Biotechnology for Sustainability by Subhash Bhore, K. Marimuthu and M. Ravichandran [E - HTML preview

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Figure 10: Monthly variations of inorganic nitrite (µM) concentration in seawater recorded

at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 11: Monthly variations of total nitrogen (µM) concentration in seawater recorded at

stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

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Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Ecology, Distribution and Diversity of Bioluminescent Bacteria Srinivasan et al.

calcium (120 to 990 mg l-1; Figure 12)

25.44%; Figure 20), magnesium (0.29 to

and magnesium (730 to 2460mg l-1; Fig-

1.7%; Figure21), silicon (33.2 to 56.53%;

ure13). The bacterial diversity revealed

Figure 22), sodium (1.56 to 3.35%; Fig-

that, the bioluminescent bacterial popula-

ure 23), sulphur (0.32 to 2.06%; Figure

tion density was varied from 1.06 x 104 to

24), chloride (1.3 to 5.71%; Figure 25),

9.44 x 104 CFU/ml in seawater (Figure

aluminium (4.63% to 11.87%; Figure 26),


titanium (1.55 to 9.15%; Figure 27), man-

Bottom water temperature was in

ganese (0.08 to 0.26%; Figure28), iron

the range of 20.4 to 27.1ºC during the

(3.2 to 11.13%; Figure 29), cobalt (3 to

study period at all three stations (Figure

11ppm; Figure 30), copper (4 to 29ppm

15). Sediment temperature varied from 17

Figure 31), chromium (26 to 85ppm; Fig-

to 25ºC (Figure 16). Sediment pH varied

ure 32), nickel (5 to 18ppm; Figure 33)

from 6.2 and 9.1 at all stations (Figure

and lead (11 to 27ppm; Figure 34). In sed-

17). The results for sediment nutrients

iment, the bioluminescent bacterial popu-

showed that phosphorus (0.065 to

lation density varied from 2.6 x104 to 23.2

0.315%; Figure 18), potassium (3.18 to

x104 CFU/g (Figure 35).

8.57%; Figure 19), calcium (4.08 to

Figure 12: Monthly variations of calcium (mg l-1) concentration in seawater recorded at

stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 13: Monthly variations of magnesium (mg l-1) concentration in seawater recorded at

stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 14: Monthly variations of bioluminescent bacteria (CFU/ml x 104) populations in

seawater recorded at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

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Ecology, Distribution and Diversity of Bioluminescent Bacteria Srinivasan et al.

Figure 15: Monthly variations in bottom water temperature (ºC) recorded at stations I, II

and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 16: Monthly variations in sediment temperature (ºC) recorded at stations I, II and III

from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 17: Monthly variations of hydrogen ion concentration (pH) in sediment recorded at

stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 18: Monthly percentage variations of phosphorus (%) concentration in sediment

recorded at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

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Ecology, Distribution and Diversity of Bioluminescent Bacteria Srinivasan et al.

Figure 19: Monthly percentage variations of potassium (%) concentration in sediment rec-

orded at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 20: Monthly percentage variations of calcium (%) concentration in sediment rec-

orded at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 21: Monthly percentage variations of magnesium (%) concentration in sediment

recorded at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 22: Monthly percentage variations of silicon (%) concentration in sediment record-

ed at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

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Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Ecology, Distribution and Diversity of Bioluminescent Bacteria Srinivasan et al.

Figure 23: Monthly percentage variations of sodium (%) concentration in sediment record-

ed at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 24: Monthly percentage variations of sulphur (%) concentration in sediment record-

ed at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 25: Monthly percentage variations of chloride (%) concentration in sediment rec-

orded at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 26: Monthly percentage variations of aluminum (%) concentration in sediment rec-

orded at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 27: Monthly percentage variations of titanium (%) concentration in sediment rec-

orded at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

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Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Ecology, Distribution and Diversity of Bioluminescent Bacteria Srinivasan et al.

Figure 28: Monthly percentage variations of manganese (%) concentration in sediment

recorded at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 29: Monthly percentage variations of iron (%) concentration in sediment recorded at

stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 30: Monthly variations of cobalt (ppm) concentration in sediment recorded at sta-

tions I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 31: Monthly variations of copper (ppm) concentration in sediment recorded at sta-

tions I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

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Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Ecology, Distribution and Diversity of Bioluminescent Bacteria Srinivasan et al.

Figure 32: Monthly variations of chromium (ppm) concentration in sediment recorded at

stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 33: Monthly variations of nickel (ppm) concentration in sediment recorded at sta-

tions I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 34: Monthly variations of lead (ppm) concentration in sediment recorded at stations

I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

Figure 35: Monthly variations of bioluminescent bacteria (CFU/g x 104) populations in

sediment recorded at stations I, II and III from July 2010 to June 2012.

4. Discussion

tool for the assessment and monitoring of

coastal ecosystems. The similar results

Based on the results, the physico-

and trend was observed in Muthupattai

chemical parameters, heavy metals in wa-

mangroves, Southeast coast of India

ter and sediments would form a useful

(Ashokkumar et al., 2009; Senthilnathan

ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 466

Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Ecology, Distribution and Diversity of Bioluminescent Bacteria Srinivasan et al.

and Balasubramanian, 1999). The higher

luminescent bacteria showed a positive

concentration of metals were recorded

correlation with salinity at station-I (r=

during monsoon season, which could be

0.773; P< 0.001), station-II (r= 0.903; P<

mainly due to land runoff and influx of

0.001) and station-III (r=0.837; P< 0.001)

metal rich freshwater that in turn reflects

and water pH at station-I (r=0.726; P<

in the metal concentration in sediment

0.01), station-II (r= 0.631; P< 0.01) and

(Athalye and Gokhale, 1989). The as-

station-III (r=0.874; P< 0.001) The counts

sessment of trace metal concentrations

were at low levels during the active mon-

and distribution in marine water and sed-

soon period because of high rainfall. The

iment leads to an understanding of their

monsoonal flood water may have altered

behaviour and detects the pollution source

the luminous bacterial population from

in marine environment (Forstner and

sediment as the Vellar estuary is shallow

Wittman, 1979). Besides substantiating

(Ramesh et al., 1989). Further, the maxi-

higher biological productivity, higher

mum atmospheric, surface water and sed-

densities of luminous bacteria in this bay

iment temperature were recorded during

also signify pollution free environment in

summer at station I and minimum was

this region.

recorded during monsoon at station III.

Bioluminescent bacteria are being

Maximum bottom water temperature was

found in marine environment. Microbial

recorded during pre-monsoon at station I

activities play an important role in marine

and minimum was recorded during mon-

food webs, nutrient mineralization and

soon at station III. Surface water tempera-

recycling. The ecological importance of

ture was slightly higher than the bottom

bioluminescence in the ocean is evident in

water at all the stations. Surface and bot-

the dominance of light emitters in open

tom water temperature of all stations are

waters. Ecology of bioluminescent bacte-

slightly varied monthly. Temperature is

ria has focused primarily on distribution

an important environmental factor, can

of these organisms in marine environment

influence the diversity of luminous bacte-

(Nealson and Hastings, 1979); Atalntic

ria (Ruby and Nealson, 1978; Yetinson

Ocean (Ramaiah and Chandramohan,

and Shilo, 1979; Ruby et al., 1980). Dun-

1988), Indian Ocean (Lynch, 1981) and

lap (2009) reported that the temperature

near shore water Porto Nova (Ramesh et

relationships of luminous bacteria appear

al., 1989).

to be a specific to Vibrio species . Accord-

The present study was carried out

ing to Govindasamy et al. (2000), the sur-

to understand the role of ecological pa-

face water temperature could be changed

rameters of the bioluminescent bacteria

by the intensity of solar radiation; evapo-

(during July 2010 - June 2012) at differ-

ration, freshwater influx, cooling and it

ent stations of Palk Strait region, India.

might mix up with ebb and flow form ad-

The maximum counts of bioluminescent

joining neritic water. It is further evident

bacteria in seawater/ sediments samples

that the atmospheric temperature showed

was recorded during summer season (May

positive correlation at station-II (r= 0.663;

2011) at station I; whereas, minimum

P< 0.01) and at station - III (r= 0.685; P<

counts of bioluminescent bacteria sea-

0.01) to seawater with CFU microbial

water/ sediment samples was recorded at

counting at all the stations. Surface water

monsoon season (2010) at station III. The

temperature was found low during mon-

CFU values suggested that the higher

soon because of rainfall but the maximum

population counts were recorded during

temperature was observed during summer

the summer months during the study peri-

(Kannapiran et al., 2008). This could be

ods at all the stations. This variation

attributed due to high solar radiation as

might be due to the high-saline relativity.

reported by Ashok Prabu et al. (2008).

The statistical analysis revealed that sea-

Lower temperature was observed due to

water colony forming unit (CFU) of bio-

cloudy sky and rainfall that brought down

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Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Ecology, Distribution and Diversity of Bioluminescent Bacteria Srinivasan et al.

temperature to minimum (Kannan and

fall and the resultant freshwater mixing.

Kannan, 1996). In addition, the surface

The minimum dissolved oxygen was

water temperature showed positive corre-

found during summer months, which

lation with colony forming unit (CFU) at

could be mainly due to reduced agitation

station - II (r= 0.635; P< 0.02) and at sta-

in the coastal and estuarine water (Ruby

tion - III (r= 0.627; P< 0.02). Further, the

and Nealson, 1978; Nealson and Hasting,

statistical analysis revealed that the sedi-

1979). Further, this is evidenced by the

ment colony forming unit of biolumines-

negative correlation between the dis-

cent bacteria showed a positive correla-

solved oxygen and seawater CFU at sta-

tion with sediments temperature at station

tion-III (r= -0.823; P< 0.001).

- I (r= 0.806; P< 0.001), station-II (r=

Maximum particular organic car-

0.842; P< 0.001) and station-III (r= 0.784;

bon (POC) was recorded during the

P< 0.001).

month of November (2010) at station-II

Surface water salinity was reduced

and minimum POC was observed during

greatly during the monsoon and it was

the month of May (2012) at station-I. The

gradually increased from postmonsoon to

maximum POC content in water was

summer at all stations. The maximum sa-

mainly due to the organic matter brought

linity could be due to low amount of rain-

in from the land through run-off. Further,

fall and higher rate of evaporation in the

it could be also due to the presence of

shallow coastal area owing to high at-

plant (seagrass and seaweeds) and animal

mospheric temperature (Govindasamy

organic matter within the seagrass ecosys-

and Kannan, 1991). Significantly positive

tem and exported from the adjacent eco-

correlation was observed between sea-

system by wind and wave action. Further,

water salinity and CFU of bioluminescent

the seasonal variation in POC content in

bacteria at station-I (r= 0.773; P< 0.001),

the water could be related to the plankton

station-II (r= 0.903; P< 0.001) and sta-

productivity (Kannapiran et al., 2008).

tion-III (r= 0.837; P< 0.001). The present

This is further evidenced by the negative

study results are in line with the research

correlation between POC and seawater

findings of Abraham et al. (2003).

CFU at station-I (r= -0.786; P< 0.001),

The high pH values recorded dur-

station-II (r= -0.841; P< 0.001) and sta-

ing summer and this might be due to the

tion-III (r= -0.832; P< 0.001).

influence of seawater penetration and

Maximum inorganic phosphate

high biological activity. These findings

was observed during the monsoon season

are in accordance with the previous report

(December 2010) at station-III and mini-

(Smith and Key, 1975). The statistical

mum was recorded during the summer

analysis shows the positive correlation

season (May 2011) at station-I. Possibly,

between pH and CFU station - I (r=0.726;

the maximum concentration of phosphate

P< 0.01) and station - III (r= 0.874; P<

was due to invasion of upwelling of wa-

0.001) to seawater colony forming unit.

ter, which increased the level of phos-

The statistical analysis shows the positive

phate. Low values of phosphate observed

correlation with sediments pH station-I

to utilization by phytoplankton, seagrass-

(r= 0.692; P< 0.001), station-II (r= 0.641;

es and other primary producers (Rajaseg-

P< 0.001) and station-III (r= 0.813; P<

ar, 2003). The statistical analysis shows

0.001) to sediment colony forming unit.

the negative correlation to seawater colo-

Dissolved oxygen is one of the most im-

ny forming unit with inorganic phosphate

portant abiotic parameters influencing the

at station - I (r= - 0.734; P< 0.01), station-

life in the coastal environment. In the pre-

II (r= -0.832; P< 0.001) and station-III (r=

sent study, the maximum dissolved oxy-

-0.828; P< 0.001).

gen was recorded during monsoon and

Minimum concentration of silicate

this might be due to the cumulative effect

was observed during the summer season

of higher wind velocity coupled with rain-

(May 2012) at station II and maximum

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during the monsoon season (November

was recorded during the summer (May

2010) at station III. It might be due to the

2011) at station I. It might be due to

heavy rain, land runoff water mixing was

freshwater inflow was high in the mon-

high level. It has been reported that the

soon season so high level of nitrogen was

silicate from the bottom sediment might

recorded. The statistical analysis showed

have been exchanged with overlaying wa-

total nitrogen a negative correl