The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 28


My mind and body were at war.

I wanted to run anywhere, but here. I’d forced my body to comply with the wishes of those dressing me. If there was any chance that Drayben had Evver held up somewhere, I had to follow, comply willingly. Even the beauty of the gown didn’t warm my cold skin. It was off-white and embroidered from head to toe. The bodice was fitted and tight to my waist and then it flared out in a large bell shape. The top was open, baring my shoulders; the sleeves opened up in a V-shaped at my wrists. Fairies dressed me methodically and carefully.

I admit, there was little I did to help the process.

I felt as if I stood there like the walking dead I felt like.

They started on my hair. It was gathered in many braids, and then they were braided together, forming roses around my head. Most of my hair was left down and curled. Calla lilies were threaded into the roses. It was a really beautiful effect. My skin was pale, drained of any joy in the moment. It would have been more fitting had I been dressed in all black. After all, I was heading to my own funeral; at least, that is how it felt.

As I waited for my escort, I walked to the window.

Dark clouds were starting to encroach upon the light blue sky. It was almost like Mother Nature was feeling the pain of the day before me and wanted to hide all light from the world. I could feel the darkness overtaking me and I welcomed it.

If it numbed the pain..

I had imagined my wedding day a million times before. What little girl hasn’t?  Nothing about today was ever in my daydreams—nightmares, possibly. A voice at the door sent a sinking feeling in the pit of my abdomen.  Drayben.

He pushed his way into the room.

The familiar look of desire filled his beady gaze. “King Tommit will be very pleased.” He licked his lips in the vilest way. He always disgusted me, but today he had me wanting to vomit. Reaching out his hand for me to take I did so without a thought. If I really thought about where he was leading me, then I wouldn’t have the courage to follow.

He led me out of my room and down the labyrinth of hallways I had come to know over these past few weeks. With each step the reality of my new life pushed me closer to the brink of despair. I was silent as I walked. With each step, my body started to go numb. If I had a choice then this is the way I wanted it.

It was a simple gift I could give myself.

“I expect you to put on a happy glow by the time we arrive in the throne room. King Tommit will never know of your—ambivalence. He is expecting a eager bride and he is going to get just that”

My pace slowed and my gaze remained frozen on the passing floor. How could I fake the joy he demanded? As I slowed he roughly dragged me violently down the hall. There was no way my reluctance was going to deter him from his mission. As we arrived at the throne room, the doors were closed. I hopeful there had been a mistake maybe, somehow, all of this was just a bad dream. He reached out and pulled on the cumbersome door. With a simple movement the door was open and Drayben was pulling me through.  I wanted to fight him. Run, scream and punch him all at the same time. I even considered pulling one of the mounted swords off the wall and running it thru his blackened heart. My tortured gaze was caught by movement near the throne. It was Tommit. He was pacing back and forth. As soon as he heard our entrance, he turned toward us. His anxious gaze found mine. Tommit smiled.

It disgusted me.

I felt Drayben’s fingers dig into my flesh. Bruises were already forming from his infuriated grasp. I forced a smile.

“Ah, finally.” His words of relief were so far from how I felt, I wondered how it could be.

“Yes. Your lovely bride-to-be is ready.” With one of his hands he pushed me forward so that I was standing in front of the king.

“My. you look delicious Aurora.” Tommit salivated as he looked at me from head to toe. I felt grimy. More than anything I wanted Cassius to be standing in Tommit’s place. “Come, let’s get on with this.” Tommit reached out and waited for me to put my hand in his. I knew the second I did that any hope for a new destiny went out the window. I felt Drayben’s spindly fingers dig into my back. Realizing I still didn’t know where Evver was, I took a deep breath and complied. I remember the first time my hand entwined with Cassius’ hands; heat coursed through me and caused fever among my nerves.

Having Tommit’s hand in mine only caused an icy layer of frost to form over my heart. Leading me over to a makeshift arch that someone had been hastily decorated with flowers and candles. The fact that we were the only wedding guests surprised me. Tommit always loved a show.

Drayben took his place in front of us.


Drayben was going to officiate?? The thought had my stomach swaying. There was no one ready to charge these two monsters that held my fate in their hands. Tommit tightened his fingers around my trembling hand. He pulled me toward the salivating Drayben, I lowered my gaze. unable to watch the tragedy as it unfolded.


Cassius dug his heels deeper into Axis.

His loyal steed’s pace quickened. There was no telling what he would find when he arrived at the castle. Luck was on his side, Tommit hadn’t called the kingdom to witness their union.  There was still hope that he could make it before Tommit sealed their future. His face was scratched and bleeding already. The trees were grabbing at them, as if they were trying to slow their progress. It didn’t matter what he suffered, as long as he made it in time. He rounded the corner and the castle welcomed him. There were many guards surrounding the fortress. They were dressed as if they were prepared for a battle. Cassius decided to take the friendly approach first.

He slowed as he came close to the awaiting guard.

“Hoe, boy.”

“Halt.” Two guards crossed their blades blocking his access.

“Morning. I am due for Aurora’s riding lessons.” The guards looked perplexed.

“Sorry, but we were told no one was allowed entrance.”

“Everything alright? Do I need to bring Darant to King Tommit? Is he in—danger?” They seemed relieved at my concern. They relaxed their blades.

“No, everything is fine.”

Cassius blew a deep breath out. “Thank the heavens. What a relief.” He knew he was overreacting but he was hopeful they would buy into it. “You are all doing a great job here. King Tommit should be proud to have you defending Paradan.” Both of their chests puffed out in pride.

“Thank you.” One of the guards boasted with pride.

“Well, I better get in there. I would hate to keep King Tommit waiting.” Cassius kept his tone light and friendly.

“Sure, sure. We would hate to upset his highness.” He stepped aside, allowing Cassius to pass by them. Using all of the control left in him, he moved as slowly as Axis would allow. He had made it past the drawbridge and thru the upended gate. With every step he was one step closer to rescuing Aurora.