t you have any of your own?”

“It’s not that easy Kith I’ve never found the right woman to have children with.”

“Oh what have I said have I upset you?”

Jack laughed “No come on let us go in. I’m sure the children will be needing something to eat.”

Shouting for the children to come they then made their way to the house.

The meal was a very noisy affair the twins were full of excitement and chattered away merrily about the day’s event.

“Can we do it again in the morning, play in the snow, it won’t have disappeared will it?”Asked  Savina.

“I doubt it” Mary replied, I reckon it will be with us another day or two yet” she smiled at the youngster “it depends on whether your good or not.”

 “I’m good I am aren’t I good?” she looked her round waiting for conformation.

“Of course you are” said Kith

“Me too.”

“Yes you too Zeus but now show me, you two can get ready for bed. You are to sleep in the house from now on.”

“Where? Where?” yelled Zeus. The youngster ran of to see where they were now to sleep. Veltz went off  to prepare their bath water. Jack went over to the locked cabinet taking the key from under the clock he opened it up. It revealed a nearly full bottle of malt whiskey.

“We will drink a toast to Tom. He found  a couple of glasses in which he poured a generous amount of the liquid. Handing one to Kith he raised his glass "  To old Tom” and gulped the whiskey straight down.

Now he nodded to Kith  he too raised his glass “To old Tom” he repeated and gulped down the liquid.

“Whoa! That was warming” He held his glass out for a refill.

“What the heck why not” said Jack “Let us raise our glasses once more for Tom  he appreciated a good drink.”

This time he filled the glasses to the brim. Kith reached out for one and without waiting for Jack picked it up and downed the lot.

“Whoa! He began spinning around the room at high speed . Jack tried to grab him but each time Kith was to elusive. Suddenly Kith shot up towards the very high ceiling. Jack managed to get a hold of his foot but this only managed to make matters worse. Has he too found himself suspended in the air. Kith was now inching his way heading towards the door with Jack still in tow.

“Stop, stop” he yelled “Let me down.”

Kith giggled loudly has he manoeuvred his way towards the door .

“I need air ,too warm.” He said. Just at the very moment they arrived at the door it was opened as if on cue and in walked Mary. Out flew Kith, Jack trailing now on the floor managed to let go at last.

“Ouch that hurt “ declared Jack while rubbing his side “Kith come back .” He ran out side  only to find Kith sitting on top of the roof of the barn . He had a ridiculous grin on his face. Veltz hearing all the commotion had come running towards them.

“What are you doing come down at once what has caused this to happen?”

Jack looked at Veltz “What are you saying to him?”

“Oh sorry I was telling to come down at once.”

Kith was talking back to Veltz in their tongue but by his body language it would  appeared he was mocking her. Suddenly there was a loud crack and what appeared to Jack to be lightning hit Kith.

Kith began to fall luckily into a large  pile of snow.,still giggling has he fell.  Veltz her anger now subsided she ran to his side.

“Oh Kith have I hurt you?” she asked are you alright?. I don’t understand why are you like this?”

Kith groaned holding his head. Jack now by his side began to check him over.

”He’s alright Veltz I am sorry it is my fault he is like this.”

“Your fault how?”

“I gave him the booze.”

“Booze what is booze?” asked Veltz.

“Never mind he will be alright soon but help me inside with him.”

With the help of Veltz he managed  to lift Kith to his feet and between them they manoeuvred him back into the house. Once inside Jack leaned Kith against the wash basin and began pouring water over his head.

“What on earth are you doing Jack?” Yelled Mary”Are you trying to give him pneumonia. Help me up the stairs with him. Veltz you get out the bath tub. Jack we need to get into something dry very quickly now. Go and fetch the clothes I made for him . Jack let go of Kith and he slid down to the floor still wearing the grin on his face.

“Numb skull” Mary screeched “where’s your brains. I didn’t mean for you to let go of him right this minute I meant when we got him into the tub. Why did you give him the whiskey in the first place are you soft in the head?”

Jack knew better than to argue back with his mum. Picking Kith back up again they began heading towards the stairs. Fred having heard all the commotion came running down the stairs.

“Let me help you” getting behind Kith “I’ll steady him.”

Between the three of them they manage to get him up the stairs and into the spare room. Veltz was just finishing filling the old zinc bath with warm water from the copper boiler. Pulling off the wet clothing between them they dumped Kith unceremoniously into the tub .All the while this was going on Kith was singing melodiously in his own tongue. Having warmed him thoroughly they threw him onto the bed near by

“Let him sleep it off” said Jack there’s no point in messing about trying to dress him he might throw up.”

“Throw up? Said Veltz looking puzzled.

“You don’t want to know” replied Jack.

Veltz was becoming more and more confused by the whole incident. She certainly would be glad when this funeral was over and her and Kith could get back to some kind of normality even if it did mean them returning to Spurgeon. The sooner the better she thought her mind made up. She sat beside the now sleeping Kith trying to analyse her feelings. At the moment she was unsure which of the two males she loved most. Jack with his understanding caring nature or Kith with his matter of fact ways. He was she knew caring where her off springs were concerned but she wasn’t totally convinced of his feelings towards her. She tried to imagine what life would be like for her back on Spurgeon. Kith would still have his command but now for her life would be very different. No more adventures just staying at home with her off springs educating them in the ways of their people. Not like here they had a place  they called school  where all off springs were educated has a unit. She sighed Kith stirred in his sleep. She wondered if he would sleep until tomorrow.

 Jack entered the room “Are you alright Veltz?” He asked “I’m sorry I would not have given him a drink if I’d have known.”

“No do not take the blame he should not have drank it.  Especially as he had a Whisky with Tom the other night and it had the same effect.“ She stood up ”I will leave now let him sleep.”

She walked forward Jack stepped aside awkwardly and let her pass. Then followed her down the stairs. Mary was busy toasting bread at the fire side “Ah! Your just in time come and join us before Fred scoffs the lot.” Fred grinned and carried on eating. Jack took the plate and handed it across to Veltz who thanked him politely not looking at him The meal continued in almost silence When the meal was finished Mary went to wash the crockery leaving the others to relax by the log fire. Fred  feeling totally bored took