The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


The room was unlike anything I had ever seen. A large canopy bed was centered on the far wall. The four corners of the bed looked like tree trunks growing up into the sky. They grew together the branches intertwining into themselves over the bed. It was golden and shimmered in the daylight which slipped thru the windows. It was beautiful but nothing could have compared to the beauty of the little girl who stood next to it. Evver

I tried to contain my excitement and relief. The guard shut the doors behind me. I rushed to my friend.


“Aurora, you look beautiful.” I pulled back out of our embrace. Looking her over to make sure not a hair had been harmed. She looked perfect so I started to relax.

Where have you been all morning?” It came out more accusingly than I had planned. I was just so concerned Drayben had hurt her.

“It was odd. I woke early and headed to the kitchen. Lote was there and she wanted me to work out in the garden this morning. I spent hours gathering herbs to dry before the snow falls. Where were you? Why are we here?” My breathing calmed.

She hadn’t been hurt or terrorized. All of the things my imagination been taunting me with. It struck me as odd that Lote was the one to send her away. Did Lote know what happened with me this morning? How could I explain it all? After all, when I said it out loud then it would make it real. I sat her down on the window seat, which looked out into the kingdom. The view was stunning, but I couldn’t let that distract me.

I had to tell her before she noticed my ring.

“I know you think Cassius will find a way out of this. There are some things that cannot be fixed no matter how much you wish it. Evver it’s hard to explain. This morning I woke up and I was brought this beautiful dress. They did my hair and had me prepared to see King Tommit. Drayben came to my room and then— he brought me to the throne room.” I paused, trying to make the words work with my mouth. My brain and heart were fighting each other. She put her tiny hands on mine. Her eyes were wide with fear and concern. I could see the tears starting to form around the edges.

I reached out to touch her tiny face attempting to soothe her pain.

Aurora no” Her words were fierce.

“As it stands..” Taking a deep breath before saying the words out loud. “I am set to marry King Tommit in three weeks. I pray something changes before then but whatever happens we will be ok.” I opened my arms inviting her in. She sunk into my arms and sighed heavily.

“Cas will find a way, Aurora. I know he will.”

I honestly didn’t think she would have such a strong reaction. It was easy to forget how Evver was only just a child most of the time; due to the fact she acted older than anyone I knew. Here I was, the one who should be taking care of her, instead of the other way around. Playing with her hair soothed both of us. We sat there for over an hour until my stomach betrayed me. A large growl was mixed with a deep gurgle. It had her sitting up immediately.

“Did you eat today?” Her tone was tough and I looked down sheepishly. It made me want to laugh about how she could go from pained child to mother hen in two seconds.

“I honestly hadn’t thought about it.” She climbed down off the bed and straightened her uniform.

“Wait here. I will be back with something to eat. Stay here,” she ordered pointing her little finger at me. 

I threw up my arms in mock surrender, “Promise”

She rolled her eyes at me and giggled. Forgetting the tension of from earlier, she skipped out of the room gleefully. Before closing the door she smiled sweetly at me. “Cas will find a way.”

She shut the door with a knowing smile.  I adjusted my sitting position on the window seat and looked at the kingdom below. It was really a beautiful place. Maybe Cassius could find a way out of this. A small ray of hope started to grow in the pit of my stomach.

Could it be possible?

Could my fate be changed?

Is there a chance, I could still have my happily ever after? Maybe even with Cassius. My smile started to spread as I thought of my life taking shape with Cassius at my side instead of Tommit. Thinking of my life with Cassius had my hope soaring I was starting to see it.

There was a loud rap at the door.

At first I thought Evver had forgotten something. She hadn’t been gone long enough to make it to the kitchen and back. Without even waiting for my reply, the door opened.

It was Drayben.