Kinematics fundamentals by Sunil Singh - HTML preview

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The rate of change of velocity is equal to acceleration. For the given two dimensional motion,

2: The magnitude of rate of change of velocity

The magnitude of rate of change of velocity is equal to magnitude of acceleration. For the

given two dimensional motion,

3: The rate of change of speed

The rate of change of speed (dv/dt) is not equal to the magnitude of acceleration, which is

equal to the absolute value of the rate of change of velocity. It is so because speed is devoid of

direction, whereas acceleration consists of both magnitude and direction.

Let “v” be the instantaneous speed, which is given in terms of its component as :

We need to find rate of change of speed i.e dv/dt, using the values given in the question.

Therefore, we need to differentiate speed with respect to time,

If we ponder a bit, then we would realize that when we deal with component speed or

magnitude of component velocity then we are essentially dealing with unidirectional motion.

No change in direction is possible as components are aligned to a fixed axis. As such, equating

rate of change in speed with the magnitude of acceleration in component direction is valid.

Now, proceeding ahead,

Putting values, we have :

Note: This is an important question as it brings out differences in interpretation of familiar

terms. In order to emphasize the difference, we summarize the discussion as hereunder :

i: In general (i.e two or three dimensions),







ii: In the case of one dimensional motion, the inequality as above disappears.

Rectilinear motion with constant acceleration

Example 2.15.

Problem : A block is released from rest on a smooth inclined plane. If S n denotes the distance

traveled by it from t = n - 1 second to t = n seconds, then find the ratio :

Figure 2.40. Motion along an incline

The block moves with a constant acceleration.

Solution : It must be noted that the description of linear motion is governed by the equations

of motion whether particle moves on a horizontal surface (one dimensional description) or on

an inclined surface (two dimensional description). Let us orient our coordinates so that the

motion can be treated as one dimensional unidirectional motion. This allows us to use

equations of motion in scalar form,

Here, u = 0, thus

Following the description of term Sn as given by the question, we can define Sn+1 as the

linear distance from t = n second to t = n + 1 seconds. Thus, substituting “n” by “n+1” in the

formulae, we have :

The required ratio is :










Equations of motion

Example 2.16.

Problem : A force of 2 N is applied on a particle of mass 1 kg, which is moving with a

velocity 4 m/s in a perpendicular direction. If the force is applied all through the motion, then

find displacement and velocity after 2 seconds.

Solution : It is a two dimensional motion, but having a constant acceleration. Notably,

velocity and accelerations are not in the same direction. In order to find the displacement at

the end of 2 seconds, we shall use algebraic method. Let the direction of initial velocity and

acceleration be along “x” and “y” coordinates (they are perpendicular to each other). Also, let

“A” be the initial position and “B” be the final position of the particle. The displacement

between A (position at time t =0) and B (position at time t = 2 s) is given as :

For time t = 2 s,

This is a vector equation involving sum of two vectors at right angles. According to question,

Since u and a perpendicular to each other, the magnitude of the vector sum ( u + a) is :

Hence, magnitude of displacement is :

Let the displacement vector makes an angle “θ” with the direction of initial velocity.

Let the direction of initial velocity and acceleration be along “x” and “y” coordinates (they are

perpendicular to each other). Then,

Using equation of motion for constant acceleration, the final velocity is :

The magnitude of velocity is :







Let the final velocity vector makes an angle “θ” with the direction of initial velocity.

2.7. One dimensional motion with constant acceleration*

Free falling bodies under gravity represents typical case of motion in one dimension with constant

acceleration. A body projected vertically upwards is also a case of constant acceleration in one

dimension, but with the difference that body undergoes reversal of direction as well after reaching

the maximum height. Yet another set of examples of constant accelerations may include object

sliding on an incline plane, motion of an aboject impeded by rough surfaces and many other

motions under the influence of gravitational and frictional forces.

The defining differential equations of velocity and acceleration involve only one position variable

(say x). In the case of motion under constant acceleration, the differential equation defining

acceleration must evaluate to a constant value.


where k is a positive or negative constant.

The corresponding scalar form of the defining equations of velocity and acceleration for one

dimensional motion with constant acceleration are :


Example 2.17. Constant acceleration








Problem : The position “x” in meter of a particle moving in one dimension is described by the

equation :

where “t” is in second.

1. Find the time when velocity is zero.

2. Does the velocity changes its direction?

3. Locate position of the particle in the successive seconds for first 3 seconds.

4. Find the displacement of the particle in first three seconds.

5. Find the distance of the particle in first three seconds.

6. Find the displacement of the particle when the velocity becomes zero.

7. Determine, whether the particle is under constant or variable force.

Solution : Velocity is equal to the first differential of the position with respect to time, while

acceleration is equal to the second differential of the position with respect to time. The given

equation, however, expresses time, t, in terms of position, x. Hence, we need to obtain

expression of position as a function in time.

Squaring both sides, we have :

This is the desired expression to work upon. Now, taking first differential w.r.t time, we have :

1: When v = 0, we have v = 2t – 2 = 0

2. Velocity is expressed in terms of time as :

It is clear from the expression that velocity is negative for t < 1 second, while positive for t >

1. As such velocity changes its direction during motion.

3: Positions of the particle at successive seconds for first three seconds are :




Figure 2.41. Graphical representation of position

4: Positions of the particle at t = 0 and t = 3 s are 1 m and 4 m from the origin.

Hence, displacement in first three seconds is 4 – 1 = 3 m

5: The particle moves from the start position, x = 1 m, in the negative direction for 1 second.

At t = 1, the particle comes to rest. For the time interval from 1 to 3 seconds, the particle

moves in the positive direction.

Distance in the interval t = 0 to 1 s is :

Total distance is 1 + 4 = 5 m.

6: Velocity is zero, when t = 1 s. In this period, displacement is 1 m.

7: In order to determine the nature of force on the particle, we first determine the acceleration

as :

Acceleration of the motion is constant, independent of time. Hence, force on the particle is

also constant during the motion.

Equation of motion for one dimensional motion with constant


The equation of motions in one dimension for constant acceleration is obtained from the equations

of motion established for the general case i.e. for the three dimensional motion. In one dimension,

the equation of motion is simplified ( r is replaced by x or y or z with corresponding unit vector).

The three basic equations of motions are (say in x - direction) :






Significantly, we can treat vector equivalently as scalars with appropriate sign. Following is the

construct used for this purpose :

Sign convention

1. Assign an axis along the motion. Treat direction of axis as positive.

2. Assign the origin with the start of motion or start of observation. It is, however, a matter of

convenience and is not a requirement of the construct.

3. Use all quantities describing motion in the direction of axis as positive.

4. Use all quantities describing motion in the opposite direction of axis as negative.

Once, we follow the rules as above, we can treat equations of motion as scalar equations as :

Example 2.18. Constant acceleration

Problem : A car moving with constant acceleration covers two successive kilometers in 20 s

and 30 s respectively. Find the acceleration of the car.

Solution : Let "u" and "a" be the initial velocity and acceleration of the car. Applying third

equation of motion for first kilometer, we have :

At the end of second kilometer, total displacement is 2 kilometer (=2000 m) and total time is

20 + 30 = 50 s. Again applying third equation of motion,

Solving two equations,

Note that acceleration is negative to the positive direction (direction of velocity) and as such it

is termed “deceleration”. This interpretation is valid as we observe that the car covers second

kilometer in longer time that for the first kilometer, which means that the car has slowed



It is important to emphasize here that mere negative value of acceleration does not mean it to

be deceleration. The deciding criterion for deceleration is that acceleration should be opposite

to the direction of velocity.

Motion under gravity

We have observed that when a feather and an iron ball are released from a height, they reach earth

surface with different velocity and at different times. These objects are under the action of

different forces like gravity, friction, wind and buoyancy force. In case forces other than gravity

are absent like in vacuum, the bodies are only acted by the gravitational pull towards earth. In

such situation, acceleration due to gravity, denoted by g, is the only acceleration.

The acceleration due to gravity near the earth surface is nearly constant and equal to 9.8 m / s 2 .

Value of ‘g’ is taken as 10 m / s 2 as an approximation to facilitate ease of calculation.

When only acceleration due to gravity is considered, neglecting other forces, each of the bodies

(feather and iron ball) starting from rest is accelerated at the same rate. Velocity of each bodies

increases by 9.8 m/s at the end of every second. As such, the feather and the iron ball reach the

surface at the same time and at the same velocity.

Additional equations of motion

A close scrutiny of three equations of motion derived so far reveals that they relate specific

quantities, which define the motion. There is possibility that we may encounter problems where

inputs are not provided in the manner required by equation of motion.

For example, a problem involvoing calaculation of displacement may identify initial velocity,

final velocity and acceleration as input. Now, the equation of motion for displacement is

expressed in terms of initial velocity, time and acceleration. Evidently, there is a mis-match

between what is given and what is required. We can, no doubt, find out time from the set of given

inputs, using equation for velocity and then we can solve equation for the displacement. But what

if we develop a relation-ship which relates the quantities as given in the input set! This would

certainly help.

From first equation :

From second equation :










Eliminating ‘t’,


This equation relates initial velocity, final velocity, acceleration and displacement.

Also, we observe that equation for displacement calculates displacement when initial velocity,

acceleration and time are given. If final velocity - instead of initial velocity - is given, then

displacement can be obtained with slight modification.

Using v = u + at,


Example 2.19. Constant acceleration in one dimensional motion

Problem : A train traveling on a straight track moves with a speed of 20 m/s. Brake is applied

uniformly such that its speed is reduced to 10 m/s, while covering a distance of 200 m. With

the same rate of deceleration, how far will the train go before coming to rest.

Solution : To know the distance before train stops, we need to know the deceleration. We can

find out deceleration from the first set of data. Here, u = 20 m/s ; v = 10 m/s ; x = 200 m ; a =

? An inspection of above data reveals that none of the first three equations of motion fits the

requirement in hand, while the additional form of equation v 2 – u 2 = 2 a x serves the purpose


For the train to stops, we have








Displacement in a particular second

The displacement in a second is obtained by subtracting two displacements in successive seconds.

We calculate displacements in n th second and (n-1) th seconds. The difference of two

displacements is the displacement in the n th second. Now, the displacements at the end of n and

(n-1) seconds as measured from origin are given by :

The displacement in the n th second, therefore, is :


Example 2.20.

Problem : The equation of motion for displacement in n th second is given by :

This equation is dimensionally incompatible, yet correct. Explain.

Solution : Since “n” is a number, the dimension of the terms of the equation is indicated as :

Clearly, dimensions of the terms are not same and hence equation is apparently incompatible

in terms of dimensions.

In order to resolve this apparent incompatibility, we need to show that each term of right hand

side of the equation has dimension that of displacement i.e. length. Now, we know that the

relation is derived for a displacement for time equal to “1” second. As multiplication of “1” or

" 1 2 " with any term is not visible, the apparent discrepancy has appeared in otherwise correct

equation. We can, therefore, re-write the equation with explicit time as :

Now, the dimensions of the first and second terms on the right side are :







Thus, we see that the equation is implicitly correct in terms of dimensions.

Exercise 1.

If a particle, moving in straight line, covers distances “x”, “y” and “z” in p th , q th and r th seconds respectively, then prove that :

This is a motion with constant acceleration in one dimension. Let the particle moves with a

constant acceleration, “a”. Now, the distances in particular seconds as given in the question are :

Subtracting, second from first equation,


Adding three equations,

Average acceleration

Average acceleration is ratio of change in velocity and time. This is an useful concept where

acceleration is not constant throughout the motion. There may be motion, which has constant but

different values of acceleration in different segments of motion. Our job is to find an equivalent






constant acceleration, which may be used to determine attributes for the whole of motion. Clearly,

the single value equivalent acceleration should be such that it yields same value of displacement

and velocity for the entire motion. This is the underlying principle for determining equivalent or

average acceleration for the motion.

Example 2.21.

Problem : A particle starting with velocity “u” covers two equal distances in a straight line

with accelerations a 1 and a 2 . What is the equivalent acceleration for the complete motion?

Solution : The equivalent acceleration for the complete motion should yield same value for

the attributes of the motion at the end of the journey. For example, the final velocity at the end

of the journey with the equivalent acceleration should be same as the one calculated with

individual accelerations.

Here initial velocity is "u". The velocity at the end of half of the distance (say “x”) is :

Clearly, v 1 is the initial velocity for the second leg of motion,

Adding above two equations, we have :

This is the square of velocity at the end of journey. Now, let “a” be the equivalent

acceleration, then applying equation of motion for the whole distance (2x),

Comparing equations,

Interpretation of equations of motion

One dimensional motion felicitates simplified paradigm for interpreting equations of motion.

Description of motion in one dimension involves mostly the issue of “magnitude” and only one

aspect of direction. The only possible issue of direction here is that the body undergoing motion in

one dimension may reverse its direction during the course of motion. This means that the body

may either keep moving in the direction of initial velocity or may start moving in the opposite

direction of the initial velocity at certain point of time during the motion. This depends on the

relative direction of initial velocity and acceleration. Thus, there are two paradigms :

1. Constant force is applied in the direction of initial velocity.




2. Constant force is applied in the opposite direction of initial velocity.

Irrespective of the above possibilities, one fundamental attribute of motion in one dimension is

that all parameters defining motion i.e initial velocity, final velocity and acceleration act along a

straight line.
