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Target bias volt age (V)

Fig. 18. Evolution of the energy deposited by condensing Pt atoms as a function of the target

bias voltage

It is seen from Figure 18 that the energy deposited per atom does not depend on the target

bias voltage (in the investigated range). This is in agreement with what is reported in

literature [31] and results of our calculations [28]. Indeed, in our ranges of experimental

parameters, the kinetic energy of sputtered atoms depends on the gas pressure rather than

on the target voltage. The value that can be deduced from the graph is 10.8 eV, which has to

be compared to the energy which a Pt atom may release at the substrate surface. Pt atoms

carry a kinetic energy estimated to 4.9 eV in the present conditions (0.5 Pa, 10 cm from the

target) and transfer their condensation energy, i.e. 5.3 eV, which gives 10.2 eV. The good

agreement between calculated and measured values indicates that Pt atoms transfer their

whole energy to the surface.

One can wonder if the same energy brought by different species would affects the thin film

growth in the same manner. In order to study the role of the energetic vector, deposition of

Pt thin films was performed at different locations in the reactor presented in Figure 14. The

energetic contributions of both the Ar plasma and the condensing atoms vary. Both

contributions are displayed versus the position in the reactor in figure 19. As already

reported, in our conditions, the contribution of the plasma is widely higher than the

SPD one.

Thin films were deposited at 3 cm and 18 cm from the target. They were analyzed by

scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS).

Results are given in figure 20 and Table 4.

















)-2 400



Wm 300


ty (

















W 10




gy f

















Target/substrate distance (cm)

Target/substrate distance (cm)

a) (b)

Fig. 19. Evolution of a) plasma and b) SPD energetic contributions versus the distance

between the target and the substrate









Fig. 20. SEM images of Pt thin films synthesized at 0.5Pa, 400W and -200V target bias

voltage ; (a) and (b) target/substrate distance of 18 cm, 30 min deposition time ; (c) and (d)

target/substrate distance of 3 cm, 11 min 30 s deposition time.



Pt atom number

Deposition rate


calculated from measured on SEM

(RBS) (at/cm2)


RBS (nm)

images (nm)

30min, 18cm


17 31


11min30s, 3cm


128 130


Table 4. Results from SEM images and RBS. The thickness is determined from RBS results by

assuming that the film density is the same as the bulk one. The comparison with the value

measured on SEM images gives some insight into the film density.

A Heat Flux Microsensor for Direct Measurements in Plasma Surface Interactions


It is seen from the results above that the Pt film synthesized close to the target

(target/substrate distance of 3 cm) is denser and more compact that the one deposited 18 cm

away. The energetic deposition conditions deduced from figure 18 are given below:


distance of 3cm

plasma= 160 mW/cm2 and dep = 24 mW/cm2

global = 184 mW/cm2


distance of 18cm

plasma= 300 mW/cm2 and dep = 8 mW/cm2

global = 308 mW/cm2

It is interesting to note that the global transferred energy is higher far from the target

because the Ar plasma contains the most energy at this location. However, the obtained

films exhibit low density, which is usually attributed to a growth process that takes place

when low energy is available at the surface [20]. Indeed, our results show that the energetic

contribution that drives the film characteristics is the energy deposited by the condensing

atoms, which is higher at 3 cm. The fact that a minor contribution might play the major role

had never been reported until now. This indicates that, as usually done, discussing film

properties by only taking account the the most abundant species or the one that carries the

more energy is not accurate.

7. Conclusions

We have shown that the plasma energy flux probe we have developed from a commercial

sensor is a relevant and innovative plasma diagnostic. It is able to give direct measurement

of the energy influx from the plasma to a surface. The sensor has to be calibrated following a

rigorous procedure so that it can be used in low pressure plasmas. We have compared the

values given by this sensor to the ones obtained using an other technique developed by

colleagues from Kiel [17] and we found a very good agreement between both probes. The

main advantages of this sensor rely on the fact that it has a very good time response (17 µs

[5]) and that it does not need further data treatment, but gives directly the measured values

in real time. This very good time resolution is obtained because of the very thin films, which

form the thermopile. The sensitivity of this new sensor was tested in different experiments

such as Argon plasma, silicon etching plasma and sputtering deposition plasmas. In all

cases, it gave valuable information and measured values were in good agreement with

estimations from indirect methods.

This sensor in its commercially available version is well adapted for measurements onto

small samples (typically 1 cm²). However, we have shown that it is of particular importance

to avoid all kinds of heat flux leaks. If a small thermal bridge is obtained by putting an

additional mechanical piece on the sample (for example to fix it), then it will impact the

measurement. This is why we decided to just stick the different samples to the sensor

directly with a thermal paste.

We are now trying to improve the sensor to make it able to measure the energy flux in other

conditions. For example, this sensor would be even more of interest for the plasma

community if it could be biased. In this case, we would be able to enhance the ion

bombardment and evaluate its impact on the energy influx.

This new method in determining the energy influx has opened new research perspectives in

the plasma community, especially for materials processing.



8. References

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Microsensors for Microreaction and

Lab-on-a-chip Applications

Pawel Knapkiewicz and Rafal Walczak

Wroclaw University of Technology


1. Introduction

Since the first successful applications of the microfluidical devices, measurement of

physical, chemical and biochemical parameters of performed reactions and analysis became

next challenge and millstone towards successful application of developed instrumentation

in many field of science and industry, as well as, deeper understating of micro- and nano-

world of fluidics (Ehrfeld at al., 2005). Although, methodology of these measurements was

well known from many years, the main problems that occurred were dimensional

incompatibility of available macroscopic solutions and sensing problems caused by

significant reduction of managed and analyzed volumes. Therefore, microsensors became

important part of the microfluidical device enabling real-time and on-chip measurement of

measurable parameters like pressure, temperature, conductivity, absorbance or


In this chapter miniature on-chip integrated pressure sensors, discreet corrosion resistant

pressure sensor and conductometric flow-through detector will be described in details.

Nevertheless, optical microrensors like absorbance NIR and VIS detector, as well as

fluorometric detector will be shown. Technology of the sensors utilizes microengineering

techniques where silicon and glass play main role as constructional materials. Three-

dimensional formation and assembling techniques of silicon and glass allow to fabricate

miniature sensors. For each presented microsensor, the fabrication techniques will be

described in details. Great attention is also paid for development of the complete

measurement system consisting of the microsensors itself but also specialized electronics

and information environment for full data management and measurement or analyse result


2. Miniature sensors and measurement systems for microreaction


Pressure and temperature are two the most important parameters of chemical reactions.

Steering of those parameters determine chemical reaction course, as well as temperature and

pressure inform about actual chemical reaction state. Continues monitoring of temperature

and pressure is very important for exothermic, high-speed chemical reactions (Edited by

Dietrich, 2009). It can be done relatively easy for standard, macro-scale chemical plants.

Commercially available sensors are suitable to large apparatus, can be easy applied and



operate as a part of some automation systems. The microreaction technology stays in

opposite to this situation. Chemical reactions are performed in the microscale by the use of

microreactors, replacing static chemical reactions by continues-flow reactions.

Unfortunately, there is no ready-to-use sensors suitable to the microreactors. Total inner

volume of the microreactors is in the range from several µl to few ml, when external

dimensions, as well as “dead” volume of available standard sensors are at least ten times

larger, in comparison. In consequence, commercially available sensors can not work in

tandem with the microreactors.

Let’s focus our attention on extremely dangerous, highly exothermic chemical reaction, eg.

nitration of organic compounds (Ali at al., 2005; Speight, 2002), where continues monitoring

of pressure and temperature inside the microreactor is absolutely required from safety point

of view. Moreover, real-time measured data are helpful for conscious steering of chemical

reaction, towards high yield (Kralish & Kreisel, 2007).

In this paragraph miniature temperature and pressure sensors, as well as measurement

systems dedicated to the microreaction technology will be described. Several requirements

of parameters of the sensors and sensors assembling method must be considered:


temperature sensors operating range: -20°C ÷ +100°C,


dimensions of the temperature sensors should not exceed typical dimensions of

microchannels (typical dimensions are in range of tens µm up to several mm – the

average is 1 mm),


pressure sensors operating range: relative pressure 0 kPa ÷ 400 kPa, overpressure up to

600 kPa,


“dead” volume of all pressure sensors integrated to microreactor should not exceed

1/10 of total inner volume of microreactor,


microreactor with sensors work in harsh environment (concentrated acids, organic



chemically resistance assembling required.

In the current paragraph hole process, including temperature sensors selection, pressure

sensors development, assembling and packaging problems, as well as electronics and

software realization, towards complete sensoric system for microreaction technology, will be

described in details.

2.1 Temperature sensors

Temperature sensors working in a tandem with microreactor must be characterized by small

dimensions, fast response and small measurement error. Sensor can be localised inside

microchannel (direct contact to medium) or outside microchannel (indirect contactless


Direct sensor-to-medium contact gives most precision measurement. Thin film sensors

evaporated onto inner walls of microchannel will not survive aggressive chemicals.

Moreover, thin film technology is difficult. Discrete temperature sensors can be assembled

in the microchannel only by gluing. Both ideas do not fulfil previously listed requirements,

what in consequence eliminates this measurement idea and technical realization from the


Second method is based on sensor localized outside microchannel. Main requirement is to

keep distance between sensor and medium as small as possible to allow to conduct a heat

flux with minimum losses.


Microsensors for Microreaction and Lab-on-a-chip Applications


Several types of commercially available sensors can be investigated. Main parameters of

commercially available sensors are collected in Table 1.

Parameter Operating range Output signal Tolerance



SMD2 0805, SMD 1206, TO92,

Pt100 / Pt500 /

-200°C ÷ +860°C


≤ 0.3%

SOT223, ceramic or metal tube


(depending on type) linear PTC1

ø ≥ 1.5 mm, other


-55°C ÷ +150°C

SMD 0603, SMD 0805, pill-

Thermistor NTC


1% ÷ 10%

(depending on type)

like ø ≥ 0.8 mm


-200°C ÷ +1820°C



±0.5°C ÷ ±4°C

metal tube ø ≥ 0.15 mm

(depending on type)


Transducers with -55°C ÷ +155°C


0.5% ÷ 5%

all electronic standards

analogue output (depending on type) linear (usually)


Transducers with -55°C ÷ +155°C

serial data

0.5% ÷ 5%

all electronic standards

digital output (depending on type)


Table 1. Temperature sensors and their main parameters

The most common are transducers with analogue output. Output voltage signal is linear in

relation to the measured temperature and easy to measure. No additional electronic circuits

are required to process the signal. Second, most useful are transducers with digital output.

The only difference to previous one is, that digital processing by a microcontroller is

required. Unfortunately, even the smallest package of temperature transducers (SOT23

electronic standard, plastic body dimensions without electrical connections: 2.9 x 1.3 x 0.85

mm3) seams to be too large to be directly applied in microreation technology (Fig. 1a).

Fig. 1. Examples of miniature temperature sensors: a) temperature transducer in SOT23

package, b) PTC platinum thermoresistor (Pt-series) at 0603 SMD package, c) pill-like NTC


1 PTC – Positive Thermal Coefficient

2 SMD – Surface Mounted Devices

3 NTC – Negative Thermal Coefficient




Different packages and dimensions of resistance PTC or NTC sensors and thermocouples

are available. Platinum temperature sensors (Pt-series) are very accurate and are used as

temperature standards. Dimensions of the ceramic or metal tube packages, as well as SMD

packages, do not fulfil harsh-environment microreaction requirements (Fig. 1b). NTC

thermistors are available in different SMD packages, including miniature pill-like packages

distinctive from others (Fig. 1c). The smallest pill-like package has 0.8 mm diameter, what is

suitable to mentioned earlier requirements. Thermocouples are usually packaged in the

metal tubes. Special constructions are available in tubes of 0.15 mm in diameter. It is the

smallest dimension (diameter) of all sensors discussed before. In spite of that,

thermocouples need to co-work with sophisticated electronic circuits.

The analysis of commercially available temperature sensors appoints that the miniature

pill-like NTC thermistors as the best solution. Small glass package, thin and flexible

electrical wires entail small thermal capacity and fast response.

The location of miniature pill-like NTC thermistors onto microreactors made of glass, silicon

and glass as cover, ceramics, polymers, was proposed. Sensor should be located inside

“blind” hole of 1.0 mm in maximum diameter, fabricated directly above microchannel. The

optimal distance of 200 µm between medium and temperature sensor has been found

experimentally to be optimal. The schematic cross-section of a microreactor with NTC

thermistor and the sensor integration to glass-silicon-glass microreactor is schematically

presented on Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Indirect temperature measurement: cross-section of a microreactor (left) and NTC

thermistor location (right)

Thermal behaviours of the glass-silicon-glass microreactor equipped with miniature pill-like

NTC thermistors will be widely discussed later in paragraph 2.3.

2.2 Pressure sensors

As it was mentioned before, required operation range of pressure sensors is from 0 kPa to

400 kPa of relative pressure. 400 kPa is a maximum operating pressure of microreactors

made of glass, silicon-glass, c