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echinoids. Comparative Biochem-

istry and Physiology 28, 333–345.

We would like to express our

Andrew, N. and Byrne, M. (2001). The

grateful thanks and appreciations to the

ecology of Centrostephanus rodg-

Ministry of Science, Technology and In-

ersii. In: Lawrence J.M. (ed.). Ed-

novation (MOSTI), Malaysia, for provid-

ible Sea Urchins: Biology and

ing financial supports through the Re-

Ecology, Elsevier, Amsterdam,

search Management Centre (RMC) of the

The Netherlands. pp. 149–160.

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) under

Andrew N. L. et al. (2002). Status and

the „ScienceFund‟ grant (Project No. 04-

management of world sea urchin

01-04-SF2227) for completing this work

fisheries. Oceanography and Ma-


rine Biology Annual Review 40,



Andrew, N. L., Agatsuma, Y., Dewees,

C. M. and Stotz, W. B. (2004).

Aas, K. (2004). Technology for sea-based

State of sea-urchin fisheries 2003.

farming of sea urchins. In: Law-

In: Lawrence, J. M. and Guzmań,

rence J. M. and Guzmán O. (eds.).

O. (eds.). Sea Urchin Fisheries

Sea Urchins: Fisheries and Ecolo-

and Ecology. DEStech Publica-

gy, DEStech Publications, Inc.,

tions, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp.

Lancaster, USA. pp. 366–373.


Agatsuma, Y. (2001a). The ecology of

Barker, M. F. (2001). The ecology of



Evechinus chloroticus. In: Law-

In: Lawrence, J. M. (ed.). Edible

rence, J. M. (ed.). Edible Sea Ur-

Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology,

chins: Biology and Ecology, Else-

Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Nether-

vier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,

lands. pp. 333–346.

pp. 245–260.

Agatsuma, Y. (2001b). The ecology of

Barker, M .F. (2007). The ecology of




Evechinus chloroticus. In: Law-

Lawrence, J. M. (ed.). Edible Sea

rence J. M. (ed.). Edible Sea Ur-

Urchins: Biology and Ecology,

chins: Biology and Ecology, Else-

Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Nether-

vier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,

lands. pp. 347–361.

pp. 319–338.

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