Thrashing Ale with Den Sidion by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Taken Out at the Ballgame

The Doramoc shaman Chinius Roam is said to have lived over 1 million years ago in a Fasdurdly den on Forpush.

Fasdurdly is an all encompassing powerful opiate. It causes a person to experience a joy and inspiration that is not possible any other way in life. It comes in a yellow sword shaped pill and can instantly change a person’s personality to being more positive about everything. The drug is made from the eyeballs of a rare lion like creature called a Goisup. And it lives in and out of deep water all day long.

It also has dark red fur and crystal blue square eyes.

Chinius bedded over 11,000 women over the course of his life calling them the,” Airbringers,” as it was. Many of the Airbringers tried to get him to impregnate them, but he wouldn’t allow them to hold onto his back as he neared ejaculation. He would even completely stop having sex with them and leave if he felt they were trying to pull him in close to get him to cum inside them. Chinus (as his friends referred to him) wrote an 1859 page book called,” Why we steal greatness.” It detailed all of his beliefs and included the passage,” A mildly creative person who sees actual creativity in another person will instinctively try to steal that song, story, painting, or acting gift. Then they’ll create a similar work of art and give no credit to the actual artist. They do this because they have an inflated ego or attractiveness.

And, they can’t bear the thought of someone being able to do something they can’t. I call these ones the worst of us, as they are allowed to live a life of ease as they regurgitate someone else’s hard work and strife.” He also wrote a paragraph about power hungry people that went,” They need control over other people’s lives because theirs is a sham or boldfaced lie. They grasp at the strings on people’s backs in a

vain attempt to fill a void in their own souls. They all have the same failing, a realization in childhood that they aren’t going to be greeting God when they die. So they think what difference does it make if they do terrible and manipulative things to people? Then as they’re doing them they go to great lengths to pray to God for guidance, as if he wants them to do their horrific deeds. This is of no consequence to God as he finds it very humorous that any human being would think even passively, that he would interfere with a person’s life more than a time or two. God lets life run full speed ahead at all times. And laughs at the notion he has the time to care about your schemes and plans anymore than to know who to abolish upon death.”

As everyone walked alongside the underground river they continued to drink their Natural Lights as they neared the doorway. The door itself is egg shaped and made of a birch wood with planks of mahogany along the outside of it. It also has a Goblin green handle and with a winking eye on his face.

There is a brief set of steps leading up to it that has sayings like,” The fittest are too tired to survive,” as well as,” Could an imbecile write a book about slang? That’s why I use it exclusively.”

“Boy is Rosemary trashed, she just looked at Pat’s ass and smiled,” said Den jokingly as he walked up to the steps and everyone laughed except for Rosemary.

“Oh is it jokes at my expense? Well for the record that dog shit I saw you eat at Grega’s birthday party was only half nuts, but all Shit!” said Rosemary sarcastically then she burst out laughing as everyone else continued to drink.

“I knew it all along, that’s why I used extra ketchup on it ah ya Derelict,” said Den jokingly as he stumbled up the steps and everyone laughed loudly at him.

Grega grabbed the door handle and turned it and he saw a long carpeted hallway that led to a lavish lounge. The walls of the hallway have lithographs of Mickey Mantle and Babe Ruth shown playing a game of poker in central field.

“You sure that was ketchup, Den, or that time of the month? Did it have hairs in it?” asked Amo sarcastically as she tried not to laugh and everyone else was.

“Again, Amo, high hopes so very high,” said Den jokingly as they walked into the hallway and then he saw the lithograph and said under his breath,” Satan’s children on either side.”

“Ya know, Grega, you may have led us astray once again. ‘Cause whoever owns this pad is not someone who will like us one bit,” said Rosemary wryly as she patted Grega on the back.

“Whoever owns this pad will probably kill us all, but at least none of us will live. There’s solace in that, oh solace,” said Grega slyly as he rubbed Babe Ruth’s belly and they walked down the hall.

They came to the lounge and could see a pair of green leather eagle shaped couches facing a single locker. There were a trio of Ted William’s statues inside the locker and they showed him with black eyes and broken limbs with phrases like,” Game day again, why aren’t I a carpenter,” as well as,” Don’t hit me again. I admit it I’m actually a woman and my name is Betty,” written beneath each of them. The lounge has black bags of money set up against the left wall that have over 150 million in small bills inside them.

There is also a copy of,” We Laughed Ourselves to Life,” lying on the floor.

We Laughed Ourselves to Life is a 373 page book of jokes and humorous stories by Dave Chappelle.

It has the joke,” I was seen naked buying tampons for my lady and a woman asked me, is that your usual brand. And I said no, but my dick gets in the way you Crazy Bitch!” It also has the joke,” Why are so many mailmen going on killing sprees? Because I’m gonna fuckin’ kill everyone in this room if they don’t stop! Because violence is wrong. Who the fuck needs 3 Sears catalogs when socks are still 10

dollars?! Is my hair on fire or is this a rifle in my hands you Crazy Bitch.

“I knew we were dead when Grega said go this direction. Look, we’re gonna die at the hands of a crazy Yankee fan,” said Pat sarcastically as he inspected the locker and fingered his left pocket.

“Let’s just find a way out of here quick and cut our losses,” said Grega sadly as he looked around the room and then saw a door handle next to one of the couches built into the wall. Grega said happily,” This might be a way out over here.”

Grega walked over to the handle and pushed the brass handle inward and it opened into a janitor’s closet. They could hear people shouting in what sounded like a crowd of angry people. There was a pair of vacuum cleaners on one side of the closet, a small bed and chair on the other side, as well as a door facing Grega with a picture of Marilyn Monroe on it that had the caption,” Even her remains are sexy, dig her up,” beneath the picture in cursive letters. There is also a pair of red lens and silver rimmed sunglasses on a hook on the door.

“Alright look things are just getting weirder and weirder. I say if we get to safety we bag going to the game. I’m just too worn out to take much more,” said Grega sadly as he walked up to the closet door.

“I agree, let’s just head back to the hotel and be happy we’re alive,” said Amo calmly as she held onto Grega’s arm and everyone followed just behind.

Grega opened the door and they emerged in a luxury box in right field of New Yankee Stadium that was 2 stories high. The room has a large hot tub in the shape of Mickey Mantle facing out a tinted picture window with built-in padded seat backs. There are holographic TV channels next to the window that show other sports as well as an episode of Star Wars the miniseries that has Han Solo in his youth fighting his way out of a bar.

There are also several large beds and couches floating above the lush burgundy rugs that have the phrase,” Winners can’t beat the true champion’s lust for total fairness, but they can’t figure that out until they’ve lost,” sewn onto the rug in gold thread. There is a full bar with 7 black recliners set up around it on the left. And a dozen silver refrigerators and a massage table set up on the right. There is also a pair of holographic jukeboxes on either side of the room with the holograms of Bob Dylan and Kurt Cobain in his trademark cardigan sweater and blue and white sunglasses. There is also a large pool and deck out in

the front of the suite. And it has mist throwers to keep you cool as you sit on the dark brown beanbag chairs.

“Did we just go through a time-warp vortex or something?” asked Rosemary in disbelief as she jogged up to the deck. She could see the Red Sox and Yankees listening to the National Anthem with Wexor playing for the Yankees and Terponic playing for the Red Sox. And they were both wearing red and blue leisure suits that were a size too small as well as red leather biker boots.

“We may have, Jesus the game’s just about to start too. Maybe we should go get our seats. I don’t feel like getting caught in somebody else’s booth,” Den said as he looked down at Wexor flipping the bird to the crowd. Den thought how disrespectful that was and said sternly,” I see that fuckin’ Wexor is here today. Boy I hope he catches a fastball with his ear.”

“And a mallet with his teeth,” spewed Grega as he surveyed the room. “Fuck Wexor he needs his comeuppance. Maybe Sandy will pitch a no hitter today,” said Grega sternly as he eyed Wexor as he kissed a few women.

Wexor grabbed a kid’s hot dog and started eating it as he laughed.

“Yeah I wouldn’t put it past him to do it. But those Doramocs rarely miss a pitch. So maybe we get a head start on drowning those sorrows,” said Den happily as he scanned the room for beer and then said happily,” Ya know maybe we should stay right here and watch the game after all. This place has a certain ambience and alcohol.”

“Ya fuck it if we get caught we just say we got lost. I mean we have the money to pay if it comes to that,” said Amo as she sat down on the beanbag chair and looked out over the field.

A dozen blue angels soared through the crowd using jet packs and Amo felt very at ease.

“Yeah, good point we should just stay. And if we get caught we’ll blame it on Den. See yes Officer he drugged us and said this was heaven,” said Grega sarcastically as he shrugged his shoulders. Rosemary and Amo laughed as the wind picked up for a moment.

“It is heaven, don’t pay attention to that white powder in your Naty lights, it’s seasoning,” said Den sarcastically as he rummaged through the bar and found a keg filled with Bud Light. He grimaced and grabbed a mug. Den started pouring a cup and asked loudly,” Is it beers all around or do we want to get postal on Jack and Coke?!!”

“Beer, anything that blurs my vision as I try not to look you in the eye and die from your laser sight and homeliness,” said Rosemary jokingly as she looked at the field. Rosemary could see Wexor and Terponic doing an awkward dance side by side on the pitcher’s mound.

Down on the field Wexor and Terponic looked out over the crowd and grabbed their crotches and laughed.

“Have you ever seen such a group of shitheads and single brain cell organisms in your life, Terponic?” asked Wexor as he rubbed his crotch and smirked at a beautiful blonde woman in the front row. The woman looked away nervously and hid her face with her hand.

“Not since I sold the microscope my late wife gave me instead of sex,” said Terponic as he kissed his biceps. Then he spit a huge wad of spit in the eye of the opposing pitcher. The spit knocked him on his back.

Wexor saw this and laughed uproariously and then asked sarcastically,” Was she late for divorce court or late for her own funeral? I get confused seein’ she was such a Bitch. Hey why don’t we say 50

million for whoever gets the most homers?” asked Wexor as he flexed his chest muscles and blew a giant wad of spit deep into the stands.

“Done, but I’m not giving you any easy pitches. You’re gonna have to earn it,” said Terponic sternly as Wexor started for home plate.

Wexor turned and smiled mischievously at Terponic.

“Fine, be an asshole, but I want strikes or I’m charging the mound,” said Wexor sternly then he ran and did a flip and landed right in the batter’s box. A beautiful young girl named Bacia handed him his black and gold wooden bat that had the words,” May destiny meet the maker of my existence and smile,”

burned into the wood.

“Strikes, what are those?” yelled Terponic as he started walking in a circle around the pitcher’s mound.

Meanwhile Rosemary and everyone else were eating all the precooked ravioli. They dined on the warm Alfredo loafs on the deck as they waited for the game to start.

“Fuck you, Wexor, I hope you choke on a fastball!” shouted Den just as the crowd went silent.

Wexor clearly heard it and scanned the luxury boxes to see who had said it.

“I think he heard you, Den, you should head inside quick!” said Pat nervously as he pushed Den inside, but Wexor saw this and knew which box it was and smiled menacingly.

“Jesus Christ, Den, he’s looking right at us. Maybe we should bail?” asked Grega nervously as he eyed Wexor who was swinging his bat violently from side to side.

“So it’s fuck me is it. How ‘bout some chin music for my new friends,” said Wexor snidely as he glared at Grega and then looked at Terponic.

Terponic threw an outside fastball and Wexor swung hard and pulled it foul, right at where Pat was sitting. The ball lodged beside his head in the chair as Pat jumped out of the seat.

“Fucker, he’s trying to kill me and I didn’t even say it!” said Pat frantically as he looked wide-eyed at everyone.

“Shit, Pat, you’re really screwed,” said Den slyly as he calmly sipped his beer.

“What, you Jerkwad, he could’ve killed me. I outta use you as a shield for God’s sake,” said Pat anxiously as he looked at Den who was smirking. Pat felt like knocking his block off, but then Rosemary put her arm around him to calm him down.

Then another pitch was thrown to Wexor and again he pulled it. This one hit Den right in the stomach. This caused beer to shoot out of his mouth as he keeled over and let out a shriek.

“You alright, Den?” asked Rosemary warmly as she rubbed Den’s back and he let out another girly shriek.

“No I am not, I’m hurt bad,” said Den as he limped over to a chair and sat down. While he did another pitch was thrown to Wexor and this time he hit a homer to straightaway center field.

The crowd cheered and Wexor slowly danced towards first base blowing kisses as he did. Then Wexor did a 360 degree spin and landed on first base. Wexor proceeded to punch the first baseman and it knocked him out cold.

“Wexor’s losin’ it, I say we get the hell out of here and I mean now,” said Grega sternly as he eyed Wexor who was striping naked. Wexor started doing forward rolls to second base as the crowd booed him.

“You don’t have to tell me twice what’d you say?” asked Den jokingly as he took a deep breath and made his way back into the suite.

They all hurried back inside and headed for the doors except for Grega who ran over to the bar and grabbed a six pack of Bud light. He smiled at everyone who looked at him quizzically and laughed.

“You couldn’t wait ‘til we got to the bar? My Lord what a hooligan,” said Amo wryly as she shook her head. Grega ran over and kissed her on the cheek. Then as they walked up to the red exit doors that led to the stadium they suddenly burst open and in walked a pair of security guards named Paul Bedins and Scottie Droum.

Paul Bedins is 6’6”, weighs 387 pounds and is Indian. He has a huge nose and dark green eyes, as well as short blonde gelled hair. He also has a tattoo of Lefram Lincoln with the phrase,” Was everything enough? ‘Cause I’m running out of shovels,” across his wrist on his right hand. He has on a white and green paisley suit that has the word security across the front, as does Scottie Droum.

Scottie Droum is 6’3” and weighs 343 pounds with a massive barrel chest and huge forearms. He is Caucasian and of Dutch decent. He has thick dirty blonde hair that is tied into a triangular ponytail. It has a pulsing orange light in the center with a hologram of an American eagle floating just outside of it.

Lefram Lincoln is widely regarded as the president we should’ve had, but was shot to death by Terponic at a luncheon. It happened after a remark Lefram made calling Doramoc rule,” Worse than slavery and a step from death,” that was overheard by Terponic at a restaurant in Boston.

“Having a nice time are we?” asked Paul sternly as he glared at Pat causing Pat to become stiff as an icicle.

“We got lost, we apologize if we caused any inconvenience,” said Grega coyly as he put the six pack behind his back and smirked slightly.

Grega wondered if they’d end up in jail.

“Lost, when I get lost I rarely get drunk on someone else’s alcohol. Man kids these days,” said Scottie sharply as he glared at Den whose eyes darted away.

“Alright look, are we in trouble or aren’t we? I’m tired of this pussyfooting around,” asked Amo anxiously as she folded her arms.

“Alright look you little Bitches, this is Wexor’s luxury box and you’re in deep shit. He wants to speak to all of you after the inning. He especially wants to know which one of you shouted at him,” said Paul sternly as he eyed Pat. Pat was visibly shaken and looked away.

“We had no idea this was his box and we didn’t shout at him,” said Den calmly as he sipped his beer and scratched his neck. Paul and Scottie continued scowling at him to no avail.

“Get your shit we’re going,” said Paul sharply as he grabbed the beer out of Rosemary’s hand. Then he flung it up against the wall as she looked on wide-eyed.

“That was not necessary, we’ll go with you,” said Rosemary softly as she tried not to lose her cool as her hands balled up into fists.

“I wasn’t asking!” said Paul fiercely as he grabbed hold of Rosemary and pushed her towards the doors.

“It’s alright, Man, it’s alright,” said Grega reassuringly as they all walked out of the room and out to the elevators.

As they made their way down Wexor was beating up the opposing coach. Wexor deemed his smirk at Wexor’s antics a blatant insult. He kicked Coach Ben Giddy right in the chest. The blow sent him hard into the left field stands. Where, he landed on a young man’s lap and crushed his nachos onto his face.

Wexor climbed up in the stands and grabbed Ben and asked fiercely,” Are we through with the hilarity yet? Do you need a fresh slap of disrespect?”

“No, no I’m sorry I lost my head, Wexor, it won’t happen again,” said Ben apologetically as he winced in agony and Wexor glared at him.

“You mean Emperor!” shouted Wexor as he punched Ben hard in the mouth. This sent a bursting spray of his blood onto an old red haired man’s white t-shirt (that has Robert Plant’s face on it and the words,” Just a dream I woke up to,” written beneath his face in orange letters). Wexor shouted,” Aren’t we having a nice time as friends?!”

Wexor slapped Ben so hard 10 of his teeth shot out of his mouth and the teeth flew into a young boy’s caramel popcorn box.

“I’m sorry, Wexor, I mean, Emperor...,” said Ben nervously before being cut off.

“We still are having some trouble with my Gabra given moniker eh?” asked Wexor snidely as he grabbed onto Ben’s hair and lifted him up off of the red haired man. Ben clutched Wexor’s hand and Wexor said snidely,” I see you’re using too much conditioner. Don’t worry I can remedy the situation.”

Then Wexor ripped out a chunk of Ben’s hair and started laughing hysterically. Ben cringed and tried not to scream.

“Fuck you, you pompous Windbag! I hate your fucking guts!” shouted Ben as he punched Wexor 3

times hard in the balls.

Wexor fell back and clutched his balls as he let out a shout.

Ben scampered to his feet. He turned to run, but a Doramoc security guard named Yawho was waiting for him.

Yawho has a trio of Mohawks, as well as a thin upturned nose with the words,” Actors aren’t believable as realists,” written on the left side. His eyes are fierce and he is 17 feet tall and weighs 982

pounds with a small chest and enormous bulging biceps. He has on a black leather jacket and pants, as well as an off white dress shirt that has the first phrase ever heard by a Doramoc from God that went as follows,” Don’t be afraid of your failings, only our imperfections make us perfect. Otherwise we wouldn’t

exist only resist the better part of my intended humanity. Then you become perpetually complacent and nothing of true consequence would ever come to pass,” written cursive on his shirt.

“Were you off to the gym?” asked Yawho coyly as he glared at Ben whose eyes darted to the left and the right. Ben tried to figure out where to run too but he was trapped.

“You’d better let me go or I’ll make sure you burn in hell!” said Ben fiercely as he glared at Yawho and worried he was about to be killed.

Yawho laughed and asked sarcastically,” What are you gonna stare me to death?”

“Ahhh you’ve had it!” shouted Ben then he leapt at Yawho and started punching him repeatedly.

Yawho laughed uncontrollably. Then Yawho grabbed hold of Ben and turned him to face Wexor who was smirking at him.

“Boy you are a pain in my balls. I think I’d like to reward your kindness towards me. How ‘bout a punching contest? You hit me as hard as you can, then I’ll hit you?” asked Wexor coyly as he hoped Ben would hit him. He leaned in and offered Ben his chin.

“Alright, you asked for it!” shouted Ben as he hauled back and decked Wexor on the chin. Wexor instinctively went with the punch and was barely hurt. Wexor grabbed his chin and acted like he was in terrible pain.

“Boy, you really knocked my block off. Jesus, I feel a bit woozy. Well now I think I should try my punch on you. And in all fairness I’ve been working out,” said Wexor coyly as he shook his head from side to side. He did this just as Rosemary was walking up to where Wexor was.

Ben put his chin up and said sternly,” Go ahead you prick, let me have it!”

“Alright, but now I’m steamed,” said Wexor coyly then he hauled back and punched clean through Ben’s chest and out his back. This sent his heart into the face of an old man named Jamot, as well as a pint of blood.

Jamot wiped his face off and said sadly,” I always get bloody at a ballgame. And I never get my nachos, Fucker.”

Wexor pulled his fist out of Ben slowly, but he got stuck in the middle. He had to jerk his arm violently, but it wouldn’t come out. Wexor motioned to Yawho and asked,” Can you help me here I’m stuck?”

“Yeah, of course, Emperor,” said Yawho as he hurried down the stairs.

Amo and Pat grimaced at what they were seeing. Grega, Den, and Rosemary couldn’t bear to look.

“Oh Jesus that’s fucking disgusting and the smell’s making me really sick,” said Amo as she put her hand over her mouth and then held her nostrils shut.

“I’m not big on arms stuck in a person’s chest cavity, but I would help if I were. Do you think we’re the only ones that noticed?” asked Den sarcastically as he continued to drink his beer.

Yawho was yanking on Wexor’s arm trying to get it free, as the people in the crowd looked on in horror.

“Oh Jesus, Den, I didn’t need to see this. It’s scaring my memory,” said Rosemary nervously as Yawho put his legs on Ben’s chest and continued to try and free Wexor.

Then suddenly Wexor’s arm was free sending Yawho tumbling onto a family of 4 two rows down.

Wexor waved to the crowd and smiled. Then Wexor saw Grega and everyone and motioned to them. He started walking up the steps towards them. Wexor grabbed hold of a black haired man in a white

cashmere sweater and wiped the blood off his hands and arm. Then he smiled at Rosemary and asked, sharply,” Are you the bitch that shouted fuck you Wexor?”

“No, I swear it wasn’t any of us,” said Rosemary calmly as she hid how scared she was. Wexor glared at her as he hoped she’d crack.

“Oh really, then can you tell me if any of you were hit by a foul ball?” asked Wexor sternly as he eyed Rosemary and then Pat who looked him dead in the eye.

“I was, hit me right in the stomach and nearly killed me. I’ve got the mark right here,” said Den as he pulled up his shirt and showed he had a large round bruise and a welt in the center of his stomach.

Wexor inspected the wound as he squinted. Then he poked it with his finger and Den laughed.

“Hmm, well then someone else needs to be found out. I apologize for the foul ball, but at the very least you were in my luxury box uninvited. And that is a question that needs answering. The time for truth is now,” said Wexor sternly implying a question as he wiped the sweat from his brow. This left a streak of blood as everyone tried not to stare at it.

“We were in a gunfight across town and escaped into an underground river. Then we went through a doorway and came out in a janitor’s closet. That then led us to your suite and that’s the God’s honest truth,” said Rosemary anxiously as she worried he might kill her if she showed fear. Rosemary relied on an acting technique her uncle Billy told her about where you focused on a bad moment from your past (and in this case she thought about when a neighbor slapped her for cursing and it split her lip).

“I see, yes you used my early exit passageway. I use that to beat the traffic. Well then at the very least you should be my guest here at the after party. That way I can thrash some ale with, what was your name?” asked Wexor as he pointed at Den who smiled sheepishly.

“Den Sidion.”

“Den Sidion, nice to meet you and inspect your wound,” said Wexor happily then he laughed loudly as did everyone else. Wexor said warmly,” Well then, Den, why don’t you and your friends grab a seat behind home plate. Then I’ll be thrashing ale with the illustrious Den Sidion after the game. Take care of them, Yawho, I must get back to history,” said Wexor happily as he grinned and hurdled the 10 rows and landed on the opposing team’s dugout.

Wexor started doing an awkward dance with his asscheeks exposed and a face like an ape. Everyone laughed at this and then Yawho showed them to their seats directly behind home plate.

The Seats are actual brown leather recliners and have built in holographic TV’s for highlights, as well as you can watch 1,500 different channels. There is a masseuse for every chair and there is even an alt-rock singer songwriter that will play hits from before the art form died like the song,” Evenflow,” by the socially irrelevant band Pearl Jam. There are waiters that will bring you 12 course gourmet meals at the touch of a button in the armrest. There are even video games you can play that only you could see through a pair of red glasses.

Everyone sat down in a cluster of 5 recliners. Pat looked at Grega and was about to say how lucky they were that Wexor hadn’t caught them when Grega realized this and grabbed his forearm and said firmly,” Ya know I bet this whole place is wired for sound. If it were me I’d listen in on people’s conversations all the time. Wouldn’t that be fun, Pat?” asked Grega coyly as he eyed Pat who tried to act calm.

“Ah, yeah they must do that and it would be hilarious,” said Pat nervously as he gave Grega a grin.

Then Pat turned his eyes to the game where Terponic was mowing down a batter with his 208 MPH


Terponic got down on his knees and eyed the next batter who was Frank DiMaggio, a direct descendant of Joe DiMaggio. Frank took a hard practice swing then stepped in the batter’s box and spit on home plate.

“Hey you jackass, I don’t want to see that again or you’ll have that bat as a permanent appendage!”

shouted Terponic as he glared at Frank who said and did nothing.

“Just play ball already,” said Frank sternly as he grimaced and stepped out of the batter’s box.

“Boy that Frank DiMaggio is hilarious. Look how he stands up to that Doramoc,” said Rosemary happily as she sipped a strawberry smoothie and felt her neck.

“Frank don’t take shit off nobody, but I still hate him ‘cause he’s a Yankee. I hope he fucking chokes!” said Grega sternly in a loud voice. Frank turned to see who said it and Grega pretended nothing was up.

Frank took his stance again as Terponic was still down on 2 knees. Terponic did a massive windup where his back grazed the mound and he threw a 47 MPH change up that Frank missed by a mile.

“What the fuck was that?!” asked Frank loudly as he hit home plate with his bat. Terponic laughed hysterically as he grabbed a steak sandwich and took a bite.

“That was heaven, this Doramoc is a genius ahyep,” said Rosemary happily as the sun peaked out.

Terponic opened a keg of Bud Light and started drinking it like it was a can. He took a long haul off it and then tossed it up in the air and laughed heartily. The keg spiraled away as beer shot out of it.

“Did you see that, this guy’s amazing. Hey, Pat, run out there and give him a kiss for me and make it wet,” said Grega sarcastically as he winked at Pat who looked away nervously.

“I’m savin’ all my kisses for Rosemary. I’m just waiting ‘til she has on less clothes and more perfume,” said Pat jokingly as Rosemary winked at him.

Terponic did a full split and started throwing the baseball over and over again behind his back. Frank saw this and was boiling over with anger.

“Are we playin’ a game today or what?” asked Frank angrily and then he hit home plate hard with his bat and took his stance.

Terponic fell backward and shouted,” The spirit of everything is anything!”

Then Terponic lunged forward and threw a 133 MPH curveball at Frank. Frank saw it and ducked, but just as he did it took a left hand turn and dropped down from Frank’s head to exactly his knees for a strike. Frank looked around perplexed as the crowd cheered Terponic.

“There are sick curveballs, but that was the plague of all plagues. I thought that was gonna hit Frank in the back,” said Den in amazement as a red haired masseuse rubbed his neck and shoulders. Then he tapped her hands and she started rubbing his lower back.

“So did Frank, boy he looks like a jackass now!” said Pat loudly as Frank’s head jerked around when he heard it. He saw Pat smiling and raced towards the fence.

“You want your fucking head cracked open, huh, you Prick!” shouted Frank angrily as he was held back by the umpire and a teammate.

Terponic laughed loudly and mimicked Frank.

“Hey play ball you pompous jackass! What you can’t take a little ribbing! Join a health spa!” shouted Pat jokingly as he grabbed his balls.

The crowd didn’t know what to make of it. Frank glared at Pat then pointed to him and said fiercely,” After the game you’re dead! Meet me in the parking lot behind the dumpsters!”

“Oh you mean the spot where you take dates and jerk off before the game! Yeah I’ll be there dressed as your Skank wife in a red tube sock!” yelled back Pat jokingly as Frank tried to shake off his coach and the crowd laughed.

Terponic meanwhile was eating apple crisp as he laughed at Frank. Frank turned to his coach and said softly,” Find out who that prick is and have him led to where I am after the game.”

Then the coach nodded and looked over at Pat who was laughing.

“Hey, Pat, that coach just scowled at you. I think they might try something after the game,” said Amo as she sipped a glass of red wine by the Batgoles label.

Batgoles Noan was the 7th man to walk on Mars after we started building our own colony there at the behest of the Doramocs 80 years ago. He was the most noteworthy as his skin started changing shades from tan to dark green almost immediately. Then his height went from 5’8” to 7’5” and he grew a huge head upon his decision to drink more of the Mars filtered water. He even abandoned his job on the planet as a steel worker and he upgraded to an architect for the colony after only studying for a few weeks. Then he started designing a massive below ground series of rivers and lush gardens with fake sunlight that went on for over 2,000 miles. He came up with a way to use a mineral in the Martian soil that tasted the same as grape juice to make wine. He served the concoction to the workers at Raintu, which was the name of the colony the workers came up with. The workers got so blitzed they thought it was some expensive brand. This led to Batgoles selling it to the Doramocs and shortly thereafter to the people back on Earth.

“Well they can try out my lefty and righty as I knock them out cold,” said Pat sternly as he flicked off Frank.

Terponic did a full forward flip and threw a 209 MPH fastball that Frank pulled right down the leftfield line. The ball hit the wall hard getting lodged in between a picture of Ronald Gimos and a massive hot dog with the words,” We’ve only just finished everything. Now let’s forget and laugh at ancient dust,” that was written beneath it.

Ronald Gimos was the originator of really high level sayings that always had several meanings that could only all be gotten by someone like himself. His book,” Tales of a reformed Basset Hound,”

included the saying,” Doesn’t it feel like reigning kings can’t get a decent haircut in front of their stodgy queens,” as well as the saying,” I might have stolen your heart, but there’s only circumstantial evidence.

So you can only prove like, and that isn’t illegal in jail cells.” There is also the saying,” I may be hung out to dry, but at least I’ve got a legs up.” Ronald was caught in a neighbor’s bedroom having sex with 3

women, a goat, and 6 Canadian geese at 3 in the afternoon. He was wearing a full body black sweater with the appropriate hole cut out. The incident led to many of his books being banned to which he famously remarked,” I am not without the flaw of being perfect. So I’ll take my sentence of infamy in the court of public opinion and laugh at raisins being born. At least they have a sense of humor as they make us forget our trouble with remembering.”

“Get the fucking ball you Idiots!” shouted Terponic as leftfielder Ed Babalcik tried in vain to pull the ball out of the wall.

Frank raced around second base with a wide smile on his face.

“Did you see that? He pulled that unbelievably fast fastball. There isn’t another player in the world who could do that!” said Grega excitedly as he stood up and clapped while the crowd cheered.

Frank neared 3rd base and he pumped his fist. He could see the ball was still lodged in the wall. He stopped at 3rd base, turned and watched Ed try to peal the ball out of its hole with a wry smile on his face.

This even as the 3rd base coach waved him home. Frank continued to stand there laughing to himself as Terponic fumed. Then Ed gave it a hard yank, but it didn’t move and Frank looked at Terponic and said snidely,” Boy you really can pitch. I had no chance with that one.”

“Oh I’d be careful, Human, you could end up 30 rows up in the stands very easily,” said Terponic fiercely as he stared down Frank who started fidgeting.

Just them Ed pulled the ball out of its crevice and the crowd cheered. This caused Frank to sprint for home plate. The ball hit the cutoff man and was hurled towards home plate-as Frank only had a trio of

steps to get there. Frank could see the catcher move to block the plate and he did a handspring and vaulted up over him and the tag. He landed on the very backside of the plate then fell face first onto the grass.

Frank looked up at the umpire and the ump said,” Safe,” and the crowd cheered.

“Yeah, that’s the stuff I needed!” yelled Frank as his teammates congratulated him.

Terponic started punching through Frank’s teammates on his way to Frank, but Frank saw this and ran for the dugout at full speed. Terponic reeled back and kicked the first base coach Randy Sold 40 feet in the air. Randy landed on the mascot just as he was eating a hot dog covered in relish, ketchup, and mustard. The 2 of them fell forward and Randy’s face landed on a large breasted young black haired woman. She held his head there for a second as she licked it.

“Boy those fellas are having a kicking good time wouldn’t ya say?” asked Pat jokingly as he grinned.

Rosemary groaned and put her hand in front of Pat’s face.

“Boy your pun nearly did me in. I now feel I could marry a mannequin and get better jokes than that.

Although, I don’t think I’ll get the same level of constant flatulence. So I’ll have to push you off the nearest available cliff, Pat, because I’m fallin’ for ya! But I have to make sure you’ll fall for me figuratively and literally,” said Rosemary sarcastically as she scrunched up her face. Rosemary watched Terponic using a massive water balloon like a weapon as he spun around in circles and bashed people in the face with it.

Terponic did a quick spin and flung it into the crowd 10 rows up. It burst soaking them in piss and feathers from a seagull’s butt. The crowd started shouting at him and throwing their drinks and food. but Terponic ran into his own dugout as he laughed hysterically.

“That was so fucking devious. Do you smell that urine? Oh what a bastard thing to do,” said Grega in disbelief as the smell of urine filled the air.

“Maybe we shouldn’t say things like that, Grega. We are in Wexor’s box,” said Amo softly as she gave Grega a concerned look. Grega took a shaky drink from his beer.

“You’re right, yeah fuck those idiot fans they had it comin’. He should’ve doused ‘em with horse manure,” said Grega jokingly as he grinned from ear to ear and Den laughed.

“Then a pint of Naty to level out the buzz. We’ve all been there, Amo more than the rest of us,” said Den sarcastically as the alt-rock singer songwriter Hev Gobot sang the Soundgarden song,” Spoonman.”

Hev Gobot is shaved to look like he is balding with dark blue hair and a thick orange goatee. The goatee has tiny silver birds attached to it. He has sapphire eyes that look visibly stoned. And a red seagull tattoo on his neck with the words,” I’d fly away, but going is where I am,” written around the seagull. He is 5’4” and 213 pounds with a giant beer and pot gut, as well as small feet and hands with stubby fingers.

He has on a dark brown corduroy jacket with cigarette stains on the front and a pink t-shirt with a man taking a dump in a coffin and the words,” Dying isn’t the relief I’d hoped for, but this is close,” written in a pyramid beneath it. He also has on puma running shoes that are raggedy and have holes in them with a tiny dragon on the toe.

“Den, I have a feeling you’ve been there more than most. How’s that manure taste? Is it as chewy as it looks?” asked Amo sarcastically as she grinned. Den shook coat and lifted his shoulders.

“It’s a bit like a half eaten meatloaf doused in kerosene with a hint of twice soiled panties. So all and all it’s very delectable, but only with a Brut deodorant glazed Shepherd’s pie,” said Den sarcastically as they all laughed. Den motioned with his hands to the waitress for another Natural Light.

“So the same as what we had for breakfast. I’d worried it wasn’t as tasty,” said Rosemary sarcastically as she watched Terponic coming up to bat to start the bottom half of the inning. He had a silver painted bat that read,” Losers are the last place on Earth for a lonely moment of glory to reside. I only live in areas with lush green fields of victory,” written around the length of the bat.

Frank DiMaggio and Wexor stood on second base as Wexor prepared to pitch.

“Look, Emperor, I need to know you’re not gonna pitch a softball to Terponic. I only ask ‘cause he’ll line drive that sucker right at my noggin,” said Frank nervously as he looked at Terponic taking angry aggressive swings outside of the batter’s box.

“Well shit, Frank, I’ve got a rep to uphold. I’m not gonna give Terponic any easy pitches. Matter of fact, I plan on throwing away from the plate. I don’t want that prick to even make as much contact as a book nerd at a strip club with a stripper’s eyes,” said Wexor coyly as he secretly knew he was going to throw Terponic a strike right down the middle.

Wexor glared at Frank, who looked away quickly and wondered how he could be such a trusting jerk-off.

“I appreciate that, Emperor, or my ass would have been grass. Alright, let’s toast that sucker with some heat whoweee!” said Frank enthusiastically as he jogged over to his spot at shortstop and smiled.

Wexor tried not to laugh and took one large step and was instantly at the pitcher’s mound.

“Oh that kid is so gullible it defies all the volumes of accumulated knowledge in the Senapo library.

Here comes respect, My Lovely,” said Wexor sternly as he barely whispered. Wexor looked at Terponic who was grinning, as they both knew full well what was about to happen.

The Senapo library is a vast 60,000 mile long library on a planet in a neighboring solar system to Forpush, called Elaxia Court. Elaxia Court itself is 180,000 miles around with half of it being lush blue land mass and the rest is nutrient rich orange water. There are only 6,000 inhabitants (called Homelas) that all live inside the enormous library. The library itself is in the shape of a rectangle and it has 7,000

pyramids shooting out each of its black and gold spotted sides. When the Doramocs found the library they realized instantly that there was book after book of technological and philosophical knowledge. And most of it they had never been seen before. It included the paragraph,” A godless man never lives a day past his

lost faith. Instead toils in self-pity for himself and a hatred for God. He passes on every opportunity to know God with the never-ending self righteous excuse of, it just isn’t possible for God to breathe if planets stalk the heavens.” There are also books on how to pinpoint exact locations in the fabric of spacetime as well as how to walk through an intermediary dimension and emerge there. You do this by shattering a moving atom again and again until it rockets through the walls of your dimension in a controlled space. Then once you have fractured the 4th dimension you then can thrust yourself through the hole created. Once inside there are a series of 8 trillion markers set up that look like floating balls of light.

They indicate planets and moons that have been visited.

Wexor did a jumping 360 degree spin and threw a 185 MPH changeup that went right down the middle. Terponic saw it coming and took a mighty lash hitting it right at Frank at incredible speed.

Frank’s instincts made him drop instantly, but the ball went right through his hat. It sliced the top of his head and went out the back of the hat towards the centerfield wall. When it got to the wall Tim Adding went to catch it and the ball went right through his glove. It unfortunately went through the pointer finger on his hand severing it at the middle knuckle. Frank had blood coming down his forehead as Terponic raced towards second. The ball he’d hit just cleared the outfield wall and was a homerun.

“How’s life treatin’ ya, Sir?” asked Jack Ohapud as he grinned and extended his hand to Pat.

Jack Ohapud is the Yankee’s swing coach. His hair is sandy blonde and cut very short with a little cowlick in the front. He also has a dark red triangular goatee with a red dragon tied into it. His eyes are emerald green and would draw you in. He is 5’9” and 209 pounds with a massive boulder gut and powerful forearms, as well as large almost square hands. He has on a black silk jacket that has the Yankees emblem on the back and the words,” Try pulling my curve when it’s through the vortex of home plate, never happen,” written beneath the emblem in red thread. He also has on dark blue jeans and red Puma sneakers that read across the sides,” Only great, only always.”

“Great, ah do I know you?” asked Pat nervously as he shook Jack’s hand and squinted.

“I work for the stadium and I was sent over to let you know we appreciate your business and what was your name?” asked Jack coyly as Pat looked up at him.

“It’s Pat, but my brother called me future homeless,” said Pat jokingly then everyone smiled as Jack laughed and secretly thought about what Frank had asked him to do.

“That’s hilarious ya know you’re just what I thought you’d be. Isn’t that funny? Well I’ve got a pair of cardboard boxes if you need a place to sleep for the night, they’re roomy?!” said Jack jokingly as he laughed and patted Pat on the shoulder. Everyone laughed except Grega who thought something was up.

“Hey what do you do for the stadium exactly?” asked Grega coyly as he smiled at Jack who paused awkwardly when Grega asked.

“Oh I’m the manager of the luxury seats and after parties. Which reminds me would you be interested in attending a massive beer drenched party in the Yankees personal bar, Mick’s on Carmichael street?” asked Jack warmly as he grinned and wondered if Grega was onto him, but Jack just couldn’t tell so he kept smiling.

Pat looked at everyone as they nodded yes and Pat said happily,” Yeah we’d love it, Jack, we’ll meet ya there.”

“Great, great news, oh you’ll love it to. There’s gonna be tons of booze and Yankee catering. Hell you’ll get to meet all the players and their wives. Alright then I’ll have to be heading back, enjoy the game,” said Jack warmly then he gave everyone a smile and started up the stairs. He thought he’d fooled Pat and was very content with his lying skills.

“Pat, the guy’s a fucking liar,” said Grega flatly as he put his hand on Pat’s shoulder.

Pat looked back at him in shock with his mouth open.

“What are you talkin’ about? He just wants to deal out some perks,” said Pat in disbelief as he frowned and Grega smiled back.

“Pat, Manager of the luxury seats? Don’t be a sucker that Prick was sent up here by DiMaggio.

Think about it, he wants us to go to some random bar to party with the team. They’re not gonna rent out a bar when they’ve got a stadium,” said Grega firmly as he shook his head and Pat started to understand he was right.

“Yeah, Pat, I’ll tell ya what happens if you go anywhere near that bar, 6 or 7 of them are gonna jump ya and do damage, serious damage,” said Den as he shook his beer to see how much was left.

“Plus, Pat, we already have a party to go too held by Wexor. Who quite frankly is a Yankee and we’ll know soon enough if it’s true, because Wexor’s party won’t be in Mick’s bar on Carmichael Street.

Which quite frankly sounded like a made up place,” said Rosemary sternly as she toyed with a bobblehead of Wexor. Rosemary cheered as Tim Adding was being carried off the field on a blue anti-gravity stretcher. The stretcher has a glowing red undercarriage and is being piloted by Rusty Jokeum, as he sits on the front.

Rusty Jokeum is only 1’5” inches tall and has a thick seal black hair and dark purple warm eyes. He also has a thick curly beard and block jaw that makes him handsome. Rusty has on a red silk suit and white Armani dress shoes, with a dangling tiny Doramoc mini bible called a Fernga.

The Fernga contains over 350,000 phrases and brief stories believed to be written by Gabra through a series of prophets. It includes the passage,” Why so glum, was it your mind that drank that rum or something more fierce. Possibly those fears from youth manifesting themselves as current worries and aches. Only a man who hates his failings, fails himself innumerable times in an effort to never know who he is at all. Then its bottle after bottle of why was it him and who could I have been?”

It also has a joke titled,” Too much good, when bad was everywhere.” And it goes as such,” I guessed a time or two about far too much of not enough. I liked such a thing as it made perfect sense.

Now I find I’m searching for the sense in an old man saving his earwax. When I know he’s got plans to make candles and scream quotes like,” Where’s my broken leg when I need it!” as well as,” Who steals a sleeping man’s sweaty underpants and replaces them with pink panties as he sleeps?” There is also a list of God’s quotes that include the one,” I never knew nothing that wasn’t pure inspiration. Which is why I have a particular joy I feel when a person enjoys what’s a sensation to them, but an all day occurrence to me.” As well as the thought,” While every child is pure until hate or villainy corrupts them. I still forget quite intentionally that they’ll all know a pristine day at least once and that thrills me endlessly and without pause.”

The game went on for 9 innings with Wexor getting 15 home runs and Terponic only 13. They went to the showers after the Yankees won by 1 run on a sacrifice fly by Frank DiMaggio.

Amo and everyone were led to a massive event hall in the main portion of Yankee stadium that sits15 stories beneath the street.

It has a dozen lounges set up on saucers floating up above the floor. Each of which is olive in color and has 50 chairs of dark brown leather on them, as well as 3 tan circular couches with beanbag green and turquoise centers. There are large puzzle piece shaped tables built in the middle of the saucers that are white in color and have chefs and food stores there. Each of the chefs perpetually keeps making entrees and meals until every person is satisfied. Then the leftovers are given to a nearby brothel and food kitchen.

There are floating spiral staircases leading up to each of the saucers that are shiny and have a gold swirling design. There is one saucer that is used for the entertainment for the night. And they have a rock band, a play, and a dozen beautiful female exotic dancers on it that are sent to each table on a holographic projector. Along the walls are holographic fire and brimstone images of Wexor running a race in and

through several buildings. The wooded areas are where he bashes in people’s heads as he passes them.

Wexor runs at an almost jet engine like speed. The area beneath the saucers has a labyrinth of passageways and rooms filled with new and old Yankee memorabilia. They include secret items like Babe Ruth’s left eye and Derek Jeter’s head in a glass case.

Everyone walked up to Wexor’s saucer and grabbed a seat. Den was on Wexor’s right and a pair of beautiful twin blonde women (wearing only black halter tops and skin tight white silk pants that accentuated their full figures) were on his left.

“So here it is, Den, my lair of fornication and athletic achievement. How do you like it?” asked Wexor loudly as he slapped Den on the back.

This while Rosemary, Grega, Pat, and Amo looked on and smiled from ear to ear as they sat next to Den.

“If I loved it more I’d be in heaven or northern Maine, which is to say I like it,” said Den jokingly and nervously as he grinned mischievously at Wexor.

Wexor laughed and slapped Den again hard on the back causing Den to lurch forward and spill his beer. Rosemary laughed at how nervous Den was knowing he was stuck.

“Oh, Den, I feel you have a rapier wit, which is to say I’m too drunk to tell the difference. So if you want your jokes to work keep the suds a flowin’,” said Wexor jokingly as Den laughed and his hand darted for a beer from a dozen that were in an ice cold tin in the center. Den hurried the beer over to Wexor’s mouth.

Wexor took the Natural Light from Den and bit the top of it off and drank it in one quick drink.

“I’ll keep you near alcohol poisoning all night. And that’s a promise, Emperor,” said Den jokingly as he grabbed 2 more beers and placed them in Wexor’s huge hands.

“Why haven’t we thrashed ale before now, Den? I can see you are a man of talent and action, unlike many of my idiot relatives,” said Wexor warmly then he bit the tops off the other 2 beers and downed them in one quick motion.

“Well, my friends and I were busy tryin’ to find the meaning of life in a Naty Light can. So our efforts were being pushed appropriately in that novel pursuit,” said Den slyly as Wexor burst out laughing and then stopped suddenly.

“Oh it’s in there, Den, it’s in there deep below the years of childhood trauma and next to your family’s ridicule but in there nonetheless. I myself have been searching for the same thing and in a similar fashion. Only to find it singing to me through the haze of a morning buzz. The good times can roll, but I’m racing through a million moments of greatness. I won’t regret those days when I thought I had it all figured out, ‘cause I almost did,” explained Wexor then he bellowed with laughter and everyone else joined in.

“That was amazing, did you write that, Emperor?” asked Rosemary warmly as she ate a chocolate and marshmallow tuba shaped candybar and looked at Wexor.

“No, that’s from Fernga, it’s our religious text. By far our most popular and there’s another passage…what is it…yes a lovely woman of years caressed my soul for a couple of beers. Though we never spoke again on any evening of note I thought of her just now and knew that she’d know, she was all of my everything at least that’s what she’ll recall,” said Wexor proudly and everyone clapped.

Then several waitresses walked up and started putting red diamond studded trays of food on the table. And they included a Doramoc dish called Sprekil.

Sprekil is a type of beef, cheese, and seasoning that is cooked 50 feet in the ground in a vat of Alfredo sauce and pure Pomata (which is a thick Doramoc beer). Then when it has been cooked for 600

days it is brought up to the surface and poured into loafs of buttered bread through a hole at the end. Then the bread is fried in a creamy cheese sauce and served hot on chopped up pasta.

“Emperor, I have to query, is it as fun being the head cheese and I don’t mean lunch, as it looks or do you find you’re always stressed?” asked Grega as she filled his plate with Sprekil and looked over at Wexor who was doing the same.

“Well, Grega, it takes a bit of doing. Most of my kind have fallen madly in love with humankind, but there are so many humans who won’t, or can’t accept us. I really don’t know what can be done to change the situation,” said Wexor coyly as he thought how great it’d be to be rid of all the humans and then have the Earth to Doramockind.

Meanwhile everyone wasn’t buying Wexor’s claims, but knew they had to appear they were. They all nodded and looked concerned as the band Pornubin started to play a raucous rock and roll song called,” Desperation and other lost arts.”

Pornubin is a 10 piece band out of Greenwich Village who are led by a 6’8” tall purple haired white woman named Weirki Beiki. Weirki is referred to in the Village Voice as,” the reason music happens.”

She sang in a deep soulful almost manly voice and did backflips and handsprings while singing in perfect key. She once had sex with a 2 foot tall man on stage in the middle of their song,” Worn out Glue,” as she rammed the man repeatedly into her pussy with both hands on his sides and the microphone held up by her breasts. The crowd cheered for her and one member of the crowd worked for Sub Pop records and offered her a record for single deal. This meant the band had to record 50 singles and then Sub Pop would release one. Then they would give them 4 percent of the royalties if it was a success, but if it failed they had to pay Sub Pop all the money they’d spent on the singles back with 35 percent interest. Pornubin signed on the spot and never made a cent after taxes from the deal.

“You could try to give humans more rights. I mean all’s most people want is to not be fearful of Doramocs. And most Doramocs can do whatever they want and they literally get away with murder,” said

Amo unapologetically as she pulled her hair from her face and sipped a glass of Batgoles. Then up walked Frank DiMaggio and Jack Ohapud with menacing looks on their faces.

“Hey, Prickfucker, you wanna be a big man now! Huh you fucking Jerkwad?!” asked Frank fiercely as he grabbed Pat by the shoulder and spun him out of his chair.

“What’s your fucking problem? You’re a ballplayer, I can say whatever the fuck I want!” shouted Pat then he pushed Frank good and hard into Rosemary’s chair.

Frank shot at Pat and tried to punch him in the face but only grazed his cheek, as Pat grabbed him by the jacket. They started wrestling as Grega was being held back by Jack. Then Grega kneed Jack in the balls and grabbed his neck and smashed his face into the table breaking his nose. Meanwhile Frank and Pat were throwing punches back and forth with Frank catching Pat in the eye. This sent Pat into a rage and he let out a scream and clocked Frank right in the mouth. This sent blood and Frank’s front teeth into a bowl of creamy tomato soup as Wexor laughed loudly.

“Is it teeth soup again, Den, I’m full up?” asked Wexor sarcastically as he rubbed Den’s head and Den laughed nervously and looked at Amo who was calmly smoking a cigarette.

“Yeah, I had 2 bowls myself. Too crunchy for me though,” said Den nervously as he tried to be funny but was worried at how at ease Wexor was with him.

Grega grabbed hold of Jack’s arm and flung him down the spiral staircase, as Pat repeatedly punched Frank in the back of the head and neck.

“You’ve seen too many strikes yet, you Fuckin’ Cocksucker! Go get me a strap-on, I want to hit both of this bitches holes while she begs for seconds!” said Pat coldly as he pummeled Frank and Wexor laughed hysterically.

Then Amo looked at Grega with a concerned look on her face and Grega squinted at her not knowing what that meant. Amo said quickly as she pointed to Pat,” Pat’s gonna kill that guy, Grega, stop him!”

“Oh Jesus,” said Grega in a concerned tone as he ran over to Pat who was still whaling away on Frank who was nearly unconscious.

“It’s no matter, there will be no punishment if that idiot Frank dies, I assure you,” said Wexor brashly as he held Den close to him in a stiff headlock.

Den looked around and grimaced not knowing what to do with his nostrils full of Wexor’s sweaty armpits.

“Hey, Emperor, could I get a bit of air please?” asked Den nervously as Wexor smiled and looked down at him.

Wexor let go of him as Grega tried to stop Frank from being beaten to death by Pat. Grega grabbed hold of Pat’s fist just before he was about to kill Frank, who couldn’t have taken another blow to the head. Grega said sternly,” Not today, Pat, let this one swim away.”

“Alright, but he’s a bastard and a fucking nobody in my book,” said Pat coldly as Frank spit up blood and moaned in agony.

Wexor stood up and clapped while everyone in the room looked on in horror.

Then Pornubin started playing their song,” Hearts and full face fornication.” The room started to liven up. Everyone partied late into the night and then went to sleep at the Guess Building suite.