Thrashing Ale with Den Sidion by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Lies, Spies, and too much Gagoom

Inside Wexor’s suite sat he and his brother Terponic Ram on a pair of motorcycles as they played,”

Tar Scorcher,” on the veranda facing Central Park in the Guess building. The veranda has a massive virtual holographic world set up on its 300 foot wide and 200 foot long gently arching gold marble floors.

It has the words,” In lies we Trust,” worked into the marble in red. There are holographic trees and grass as well as Lions and gorillas sitting at a table talking politics and smoking cigarettes. There is also a real coy pond that has several fish the size of a small shark swimming in and through tubes filled with light, and they’re all over the veranda. There are a dozen large roses set up in the shape of a cow in and around Wexor and Terponic.

Tar Scorcher is an action adventure slash holographic movie game. Where you fight against the evil human scientist Dads Rally for everything there is. He has hidden dozens of ancient pieces of a super weapon that he hopes to destroy the Doramocs with. You ride through the world of Glasphem and fight off his minions. And you search out the weapon’s pieces in the hopes of destroying Dads army and reclaiming the world for Doramockind. There is also a beautiful human princess named Olovly Hia that you have to swoon to get her to tell you where the pieces are hidden.

“Alright, Wexor, what should we say to this Olovly when she comes out into the game room? I’m leading towards my exact penis measurements,” said Terponic jokingly as he let out a bellowing chest laugh and nearly crashed his motorcycle.

Terponic is 16 feet tall and has dark blonde, short curly hair with a pair of circles on either side of his head, with the Gabra crest inside them. He also has dark red eyes that lack any real concern with the

tattoo of a pyramid beneath his right eye and the words,” Sight of self is blindness to me,” written along the outside of the pyramid. He has a thick red goatee that is curly and has a silver knife tied into the end.

The knife he had gotten when he killed a man who laughed when Terponic walked by, but wasn’t laughing at him. He has a massive round chest and even bigger muscled arms and legs. He has on a dark blue vest over a white t-shirt that reads,” You Pudfucker, cook me a sandwich,” and has Sylvester Stallone’s face above the words. He also has on satin dark brown pants with a red single strip down each side, as well as a pair of blue Reebok dress shoes.

“We don’t want her to die of laughter. No, Terponic, give her mine and she’ll tremble with fear,”

said Wexor loudly as he weaved back and forth through a dense forest of man shaped lush green trees, as he pushed Terponic with his free hand. He did all this while a purple sun started to rise behind a massive gold castle in the distance.

Wexor has long flowing black hair and a helix tattoo on each of his wrists that have the words,”

When brains and brawn collide, wits aren’t a weapon, but my ax is,” written around his right wrist. He has the words,” Death is my Vacation,” written across the front of his blue cotton shirt. The shirt also has a portrait of John Lennon sitting on a toilet and smiling beneath the words. He also has on white denim painter’s pants with one strap unfastened. And also a pair of worn in dark brown boots with the phrase,”

Why grapple with genius, when wrestling’s more fun,” burned onto the leather.

“Wexor, you insufferable rube, she’ll dine on my cock and beg for passions again and again. Now let’s find this horrible wench and change the gate of her stride,” said Terponic snidely as Wexor laughed.

They rode through a dozen purple gardens of living plants that looked like the devil himself, they were holding long blades and fire covered bats, while they shot bursts of flames from their eyes.

“Rube is it, we are cut from the same cloth, so revel in your rubedom,” said Wexor jokingly as he reached out and grabbed one of the blades from the plants. Then he threw it into Terponic’s front tire and he was cast up in the air, and the motorcycle he was riding shot up on its front wheel.

Wexor laughed boisterously.

Terponic righted himself and glared at Wexor and then said snidely,” If I didn’t love you ‘cause you’re my brother, I’d hate your guts. When that day comes you need me to have your back, I’m gonna put a knife in it.”

“I hoped as much, I love you too. Now, where is this bitch?” asked Wexor sharply as he rode up to a massive pair of emerald green diamond statues of Olovly, flanking a pink marble road into her castle.

The castle has thousands of half spirits, half people called Boreids flying in and around it. They are carrying large blue mirrors that when they saw on your face burned off a layer of skin. The Boreids watched Wexor and Terponic closely and darted down to where they were. They flew in and around them as a massive organ inside the red marble wing shaped castle started playing an ominous rhythm that startled Terponic.

“What in the Eased is that damn music?” asked Terponic sternly as he ducked several of the Boreids and batted one away with his hand.

Eased is what the Doramocs call the space between one state of being and the next meaning heaven.

It is a well documented phenomenon for Doramocs to lose consciousness and die for a brief period. And then they wake up shouting excitedly about this amazing planet where every person was made of energy.

They also said that they felt an indescribable joy and feeling of friendship from the people there. They spoke of a river filled with shared laughs and trees that whispered Gabra’s words. They also said the wind tasted like cinnamon and you didn’t need to breathe. Then when they were leaving a man came to them and said,” Your debt is paid and you will find your afterlife someday.” Then the Doramocs started to dance and sing after they’d spoken of Eased, as if they had never died at all.

“Looks like pure idiocy to mine eyes. And that song makes me want to kill a human and soon,” said Wexor snidely as he grabbed a Boreid and crushed its head in his hands.

“Yes, Brother, that would be glorious. Humans are so made for dying,” said Terponic snidely as he grabbed a Boreid’s leg and flung it and its mirror into one of the statues at the front gate. This sent blood spewing into the air and causing Wexor to smile smugly as he knew how amazing that was.

“They are indeed I’m losing my patience waiting for this princess. Where is she hiding?” asked Wexor forcefully as he rode up to the front lawn of the castle. And then the organ started playing a faster and more sinister song.

“We will find her pompous ass and spank it. What’s that purple light floating next to the castle’s walls?” asked Terponic as he eyed a departed soul that had a grim look on her face.

“I don’t know, let us investigate,” said Wexor softly as he and Terponic turned and sped towards the light.

When they got within a few feet the light shot out a wave of blue and red flames that tossed Wexor’s and Terponic’s motorcycles up in the air and froze them several feet up. Then all the Boreids descended upon them and started pummeling them as Wexor let out a yell. Then the departed soul turned into princess Olovly.

Olovly has short pink curly hair, with a blue diamond pendant affixed to the center of her forehead.

The pendant shoots 3 beams of light in every direction she faces. She is beautiful and has turquoise warm eyes and large round lips. She has a pair of holographic men dancing on each cheek and a gold elaborate necklace around her neck. She is wearing a black lace corset and a pair of dark blue denim jeans, as well as a pair of black pumps.

“Leave them my kind creatures of perfect. I have words to speak with these two,” said Olovly fiercely as she gently waved her left hand to and fro.

And then the Boreids shot up into the sky and formed a wall. Olovly started to sing softly,” When hope is all that reckons, then love is all I’ll see. Don’t take away my mission, it’s all that’s left of me, it’s all mine eyes can see.”

“That is a beautiful voice you have there, Princess, does it ever run afoul of the wrong notes?” asked Wexor sincerely as he rode up to Olovly. He smiled as she spun in the air and Terponic grinned to himself.

“Only when I’m confronted with the horrors of life,” answered Olovly as she pulsated and floated in mid-air. “You aren’t those very horrors are you?” asked Olovly sternly as she walked up to Wexor.

And she reached out her hand to his cheek and he looked deep in her eyes.

“I have been in the past, but I’ve taken the highest road since. No, no I’m the best of us now,” said Wexor coyly as he smiled at Olovly and she smiled back.

Olovly shouted,” You Motherfucker, I’ve killed for less! How dare your pig heart smile at Me!”

Then she turned into a 15 foot tall and 30 foot long red lioness. She leapt up and latched her teeth around Wexor’s head.

“You crazy bitch, get your fucking teeth off me!” shouted Wexor as he started to ride off with Olovly still attached.

Terponic laughed hysterically and rode after him.

Wexor rode right through the front doors of the castle and into a room filled with priceless antiques.

There were thousands of gold, platinum, and diamond statues big and small everywhere you looked.

There are also priceless porcelain dolls lined up in a row on either side of the checkered black and red marble floor. The walls have green fire covering them that shoots downward and lights nothing else ablaze.

“Where are we going, Wexor?” asked Terponic happily as he watched Wexor struggle.

Then he rode through the porcelain dolls smashing them to pieces as Olovly continued to try and eat him.

Olovly has half of Wexor’s body in her throat and stomach and he can’t see where he is going, as he smashes into a large pink diamond statue of Rubfo the Fierce on the right side of the room.

Rubfo the Fierce was a notorious children’s hero who stole bread from soup kitchens and covered it in poison. Then brought it back and put it where it was. Then, when it was eaten dozens of men and women died a horrible death. He also was heard to have done demolition derby with a tractor trailer and a row of snowmen that a kindergarten class had just made. He lived in a 50 story high coffee cup and shouted crazy things like,” Did I steal your reason or are you reasonless,” as well as,” Disgusting acts are done by the cleanest of hands.” He said in an interview with the New York Times,” Only a madman could think me up, so why am I so crazy if I see the humor in normality. If anything, I’m the only one that gets the insanity of sameness.”

“Insane if I can’t get this needy bitch off my mind and throat!” yelled Wexor as he frantically tried to shake Olovly off of him, but she continued to devour him.

“Try punching her in the lining of her stomach. That might make her throw up and you with it!”

yelled Terponic as the organ player floated down from the ceiling on a cloud of red, and played a death march loudly.

“Alright, it’s worth a try!” shouted Wexor as he started punching Olovly hard in her stomach and she winced in pain.

He threw punch after punch and soon she stopped biting down on him, just as he smashed his motorcycle through a large mirror and into a small ice rink. Olovly was thrown forward as Wexor hit the

brakes, but his motorcycle slid forward and shot up an embankment onto a brass bed. Olovly transformed back into her womanly self and lay there beside Wexor and said flatly,” I’ve had better, but not worse.”

Terponic burst out laughing as Wexor glared at him. Then Wexor turned to Olovly and said sarcastically,” I thought I was desperate for you, but I was only desperately sick of being with so many attractive women. Now I smell the reason why.”

“Which is!?” asked Olovly defiantly as she rose up in the bed and Wexor looked at her unimpressed.

“Olives and onions glazed over a fried corpse. To put it mildly, you smell,” said Wexor sharply then he burst out laughing as Olovly glared at him then smelt her armpits.

“He’s not kiddin’, this room could light on fire if you dare break wind,” said Terponic sarcastically as he grinned mischievously, grimaced and shrugged his shoulders.

“You dime store penny counters, I’ll beat you to death! I’ve never been so insulted in all my many lives!” shouted Olovly as she glared at Wexor and pulled a long red dagger from beneath the pillow.

“Madam, shut your infernal yap. You must have heard worse insults somewhere, you’re horse faced!” said Wexor jokingly then he and Terponic laughed heartedly, as Olovly jumped on top of Wexor.

He flipped her into a row of porcelain dolls of herself. This shattered them revealing a secret compartment beneath them that had a round silver handle on top.

“Hey look, Wexor, there’s something hidden in the floor. It might be a part of the weapon we need,”

said Terponic excitedly as he rode over to the secret compartment.

Then he jumped off his motorcycle and walked up to the handle, grabbed it and started pulling.

“It seems to be stuck. Why don’t you give me a hand, Wexor?” asked Terponic as he struggled with the handle and Olovly looked on nervously as she put her hand to her mouth and cried.

“What, your lack of any real muscle finally coming back to haunt you in an embarrassing way,” said Wexor jokingly as he knelt down and grabbed hold of the handle and then pulled on it and it instantly opened up. A glowing red crystal hand floated up and Wexor grabbed it and said slyly,” I got a hand it to me, I’m great.”

Then beneath the hand sat a large black steel ball and Terponic reached in, grabbed it and said happily,” Pay dirt and paid gold, boy I love being right all the time. We’ve got ourselves another piece of the weapon.”

“Nice, Terponic, now I say we take a break and do a bit of scheming about, The Last Rapture,” said Wexor as he pressed a button on the motorcycle that saved their game and froze it where they had stopped.

“The Last Rapture,” is the name the Doramocs have for the day they will kill all the humans. It originated in a story by a Horsaci man, from a neighboring planet to Forpush, where a villain called the last man he killed the last time he felt joy and the last rapture for him.

The Horsaci are a race of yellow skinned dwarfs with long faces and green hair. They believe in one undeniable truth, all things are broken and need constant repair. They set about enacting laws that forced their own religious and political beliefs on all of their citizens, whether they think the same way or not.

They even go to great lengths to ensure no radical beliefs or ideologies bubbled to the surface in art or literature. They do this by hand picking all new celebrities, as well as political figures. They use espionage techniques to listen in on their conversations, hack into their computers. They even worm their way into their daily lives by using fake friends and girl or boyfriends to learn intimate details about every potential celebrity. Then if they don’t want a person to be accepted into the celebrity elite, they use everything they know about the person against them, and in most cases they’d kill themselves. In other cases they set about elaborate accidents to take their lives and maintain their world domination.

“Yes, indeed, let us grab a seat in the information and world domination room,” said Terponic as he turned and walked up to a square in the veranda’s marble. Terponic pressed in a red metal disc that caused an entryway door to rise up and come to rest facing him.

The door is mahogany and shaped like a bicycle doing a wheelie. It has the words,” Destruction destroys lives,” stuck to the wood with silver letters. The door handle is a holographic face of Wexor smiling with red glowing eyes.

“The world has many problems, Terponic, and we will solve them or be worthless and withered,”

said Wexor as Terponic reached out and slid his fingers through the holographic door handle. It read his DNA and opened.

There sat a large, green couch up against a black wall, with dozens of pictures of Doramocs on it. It also has quotes from them all over the walls with one of a silver haired elderly Doramoc named Lipis Ga and it reads,” There is an answer to the blackness it is an equal blackness in the heart of Gabra. This very thing plagues his every move and fills all of his days with never ending quests for calm.” There is another by a round overweight Doramoc woman that reads,” If it matters, it’s already in question whether I love vengeance or I’m just trying to get even with fate. Either way it’s destiny that gets the last word. And that is why I can’t wait for eternity at least it’s consistent.”

“But what if they are unsolvable? Then where do we leave our allegiances?” asked Terponic as they each sat down on the couch.

The door closed behind them while the small room filled with a purple light.

Then the couch started to freefall downward at an unbelievable rate. It slowed suddenly before coming to a graceful stop in a massive holographic library where white light filled the room.

There are millions of holographic books, movies, and periodicals set inside see-through glass cases.

They are shaped like a bear’s torso and are multi-colored and stand 75 feet high. They have each of its

titles on tiny circular thumb sized silver discs, that carry massive amounts of human and Doramoc culture and art like the book,” Stone Budi.”

“Stone Budi,” is a 707 page book about an ancient religion from a Doramoc conquered world called Sepisio. It involved whispering your thoughts under your breath to give them greater meaning and power.

As well as helping you use the fantasy part of your brain more effectively. It also allows you to become a different person outwardly as you’d become so many people inwardly. The religion also teaches its followers how to laugh sparsely in an effort to carry a greater core of joy and contentment. They feel you can give away emotions you yourself needed later without even realizing it.

The library also has dozens of lounge areas set up in between the cases with various Doramocs sitting in them reading or watching movies. It has large flower shaped couches and servants bringing snacks, meals, and wine. There are musical bubbles floating in and around the room filled with an entire song’s soundwaves (that will play the song when you pop them). The ceiling is covered with a black shale and alabaster statue of Wexor eating a pair of humans with his hands.

“Our allegiances are always to each other. All the rest need take a number. Now let us grab a seat and talk of the Last Rapture, please,” said Wexor as he walked past a group of 4 Doramocs eating dinner and they nodded nervously.

Wexor and Terponic walked over to their favorite lounge and sat down. A pair of green androids hurried over to them and waited for them to order patiently. Wexor ignored them and pulled a pack of Marlboro 52’s out of the armrest and proceeded to light one. He offered the pack to Terponic who shook his head no. Wexor glared at the androids and then said sharply,” I want a steak, a pie, an egg poached and the best bottle of wine in the city! And if I don’t get it quickly I’ll turn the 2 of you into necklaces and beer cans!”

The androids froze in their tracks and looked timidly at Wexor and then Terponic.

Terponic lit up his cigarette and said calmly,” I’ll have the same. Now leave us!”

The androids raced away and Wexor rapidly smoked his cigarette as he looked around the room at the other Doramocs and the movies they were watching. Wexor felt a twinge of regret he hadn’t seen more movies, but knew he had no inkling what he wanted to see. He sat there and felt a bit inadequate that life was passing him by, but he really felt no immediate need to change.

“Ya know, Terponic, some things need to change and some things are ever changing. I need to find some sort of balance that has eluded me, but I don’t know where it is or even why I really want it.

It’s…it’s the last thing I cry about when no one’s around,” said Wexor sincerely as his eyes danced around the room and he continued to smoke only a bit slower now.

“You need to stop caring if someone is doing more or finding better answers. Gabra gives us little for sympathy, but allows us all to be sympathetic to one another. I know I’ve missed a million things and not all of them good, but it bothers me little because I am aware of what I’m missing,” said Terponic warmly as he looked over at a blind woman drinking a purple bottle of water and felt an odd bit of an ache in his back.

“Yes, yes, Brother, this lifts my mood to know it wasn’t just I who felt this pain. Where does all the merriment run too?” asked Wexor happily as he grinned at Terponic who smiled back and shook his right hand wildly.

“To the ditch digger’s songs as he carves out his place in the world. I’d forgotten that passage and it makes me happy to have you remind me of it. But let us not forget, when the children mock, they only talk out their parents frustrations. Which is why they are children and not speaking for themselves,” said Terponic wryly as a grin came over his face and Wexor tapped his own temple.

“I still remember when Papa told me of that one and I couldn’t wait to read it. Ah, Papa never let us grow up uninformed or clinging to youth,” said Wexor breathlessly as he remembered Danaram his father and those days on Hornigu lake on Forpush, as they fished for Gasmum fish.

Gasmum fish are an H shaped black and orange, glowing 10 foot long fish that eats mammals primarily. They do this by hurling themselves up on shore just as an animal or person walks by. Then they wrap their arms around them and shoot poisonous venom in their eyes and mouth that kills them rapidly.

They use that dead body as bait to lure other potential game and repeat the process several times until they’ve hidden several bodies beneath the water. Their meat is very similar to beef only a bit saltier. They also have a white blood that is used as an energy booster.

“Thankfully, or we’d be weak and unable to tell the difference. He said to me once, Terponic don’t ever lie to a scoundrel or they’ll respect you for it. And then you’ll be friends with a scoundrel and they’re nobody’s friends,” said Terponic as he thought of the day Danaram slapped his face for no good reason.

Wexor smiled at him as Terponic looked back at him quizzically and rubbed his cheek.

“Funny that coming from Dad as we both know he had no problem pulling a trick if it brought him favor with Gabra,” said Wexor sternly as he extinguished his cigarette in a red marble ashtray in the armrest.

“Oh yes, he did what he had to to get us the things we needed. Most notably money and power for which I am forever in his debt,” said Terponic slyly as the androids walked up with their 2 steaks, 2 apple pies, 2 poached eggs, and 2 bottles of 200 year old red wine from an unheard of winery called Tomcom.

“Finally, and just when I was thinking I needed a new necklace!” thundered Wexor as he tried to scare the androids and they looked at him in shock.

Terponic laughed heartedly and then glared at the androids and shouted,” Be rid of us you shitheads!”

The androids raced away and Wexor and Terponic laughed. Wexor opened the bottle of Tomcom and sucked in the euphoria causing smoke that was compressed in each bottle. Then he took a hearty swig and let out a yell.

“There are times for joy, and there are joyful times. Let us get down to the heart of the matter. When we kill off the human race we need to bear in mind that a massive cleanup will be required. That said, it will take more human hands to aid in this than previously thought. So how do we go about enlisting Doramocs to aid us in this when so many loath the very sight of humans?” asked Wexor and then he took another long drink and gasped for air after.

“And rightfully so, most of them are filthy ignorant criminals, whose lazy genes prevent them from ever amounting to anything but compost. No, no it won’t be I who touches their bodies unless I’m strangling the life out of them. You will be hard pressed to find even a small number of Doramocs to help you. I’d say use a fleet of androids and half our warships to lay waste to several of the cities,” said Terponic sternly as he cringed at the thought of touching a human and then bit into his steak.

“But I like their cities, most of them were remodeled by me personally. No, there has to be a better way to dispose of them. This just won’t do,” said Wexor anxiously as he sighed and then swallowed his poached egg.

“Well we could herd them out into the countryside with some elaborate hoax then use our poisoning scheme to do them in? But how could we get them all to fall for the same rouse?” asked Terponic calmly as he ate the last of his ten pound steak and looked at a beautiful Doramoc woman’s butt walking past.

“Well…what if, and I’m just thinking out loud, we give them the news of a horrible infestation of a poisonous insect. Then they’d be sure to flee the cities, but how do we get these bugs in every city in the world? And secondly, how would we be able to convince them they are deadly?” asked Wexor as he sat back and undid his belt. Wexor let out a sigh of relief as he looked at his pie and debated whether he had the room in his stomach to eat it.

“That’s an astute deduction, how isn’t indeed, as it’s not as interesting to me as could we actually use an insect to kill them off in the first place. But then we’d have bodies everywhere, no, no we must stick to our original plan. But we could send them running into the country with a superflu that breeds in sewage pipes beneath the cities. Yes, yes that would do it,” said Terponic confidently as he licked his teeth and tapped his empty plate.

Wexor sat looking intrigued.

“Yes it would indeed. I knew there was a reason I was keeping you alive,” said Wexor sarcastically as he grinned and burst out laughing as Terponic shook his head and pointed his finger at him.

“That and my dashing good looks,” Terponic quipped as the room grew warm. “You needed me as an icebreaker for women. C’mon admit it,” said Terponic sarcastically as he grinned and then laughed heartedly.

“You mean with 3 legged cows. We both know they found you more fetching!” said Wexor sarcastically as a flint of whimsy shot across his face and Terponic nodded gently yes and slapped his knee.

“I won’t deny it, but it’s only because I have such a cow-like demeanor and fashion sense,” said Terponic sarcastically as he rubbed his neck and tried not to laugh.

“This much is true,” said Wexor slyly and then he stood up and said warmly,” Let us head to the Great and Gracious Hall now that we’ve settled all matters.”

“We should, I’d love to see how the voting is going,” said Terponic as he stood up and walked after Wexor briskly.

The Great and Gracious Hall is the place where only the best of the Doramocs get to go and spend time. It is where a computer is hooked up to your brain and you are sent into a different auditory and

emotional realm. It taps into all 5 of your senses and allows you to travel to far off worlds and be different people, as well as animals. Yet, you have memories afterward like it actually happened. It also scrubs away unpleasant memories from your mind and replaces them with the new and joyful ones.

“Last I knew I was near the top, but I don’t like to brag I’m just great,” said Wexor slyly as he walked through the room. And every head turned and gave him a nod as he grinned to himself while Terponic flashed a smile.

“I don’t like to fart, I just smell. I don’t like to think, I’m just a genius ha, ha, ha,” said Terponic jokingly as he walked with wide flopping strides and made odd faces while Wexor was amused by this.

They walked past a dozen large cases and then they came to a bubble shaped dark blue door. It had a short man standing inside holding onto a purple and turquoise remote control called Loa Mas. He smiled at Wexor and Terponic as they walked up. Then he pressed a button on his remote and the entire door slid into a slot in the right wall revealing the Great and Gracious Hall.

It is a 2,350 meter long cathedral that has a dozen spires on either side of the room that extend up through the ceiling and are burgundy in color. Each spire has a holographic door of an ancient ruler on Forpush (like Insiane Brothers who was a bit of a lunatic as he literally went crazy 2 days after taking power).

He then proceeded to outlaw private nudity, encourage rampant drug addiction, and set about putting every friend he ever had to death by shooting long silver pins through their bodies as they slept. He also is the originator of,” The Brothers Act,” which states erroneously that if a person is perceived to have a negative thought in their head about Insiane, they are to be instantly put to death by any citizen who observes this. This led to a 30 percent drop in the Forpush population over the first year of his reign. With Insiane’s own wife being killed by him after he ate a breakfast sandwich she’d made and he felt she undercooked it, and that was caused by her thoughts against him.

There is a holographic computer grid on a large platform in the center of the room that is a paisley design of gold, red, green, and dark brown. It has 100 giant black leather padded jackets with the face of Gabra emblazoned on them in red silk hanging down from a dozen anti-gravity blue hangers. You could easily just slip them on and then they linked your body and mind up to a super computer using hard drives in the sleeves and chest of the coats. Then a round yellow skull shaped helmet was placed on your head and you were thrust into the mainframe. There are also hundreds of white leather couches set up around the platform that allows you to sit in comfort during your journey. Beyond the platform there is synthetic sunshine fills a lush park that has dozens of different colored gel filled bubble cars. You can float on the bubble cars or ride around the room in them as many Doramocs were doing just that. The walls have several rooms cut into them filled with full service bars and lounges, as well as isolation rooms where you sat alone and had your senses bashed with highly emotional music, as well as highly artistic action movies set against an underwater backdrop. The floor of the hall has quotations from every Doramoc that ever mattered and includes the phrase,” The difference is my joy is at my demand, as opposed to happening haphazardly when Gabra decrees and for this I am overjoyed,” written by Peposis Barno and worked into the red and green marble.

Wexor and Terponic walked into the room and as they did everyone started to sing the song,”

Forpush is only the air I breathe,” very loudly and smile. Then up walked Mowha Fonex with a black cell phone disc.

Mowha said warmly,” Emperor, we are overjoyed you’ve joined us. We heard you were troubled and may be in pain.”

Mowha Fonex is short by Doramoc standards at 10 feet 6 inches and weighing only 750 pounds. He has dark red eyes and long thin black hair that has the Doramoc mantra tied into it that reads,” Did it take passion to expire your will, no it was I who crushed it with an afterthought.” He has on a bright white robe and matching white painter’s pants. He also has on a tan, tightly woven long sleeved shirt with the

words,” Who asks for hope, when asking is hopeless,” written on the left chest on the shirt, as well as a pair of white and red spotted leather shoes.

“Mowha, come here for a moment I have a bit of a question that needs answering,” said Wexor warmly as he walked up to Mowha and put his arm around him and then continued,” I thought we were getting too friendly the last time we spoke. I can see now that this is the case.”

“But, Emperor, I want us to be the best of friends so I can better serve your need and wishes. Am I in error?” asked Mowha calmly as he and Wexor walked along and then Wexor shrugged his shoulders.

“Well…it’s not a huge deal. A bit curious as I don’t feel a need to be overly friendly with many of my servants,” said Wexor calmly as he kept glancing over at Mowha and then suddenly wrapped him in a tight headlock and started running through the room. Wexor shouted,” Especially a shit eating Neanderthal with a broken banana shaped dick like you! Do you think we should part ways on better terms?” asked Wexor snidely as he threw Mowha into one of the spires on the left.

Mowha split his head open on impact.

Mowha wiped the blood out of his eyes and saw Wexor walking towards him with a fierce look of determination. Mowha put up his hand to shield himself from Wexor and pleaded,” No more, please I need to be alive it suites me. Please, Emperor, I didn’t mean to bring up your poor health!”

“Poor health, I’m the only man alive you pig fucker!” shouted Wexor then he kicked Mowha in the chest. Wexor grabbed his arm and started dragging him across the floor, as everyone looked on in horror and Mowha squealed loudly.

Wexor punched him in the mouth and asked snidely,” How’d that taste, a full meal or just desert?”

The punch knocked 6 of Mowha’s teeth out and blood ran down his chin. Mowha shouted,” You fucker, I’ll never bow down to your pompous ass again! I needed those teeth for biting your head off!”

Suddenly Mowha jumped to his feet and ran at Wexor. He tried to punch him in the face, but Wexor slipped the blow and used Mowha’s momentum to flip him into a spire. He hit Mowha on the small of his back. Mowha screamed out in agony like a prized pig and then shouted,” You’re the reason people wish for death! You won’t survive this, Wexor!”

Wexor grinned as Terponic and the other Doramocs laughed loudly.

“I am, because I’m the one who kills them. And survive what, you’re near dead!” said Wexor snidely as he glared at Mowha and clenched his fist.

Mowha stared back with an unyielding anger.

Then Mowha pulled out a dozen Bullet Blades and aimed one at Wexor and said snidely,” You are so pompous you didn’t see me coming!”

A Bullet Blade is a 12 inch silver heat-seeking anti-gravity propelled blade that goes in a perfectly straight line at whatever you’re pointing it at after you shout its triggering mechanism. It has a red pulsing light that runs from one end to the other and blinds anyone in its path.

“Careful, Mowha, there are many ways to die and laughter isn’t one,” said Wexor snidely as he kept his eye on the Bullet Blade and reached into his back pants pocket and grabbed a Desu mini explosive grenade. He nonchalantly unfastened its firing pin.

A Desu is a turquoise hamburger shaped disc with 20 rows of a high powered explosive in each of the crevices. It has a white triggering button in the center that you have to unfasten and then turn to the right. Then 30 seconds later if will explode. The explosion itself is a nontraditional one as that it sounded like someone clapping their hands hard together. The explosion is in a straight line that goes in the direction it is thrown.

“Your time for speeches has ended. Meet the afterlife with a smile!” said Mowha snidely as he grinned and then he shouted,” Lufto!”

The Bullet Blade shot towards Wexor, but he leapt left and it only grazed his right shoulder. They instead hit an elderly man behind him right in and through the throat. The elderly man reached quickly for his throat as blood shot out and a puff of smoke from his cigarette-he had just inhaled-also came out of the hole.

Wexor threw his Desu at Mowha, but as he did Mowha aimed another Bullet Blade at Wexor and shouted,” Goa girl!”

Then as the Bullet Blade headed for Wexor’s leg the Desu exploded and blew Mowha’s head clean off. It also blew his right arm off as he tried to block the blast. He was killed instantly and the Bullet Blade shot through Wexor’s thigh muscle and out the back. This sent a chunk of flesh and his blood all over a young Doramoc man, who also got hit by the Bullet Blade much to his dismay. It went clean through his chest killing him instantly as it pierced his heart.

“Are you alright, Wexor, is it bad?” asked Terponic nervously as he knelt down beside him and Wexor let out a primordial scream in agony and clutched his leg.

“It hurts like a motherfucker, but at least he suffered. If he hadn’t, I would have. Get me a flesh sealer and blood flow slowing shot and bandage from the first aid kit!” said Wexor sternly as he gritted his teeth and started to chuckle.

“It’s on its way, boy we need better friends don’t we?” asked Terponic slyly as he smiled at Wexor.

Wexor started laughing loudly but stopped abruptly.

“Or rid ourselves of them all. Gabra this is not fair play. Boy I didn’t need this shit today. Where’s that first aid kit?!” asked Wexor loudly as a pair of Doramocs raced over to him and started applying the cauterizing black bandage.

They gave him the shot from a tiny blue needle and the bleeding stopped immediately.

“How do you feel now?” asked Terponic warmly as he lifted Wexor’s head gently and Wexor shot slightly from side to side.

“I feel like killing humans,” said Wexor happily as he patted his belly and everyone laughed and then Wexor asked sarcastically,” Can you kill a man twice, because that scoundrel Mowha shouldn’t get off so easy?”

“We could cremate him then use his remains in pies that we serve to humans before we kill them right?” asked Terponic as he helped Wexor up and tried not to laugh as Wexor thought deeply.

“Very astute idea, those petulant humans would appreciate the gesture’s simplicity for certain.

Alright then, burn him up and make a dozen blueberry pies with extra whipped cream on top. Those idiot humans will have no idea,” said Wexor happily as he brushed off his hands.

A pair of Doramocs grabbed Mowha’s body and threw him in a red steel cart. They whisked him away with his limbs dangling over the sides.

“Let’s have a bit of fun, Terponic, my dear boy. But I can’t walk for at least a bit so I’ll need one of those bubble cars. Get on that would you,” said Wexor implying a question.

Terponic walked over and pushed a young Doramoc woman off her bubble car. He then jumped behind the steering wheel while Wexor laughed boisterously.

Up rode Terponic with a wide smile on his face and he pulled in next to Wexor and said warmly,”

I’d heard there was a broken down emperor in need of a ride. Why don’t you hop in and we’ll go find him?” asked Terponic slyly as Wexor jumped in and pointed to the platform with his left hand.

“I’d heard of such an idiot. Let us kill him while we bask in his glory, wohoo!” said Wexor enthusiastically as he kicked up his heels and laughed.

“Men like that are always easy to find. Just look behind the toilets at the bathroom at any fairgrounds. They seem to think there’s a fortune dropped when people drop a dump!” said Terponic sarcastically as he drove past several Doramocs and up onto the platform.

“If we could all be so lucky,” answered Wexor as he rubbed his aching leg. “Money’s hard to come by these days,” said Wexor sarcastically as Terponic laughed and parked the bubble car in front of one of the couches.

“I choose poverty, money like that stains a man. In more ways than one,” said Terponic jokingly as he looked around at all the other Doramocs playing the holographic games. He smiled to himself as he thought how fun it’d be to play.

“Let us each play the same realm, so as to be able to aid one another once we’re inside,” said Wexor as he slid on one of the leather jackets and then the skull shaped helmet.

“I would prefer it, why not go and harass ole Gagoom’s user profile. Maybe even try and crack into his hard drive and see who’s spying for him these days,” said Terponic as he tightened his helmet and implied a question to Wexor.

“I can think of nothing that would bring me greater joy than sticking it to that old fart sniffer Gagoom. Except outing his spies and making him scramble for new ones,” said Wexor snidely as he turned on the mainframe and was shot into a suburb of New York City called Dancia.

Dancia is formerly Brooklyn before it was leveled by the Doramocs.

Gagoom Boatol is the mayor of New York City and is a half Doramoc half human, with his hair being blonde and his eyes crystal blue. He stands 17 feet 4 inches tall and has a massive chest and hulking arms. He boasts the largest single residence and fortune of anyone other than Wexor. He obtained this massive wealth through a series of crooked card games with wealthy Saudi businessmen, where in one game he went from being a millionaire to the 3rd richest man in the world over the course of one day of card playing remarkably. He then took his massive wealth (which was 45 billion dollars at the time) and invested it in buying every scrap of gold on the planet. He felt that because there was a finite amount of gold it would over time continue to skyrocket. That bit of foresight led to unimaginable wealth. When a solid 3 years went by with no new gold found anywhere in the world (and demand still rising) Gagoom started buying up every company whose products he liked to use. And his wealth ballooned to 650 billion behind Wexor’s 1.4 trillion.

Wexor and Terponic went up to the front of the limousine and looked inside and saw no one. They walked to the back doors of the burgundy, sleek hand shaped anti-gravity Rolls Royce. They opened the door and saw no one so they hopped in.

Inside there are a pair of tan leather recliners set beside one another, with large bottles of wine in an ice pack between the two chairs. In front of the chairs are a large bed of black silk and plush red cushions as well as a full oven and refrigerator on the left. On the right is a case filled with dozens of expensive silk suits, ties, and tan leather Armani dress shoes that are Wexor and Terponic’s exact sizes.

“Do we change first or just ride it out in these clothes?” asked Terponic as he sat forward and grabbed a piece of pepperoni and pineapple pizza. And then he glanced at Wexor who was eyeing the clothes and raised his left hand.

“We eat, then change, then swing by Gagoom’s mid-town estate and do a bit of spying. The funny thing is if he had any idea about this technology, or the fact we can literally pop into people’s lives

without them knowing it, he would have a breakdown of epic proportions,” said Wexor greedily as he felt the silk trousers and a wry smile came across his face.

Terponic ate and then he swallowed hard.

“He’d kill all of Manhattan and all of the Guess building to get to us. And then he’d torture us for years before he’d let us die. Thank Gabra for spies, lies, and motherfuckin’ Gagoom!” said Terponic slyly as he finished eating and smiled.

Wexor grabbed a large cheeseburger and devoured it in 2 bites. He opened a bottle of red wine and drank half of it in one swig and then let out a belch. Then he and Terponic put on black silk suits and tan leather shoes. Wexor threw his empty bottle of wine out the window and it landed in a trash can.

“Drive us to Torpud Lane and use full acceleration. I love these voice operated limos. If for no other reason then there’s no scummy driver with too much cheap cologne on,” said Wexor sternly as the Limo shot up in the air. He glanced out the window at Dancia and felt his heart fill with pride at its beauty and he smiled to himself.

Dancia is a 5 level city with there being a dense black marble and steel metropolis on the first 3

levels. A rich residential area on the next level up, and a massive lush park and lake on the top level that has hundreds of giant homes along its grassy and sandy shores. Most of the people live in the residential level, but all the richest citizens live lakeside in lavish mansions. Including Gagoom, who owns 3

mansions that are side by side on the lake (they combine for 2 million square feet of opulence).

The lake is square in shape, but has rounded corners. The pattern is of a dozen rose pedals placed in a circle is the shape of a series of islands in the center of Lake Shirlicu, as it is called. There are mini-submarines that are owned by all the residents and rented out to visitors for 150 dollars a day. They allow you to see the world beneath the water and include dozens of underwater restaurants you can dock at.

Then you enter a chamber and the water is drained out and you can enjoy the underwater utopia.

“I like ‘em for the perks. Where else can you get a 10 course meal and a bottle of good wine that doesn’t have a calorie, granted it’s because it’s fake, but who cares. So where do you think Gagoom is hiding out today?” asked Terponic as he ate a handful of chocolate chip cookies and Wexor looked intently out the window.

“I’d like to try his lake house first and then swing by that restaurant he likes. If we’re lucky we could catch him there. Which reminds me we should be nearing his lake house right about now,” said Wexor as he poked his head out the window and saw a massive white marble castle that belonged to Gagoom, rising up out of a thatch of large redwood trees.

The castle has dozens of towers in and around a large central rectangular Victorian style castle.

There are dozens of trains worked into the design of the castle that are jutting out of the front side in a row of three. There are also glowing green dragon head shaped statues on the top that ooze a red smoke and are surrounded by ribbons of green light. There is the song,” Desert road kill lover,” by the band,”

Tiny specs of Gigantic Problems,” playing through a massive set of speakers on the front of the castle, sending the rock song from one end of the lake to the other.

Tiny specs of Gigantic Problems are a 5 piece band out of Presque Isle Maine. They are a pair of couples with one being a threesome of 2 women and 1 man and the other 1 man and 1 woman. The lead singer and guitar player Stephanie Gorgeous is a second generation rock star as her father had torn up the country 30 years earlier with his pop song,” Indecisive love,” that reached number one. Stephanie is a rampant heroin addict who splits her time in the band with a full time heroin distributor who has an old potato house filled with an assembly line. They make so much of the drug that Stephanie owns 10 lavish mansions all over the country, with one in Presque Isle that is 150,000 square feet.

“This lake always creeps me out,” Terponic admitted as a mist came up from the lake. “Just looking at the stillness of the water and the antiquated series of old boats they use to travel by. Well, it sickens

me,” said Terponic sternly as he looked out over the lake. He saw thousands of fireworks being shot out over the lake to attract the Coulda Beast.

The Coulda Beast is a 350 meter tall fury man like fish, with thick black and red oily fur and glowing green eyes. It has a massive series of spikes that wrap around its arms from its hands to its shoulders. The spikes are purple in color and 10 feet long. It also has a smoke producing lung that fills each of its exhales with red smoke. The Coulda Beast is from Forpush and the Doramocs brought 20 of them to Earth as a means of entertainment, as well as guardians. The Coulda’s have the innate ability to take attack commands from their owners.

“I’m sickened by your sickness. Let us be rid of our rampant illness and destroy some lives hmm,”

said Wexor coyly as Terponic nodded quickly as he knew he was being duped by Wexor.

“Boy you have a way with word, and its fartastic. I don’t always see where you’re coming from, but I sure as fuck smell it. Oh I’m desperate for a strong deodorant or knockout drug when I’m in your presence. That said, at least I have nothing and there’s that hmm,” said Terponic sarcastically as Wexor laughed and then clapped loudly as he shook Terponic’s shoulders and smiled.

Then out of the water rose the Coulda Beast with 2 hands full of giant genetically engineered bass.

The Coulda started tossing the bass up in the air and catching them in her mouth, as red smoke billowed out of its mouth as well.

“There’s old Coulda Beast now, I hear she’s looking for a gentleman caller with low standards.

Interested, Terponic?” asked Wexor sarcastically as he grinned and gave Terponic a knowing look causing him to shake his head.

“Yeah, I am, I love ‘em giant and fur covered. It lends itself to even more sexual confusion, which quite Bobly, I can get enough of ahh,” said Terponic quickly and sarcastically then he let out a scream and Wexor laughed heartedly.

“I figured as much, you’re a sexual dynamo no one can deny it. Ordinary women just don’t stack up anymore. It’s a Coulda Beast and inanimate objects like phone jacks and broken car stereos. I won’t judge, not now not ever. You’ve earned your aloof nature and your amorous loins. I’m just glad I’m not a women or a toaster oven or it’d be too many painful mornings if I were, and we both know it. There I said it and I used perfect English,” said Wexor sarcastically as Terponic laughed and they rode over the front gates of Gagoom’s castle and into his courtyard.

There are 50 statues of Arip Tofar lined up around the outside of the courtyard. Each of the statues shows him in different physical states of being like a werewolf and a Jackolantern depiction of Arip..

Arip is an aged man of 62 years old, but you wouldn’t know it as he is aging very slowly and looks 30. He is best known, and rightfully hated, for his cocky jokes and evil schemes he perpetrated to get a rise out of people. Like when an old flame of his asked him to give her one last roll in the hay. He filled her house with bails of hay and put on the song,” Sexual healing,” and told her he’d watch as he had no idea how to have sex with hay, but was interested nonetheless. Then she pulled out a stun gun and shot Arip in the chest and said sternly,” Well now we’re both stunned at these developments.” They married 2

weeks later and are still married to this day, but he refuses to speak to her in his normal voice after what happened. So he whispers every other word and randomly shouts the rest.

“So what if I have a taste for the finer things in life. Bright red women shaped bicycle seats turn me on, as well as women made of cake. I also dabble in foreign crevices in random outdoor settings. I refuse to apologize to you or anyone for it, ‘cause it is the better half of sh. And there’s no denying an old man who can’t admit to anything,” said Terponic sarcastically as he shook his head while he made crude hand gestures.

Wexor laughed mischievously and looked out the window at a parade of Doramocs coming out of Gagoom’s castle.

Each of the Doramocs has on dark blue suits and even some have on dark brown robes, as well as magenta Nike running shoes. Gagoom himself came gallivanting out behind them smiling smugly.

Gagoom has on a tan cotton shirt with a 1 inch upturned collar that is white with the words,” Penny pinchers can’t shovel shit, but at least they can die horrible deaths at the hands of fortune counters,”

written around the collar in black and gold cursive letters. He also has on white Dockers canvas pants with red silken lined pockets. And, a pair of blue leather dress shoes with black laces. He is also wearing a white cotton necklace with the phrase,” Too few decisions while missing the point of indecision,” sewn onto the cotton necklace with tan thread.

“Hey there’s Gagoom, let’s swing in close and see what that wretch is plotting this time,” said Wexor sternly as he eyed Gagoom and felt a strong urge to want to punch him in the face.

The Rolls Royce shot straight for Gagoom and landed on top of him as he walked, with Gagoom’s torso inside the Limo. His sister Despitch was walking next to him.

Despitch has an unattractive face with a large nose, high cheekbones, and mysterious lavender and peach colored eyes. She also has long dark brown hair that shoots back from a wide square hairline in the center of her large forehead. She is 16 feet tall and has long muscular legs and round size triple f breasts.

She has on a paisley design of white, red, and black tight fitting jeans, as well as a leather vest over a white t-shirt, it has Abraham Lincoln on it facing Spongebob Squarepants with the words,” When the great mind meets its only true equal, it’s Velcro,” written beneath the picture in yellow letters. She also has on a red leather 4 inch high pair of heels with Gabra’s image on either side in black.

“Despitch, the world is making itself an enemy to me. You and I both know that when Wexor does in the humans there will be many Doramocs falling that same day. Now it might be you and I or it may not, but how can we take a chance such as this?” asked Gagoom sincerely as he walked along with Wexor’s hologram only inches from him. Wexor’s eyes grew wide and he felt a shock of nervousness as he knew that Gagoom was onto him.

“They know, Wexor, for Gabra’s sake they’re onto us,” said Terponic in disbelief as he rubbed his forehead and started to sweat.

“Wait, let’s hear what she says to him,” said Wexor anxiously as he glared at Despitch as she grimaced and put her hand on Gagoom’s chest ushering him to a stop.

“We can’t, if we want to live Wexor must die, and soon,” replied Despitch as she let her eyes tell the story. “If we wait ‘til after the last rapture then it’s our last rapture too. No, no I say we kill the fucker and that idiot brother of his to Terponic. All’s it would take is a well timed accident,” said Despitch snidely as she looked nonchalantly at Gagoom and raised her left eyebrow and smiled.

“What is this fuck you, you little bitch after all I’ve done for you!” thundered Wexor as he pulled his hair out and punched through Despitch.

“That’s true if we got him frustrated and angry while he was driving his car, ya know by making him wait, then when he’s about to boil over we have a speeding car come from the opposite direction. His anger will cloud his judgment enough for him to crash into the car. Then he’s dead and no one will be the wiser. He did it to himself, he never should have messed with us that pompous prick that he is,” said Gagoom snidely as he grinned and put his arm around Despitch who smiled back at him.

“That’s the truth and that plan will be easy to execute. We could get him on his trips through the countryside when his guard’s down and he’s taking in the scenery. Oh it will be Eased for him I know it!”

said Despitch joyously as Wexor punched through her and Gagoom and then let out a scream.

“Motherfucker, motherfuckers I’m gonna kill your whole family! You can’t mess with me, I’ll burn your bodies black!” shouted Wexor as his thoughts raced and he continued to throw wild punches through Gagoom and Despitch.

“Wait, Wexor, you can’t do that there’s no proof that they’re gonna try anything. We have to think about this before we do anything stupid. Remember he’s the mayor of New York,” said Terponic sternly as he grabbed Wexor’s shoulder and held him back.

Wexor fumed with anger.

Gagoom and Despitch got in their yellow submarine and Wexor and Terponic scrambled to follow them.

The submarine is shaped like a meatball sub and has 3 dozen bubble shaped black windows along the sides. There is a large plasma window on the front that is shaped like a cat’s paw. It has a pair of anti-gravity jet thrusters on the backend of the sub that glow green. There is a trio of laser canons on the sides and front that can shoot through metal with ease.

“That Pigfucker could be the president of Importantville, and I’d still kill him! Get me that prick on a skewer and I MEAN NOW!” thundered Wexor as he tried to calm himself, but couldn’t. He teetered forward and back as his rage bubbled to the surface.

“Hey what if we send a team of our guys in subs and have them crash into Gagoom’s right now?”

asked Terponic calmly as the limo shot beneath the water. It followed Gagoom’s sub as it weaved in and out of several underwater restaurants.

The underwater city of Dryspit has dozens of glowing Gabra’s face shaped restaurants. They have massive glass and plasma windows facing out into the lake, as well as at a stage. On the stage are large air filled bubbles that each of the performers can calmly breathe in. They have rock and roll bands that play on the stage. Today is the avant-garde ensemble play Mimicking Talent put on by a score of 50 actors and actresses.

Mimicking Talent is about a series of no talent actors and musicians and their quest to fake it until they made it big, by stealing from unknown artists.

There are dozens of large couches set up in the restaurants facing the stage. They have the sound pumped directly to them using surround sound speakers in the floors. There is also a tube set up to disperse the water and give the patrons a perfect view of the stage. There are hundreds of slots set up for the subs to dock. There are a series of underwater gardens set up around the restaurants. These gardens are vibrant and vivid to look at with 100 foot tall underwater purple roses surrounded by black and green glowing vines.

“Make it happen, Terponic, but make it quickly we need to get them in this place before he leaves the restaurant!” said Wexor sharply as the limo rode up and on top of Gagoom’s sub.

This showed Gagoom and Despitch inside a small reading room as they watched the show 10


10 minutes is a news program that crafts the news to fit a certain demographic. Often times to the detriment of the people they’re interviewing.

The reading room has a pair of one person couches with Odomens in front sitting side by side facing a holographic TV. The room is round in shape and only 10 feet across. The walls are filled with books in cases. The ceiling has a large crystal chandelier that looks like a half moon.

Terponic goes and orders Wexor’s troops to put the subs in the water on the edge of the lake. While all the while Gagoom and Despitch sat eating chocolate cookies.

“Gagoom, let’s put that jackass Wexor out of our minds and enjoy some dinner and a good play.

What do you say to that?” asked Despitch warmly as she smiled at Gagoom. While Gagoom was lost in thoughts of Wexor’s murder and how he’d take over after he died.

“What, oh yeah right that last of the moronic horde. I agree we should leave Wexor where he is and have the best time of it. Boy if he could see us now he’d slit our throats. But as it is, fuck you Wexor,

you’re a dead man!” shouted Gagoom then he and Despitch slapped the back of their hands together and cackled.

Wexor saw this and bit down on the side of his right hand and then let out a scream and said snidely,” When an empty head meets a full shovel, then it’s true love and truer death! I’m going to enjoy killing you two with a passion and joy you can’t imagine. Go ahead smile a bit wider as I knock out your teeth!”

Then in walks Terponic after leaving the game with a bottle of white Dagul wine and a smile on his face.

“I took care of everything. The troops are on their way to the lake as we speak. And, the good thing is, we’ll be able to watch those 2 bastards meet their demise without them knowing about it. I brought a bottle of Dagul, go ahead and take a pull you look stressed,” said Terponic warmly as he handed Wexor the bottle of Dagul and Wexor squeezed it tightly.

Dagul is named after a Frenchman named Dagul Basist. Dagul grew up a humble farmer’s son, but later found his family at odds with him. He eventually found out from his mother that she had been raped when she was in her twenties. Also she kept the baby and Dagul was that child. The news rocked Dagul, so he started an upward spiral of working relentlessly to carve his own niche in the world. He started off by sacrificing half of every dollar he earned to be saved. Then after 6 years he had enough money to start his own business. He chose a winery as he knew of some cheap land an old man was selling with very nutrient rich soil. Then as his wine started to sell he continued to scrimp and save every penny he could.

He did this in the hopes of becoming the richest man in the world. He nearly achieved that goal until the Doramocs took over and he had to settle for 3rd richest at the time.

“This I like, Terponic, they asked for their fates to be busted and reengineered. If Gabra won’t do it, I feel I must,” said Wexor snidely as he pulled out the cork and then took a long swig as his fingers shook.

Gagoom’s submarine pulled into the docking bay of the Time and other Lies restaurant and behind it a plasma wall slid into place. The water drained out of the bay and Gagoom and Despitch went to the hatch underneath the sub and extended the stairs down. They walked down the stairs arm in arm laughing at Wexor’s future death as they did.

There is a tree shaped white crystal door at the end of the bay that has the words,” Swim for your lives,” written above it and the face of Sempot Aradle on the door handle.

Sempot Aradle was a Doramoc wizard of sorts, as on Forpush there is a blood altering compound in the water that makes it possible to shot streams of fire from your fingertips if you drew blood. It does this as the exposed blood is highly flammable in the electrically charged atmosphere of Forpush. This makes it possible for Sempot to dupe people into thinking he is otherworldly. He also has extremely powerful vision that makes him seem physic. As he can read tiny print from large distances that enables him to seem to know things about people that he can’t or couldn’t. Even though he may only see them pull out their wallets. His legend grew as his scams became more complex. Most of the time he even believed the outlandish things people said about him as it helped him to lie more effectively.

Gagoom and Despitch smile as they open the door at the sight of Sempot, as they both knew the stories of him.

They walked into a 30 foot long and 20 foot high ceiling room. It has several floating round booths that have a steering wheel and are covered in thick brown leather cushions. You can drive the booths around the restaurant and out into the front to watch a play or band. There is a mouth shaped kitchen that is coal black in color. All of the meals are set there until the wait staff drives over and picks them up and brings them to you. The floors are covered in a dark blue carpet that has an intricate design of half a horse’s head and a carving knife piercing its eye with the words,” We only care if it’s careless, but we know when it’s careful,” written around the horse’s head in black and white thread.

“Let’s grab a booth and order then we’ll check out the show hmm?” asked Despitch warmly as she hopped into a booth followed by Gagoom.

“That’ll work, I wonder what the show is tonight?” asked Gagoom as he eyed the built in touch screen menu. He saw they had steak and whipped sweet potatoes and his eyes lit up.

“Flaming Wexor’s pride and a 10 piece band playing, you were a sucker and a bastard,” said Despitch snidely as she looked around the room to see if there was anyone she knew.

Gagoom laughed to himself.

“That’s a show I’d like to see, but I only need to see it once to bring endless satisfaction,” said Gagoom snidely as he grinned.

Despitch laughed loudly while Wexor smiled contently.

“I’m rather fond of a similar show. We’ll see how it catches your fancy,” said Wexor gleefully as he sat beside Despitch and pretended to be rubbing her breasts as he mouthed the words,” No you’re the best, no you are. ” Wexor smiled smugly and stuck out his tongue at her.

“Boy I love idiots, they’re just so stupid. Well I hope the food’s good here for you 2 soon to be coffin fillers, mmm,” said Terponic in a cocky voice as he pretended to poke right through Gagoom’s eyes and mimicked his body gestures. Then he let out a loud fart and laughed like a hyena.

“Ya know I hear the steak and sweet potatoes are great here, Despitch. You should really try them,”

said Gagoom warmly as he drove the booth out to where the play Mimicking Talent was just beginning.

The stage has an urban New York setting where a black haired young man is sitting in his living room writing a pop song a cappella. The man’s name is Tom Penetho and he is an unheralded songwriter who never caught a break, but has the talent to make it. In the New York setting next to his set sits a young pop star and her manager. They listen in on him writing his song in the hope of stealing it as they

have bugged his house when he was out one day. The pop star’s name is Mellissa Peptherid. She listens intently as Tom writes his song with a wide smile on her face. Then as he stops singing Mellissa says happily,” Oh that’s a hit. We just need to take his lyric it only stings while I’m dying, and use a different melody and he’ll never know.”

Her raven haired manager Gawdy says loudly,” Oh it’s a hit, and that prick homophobe naïve fucker, can’t do a damn thing to stop us. Good luck with your music!”

“That’s right, who’d ever believe him if he tried to tell anyone his song was stolen. Yeah they bugged my house and stole my songs. What a Fuckhead, no one will ever believe your broke ass,” said Mellissa gleefully as she stood up and started to sing the lyrics Tom had written with a new worse melody.

Tom sat in his home quietly watching Headline News.

“I love this play! Ya know this is based on a true story. Isn’t it hilarious how this thing happens all the time,” said Despitch in disbelief as she fidgeted with her shirt.

“I heard that the guy this play was based on, was said to have had hundreds of songs stolen and never had a career of his own. And when he found out what was happening there was nothing he could do,

‘cause he couldn’t prove a thing,” said Gagoom sincerely as he watched the play.

They saw Tom stand up and sing his song while Mellissa sang her pirated version with a different melody and his lyrics. Gagoom clapped his hands like they were cymbals and pointed to Tom.

“That’s true, God what a jackbutt. I think I’ll laugh at him for years,” said Despitch as she rolled with laughter and hit Gagoom’s chest.

Terponic and Wexor looked on and smiled to themselves.

Then in the play Tom finds the transmitter under a seat cushion and realizes what it is and then shouted,” You can’t steal my soul you Fuckers!”

Mellissa freezes in her tracks and clutches her ears as Tom’s shouting bursts her eardrums.

“What just fucking happened, I’m deaf, I can’t hear anything,” said Mellissa loudly as blood and sweat poured out of her eardrums.

Gawdy was rolling on the floor screaming uncontrollably as he writhed in pain.

“Oh this Tom character is a soul among the soulless. Wasn’t that a glorious moment for him, Terponic?” asked Wexor brightly as he watched Tom shouting into the transmitter and dancing around the room.

“It’s the best of even great things. Look at the pain those two are in. Reminds me of another 2

corpses who think they’ve got the upper hand. Look at them laughing, oh you fools,” said Terponic slyly as a wry smile crept across his face. He watched Gagoom and Despitch laughing uncontrollably as Tom looked out his windows thinking he was being watched.

Tom raced over and picked up a baseball bat and shouted,” The dead are faking it, here let me show you!” Then Tom bashed the transmitter with his bat and laughed gleefully.

Then up came Despitch’s and Gagoom’s meals and they saw this and stopped laughing.

Wexor and Terponic looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. They grabbed a pair of steak and cheese sandwiches and started eating. They ate for several minutes and watched the play.

Tom was now at a courthouse suing the music industry for stealing his music. As well as for stealing his lyrics and using a former intern that agreed to testify on his behalf named Slamol Tenpus.

“So is it fair to say that Mr. Tom Penetho had his music openly talked about at your record label, as being stolen and rerecorded by big name artists?” asked Hamic Buchan sternly as he walked from side to side and pretended to kick a soccer ball.

Hamic Buchan is a silver haired black bearded lawyer for the defense. He has on a white silk suit and tan silk tie, as well as black Armani shoes.

“Not just talked about in serious terms, but he was a running joke. Whenever we needed a hit they’d pray he was in the mood to write a song, because if he was they’d say, let’s keep the Tommy money machine rolling,” said Slamol calmly as she interlocked her fingers and sat forward in her chair.

Slamol has blonde haired with it is slicked back into a ponytail. She has a large slopping nose and a mouth full of white straight teeth that make her look like she is smiling as she speaks. She has on a blue and white stripped t-shirt and a pair of black silk dress pants. She also has on black Nike tennis shoes and a gold bracelet around her wrist.

“So then he was a laughing stock! Interesting, I don’t believe a man of Mr. Penetho’s credentials could be laughed at. Why did they feel he was such a loser?” asked Hamic as he eyed an old woman in a lacy dress in the front row of the jury stand. He made a point of smiling and waving to her.

“Because he was, and that’s putting it mildly. They had documents on him from 15 years ago and pictures of him from 20 years ago that showed him being an absolute ass to people. I’m not defending him, but they chose to only see his faults,” said Slamol calmly as she threw a smile to Tom and he grinned back at her.