Kinematics fundamentals by Sunil Singh - HTML preview

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our real time experience, we may substantiate this assertion. For example, we can deflect a foot

ball, applying force as we wish (in both magnitude and direction). The motion of the ball has no

bearing on how we apply force. Simply put : the magnitude and direction of the force (and that of

acceleration) is not dependent on the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the body.

In the nutshell, we conclude that force and hence acceleration is independent of the velocity of

the body. The magnitude and direction of the acceleration is determined by the magnitude and

direction of the force and mass of the body. This is an important clarification.

To elucidate the assertion further, let us consider parabolic motion of a ball as shown in the figure.

The important aspect of the parabolic motion is that the acceleration associated with motion is

simply ‘g’ as there is no other force present except the force of gravity. The resultant force and

mass of the ball together determine acceleration of the ball.




Figure 2.5. Parabolic motion

The resultant force and mass of the ball together determine acceleration of the ball

Example 2.2. Acceleration

Problem : If the tension in the string is T, when the string makes an angle θ with the vertical.

Find the acceleration of a pendulum bob, having a mass “m”.

Solution : As pointed out in our discussion, we need not study or consider velocities of bob to

get the answer. Instead we should strive to know the resultant force to find out acceleration,

using Newton’s second law of motion.

The forces, acting on the bob, are (i) force of gravity, mg, acting in the downward direction

and (ii) Tension, T, acting along the string. Hence, the acceleration of the bob is determined

by the resultant force, arising from the two forces.

Figure 2.6. Acceleration of a pendulum bob

Using parallelogram theorem for vector addition, the resultant force is :

The acceleration is in the direction of force as shown in the figure, whereas the magnitude of

the acceleration, a, is given by :



External force and possible scenarios

The change in velocity, resulting from the application of external force, may occur in magnitude

or direction or both.

1: When force is applied in a given direction and the object is stationary.

Under this situation, the magnitude of velocity increases with time, while the body follows a

linear path in the direction of force (or acceleration).

2: When force is applied in the direction of the motion, then it increases the magnitude of the

velocity without any change in the direction.

Let us consider a block sliding on a smooth incline surface as shown in the figure. The component

of the force due to gravity applies in the direction of motion. Under this situation, the magnitude

of velocity increases with time, while the body follows a linear path. There is no change in the

direction of motion.

Figure 2.7. A block sliding along smooth incline

The block moves faster as it moves down the slope

3: When force is applied in the opposite direction to the motion, then it decreases the magnitude

of the velocity without any change in the direction.

Take the example of a ball thrown vertically in the upward direction with certain velocity. Here,

force due to gravity is acting downwards. The ball linearly rises to the maximum height till the

velocity of ball reduces to zero.



Figure 2.8. A ball thrown in vertical direction

The ball reverses its direction during motion.

During upward motion, we see that the force acts in the opposite direction to that of the velocity.

Under this situation, the magnitude of velocity decreases with time, while the body follows a

linear path. There is no change in the direction of motion.

The velocity of the object at the point, where motion changes direction, is zero and force is acting

downwards. This situation is same as the case 1. The object is at rest. Hence, object moves in the

direction of force i.e. in the downward direction.

In the figure above, the vectors drawn at various points represent the direction and magnitude of

force ( F), acceleration ( a) and velocity ( v) during the motion. Note that both force and

acceleration act in the downward direction during the motion.

4: When force is applied perpendicular to the direction of motion, then it causes change in the

direction of the velocity.

A simple change of direction also constitutes change in velocity and, therefore, acceleration.

Consider the case of a uniform circular motion in which a particle moves along a circular path at

constant speed “v”. Let v 1 and v 2 be the velocities of the particle at two time instants, then




Figure 2.9. Uniform circular motion

A central force perpendicular to motion causes change in direction.

In the adjoining figure, the vector segments OC and OD represent v 1 and v 2 . Knowing that vector

difference Δv is directed from initial to final position, it is represented by vector CD. Using the

adjoining vector triangle,

The important thing to realize here is that direction of Δ v is along CD, which is directed towards

the origin. This result is in complete agreement of what we know about uniform circular motion

(The topic of uniform circular motion is covered in separate module). We need to apply a force

(causing acceleration to the moving particle) across (i.e. perpendicular) to the motion to change

direction. If the force (hence acceleration) is perpendicular to velocity, then magnitude of velocity

i.e. speed remains same, whereas the direction of motion keeps changing.

Example 2.3. Acceleration

Problem : An object moves along a quadrant AB of a circle of radius 10 m with a constant

speed 5 m/s. Find the average velocity and average acceleration in this interval.

Solution : Here, we can determine time interval form the first statement of the question. The

particle covers a distance of 2πr/4 with a speed v. Hence, time interval,

Magnitude of average velocity is given by the ratio of the magnitude of displacement and time







Figure 2.10. Motion along circular path

Average velocity is directed along vector AB i.e. in the direction of displacement vector.

Magnitude of average acceleration is given by the ratio :

Figure 2.11. Motion along circular path

Direction of acceleration


Average acceleration is directed along the direction of vector v 2 – v 1 i.e. directed towards the

center of the circle (as shown in the figure).




5: When force is applied at a certain angle with the motion, then it causes change in both

magnitude and direction of the velocity. The component of force in the direction of motion

changes its magnitude (an increase or decrease), while the component of force perpendicular to

the direction of motion changes its direction.

The motion of a small spherical mass “m”, tied to a fixed point with the help of a string illustrates

the changes taking place in both the direction and magnitude of the velocity. Saving the details for

discussion at a later point in the course, here tension in the string and tangential force provide for

the change in the direction and magnitude of velocity respectively.

When the string makes at angle, θ, with the vertical, then :

Figure 2.12. Motion of a pendulum

Forces acting on the pendulum bob

(a) Tension in the string, T is :

This force acts normal to the path of motion at all points and causes the body to continuously

change its direction along the circular path. Note that this force acts perpendicular to the direction

of velocity, which is along the tangent at any given point on the arc.

(b) Tangential force, F, is :

This force acts tangentially to the path and is in the direction of velocity of the spherical mass,

which is also along the tangent at that point. As the force and velocity are in the same direction,

this force changes the magnitude of velocity. The magnitude of velocity increases when force acts

in the direction of velocity and magnitude of velocity decreases when force acts in the opposite

direction to that of velocity.

2.3. Acceleration and deceleration*

Acceleration and deceleration are terms which are generally considered to have opposite meaning.

However, there is difference between literal and scientific meanings of these terms. In literal

sense, acceleration is considered to describe an increase or positive change of speed or velocity.

On the other hand, deceleration is considered to describe a decrease or negative change of speed or

velocity. Both these descriptions are incorrect in physics. We need to form accurate and exact

meaning of these two terms. In this module, we shall explore these terms in the context of general

properties of vector and scalar quantities.

A total of six (6) attributes viz time, distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration are

used to describe motion. Three of these namely time, distance and speed are scalar quantities,

whereas the remaining three attributes namely displacement, velocity and acceleration are vectors.

Interpretations of these two groups are different with respect to (ii) negative and positive sign and

(i) sense of increase and decrease. Further these interpretations are also affected by whether we

consider these terms in one or two/three dimensional motion.

The meaning of scalar quantities is more and less clear. The scalar attributes have only magnitude

and no sense of direction. The attributes “distance” and “speed” are positive quantities. There is

no possibility of negative values for these two quantities. In general, time is also positive.

However, it can be assigned negative value to represent a time instant that occurs before the start

of observation. For this reason, it is entirely possible that we may get negative time as solution of

kinematics consideration.

Negative vector quantities

A vector like acceleration may be directed in any direction in three dimensional space, which is

defined by the reference coordinate system. Now, why should we call vector (as shown in the

figure below) represented by line (i) positive and that by line (ii) negative? What is the

qualification for a vector being positive or negative? There is none. Hence, in pure mathematical

sense, a negative vector can not be identified by itself.




Figure 2.13. Vector representation in three dimensional reference

Vectors in isolation have no sense of being negative.

In terms of component vectors, let us represent two accelerations a 1 and a 2 as :

Why should we call one of the above vectors as positive and other as negative acceleration?

Which sign should be considered to identify a positive or negative vector? Further, the negative of

a 1 expressed in component form is another vector given by – a 1 :

So, what is the actual position? The concept of negative vector is essentially a relative concept. If

we represent a vector A as shown in the figure below, then negative to this vector – A is just

another vector, which is directed in the opposite direction to that of vector A and has equal

magnitude as that of A.

In addition, if we denote “- A” as “ B”, then “ A” is “- B”. We, thus, completely loose the

significance of a negative vector when we consider it in isolation. We can call the same vector

either “ A” or “- A”. We conclude, therefore, that a negative vector assumes meaning only in

relation with another vector.


Figure 2.14. Vector representation in three dimensional reference

Vectors in isolation have no sense of being negative.

In one dimensional motion, however, it is possible to assign distinct negative values. In this case,

there are only two directions; one of which is in the direction of reference axis (positive) and the

other is in the opposite direction (negative). The significance of negative vector in one

dimensional motion is limited to relative orientation with respect to reference direction. In the

nutshell, sign of vector quantity in one dimensional motion represents the directional property of

vector. It has only this meaning. We can not attach any other meaning for negating a vector


It is important to note that the sequence in “-5 i" is misleading in the sense that a vector quantity

can not have negative magnitude. The negative sign, as a matter of fact, is meant for unit vector “

i”. The correct reading sequence would be “5 x -“ i”, meaning that it has a magnitude of “5” and is

directed in “-“ i” direction i.e. opposite to reference direction. Also, since we are free to choose

our reference, the previously assigned “-5 i” can always be changed to “5 i” and vice-versa.

We summarize the discussion so far as :

There is no independent meaning of a negative vector attribute.

In general, a negative vector attribute is defined with respect to another vector attribute having

equal magnitude, but opposite direction.

In the case of one dimensional motion, the sign represents direction with respect to reference


“Increase” and “decrease” of vectors quantities

The vector consist of both magnitude and direction. There can be infinite directions of a vector.

On the other hand, increase and decrease are bi-directional and opposite concepts. Can we attach

meaning to a phrase “increase in direction” or “decrease in direction”? There is no sense in saying



that direction of the moving particle has increased or decreased. In the nutshell, we can associate

the concepts of increase and decrease with quantities which are scalar – not quantities which are

vector. Clearly, we can attach the sense of increase or decrease with the magnitudes of velocity or

acceleration, but not with velocity and acceleration.

For this reason, we may recall that velocity is defined as the time rate of “change” – not “increase

or decrease” in displacement. Similarly, acceleration is defined as time rate of change of velocity

– not “increase or decrease” in velocity. It is so because the term “change” conveys the meaning

of “change” in direction as well that of “change” as increase or decrease in the magnitude of a


However, we see that phrases like “increase or decrease in velocity” or “increase or decrease in

acceleration” are used frequently. We should be aware that these references are correct only in

very specific context of motion. If motion is unidirectional, then the vector quantities associated

with motion is treated as either positive or negative scalar according as it is measured in the

reference direction or opposite to it. Even in this situation, we can not associate concepts of

increase and decrease to vector quantities. For example, how would we interpret two particles

moving in negative x-direction with negative accelerations


respectively ?

Which of the two accelerations is greater acceleration ? Algebraically, “-10” is greater than “-20”.

But, we know that second particle is moving with higher rate of change in velocity. The second

particle is accelerating at a higher rate than first particle. Negative sign only indicates that particle

is moving in a direction opposite to a reference direction.

Clearly, the phrases like “increase or decrease in velocity” or “increase or decrease in

acceleration” are correct only when motion is "unidirectional" and in "positive" reference

direction. Only in this restricted context, we can say that acceleration and velocity are increasing

or decreasing. In order to be consistent with algebraic meaning, however, we may prefer to

associate relative measure (increase or decrease) with magnitude of the quantity and not with the

vector quantity itself.


Acceleration is defined strictly as the time rate of change of velocity vector. Deceleration, on the

other hand, is acceleration that causes reduction in "speed". Deceleration is not opposite of

acceleration. It is certainly not negative time rate of change of velocity. It is a very restricted term

as explained below.

We have seen that speed of a particle in motion decreases when component of acceleration is

opposite to the direction of velocity. In this situation, we can say that particle is being decelerated.

Even in this situation, we can not say that deceleration is opposite to acceleration. Here, only a

component of acceleration is opposite to velocity – not the entire acceleration. However, if

acceleration itself (not a component of it) is opposite to velocity, then deceleration is indeed

opposite to acceleration.


If we consider motion in one dimension, then the deceleration occurs when signs of velocity and

acceleration are opposite. A negative velocity and a positive acceleration mean deceleration; a

positive velocity and a negative acceleration mean deceleration; a positive velocity and a positive

acceleration mean acceleration; a negative velocity and a negative acceleration mean acceleration.

Take the case of projectile motion of a ball. We study this motion as two equivalent linear

motions; one along x-direction and another along y-direction.

Figure 2.15. Parabolic motion

The projected ball undergoes deceleration in y-direction.

For the upward flight, velocity is positive and acceleration is negative. As such the projectile is

decelerated and the speed of the ball in + y direction decreases (deceleration). For downward

flight from the maximum height, velocity and acceleration both are negative. As such the

projectile is accelerated and the speed of the ball in - y direction increases (acceleration).

In the nutshell, we summarize the discussion as :

Deceleration results in decrease in speed i.e magnitude of velocity.

In one dimensional motion, the “deceleration” is defined as the acceleration which is opposite

to the velocity.

Example 2.4. Acceleration and deceleration

Problem : The velocity of a particle along a straight line is plotted with respect to time as

shown in the figure. Find acceleration of the particle between OA and CD. What is

acceleration at t = 0.5 second and 1.5 second. What is the nature of accelerations in different

segments of motion? Also investigate acceleration at A.






Figure 2.16. Velocity – time plot

Solution : Average acceleration between O and A is given by the slope of straight line OA :

Average acceleration between C and D is given by the slope of straight line CD :

Accelerations at t = 0.5 second and 1.5 second are obtained by determining slopes of the curve

at these time instants. In the example, the slopes at these times are equal to the slope of the

lines OA and AB.

Instantaneous acceleration at t = 0.5 s :

Instantaneous acceleration at t = 1.5 s :

We check the direction of velocity and acceleration in different segments of the motion in

order to determine deceleration. To enable comparision, we determine directions with respect

to the assumed positive direction of velocity. In OA segment, both acceleration and velocity

are positive (hence particle is accelerated). In AB segment, acceleration is negative, but

velocity is positive (hence particle is decelerated). In BC segment, both acceleration and

velocity are negative (hence particle is accelerated). In CD segment, acceleration is positive

but velocity is negative (hence particle is decelerated).

Alternatively, the speed increases in segment OA and BC (hence acceleration); decreases in

segments AB and CD (hence deceleration).

We note that it is not possible to draw an unique tangent at point A. We may draw infinite

numbers of tangent at this point. In other words, limit of average acceleration can not be

evaluated at A. Acceleration at A, therefore, is indeterminate.


Graphical interpretation of negative vector quantities describing


Position vector

We may recall that position vector is drawn from the origin of reference to the position occupied

by the body on a scale taken for drawing coordinate axes. This implies that the position vector is

rooted to the origin of reference system and the position of the particle. Thus, we find that

position vector is tied at both ends of its graphical representation.

Also if position vector ‘ r’ denotes a particular position (A), then “- r” denotes another position

(A’), which is lying on the opposite side of the reference point (origin).

Figure 2.17. Position vector

Velocity vector

The velocity vector, on the other hand, is drawn on a scale from a particular position of the object

with its tail and takes the direction of the tangent to the position curve at that point. Also, if

velocity vector ‘ v’ denotes the velocity of a particle at a particular position, then “- v” denotes

another velocity vector, which is reversed in direction with respect to the velocity vector, v.



Figure 2.18. Velocity vector

In either case (positive or negative), the velocity vectors originate from the position of the particle

and are drawn along the tangent to the motion curve at that point. It must be noted that veloci