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receptor. This section will review the different receptor flexibility representations that have been

proposed to study receptor conformational changes in the context of structure based drug design.

A central paradigm which was used in the development of the first docking programs was the

lock-and-key model first described by Fischer [10] [link]. In this model the three dimensional structure of the ligand and the receptor complement each other in the same way that a lock

complements a key. However, further work confirmed that the lock-and-key model is not the most

correct description for ligand binding. A more accurate view of this process was first presented by

Koshland [11] [link] in the induced fit model. In this model the three dimensional structure of the ligand and the receptor adapt to each other during the binding process. It is important to note

that not only the structure of the ligand but also the structure of the receptor changes during the

binding process. This occurs because the introduction of a ligand modifies the chemical and

structural environment of the receptor. As a result, the unbound protein conformational substates,

corresponding to the low energy regions of the protein energy landscape are likely to change. The

induced fit model is supported by multiple observations in different proteins such as streptavidin,

HIV-1 protease, DHFR, aldose reductase and many others.

More information about some of these proteins and other proteins motions can be found at the

following links:

HIV Protease Database

DHFR the MOVIE homepage

Database of Macromolecular Movements

Although it has been clearly established that a protein is able to undergo conformational changes

during the binding process, most docking studies consider the protein as a rigid structure. The

reason for this crude approximation is the extraordinary increase in computational complexity that

is required to include the degrees of freedom of a protein in a modeling study. There is currently

no computationally efficient docking method that is able to screen a large database of potential

ligands against a target receptor while considering the full flexibility of both ligand and receptor.

In order for this process to become efficient, it is necessary to find a representation for protein

flexibility that avoids the direct search of a solution space comprised of thousands of degrees of

freedom. What follows is a brief review of the different representations that have been used to

incorporate protein flexibility in the modeling of protein/ligand interactions. A common theme

behind all these approaches is that the accuracy of the results is usually directly proportional to

the computational complexity of the representation. The different types of flexibility

representations models are grouped into categories that illustrate some of the key ideas that have

been presented in the literature in recent years. However it is important to note that the boundaries

between these categories are not rigid and in fact several of the publications referenced below

could easily fall in more than one category.


Flexibility Representations

Soft Receptors

Perhaps the simplest solution to represent some degree of receptor flexibility in docking

applications is the use of soft receptors. Soft receptors can be easily generated by relaxing the

high energy penalty that the system incurs when an atom in the ligand overlaps an atom in the

receptor structure. By reducing the van der Waals contributions to the total energy score the

receptor is in practice made softer, thus allowing, for example, a larger ligand to fit in a binding

site determined experimentally for a smaller molecule (see Figure 6). The rationale behind this

approach is that the receptor structure has some inherent flexibility which allows it to adapt to

slightly differently shaped ligands by resorting to small variations in the orientation of binding

site chains and backbone positions. If the change in the receptor conformation is small enough, it

is assumed that the receptor is capable of such a conformational change, given its large number of

degrees of freedom, even though the conformational change itself is not modeled explicitly. It is

also assumed that the change in protein conformation does not incur a sufficiently high energetic

penalty to offset the improved interaction energy between the ligand and the receptor. The main

advantage of using soft receptors is ease of implementation (docking algorithms stay unchanged)

and speed (the cost of evaluating the scoring function is the same as for the rigid case).

Figure 112.

a) Three dimensional van der Walls representation of a target receptor. b) Close up image of a section of the binding site. For the purposes of rigid protein docking, the receptor is commonly described by the union of the volumes occupied by its atoms. The steric collision of any atom of the candidate ligand with the atoms of the receptor will result in a high energetic penalty. c) Same section of the binding site as shown in b) but with reduced radii for the atoms in the receptor. This type of soft representation allows ligand atoms to enter the shaded area without incurring a high energetic penalty.

Another use of soft docking models is to improve convergence during energy minimization of the

complex by avoiding local minima. In the initial stages of the conformational search the ligand is

allowed to overlap with the receptor and nonbonded energy terms are modified to avoid high

energy gradients. During the course of the minimization the interactions are then gradually

restored to their original values simulating a ligand that is gradually exposed to the field of the

receptor. This allows initial ligand/receptor conformations, which due to steric clashes would

result in a very high energy penalty, to slowly adapt to each other in a complementary

conformation without overlaps. One potential pitfall of this approach is the possibility that the

ligand may become interlocked with the protein, leading to failure of the docking procedure.

Although the use of soft receptors presents a number of advantages such as ease of

implementation and computation speed, it also makes use of conformational and energetic

assumptions that are difficult to verify. This can easily result in errors, especially if the soft

region is made excessively large to account for larger conformational changes on the part of the


Selection of Specific Degrees of Freedom

In order to reduce the complexity of modeling the very large dimensional space representing the

full flexibility of the protein, is it possible to obtain an approximate solution by selecting only a

few degrees of freedom to model explicitly. The degrees of freedom chosen usually correspond to

rotations around single bonds (see Figure 7). The reason for this choice is that these degrees of

freedom are usually considered the natural degrees of freedom in molecules. Rotations around

bonds lead to deviations from ideal geometry that result in a small energy penalty when compared

to deviations from ideality in bond lengths and bond angles. This assumption is in good agreement

with current modeling force fields such as CHARMM [12] [link] and AMBER [13] [link].

Selection of which torsional degrees of freedom to model is usually the most difficult part of this

method because it requires a considerable amount of a priori knowledge of alternative binding

modes for a given receptor. This knowledge usually is a result of the availability of experimental

structures obtained under different conditions or using different ligands. If multiple experimental

structures are not available some insight can be obtained from simulation methods such as Monte

Carlo (MC) or molecular dynamics (MD). The torsions chosen are usually rotations of aminoacid

side chains in the binding site of the receptor protein. It is also common to further reduce the

search space by using rotamer libraries for the aminoacid side chains


Figure 113.

Stick representation of the same binding site section as shown in Figure 1. In order to approximate the flexibility of the receptor it is possible to carefully select a few degrees of freedom. These are usually select torsional angles of sidechains in the binding site that have been determined to be critical in the induced fit effect for a specific receptor. In this example the selected torsional angles are represented by arrows.

An example of a program that takes the approach of selecting a few degrees of freedom to

represent protein flexibility is the program GOLD [14] [link]. In GOLD, Jones et al. use a genetic algorithm (GA) to dock a flexible ligand to a semi-flexible protein. GAs are an optimization

method that derives its behavior from a metaphor of the process of evolution. A solution to a

problem is encoded in a chromosome and a fitness score is assigned to it based on the relative

merit of the solution. A population of chromosomes then goes through a process of evolution in

which only the fittest solutions survive. This program takes into account not only the position and

conformation of the ligand but also the hydrogen bonding network in the binding site. This was

achieved by encoding orientation information for donor hydrogen atoms and acceptors in the GA

chromosome. This type of conformational information is very important because if the starting

point for a docking study is a rigid crystallographic structure, the orientations of hydroxyl groups

will be undetermined. Being able to model these orientations explicitly removes any bias that

might result from positioning hydroxyl groups based upon a known ligand. One limitation of this

work is that the binding site still remains essentially rigid because protein conformational changes

are limited to a few terminal bonds. This program performed very well for hydrophilic ligands but

encountered some difficulties when trying to dock hydrophobic ligands due to the reduced

contribution of hydrogen bonding to the binding process. More information about GOLD can be

found at the following link:

Multiple Receptor Structures

One possible way to represent a flexible receptor for drug design applications is the use of

multiple static receptor structures (see Figure 8). This concept is supported by the currently

accepted model that proteins in solution do not exist in a single minimum energy static

conformation but are in fact constantly jumping between low energy conformational substates. In

this way the best description for a protein structure is that of a conformational ensemble of

slightly different protein structures coexisting in a low energy region of the potential energy

surface. Moreover the binding process can be thought of as not exactly an induced fit model as

described by Koshland in 1958 [11] [link] but more like a selection of a particular substate from the conformational ensemble that best complements the shape of a specific ligand.

The use of multiple static conformations for docking gives rise to two critical questions. The first

question is: How can we obtain a representative subset of the conformational ensemble typical of

a given receptor? Currently there exist only a limited set of means to generate the three

dimensional structure of macromolecules. The structures can be determined experimentally either

from X-ray crystallography or NMR, or generated via computational methods such as Monte

Carlo or molecular dynamics simulations. Simulations typically use as a starting point a structure

determined by one of the experimental methods. Ideally we would like to use a sampling that

provides the most extensive coverage of the structure space. Comparisons done between

traditional molecular simulations and experimental techniques [15] [link], [16] [link] seem to indicate that X-ray crystallography and NMR structures seem to provide better coverage. However

this balance can potentially change due to advances in computational methods. Another limitation

in choosing data sources is availability. Although experimental data is preferable, the monetary

and time cost of determining multiple structures experimentally is significantly higher than

obtaining the same amount of data computationally. The second critical question is: What is the

best way of combining this large amount of structural information for a docking study? This

question also remains open. Current approaches use diverse ways of combining multiple



Figure 114.

Superposition of multiple conformers of the same binding site section as shown in Figure 1. As an alternative to considering the target protein as a single three dimensional structure, it is possible to combine information from multiple protein conformations in a drug design effort. These can be either considered individually as rigid representatives of the conformational ensemble or can be combined into a single representation that preserves the most relevant structural information.

One of the main advantages of using multiple structures instead of using a selection of degrees of

freedom to represent protein flexibility is that the flexible region is not limited to a specific small

region of the protein. Multiple structures allow the consideration of the full flexibility of the

protein without the exponential blow up in terms of computational cost that would derive from

including all the degrees of freedom of the protein. On the other hand, flexibility is modeled

implicitly and as such only a small fraction of the conformational space of the receptor is

represented. In addition, the method by which the multiple receptor structures are combined has a

drastic influence on the possible results of the docking computation.

Molecular Simulations

To simulate the binding process with as much detail as possible and avoid some of the limitations

of previous flexibility models one can use force field based atomistic simulation methods such as

Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics (see Figure 9). Whereas molecular dynamics applies the laws

of classical mechanics to compute the motion of the particles in a molecular system, Monte Carlo

methods are so called because they are based on a random sampling of the conformational space.

The main advantage of Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics flexibility representations in docking

studies is that they are very accurate and can model explicitly all degrees of freedom of the

system including the solvent if necessary. Unfortunately, the high level of accuracy in the

modeling process comes with a prohibitive computational cost. For example, in the case of

molecular dynamics, state of the art protein simulations can only simulate periods ranging from


10 to 100 ns, even when using large parallel computers or clusters. Given that diffusion and

binding of ligands takes place over a longer time span, it is clear that these simulations techniques

cannot be used as a general method to screen large databases of compounds in the near future. It is

however possible to carry out approximations that reduce the computational expense and lead to

insights that would be impossible to gain using less flexible receptor representations. The cost of

carrying out the computational approximations is usually a loss in accuracy.

Figure 115.

Molecular simulations can give a description of the full protein flexibility as it interacts with a ligand. Molecular dynamics applies the laws of classical mechanics to compute the motion of particles in a molecular system. Alternatively, the different conformational snapshots obtained at times t 0 , t 1 , etc., can be used as multiple protein structures representing the conformational ensemble.

Collective Degrees of Freedom

An alternative representation for protein flexibility is the use of collective degrees of freedom.

This approach enables the representation of full protein flexibility, including loops and domains,

without a dramatic increase in computational cost. Collective degrees of freedom are not native

degrees of freedom of molecules. Instead they consist of global protein motions that result from a

simultaneous change of all or part of the native degrees of freedom of the receptor.

Collective degrees of freedom can be determined using different methods. One method is the

calculation of normal modes for the receptor [17] [link]. Normal modes are simple harmonic oscillations about a local energy minimum, which depends on the structure of the receptor and the

energy function. For a purely harmonic energy function, any motion can be exactly expressed as a

superposition of normal modes. In proteins, the lowest frequency modes correspond to delocalized

motions, in which a large number of atoms oscillate with considerable amplitude. The highest

frequency motions are more localized such as the stretching of bonds. By assuming that the

protein is at an energy minimum, we can represent its flexibility by using the low frequency

normal modes as degrees of freedom for the system. Zacharias and Sklenar [18] [link] applied a method similar to normal mode analysis to derive a series of harmonic modes that were used to

account for receptor flexibility in the binding of a small ligand to DNA. This in practice reduced

the number of degrees of freedom of the DNA molecule from 822 (3 × 276 atoms – 6) to

approximately 5 to 40.


Figure 116.

Representation of a collective degree of freedom for HIV-1 protease. Full protein flexibility can be represented in a low dimensional space using collective degrees of freedom. One method to obtain these is Principal Component Analysis. Principal components

correspond to a concerted motion of the protein. The first principal component for HIV-1 protease is indicated by the arrows (top). By following this collective degree of freedom it is possible to generate alternative conformations for the receptor (bottom).

An alternative method of calculating collective degrees of freedom for macromolecules is the use

of dimensional reduction methods. The most commonly used dimensional reduction method for

the study of protein motions is principal component analysis (PCA). This method was first applied

by Garcia [19] [link] in order to identify high-amplitude modes of fluctuations in macromolecular dynamics simulations. It has also been used to identify and study protein conformational

substates, as a possible method to extend the timescale of molecular dynamics simulations and as

a method to perform conformational sampling. In the next module, we present a protocol [20]

[link] based on PCA to derive a reduced basis representation of protein flexibility that can be used to decrease the complexity of modeling protein/ligand interactions. The most significant principal

components have a direct physical interpretation. They correspond to a concerted motion of the

protein where all the atoms move in specific spatial directions and with fixed ratios in overall

displacement. An example is provided in Figure 10 where the directions and ratios are indicated

by the direction and size of the arrows, respectively. By considering only the most significant

principal components as the valuable degrees of freedom of the system, it is possible to cut down

an initial search space of thousands of degrees of freedom to less than fifty. This is achievable

because the fifty most significant principal components usually account for 80-90% of the overall

conformational variance of the system. The PCA approach avoids some of the limitations of

normal modes such as deficient solvent modeling and existence of multiple energy minima during

a large motion. The last limitation contradicts the initial assumption of a single well energy


Recommended Reading and Resources:

A review of flexible receptor methods, as of 2003: Teodoro, M.L. and L.E. Kavraki. [HTML].

(2003). Conformational Flexibility Models for the Receptor in Structure Based Drug Design.

Current Pharmaceutical Design, 9, 1635-1648.

A comprehensive overview of existing docking software, as of 2006: Sousa, S.F., Pedro

Fernandes A., and Ramos, M. J. [HTML]. (2006). Protein-ligand docking: Current status and future challenges. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 65(1) 15-26.


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Estimate the Binding Affinity of Ligands in Receptor Complexes. Journal of Computer-Aided

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2. Boehm, H-J. (1994). The Development of a Simple Empirical Scoring Function to Estimate the

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3. Muegge, I. and Y.C. Martin. (1999). A General and Fast Scoring Function for Protein-Ligand

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4. Gohlke, H., M. Hendlich, and G. Klebe. (2000). Knowledge Based Scoring Function to Predict

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9. Ewing, T.J.A. and I.D. Kuntz. (1997). Critical evaluation of search algorithms for automated

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10. Fischer, E. (1894). Einfluss der Configuration auf die Wirkung der Enzyme. Ber. Dtsch. Chem.

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