Biotechnology for Sustainability by Subhash Bhore, K. Marimuthu and M. Ravichandran [E - HTML preview

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© 2017 by the authors. Licensee,Editors and AIMST University, Malay-

sia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and

conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license


ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 357

Biotechnology for Sustainability

Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives

Biotech Sustainability (2017), P358-375

Promiscuous Rhizobia: A Potential Tool to Enhance

Agricultural Crops Productivity

Ikbal1, Prasad Minakshi1,*, Basanti Brar1, Upendra Pradeep Lambe1, Manimegalai

Jyothi1, Koushlesh Ranjan2, Deepika3, Virendra Sikka4 and Gaya Prasad5

1Department of Animal Biotechnology, LUVAS, Hisar, Haryana, 125004, India;

2Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, SVPUAT, Meerut, 250110, Uttar

Pradesh, India; 3Department of Botany and Plant physiology, CCSHAU Hisar, 125004,

Haryana, India; Department of Molecular Biology, Biotechnology & Bioinformatics ,

CCSHAU Hisar, 125004, Haryana, India; 5SVPUAT, Meerut, 250110, Uttar Pradesh, In-

dia; *Correspondence: /; Tel: +91


Abstract: Rhizobium-legume symbiosis is a complex and regulated association between

plant and bacteria. This symbiosis is under the coordinated and tight regulation of several

species specific (symbiosis related) genes of bacterium and respective host plant. Thus, rhi-

zobia require action of several classes of specific genes for the formation of an effective

symbiosis and dictate the host range. Other nod genes mediate the „decoration‟ of the core

signaling compounds with various substituents and make them host- specific. But, there are

some reports that highlight that the rhizobia can infect non-legume plants. The signaling

compounds are responsible for the effective symbiosis; however, there are several other

factors which influence symbiosis and needs to be discovered. Certain modifications in the

signaling molecules can cause changes in legume host range. Genetic exchange and rear-

rangement among heterologous Rhizobium spp. leading to broadening of host range and

become promiscuous. Such type of rhizobia having broad host range and could be benefi-

cial for the agricultural practices; because, choosing the correct inoculant group for a par-

ticular legume host is difficult for effective nodulation. Most of the commercially available

strains are known to have a very narrow host range. Promiscuous Rhizobium strains for

greater symbiotic association and ability to infect across strict host specificity would be of

greater importance for the farming community. Farmers can enhance Biological Nitrogen

Fixation by inoculating such correct rhizobia to their legume crops. The potential of this

system is appealing because the whole world is seeking to adopt the organic farming. This

could provide an alternate method to improve the soil fertility and could boost the agricul-

tural sustainability.

Keywords: Biofertilizer; nitrogen fixation; promiscous; Rhizobium

1. Introduction

system ever studied, involves bacteria

( Rhizobium) and legume plants. The es-

Biological nitrogen fixation occurs

tablishment of symbiosis involves several

mainly through symbiotic association of

signaling molecules exchange between

plants with N2-fixing microorganisms

bacteria and host plant. These molecules

(Shiferaw et al., 2004). BNF supply ni-

are regulated by several nod genes and

trogen more than 2x1013 g/year to the

work in coordinated manner (Cohn et al.,

world agriculture system (Falkowski,

1998; Long, 1996). In a successful sym-

1997). It is one of the most economically

biosis rhizobia colonize on roots of host

ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 358

Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Promiscuous Rhizobia and its Potential to Enhance Crops Productivity Ikbal et al.

plants and elicit the nodule formation

ers. The Bio-fertilizers are bacteria, algae

where they colonize and differentiate into

and fungi and may broadly be classified




into two categories viz. Nitrogen fixing

These symbionts convert atmospheric di-

like Rhizobium, Azotobactor, Azospiri-

nitrogen into NH3 through the induction

lum, Acetobacter, Blue Green Algae and

of the nitrogenase complex (Patriarca et





al., 2002). Rhizobium species have been

ers/mobilisers like PSM and Mycorrizae

successfully used worldwide as a bio-

(Figure 3). Rhizobia and legumes estab-

inoculant leading to effective establish-

lish a mutualistic symbiosis. Host speci-

ment of nitrogen fixing symbiosis with

ficity is an important characteristic of

leguminous crop plants (Miller et al.,

symbiosis, where specific species of rhi-

2007). Nitrogen applied as fertilizers usu-

zobia forms nodules on defined legumes

ally provides high yields to plants. There-

(Ampomah et al., 2008). Rhizobia cur-

fore efficient monitoring of biological ni-

rently consist of 61 species belonging to

trogen fixation and status of chemical fer-

13 different genera, namely Rhizobium,

tilizers are essential to balance the yield

Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Azorhi-

of crops and need to minimize environ-

zobium, Allorhizobium, Sinorhizobium,

mental pollution, especially water and soil



quality (Jaynes et al., 2001). The role of

Burkholdera, Devosia, Ochrobactrum,

BNF, especially in legumes, is well estab-

Herbaspirullum and Phyllobacterium.