The Vindijan Line by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Tonkato’s Curse and the Scepter of 8


The first 8 months on Goldva for Peastro and Morn, the new Pre and Cre Ma, was filled with the fulfillment of whims. To have absolute power over your own self is a triumph but over a world is something more profound. Morn hit the ground running and whenever someone started to annoy her she slapped them. At first it was a joke, eventually it became a reflex. When she didn’t like the food she was served she threw the plate at the chef, they said nothing.

Peastro got in the habit of kicking people randomly, ay any sign of apparent stress. He also started yelling at Popaturn every time he saw him for no apparent reason, simply a whim that became a habit. Peastro also got in the habit of putting his fist through priceless paintings and shouting,” Waste of paint, waste of time!”

Their sexual fantasies started getting acted out in public. Whenever they were when the urge hit them they started having sex right on the spot. This made for some interesting days at the zoo, and some strange outings to the aquarium.

They also added a new law, the Novay referendum, which stated that no one could walk on any street more than once daily. And if they were caught they would have to spend 3 months in jail. They implemented this law to keep the crowds fresh, as they called it.

It wasn’t all fun and games though there was a large ship was spotted in the outer rim of their solar system. The ship is unidentified and is holding its orbit. Peastro sent a scout ship to investigate and bring back all pertinent details. Two days have passed and still no word.

Peastro sits in his throne in the command center waiting for the news from the scout ship. General Stram enters the room carrying a white sealed envelope in his right hand.

General Stram is 6 foot 4 inches tall and orange skinned. His shoulders are wide and he has a barrel chest. He has short white hair with a very pronounced widow’s peak. He has surgically attached black oval sunglasses that hide his re corneas. He is wearing a black spandex shirt and skin tight red leather pants. Above his upper lip is the tattoo of a pyramid. And on each cheek there is a similar tattoo. He also has on black Hones head boots. They are made from the actual head of a Hones, which is very similar to a buffalo.

“There is urgent word for you, Pre Ma, it is from the scout ship Rone 18,” said General Stram as he handed Peastro the white envelope.

Peastro grabbed the envelope and then nodded to Stram. He then pressed the crest of the Pre Ma on the front of the envelope and the inside of the envelope became the outside. The message read,” Engaged the unidentified vessel and attempted to make peaceable contact. They ignored us for several minutes and then the front of the vessel opened. Suddenly we were locked in a tractor beam. We were able to send this distress message before they sealed us inside. Ne3ed immediate aid they’ve surrounded the ship, Sergeant Blank out.”

“This is troublesome I am extremely concerned at their actions. They’ve started our conversation with hostile intent. A wise man knows where such things lead,” said Peastro as he looked out the window into the T sun.

“It is unfortunate but true,” said General Stram cautiously.

“Well prudence implies weakness. We will engage this unknown ship with a swift blow. What I fear is their testing our resolve. Weighing their chances in a forthcoming invasion,” said Peastro as he caresses his forehead in a circle.

“I agree completely we should stomp out their aggression before they gain confidence,” said General Stram.

“Mor than that…we must be vicious in our methods!” said Peastro sternly a she started to fill with strength and then said boldly,” The point I am making is Sergeant Blank must be seen as an acceptable loss for the greater good. No one on that ship must survive of their will survives,” said Peastro coldly as he slammed his fist on the table.

“He is a soldier and all soldiers know of sacrifice. I will attend to his family. They will not go without or feel wanting,” said General Stram firmly as he wiped his left shoulder off with his palm.

“Of course…I would like to go on this mission personally, and I would like you out there as well. I’m not talking about one or two ships, we’ll bring half the armada and half will stay on Goldva. This one ship is certainly not a rogue. This stinks of a trap so we will treat it as such,” said Peastro as he tugged at his chin beard.

Half the armada is readied and sets out for the outer rim. The rest of Goldva’s forces are put on high alert. The entire planet is enclosed in its protective plasma shield.

Peastro is sitting inside the Rerni Realm, which is the core of the battleship. If the entire ship is destroyed the Rerni Realm will remain and keep the Pre Ma protected until help arrives. It is a black box for the protection of the Pre Ma and his generals.

After they have passed through the 7th dimension they come out near the outer rim. Peastro slows the ships for a moment and says over the loud speaker,” We’re not here to make friends. We’ll ask once and only once for the return of our soldiers. If they do not reply we will treat that as an assault and they will shortly be dust. Eyes up, let your actions come as reflex! Let’s start the festivities, General Stram, please.”

General Stram says sternly,” We have come here for the retrieval of our soldiers. We wish to avoid hostilities, but we are prepared…”

“Hello Nor vessel I am Brade Rick of the Marto, who am I speaking with?” asks Brade as his hologram appears in front of General Stram.

Brade Rick is a large fat man, over 1800 pounds, and 7 feet tall. He has dark blue skin and thick green hair all over his body. His teeth are bright yellow and his eyes are checkered black and white and wide open. He is wearing a long white flowing robe and white soles that are tied to his enormous feet. Around his neck is a gold necklace and on his wrists is a flashing bracelet with words that perpetually change.

“You are speaking with General Stram and…,”

“General Stram, I am truly blessed to be meeting you. I would like to apologize for the capture of your scout ship. We are simply curious about the inhabitants of this galaxy,” said Brade apologetically as he tried not to burp.

“Then you’ll be returning them post haste?” asked General Stram.

Brade paused for a second and then said snidely,” Well therein sits the problem. We collect various species of humanoids you see. And we’d hate to part with your soldiers.”

Brade!” said Peastro as he shot up in his seat.

“Ah…and you are?” asked Brade suspiciously.

“It doesn’t matter, but what does is this. You’re gonna release our soldiers and their vessel or we are going to BLOW you out of the sky,” said Peastro sternly with a smirk.

Brade took a few steps forward and then said,” Well I don’t know…you see I had my heart set on keeping them. So I guess I’ll do just that.”

Peastro motioned to General Stram to fire at will and every ship fired their cannons at the Marto ships. The hologram of Brade showed him burst into flames and then the Marto ship exploded, leaving only debris and smoke.

“Well there goes an unreasonable and unlikeable soul lost to the vacuum of space. I’m all broken up about it. What I am certain of is the longing I already feel for Brade,” said Peastro sarcastically.

“I hate to say this, Pre Ma, but he put his hands in a crossed V position before he perished,” said General Stram nervously as he made the V.

“What is the significance of that?” asks Peastro anxiously as he rubs his forehead.

“That’s Tonkato’s curse, Brade’s last wish in this life was to put that on you,” said General Stram nervously.

“What is Tonkato’s curse?” asked Peastro anxiously as he looked wide eyed at Stram.

General Stram looked around nervously and then said,” Katrem Tonkato was a master surgeon who was murdered in his sleep by a patient of his, who had lost her hand during surgery. A surgery he himself did and she felt his negligence caused her to lose her hand. But that’s not where the story ends 3 days later he rose from the dead just long enough to cut off her other hand. When a person crosses their hands in a V death, it signifies that the deliverer of death will have a debt to pay,” explained General Stram cautiously as he fumbled at his belt.

“But who is going to collect it?” asked Peastro snidely as he knew he could take it.

“Well where there’s one ship there’s always another. Obviously he put himself in that position so his soul could wreak havoc in our lives,” said General Stram softly as he put his hand on Peastro’s shoulder.

“Understood, we’ll keep our eyes up. The passions of a people should not be trifled with, we will be mindful,” said Peastro as he tugged at his chin beard.

Several weeks later a vessel landed in Goldva right in front of Foiv castle. It is in the shape of a coffin and has the number 8 written all over it. The ship is black in color and is no larger than a small car. It has no windows and no one can understand how it arrived unannounced, without triggering an alarm. Peastro sends a group of soldiers to investigate the odd craft.

As one of the soldiers named Merch looks it over he stops and says,” It doesn’t appear to have any door or even a single grove. It’s completely smooth and it feels warm to the touch…perplexing.”

“Well,” said Captain Netti as he gave the ship a knock,” if it were a bomb it would have blown already. I say we blow a hole in it and see what she’s hiding.”

Captain Netti steps back from the ship and then Merch raises his Pome blaster and fires.

The Pome blaster is blue and has a long barrel with a hexagon at the end. It fires a white hot stream of condensed explosions.

The alien ship absorbs the Pome’s shots and there appears to be no damage, but now the ship is emitting music. The music is loud and aggressive and the ship starts pulsating.

The soldiers drew their weapons and stood back a safe distance from the ship. Then the ship starts to unravel, like a house of cards, and it soon it is completely flat. There is a scepter in the center that is 5 feet tall and had multi-colored buttons on it. It is red in color and has a hand clutching a large blue diamond at its peak. The scepter is covered with carvings of naked women frolicking in a stream.

Captain Netti walks up to the scepter, pauses for a second, then grabs it and says,” The Pre Ma’s gonna love you,” as he looks it over.

Captain Netti brings the scepter to Peastro, who is waiting in his personal garden.

“Here it is, Pre Ma, ready for your inspection,” said Netti happily as he handed it to Peastro.

“Thank you, Captain, and there was no note of any kind?” asks Peastro suspiciously.

“No, Sir, nothing,” answered Captain Netti quickly as he straightened his shoulders.

“Just as well it doesn’t take a genius, but it helps to figure out this is Coup’s handiwork. It certainly is a stunning work of art,” said Peastro as he looks it over,” but what is this?” asks Peastro as he looks at the bottom of the scepter.

“Have you found something?” asked Captain Netti eagerly as he rubbed his neck.

“Well…it has the number 8 on its underside…fascinating. Coup always has a sense of grandeur. The Scepter of 8…let’s try these buttons,” said Peastro as he squeezed the red button.

A red laser shot out of the diamond and blew a 10 foot wide hole in the castle’s wall. Whereas Peastro said,” I like it already. Let’s try another.”

Then he squeezed the silver button and a hologram appeared in front of him. It was of a fierce battle between two factions he didn’t recognize and in a world he had never seen before.

“At last the last button,” said Peastro as he squeezed the lavender button.

The scepter shot a blue stream of light into the sky and an enormous storm cloud formed overhead. The wind started to howl and the sky opened up. Rain thundered down on top of Foiv castle. Peastro said coldly,” Glorious Coup you’ve wrapped me in your treachery once again. Terious awaits your arrival.