The Spurgeon Mission by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Veltz was happy; her off springs grew stronger every day.  Tom and Kith were teaching them languages.  She had told Kith it wasn’t a good idea teaching them how to talk Tom’s tongue.  What use would it be to them?  Kith had stated it was part of their education and wouldn’t it be nice for them if in their off springs time, they ever deliberately landed here, this would be very useful.  He also insisted that they would have a long wait before being picked up.  So it was vital for them to fit in.  She had reluctantly agreed.  The twins were a joy; they made her life here bearable.  She missed Jack; it was only the fact she was kept so busy these days that she could cope.  Tom was marvellous; he seemed to come to life around the youngsters.  Nothing was too good for them.  He doted on them.  Veltz smiled at the memory of him, when they called him pops for the first time.  He’d insisted upon the name.  He’d told them this was his name for his grandpa, so pops it was.  She also remembered his anxiety when Zeus had developed a temperature.  He’d been the one to sit by his side until it had passed.  She wondered how would old Tom cope on his own again.  Obviously, he was getting older; he should be with someone.  Veltz knew when the time came, when they would have to depart, there would be lots of tears all round.  She for one did not want to go.  It was not just Jack, but Fred and old Tom she would sorely miss.  Oh why did Kith have to repair the communicator?

Kith too way enjoying his role has a parent.  He hadn’t once thought about home in these last few days.  He was happy, happier now than at any other time in his life.  So it was a shock to him when he realised that his off springs were indeed ready to travel.  Perhaps, he thought, I should contact Jack, let him know we are ready.  Somehow he felt loath to do this.  He convinced himself the youngsters needed a day or two more.  He would certainly miss Tom, his life here on the farm, he had been happy since his fatherhood.  It would be a wrench leaving old Tom, he had taught them a lot.  Of course, he would miss young Fred and Jack.   He knew Jack’s feelings for Veltz; still who could blame him?  She grew more precious to him by the minute.  He would do anything for her, for the off springs.  He admitted to himself that it would be practical for them to depart as soon has possible, but still he hesitated. 

 Old Tom was happy, he was thoroughly involved in the up bringing of the twins, and he idolised them.  He was proud to be pops, he never noticed before how lonely he had been.  It had taken these beautiful aliens to come into his humble abode for him to recognise the fact.  He guessed he would have to go back to being lonely again.  He’d get used to it again, you’d expect to be alone at his time of life.  Anyway, Jack would call on him, he was a good lad, always looked to others, did Jack.  Perhaps he might get wed, and then he could become pops to his kids.  He smiled to himself at that thought.  He went across to a pile of wood, taking one; he began to whittle it.  Must do one of mum, dad and youngsters for the future, to remember them.  The time flew by; Veltz brought him back to reality.

“Food ready pops.”  She said. 

Tom smiled, she called him pops now and he liked it.  “Coming.”  He replied.  He put down his work and headed for the table.  The conversation was mostly coming from the off springs.  Once finding their voices, the twins had become very vocal.  “Want more.”  Said Zeus.  “Please.”

Veltz laughed.  “Greedy monkey.”  An expression she had picked up from Jack.  He had always called Fred a greedy monkey or sometimes pup.  “Greedy monkey.”  Parroted Savina.

“You’ll have to watch what you say Veltz, cos. they’ll pick it up.”  Tom laughed.

“You’re right, I will.”  She replied.

“Listen,” said Kith eagerly.  “Go on tell her you two.”

The twins echoed.  “Happy birthday mummy.”  They repeated it again in Spurgeon.

“Oh yes, I had forgotten.  It is my birthday.  I’m sure I didn’t tell you Kith.  How did you find out?” 

Kith studied Veltz’s reaction, he was sure she was pleased.  He remarked.  "I am your captain, I know all my crews birth dates.”

“I see.” Was all Veltz said, though it pleased her, he had remembered.

“What’s going on you two?  I thought you were only going to talk in English while you are with me?”  Tom said.

“Sorry Tom, it was easy to explain to Veltz in our language.”

“Has long as you weren’t cussing each other.  I’m…” Tom began to cough and he felt quite breathless.

“You alright Tom?  Should I phone Jack?”  Said Kith.

“I’ll be fine, pass me that bottle over there will you?”

Veltz opened the bottle.  “That smells awful.”  She said whilst handing it to Tom.

“It’s only whisky, I keep it for medicinal purposes.”  He took a swig from the bottle.  “That’s better, it warms the cockles of your heart.  I feel much better, no need to fuss.”

“Cockles of your heart.”  Repeated Savina

“What is cockles of your heart?”  Asked Kith

“Only a saying Kith, It means it gives me a warm feeling inside.”

“I see may I try some?”

Tom smiled.  “Best not lad, it may make you tipsy.  It wouldn’t help you, I’m used to it as it’s been my companion for the last few years.”  Kith thought these people are funny, how can a bottle keep him company?  He still had a lot more to learn here.  Pity he wouldn’t be getting the chance. “Please let me try Tom?”

“Okay just a taster, should not hurt you.”

Kith took the bottle and took a massive swig of the whisky. “Wow!” He said then he started lifting of his floor and whizzing around and around the room with a large grin on his face.  After about ten minutes, he suddenly slumped to the floor. “Good I want more.”

“No, No lad no more for you.”

Kith suddenly started groaning.  “Head hurts.”  He said  “I feel funny, room spins.” He slowly closed his eyes.  The twins who was watching their dad, began to cry “Daddy, daddy, is he not living?”

Veltz dashing suddenly, she stopped and began to laugh. “He is snoring!” She exclaimed. 

Tom also laugh very heartily. “don't worry he will sleep it off, I don't think he will drink whisky again do you?” They all burst into laughter.  The children clapped their hands and chorused “Can we have some Mummy?”  Savina adding  “It's really funny.”

“No way.” Said Tom. “I will move it out of the way as it is very dangerous for children.”

Kith slept for a couple of hours waking up without any adverse effects, much to the relief of Tom.

They put the off springs to bed, then went into the front room.  “Tom tell us more about the old days?”  Kith said  “Go on from last night, you were just meeting your wife.”

“Ah yes, just about that time there was a famine.”

“Famine?”  Asked Veltz.

Tom went on to explain, he carried on with his story until Kith looking up at the clock realised it was almost midnight.  “Look at the time Tom, we will have to leave the story until tomorrow.”  They all arose to go to their beds.  “Yes tomorrow, good night you two.”  He was feeling exhausted, he was ready for his bed. 

“Good night.”  They chorused in unison.

Veltz could not sleep she had an irrational fear.  She couldn’t put a finger on it but something was wrong. She could sense it with all her being. After a while she arose knowing she would have to go across to the house and find out. Donning an old coat Tom had given to her and bracing her self against the biting wind She ran swiftly across the yard. There was urgency about her now. Tapping lightly on the door she was amazed at how quickly it was opened Kith was standing there he said,” so you felt it too”

“Yes Kith something is not right”.

“I know I am loathed to awaken Tom he seemed so tired”.

“I’ll tiptoe in on him shall I Kith?”

“If you think you should”.

“I do”. Veltz entered the room where Tom was laying. She noted at once how quiet it seemed normally the sound of Toms snoring could be heard through out the house. They had often teased him about it. May be he was lying awake Walking over to his bedside she whispered “Tom are you awake” the silence prevailed. Her voice became louder “Tom.” Still only the silence realising then that something was sadly amiss Veltz began to shake “Tom! ” Panic was beginning to take a hold of her. “Kith, Kith” she shouted.

“What’s wrong?” He asked has he hurried into the room. Veltz could not answer only point towards where Tom lay.

“He’s not answering.” She said at last. “He has left” she began to weep uncontrollably. Kith put his arms around her. ”There is nothing we can do for him now. It is too late to phone Jack tonight I will ring him in the morning. Old Tom showed me how to phone if I needed to. Do you think he knew he was going Veltz?”

I’m not sure perhaps he did. What are we going to do Kith”.      

I will stay with him tonight in the morning when I phone Jack he will know. You go back to the children try to rest”.

The night seemed endless to Kith, Tom had left his world and they would not hear him again. This saddened Kith he had grown very close to the old man. He had been his mentor in these last few weeks. He sighed once this business was over he would contact his people what reason now could they have for delaying there departure.

Jack was just going down the stairs when he heard the phone ringing. Who on earth was ringing so early in the morning? He was not pleased, couldn’t who ever it was have waited until the whole family were awake? He could hear his mum walking about this had disturbed her no doubt. Jack picked up the receiver “Yes.” He growled.

Jack recognised the voice on the phone straight away it was Kith’s

“What is it Kith, what’s wrong?”

“It’s Tom he has gone.”

“Gone where?” Asked a bemused Jack.

“No I mean he has gone for good like his wife”.

“I see Kith I’ll be straight over”. He slammed down the phone. “Mum.” He ran up the stairs two at a time.

“What ever is the matter Jack?”

Jack quickly told his mum old Tom was dead. “I’ve got to go now mum”. Running down the stairs Jack stopped only to retrieve his keys for the station wagon Slamming the door as he went. This action was enough to awaken Fred who quickly looked out of his window to see what the commotion was all about. Seeing Jack entering his wagon. Fred opened the window and yelled “Where are you going so early in the morning?”

“To Tom’s.” Jack replied while climbing into the driving seat.

“I want to go with you, you promised me I’ll be right down”.

“No not now Fred” Jack drove off. Fred stamped down the stairs.

“He left me how could he mum he promised me”.

“Fred listen to me love come here, its old Tom.

“What about old Tom?”

“He passed away last night. That is why Jack couldn’t take you with him.” Fred began to cry, old Tom dead he loved him. He was a lovely old man. He had been like a grandfather to him.

“I could have helped I would have looked after the babies. I wouldn’t have got in the way”.

“I’m sorry son I know what old Tom meant to you. Here love I will make you your favourite breakfast”.

“Yes please mum.” Sniffed Fred.”

Having eaten a hearty breakfast Fred was in a better frame of mind. Mary realised with the exuberance of the young that Fred would bounce back fairly easily unlike Jack. This would be yet another body blow to him. He had regarded old Tom has a father figure. She sighed it made her feel very vulnerable realising she too was getting old. This gave her a sense of foreboding. She knew she would feel much happier if Jack were to marry and have his own children around him. Then she suspected she would then worry about Fred this she knew was her nature. She sighed and looked at Fred.  ”Here son buy yourself a comic on your way home from school.” She handed him the money.

“You mean you expect me to go to school when poor old Tom has just died mum how can I?”

“Yes you can Fred look Jack will be gone most of the day. You will be better of being occupied rather than hanging around here doing nothing you know it makes sense.”

“Yes alright mum if I go can I have some sweets as well?”

Mary smiled good to see Fred was back on form. ”Go on just this once.” She handed him another coin.

“Thanks mum.” He grinned has he headed for the door.

After Fred had left for school Mary tided the house her heart wasn’t in it though. She kept thinking back to the time when she had first met Tom. It had been at the local dance. He appeared much more sophisticated than Jim who he had arrived with him.. Mary had been attracted to Jim in the past. Some of the other girl’s thoughts that they were an item and steered clear of him. She had secretly hoped Tom would look at her the way Jim did. So she had felt her heart had been broken when he’d gone off with the blonde girl from the next village. Jim had consoled her telling her that Tom must be blind not to fancy her .She had been flattered and eventually Jim and Mary had become inseparable. Everyone took it for granted that one day they would marry She always had remembered Tom there was still a place for him in her heart. She must see he had a good burial she owed him that much. He had kept in close contact with her after the death of Jim and had helped her out financially on many occasions in the past more times than she could remember. She had tried to repay him but he had always refused shrugging the offer aside stating he knew how difficult it was trying to bring youngsters up alone. Yes she would see that every thing was perfect for his funeral. She began to plan it in her head. Mary would have to wait until Jack came home before implementing any of her plans but she felt has though she was doing some thing this helped a little to help her through the morning. She prepared herself a light snack and settled down to eat it. Her mind began to wonder if only Jack had fallen for the pretty little girl in the shoe shop things would be very different. No not Jack instead he had to fall for an alien, who had a family of her own. It wasn’t that she disliked Veltz or Kith nothing personal they just complicated their lives. This they could do without further stresses.  Soon they would be on their way back where they came from. Mary wished Jack would phone her he might have known she would worry.

Jack had just sorted with Kith and Veltz the best plan of action. He had roughly sketched the coffin for Kith to make. He was now in the back yard working on the project. Veltz had gone to the barn taking the youngsters with her. She had promised to keep them  quiet and away from the house. Jack had phoned Tom’s doctor informing him of his death. The doctor had promised to come over as soon has his surgery was over. All Jack could do now was wait. Kith having completed the coffin called Jack to see if it met with his approval. Satisfied with the end result Jack turned to praise his friend. “Is there no end to your talents Kith? Your work is top class you never cease to amaze me. Could you leave it in the shed, create a bit of dust we must make it look as though it as been standing there for awhile?”

“I see just like Tom had made it?”

“Yes you are quick-witted Kith thank you my friend”. He touched Kith gently on the arm.

“It was nothing I loved old Tom”.

“I did too Kith but I am glad he wasn’t alone when he died. Now we will have to decide what we are to do about you and your family “. Kith nodded in agreement. “I can not contact my people yet.”

“I realise that but with mum’s help perhaps we could say you were all relatives of Toms come for the funeral. Nobody would question that. For now Kith I must ask you to stay in the barn. I know it will be hard especially difficult with your young but it will only be for tonight. You  will have to make do I’m sorry.”

“It is alright I will go now I’ll take some food with me. You come and eat with us after the doctor has been.”

Kith went to sort out the coffin then to join his family as arranged.  Jack rang his mother. “Hi mum it’s Jack here I thought I’d put your mind at rest .All here is going as expected but I will tell you the arrangements when I arrive home. Now I have a big favour to ask you. I hate to ask you but could you sort out some clothes for Kith and Veltz suitable for the occasion. It would be safer if folks thought they were relatives of Tom’s. The little ones will need something to wear also. I will bring their measurement with me?”

“I suppose so Jack, but this is the last time. If they were to be caught we would be done for aiding them.”

“Ooh mum you worry to much. This will be the last time they are going to contact their own people after the funeral you will not see or hear from then again alright?”

Mary could feel the tension she thought she had better try to defuse the situation. “Alright Jack love can you cope there or should I get someone to drive me down there?”

“No stay put I won’t be here for too much longer. We will need to shut up the farm tomorrow  is so we can all come down. Sorry mum about you having so little time to prepare their outfits.” 

“It’s alright son it’s not your fault. I’ll prepare a meal for you. What time will you be back?”

“I should be home around 6o,clock that will give me time to sort everything out at this end. Thanks mum see you later.”

Jack placed his mobile phone into his pocket. He must remember to give it to Kith, as he may need to contact him before they arrived back tomorrow. He walked into the barn the infants ran to meet him. Savina held out her arms to be picked up. Jack swooped her up and planted a kiss on her cheek. She giggled Zeus feeling quite left out also offered up his arms. Laughing out loud Jack bent down and picked up the boy. ”That’s enough go and play you will soon tire Jack out.”

Kith took the pair from Jack and placed them back down upon the floor.

“Come play” Savina tugged at Zeus who immediately ran off leaving Savina to chase after him.

“They’re getting quite an handful, they grow bigger by the day. Are they grown up enough to travel?”

“Yes Jack they are, we are all now ready but yet I’m not sure if Veltz really wants to leave.”

“Why? She has her children and you their father what possible reason could she have for wanting to stay?”

“I think she doesn’t want to go because of her love for you Jack. I wished that she loved me that way but she does not”.

Jack felt his pulse race could it be that Veltz actually felt the same way too?

“You must be mistaken Kith, Veltz has never given me any indication that she might loves me.”

“I am not wrong I only wished I was. What should we do?”

“We should do nothing Veltz will be the one to decide what she must do”.

“She doesn’t know that you love her you must let her know this.”

“I can not I don’t think it will help her to know it will only make things harder for her. She will be much better off with you Kith.

You are the father of her children they love you, they need you. What could I give them? No they will be better off with their own people.”

“Don’t you love her is that it?”

“Too much this is why I must let her go.”

“You are a wise Jack I must bow to your decision.”

Veltz walked in to the barn. “Sorry I was not her to greet you Jacck but I have been feeding Tom’s pigs. One seemed sad I think they know about him.”

Jack smiled despite their situation she could still find time to worry about the animals. She was a truly remarkable woman.

“I’ll have to go home after lunch but first I have arranged for the doctor to call. It’s alright he is needed to write out a death certificate it is routine. However, I will need you to stay in here until He has gone. I will go to the house and wait for him.”

Jack closed the barn door securely and walked towards the house. It was just then he saw the Doctor’s car approaching. He turned back to await his arrival. Once the Doctor  had parked his car. He said

“Hello, Jack Johnson I believe?” He stretched out his hand. Jack leaned forwards and shook it. “I’m Doctor French sorry to hear about old Tom. Was he a relative of yours?”

“No but I always regarded him as one we were very close he knew my mum when she was a teenager. Tom was prepared for his death you know. He made his own coffin Doctor. It was his wish to be buried here on his own land.”

“I see come along then let's not keep old Tom waiting.”

They walked the rest of the way to the house chatting amiably together.

“There will not be any need for a post-mortem I knew about his heart condition. In fact I’d told Tom on several occasions to take his medication. I guessed I was wasting my time he was a stubborn man.”

“Oh I see I never knew if I had I would have insisted he took his medicine.”

“Water under the bridge quiet frankly though I’m surprised he lasted for this long.” The Doctor began the examination of the body, satisfied that his death was caused by a massive coronary. He began to fill out the certificate. If you pop this along to the town hall you can register the death. I could arrange a vicar to preside over Tom’s funeral if you intend to bury him here on the farm. I could also get a couple of lads to do the digging for you if it will help you must be feeling stressed.”

“Thank you Doctor old Tom was a religious man so I would appreciate the use of a vicar but has for the digging I have made provisions for that. One last thing if you see any of Tom’s old mates do ask them to come. The burial will take place erm let me see not tomorrow too soon let’s say the following afternoon the time to be arranged with the vicar.”

“I will ask the vicar to ring you and I will arrange to fetch a couple of Tom’s old cronies with me I would like to come if that is alright with you? ”

Jack shook hands with the Doctor “ It will be a privilege to have you here.” He walked the Doctor back to his car and watched until the car disappeared down the drive. Then he made his way back to the barn.

The aroma of stew wafted towards him as he entered. “Mm that smells delicious.”  He said.  “I didn't realise how hungry I'm feeling I didn’t have time for any breakfast this morning.”

“You’re just in time but you will have to sit on the bed. Sorry about the lack of space Zeus move up and make some room for Jacck.”

Veltz smiled up at him melting his heart once more. Handing him a large portion of stew she asked.  “Did it go well with the medical man.”

“Doctor. “ Interrupted Kith who had been watching the pair closely.  “Doctor.”  Veltz frowned why did Kith keep correcting her.  It was as if he wanted to make her look small in Jack’s eyes.  She didn’t like him doing that.  “Yes thank you, it is all going to plan.  Unfortunately, you will have to spend the night in the barn.  Tomorrow I will arrive back with mum and Fred.  We will sort things out then.  I hope you will manage here?”  Jack looked at Veltz and Kith for reassurance.

“Yes of course we will be fine, won’t we Veltz?  Now Jack what can I do to help?”  Asked Kith.

“I was hoping you could dig an hole this afternoon.  Mind you, you’d have to keep the youngsters away from it.”

“An hole?”  Said Kith puzzled.

“Sorry Kith, I keep forgetting you’re not familiar with our burials.  I’ll take you and show you after our meal.  If that’s alright?”

“Yes alright.”

The meal was eaten in almost silence; even the off springs were quieter than usual.  They too seemed to grasp the emotions of the situation.  After they had finished with their food, Jack and Kith went off together to discuss the burial.  “Here would be perfect.”  Said Jack.  “Old Tom used to come here to admire the view.  He would like to be buried here I’m sure.”

Kith picked up the shovel and began to dig.  Very soon he had dug it deep enough to satisfy Jack.  “Look Kith I must go into town for the certificate, but first I will need to take the measurements of the young ones.  Mum plans to make them outfits for the occasion.  You go ahead with making the grave safe and I’ll see you before I go.”

Jack stood in the doorway of the barn drinking in the scene.  Veltz was unaware of his presence and was humming softly to herself with a very wistful expression on her face.  Jack likened her to an angel, if one was to fall to earth.  He swore they would look just like her.  Maybe, he thought, peoples interpretation of angels were perhaps from beings in the past.  Certainly in the sunlight she emitted a golden glow.  Hadn’t he seen her rise up and hover in the air?  Yes he was sure this was in fact one of the angels.  He braced his shoulders and coughed slightly.  Veltz looked up.  “Jacck how long have you been there?”

“Long enough, where are the youngsters?”  He asked.

“Playing at hiding somewhere over there.”  She pointed behind a stack of old timbers.

“I need their measurements.”

She looked puzzled until he produced the tape measure.

“I see.”  She let out a shrill note.  Immediately the off springs shot out of their hiding place.

“Well that’s certainly one way.”  Jack laughed.

“What?”  Said Veltz.

“Oh nothing, I just thought how easy you got their attention.”

She laughed.  “They can’t stand the noise so they hurry to me.”

He began to measure the off springs.  “Height thirty six inches, my goodness Zeus, you are a big boy three foot already.”

Zeus giggled and began to wriggle about. 

“Be still Zeus.”  Shouted Veltz, he pulled a face at her, but complied.  Jack noted when he came to measure Savina; she was very much smaller by a good eight inches.  This was a lot in such a short period of time, because they had both been roughly the same size at birth.  “Twenty eight inches.”  He said.  “You’re a big girl too.”   Savina smiled at Jack and placing her arms around his neck she kissed him.

“They’re absolutely adorable Veltz. You are lucky to have them.”

“I know the grow stronger every day. It is nearly time for us to go and I don’t want to leave Jacck. I know I must but it will be hard for me. I like it here; I will miss you so much. You see I love you I know I should not but I do.”

She looked across at him tears filled her eyes.

“I too love you Veltz but I know you must leave. I love you enough to let you go. You belong together you Kith and your children you are a family. How I envy him I wish it could have been different but I will always cherish the memory of you.”

He walked towards her and placing his arms around her he pulled her close to him. She could feel his heart pounding in his chest. She nestled closer to him enjoying the moment. It was Savina tugging at Jack’s coat sleeve that brought them back to reality. He gently pushed Veltz away kissing her lightly on the forehead.

“I will see you tomorrow.”

He bent down and ruffled the twin’s hair “see you later Alligator”

“Later Alligator” the youngsters echoed in unison.

Jack walked quickly out of the barn not trusting himself to look back. He met Kith on the way to his wagon.

“Are you leaving Jack were you going with out saying goodbye?”

“I’m sorry Kith I am leaving but I didn’t mean not to see you first. You have my mobile phone if you need me before I come back tomorrow. Now I must hurry I have got to call at the village before heading home.”

With out waiting for a reply Jack got into his wagon and with a quick wave of his hand he departed.