The Vindijan Line by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

Macre and the Heavy Hand


Peastro was sound asleep when suddenly he was awakened by an enormous explosion. This was followed by several more explosions. He jumped out of bed and ran to the balcony. He could see the night sky filled with battleships. Morn followed him to the balcony and shouted,” We can’t stay here!”

“You’re right, we need to get to the command center!” shouted Peastro as he saw a man on fire fall into a fountain.

They jumped from the balcony and levitated to the courtyard below. Once they were in the courtyard they raced to the far end, as explosions lit up the night sky as the castle came under fire. A missile hit right beside them and the force of the explosion sent them into the wall.

They gathered themselves up and entered the secret passageway behind the waterfall. They ran a few steps and jumped into the turbo elevator. Peastro breathed into the security clearance recognition spout and the turbo elevator rocketed downward.

“Everything is fine, Morn, we’ll get through this,” said Peastro as he kissed Morn on the cheek.

“I know,” said Morn quickly.

Morn felt scared she had never been in battle before and her nerves were shot. Peastro felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest, but he knew he had to be strong for Morn.

When the turbo elevator stopped the doors opened and General Stram was sitting in front of the large monitor at the end of the room.

“We’ve taken some hits, but we’ve got the bulk of our fleet in the sky now,” said General Stram as he walked up to Peastro.

The command center is a large room with up to the second holograms of every sector of Goldva. There are 2 small thrones and one large throne for the Pre Ma and his generals. It is buried a mile below the surface and is impenetrable to attack. It has 1 year’s worth of food and supplies inside of it. It also has access to a labyrinth of tunnels. The tunnels lead to every sector of Goldva.

“Do we know who they are and why they’re attacking?” asks Peastro as he looks intently at the holograms.

“These ships are the same as the ones Brade was piloting. Suffice it to say his friends are reclaiming a debt,” said General Stram sadly as his left hand shook.

“Well wars are for winning, let’s blow them out of the sky,” said Peastro coldly as Morn kissed his hand.

On the hologram in front of them they could see a Nor battleship using a robotic arm to smash through the outer shell of a Marto ship. The giant robotic arm penetrated deep inside the Marto ship and left a bomb in the center. The Marto ship exploded from within releasing an ungodly scream and a burst of flames.

Peastro shouted, “To dust!”

Another Nor vessel approaches with a Bron robot inside it. When it got close to the Marto ship a large plasma door opened and a Bron jumped onto the Marto ship. The Bron robot started pummeling the Marto ship with blow after deadly blow. The Bron punches into the Marto ship and its machine gun fingers start blasting every Marto soldier in sight.

The Bron does a handstand on the Marto ship and lets its feet drop down quickly. The kick sends its feet right through the center of the Marto ship. Once the Bron is inside it destroys everything in reach. It makes quick work of the Marto ship The Marto vessel falls to the ground like a dying bird and crashes into a group of houses and explodes.

Whereby Peastro clenches his fist and smiles menacingly and says softly,” We’re just getting started ilk of Brade. We’ll dance for some time you I.”

They see a Marto ship land and its troops stream out of it. Only to be crushed to death by a trio of Bron’s a moment later. Then a Marto ship shoots out a hook and latches it onto a Bron’s leg. It starts to hoist him up into the sky. The Bron jerks back and forth violently as the Marto ship tries to capture him. They pull the Bron into a hangar bay and Marto ship’s doors close.

Peastro sees this and says,” They’ve captured a Bron…we can’t let them take him back with…”

“Wait,” said General Stram quickly as he points to the hologram of the Marto ship.

They see a fist punch through the top of the Marto ship. Then a second later the Bron’s head pops out with a smirk on its face. The Bron starts spinning in a circle and destroys the Marto ship as it does. The Bron robot spins faster and faster as the Marto ship is reduced to flames and debris.

“Outstanding, I hope they capture more! Bron you are truly remarkable. The Marto had better flee before there are no ships to carry them home,” said Peastro snidely as he sits back in his throne.

In the hologram to the right of Peastro 2 Marto ships were doing just that. They were frantically trying to escape as a Nor battleship was bearing down on them. The Marto ship released a large bubble filled with a red cauldron of flames in front of the Nor ship. The Nor ship tried to steer clear, but it was too late. The Nor ship hit the bubble and it burst into an inferno of flames engulfing the Nor vessel. It melted away the front half of the ship and sent them crashing into a busy marketplace. Hundreds of Nor were crushed to death instantly.

Peastro sees this and says sternly,” Nice trick Bradeians, but no one escapes! I want those ships scorched General Stram!”

Stram nodded and sent word to a nearby destroyed. Stram said,” Their days of merrymaking are drawing to an end, Pre Ma. The Moti destroyer is in fiery pursuit.”

“Good good, I will have my debt repaid! Don’t run so far my sweet,” said Peastro menacingly as he lit up a cigarette.

The Mo Ti destroyer is half the size of the battleship. It is in the shape of a grapefruit with wings. It has 8 large cannons on either wing that are filled with thousands of impact missiles, IMT’s as they are called. It is grey in color with red windows. It has the face of a Nepe lion smiling painted on the front of it. It is also equipped with a Toho dart, which is a small projectile that is the size of a football. It can travel through virtually anything in its path due to tremendous lightspeed.

The Marto ships are just leaving the atmosphere of Goldva when the Moti catch up to them. The Marto ships release 2 large bubbles filled with a cauldron of flames, but the Mot Ti destroyer dodges them.

The Mo Ti fires a thousand Toho darts into the Marto ships. It fills them with holes and slices through unsuspecting crew members. Then the Mo Ti fires its IMT’s. Then the IMT’s blow gaping holes in the fuselage of each Marto ship. The Marto ships are all ablaze and then suddenly they implode. The sky is filled with glory and loss.

“Got your Tonkato right here, Brade!” said Peastro snidely as he leapt from his throne. “You’re friends just couldn’t bear to live without your company,” said Peastro as he lit up a cigarette.

“The rest of their fleet is retreating, Pre Ma. Should we follow them?” ask General Stram happily as he grins.

“NO no, let them go they won’t trifle with us again. What a glorious battle, if this be a dream do not touch my shoulder,” said Peastro as he smiles at Morn and pumps his fists.

“Who would dare my love only a fool,” said Morn then she kissed Peastro on the lips.

“You defended Goldva triumphantly, Pre Ma. Your reflexes were quick and just. By destroying those 2 fleeing ships you broke the will of the whole fleet. That was a masterstroke, Pre Ma,” said General Stram happily as he nodded his head to Peastro.

Peastro nodded back and said,” Thanks be to Bron that glorious bringer of death. I’ve never seen a robot so spry or so vicious…yes!”

Peastro and Morn walked back to their quarters and went back to sleep. After Peastro was asleep he was awakened by a voice. He sat up in his bed and looked around the room and could see no one. Then he heard the voice say,” Macre is a friend to the friendly. Be open, Peastro, to new horizons.”

Peastro got up from his bed and walked over to the Scepter of 8. He heard a voice coming from the scepter saying over and over again,” Ascension is to be shared.” Then it stopped suddenly and a hologram of a beautiful blonde haired woman appeared in front of Peastro. He had never seen her before and was taken with her beauty. He stared at her longingly and then the hologram disappeared.

The commotion woke Morn up and she asked softly,” Is everything alright, Peastro?”

“Everything is fine it was just a bad dream, nothing serious,” said Peastro as he got back into bed.

He was happy she hadn’t seen the hologram, but didn’t know what to make of it.

A few months have passed since that night. Peastro still thinks of that beautiful blonde whose name he doesn’t know. He never mentioned what happened that night to Morn. He couldn’t tell her now he thought, too much time had passed.

Morn and Peastro are leisurely levitating over a field of wild Earen flowers. Earen’s are square in shape and filled with a kaleidoscope of reds, greens, blues, and oranges. They are incredibly soft to the touch and produce bubbles that when burst, give a person a euphoric sensation.

They fly over the fields and they have never felt a deeper love for each other. Since arriving on Goldva their love has blossomed the way Morn had hoped it would. Peastro feels like he is learning something new about Morn every day. She continues to fascinate him and fill his heart with joy. Sras Oblique seems far away from them now, Goldva fills their sails.

Peastro grabs Morn’s hand and guides her to the ground and says,” Morn, I had loved you before…but never as strong as I do now. I woke up today and looked over at you before you had awoken. And I thanked the Builder you were in my life and prayed you always would be.”

Morn put her hands to Peastro’s cheek and kissed him and then said,” I always will be my love. Our time here has been more…more than I could have dreamt. If we die tomorrow what we had together will somehow survive I know it.”

“I love you, Morn.”

“Peastro, I will always love you,” said Morn and then she kissed Peastro passionately.

A floating white box with a bow on it hit Morn in the head. Peastro looks up and the sky is filled with them, floating to Goldva. Morn isn’t injured and Peastro is happy about this. He grabs one of the boxes and it says the words,” Macre is arriving.” Peastro undoes the bow and the box bursts open. It reveals a little blue man, the size of a candy bar, and he jumps onto Peastro’s hand. The man named Oalitl is bone thin and only wearing black shorts. His eyes are giant black ovals. Oalitl smiles and says brightly,” Macre believes in love and will convey a love that few can comprehend. I am Oalitl and I was sent here to find Peastro and announce to him that Macre will arrive today.”

“Well, Oalitl, I am Peastro and who is this Macre by chance?” asks Peastro as he inspected Oalitl.

“Macre is the ruler of Rermon and is the most beautiful woman in this reality. She is the owner and commander of the passionate self. She is also a profound thinker of thoughts and can titillate all of the senses,” said Oalitl quickly and then he gasps for air.

Peastro looks at Morn and sees she is not amused by what Oalitl has to say.

“Morn, how many women does a man need? You have my heart for certain,” said Peastro as he touches his forehead to hers.

“Ok, but this Macre has some treachery inside her. Nobody goes to these lengths for a handshake,” said Morn sternly as her cheeks got red.

“I am not easily swayed, Morn. Have a little faith.”

A large baked silhouette of Macre floats down in front of them. Peastro and Morn look at the silhouette than back at each other. Morn lets out a screech and levitates away in a huff. Peastro stands there and watches as Morn flies away. He looks at the silhouette and feels instantly aroused. He looks at Oalitl and asks,” Is that picture accurate?”

“Absolutely,” said Oalitl.

“You had to say yes didn’t you,” said Peastro then he looked up and said,” Builder, I’m going to need profound guidance today.”