Biotechnology for Sustainability by Subhash Bhore, K. Marimuthu and M. Ravichandran [E - HTML preview

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4.2. Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC

pare various parts of local plough,

ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 489

Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Diversity and Ethno-Botanical Potential of Tree Plants… Mall Synonyms: Acacia sinuata (Lour.)

mouth ulcers, gumboils and pain in

Merrill, Acacia rugata Lamk., Mimosa

the throat.

sinuate Lour.

 It aids in the prevention of tooth

Acacia concinna is a prickly bush or





climbing shrub and grows in tropical for-


ests of India, common in the warm plains

 It is also helpful in lowering the

leaflets membranous. The leaves are bi-

chances of encountering diabetes.

pinnate and the thorns are soft and small.

Acacia concinna is a good herbal

Flowers are white and pink in copiously

treatment for lowering the body

panicled globose heads in the axils of


leaf. Pods strap shaped, straight, thick,

 It is a fruitful remedy in curing di-

succulent when dry shriveled and rough

gestive disorders and relieving con-

with straight waved sutures. There are

stipation. It facilitates proper bowl

about 6-10 seeds in a pod. Phenology is

movement and improves the flow of

January-March & November to February.


The tree is food for the larvae of the but-

 It also possesses the attribute of be-

terfly Pantoporia hordonia. Alkaloids are ing a contraceptive which helps in

found in the tree's fruit. In Katarniaghat

birth control.

Wildlife Sanctuary it is found only in

 It is utilized in the preparation of

miscellaneous forest with IVI value of 1.0

savoury jams (chutneys). It adds to

the flavor.

Ethno-botanical potential

Acacia concinna has been used tra-

The leaves, pods has astringent ac-

ditionally for hair care in the Indian

tion and useful in treating cuts,

Subcontinent since ancient times.

wounds and oral problems. The de-

 It is one of the Ayurvedic medicinal

coction of pods is prepared and used


for washing and cleaning of wound

 Fruit for hair are being used as a

for quick healing. Acacia concinna

traditional shampoo. In order to

is a good herbal remedy for hair. It

prepare it the fruit pods, leaves and

is an advantageous herb for bald-

bark of the plant are dried, ground

ness. Its usage helps in preserving

into a powder then made into a

the natural oil of our hair and nur-

paste. While this traditional sham-

tures the scalp. It encourages the

poo does not produce the normal

growth of hair and strengthens

amount of lather which are found in

them. It is an effective hair cleanser.

sulfate-containing shampoo, it is

It prevents dandruff and lice.

considered a good cleanser. It is

It is used in the manufacture of

mild, having a naturally low pH,

shampoos, soaps and hair packs.

and doesn't strip hair of natural oils.

It is a good herbal treatment for

Usually no conditioner is needed,

black fever (Visceral Leishmaniasis)

for shikakai which also acts as a de-

and fever due to Malaria.


Acacia concinna is a herbal treat-

 An infusion of the leaves has been

ment for skin ailments. It is advan-

used in anti-dandruff preparations.

tageous in curing psoriasis (genetic

 Since A. concinna extracts are used

disease) and the spreadable diseases

in natural shampoos or hair powders

like eczema. It provides a relief in

so the tree is now grown commer-

scabies, rashes, cuts, bruises and

cially in India.

cures them.

The plant parts used for the dry

It is effectual in curing oral ail-

powder or the extract are the bark,

ments. It helps in suppressing bad

leaves or pods. The bark contains

breath. It is helpful in treating

high levels of saponins, which are-

ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 490

Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Diversity and Ethno-Botanical Potential of Tree Plants… Mall foaming agents found in several

Acacia concinna for 15 minutes.

other plant species used as sham-

Wash the area with hot water and

poos or soaps. Saponin-containing

wipe it.

plants have a long history of use as

mild cleaning agents.

Acacia concinna for constipation:

 Saponins from the plant's pods have

 Discard the Acacia concinna

been traditionally used as a deter-

seeds after crushing the fruit.

gent, and in Bengal for poisoning Soak it in 1 glass of water for

fish; they are documented to be po-

one hour. Take the infusion.

tent marine toxins.

 The leaves have an acidic taste and

Acacia concinna (sikakai) for jaundice

are used in chutneys.

 Take out the Acacia seeds after

crushing the fruit. Soak it in a

Chemical constituents

glass of water for an hour. Take

 In commercial extracts, when the

one fourth of the glass infusion.

plant is hydrolyzed it yields lupeol,

spinasterol, acacic acid, lactone, and Acacia concinna (shikakai) for dandruff

the natural sugars glucose, arabinose

Acacia concinna (shikakai) is a

and rhamnose. It also contains hex-

boon for getting rid of dandruff.

acosanol, spinasterone,  oxalic acid,

Boil a handful of coarsely crushed

tartaric acid, citric acid, succinic ac-

Acacia concinna (Shikakai) in a

id, ascorbic acid, and the alkaloid

litre of water for 10 minutes. Cool

scalyctomine  and nicotine.

it and use the filtered decoction to

Acacia concinna is a thorny medici-

wash hair. Do it daily for week

nal plant, native to south Asia,

and then twice a week or make a

widely known for the organic sham-

paste of powdered Acacia concin-

poo derived from its fruit, shikakai.

na (Shikakai) by adding water in

 The pods (shikakai), have medicinal

it. Apply it over scalp and hair.

properties and are used for hair

Leave it for an hour. Wash hair

cleansing and enhancement. Shika-

with normal water. It also cleans

kai is traditionally preferred over

your hair from roots to tips.

commercially available shampoo,

across the Indian Subcontinent.

Acacia concinna for age spots

 Shikakai is also used for manufac-

 Make a fine paste of Acacia con-

turing body and facial care creams,

cinna fruit. Apply every day for

across the personal hygiene indus-

15 minutes. Wash three times a



 A particular extract from Acacia

concinna leaves has shown to be ef-

Acacia concinna for gum diseases

fective in treatment of malarial fe-

 Take half table spoon Acacia con-


cinna and boil it in two cups of

water. Gargle with this lukewarm

Ethno-medicinal potentialty

water three times a day.

 Shikakai is also used in traditional

medicine to treat jaundice, constipa-

Acacia concinna for skin diseases

tion and skin problems.

 Boil one table spoon Acacia con-

cinna powder in one cup water.

Acacia concinna for pain

Cool it and apply on the skin.

 Apply some castor oil on the af-

fective area. Heat with a hot water

Acacia concinna (shikakai) pods for lep-

bag. Now massage with powdered


ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 491

Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Diversity and Ethno-Botanical Potential of Tree Plants… Mall

 Squeeze the juice of Acacia con-

dandruff. Take 3 to 4 tablespoon

cinna (shikakai) pods. Apply it on

of Acacia concinna (shikakai)

effected parts twice a day.

powder. Make a paste by adding

lemon (nimbu) juice. Apply it

Acacia concinna for psoriasis:

over scalp and leave it for an hour

 Take few pods of Acacia concin-

or two. Wash with water. Do it for

na. Boil them. Apply them over

a week every day and you may see

affected areas.

half your dandruff has gone.

Herbal treatment for constipation

Herbal treatment for head lice

 Make a paste of three leaf buds of

 Grind ten dried fruits of Acacia

Acacia concinna, two cloves of

concinna after discarding the

garlic and some black salt. Take it

seeds, half cup each of fenugreek

with cooked rice.

seeds, wild turmeric roots, roots of

Indian Sarsaparilla and Sandal-

Herbal treatment for fever

wood chips. Massage the head

 Make a paste of three leaf buds of

with coconut oil and apply this

Acacia concinna, two cloves of

powder. Rinse off after thirty

garlic and some common salt.


Take it with cooked rice.

Herbal treatment for jaundice

Herbal treatment for dandruff

 Make a paste of one tea spoon

 Grind three to four dried fruits of

tender Acacia concinna leaves,

Acacia concinna (shikakai) with-

three pepper corns, one tea spoon

out seeds. Add one to two tea-

tamarind pulp, half red chilli and

spoons of fenugreek (methi in In-

some salt to add taste. Eat it with

dia) seeds, one teaspoon full wild

cooked rice.

turmeric (aamahaldi in India) root

powder, one teaspoon of Indian

Herbal treatment for stomach ache

Sarsaparilla (anantmool in India)

 Boil one cup Acacia concinna tree

root powder and one teaspoon of

bark in one litre water and sieve it.

sandalwood powder. Mix well.

Add powdered Indian Pennywort

Add water to form a thick paste.

in it. Also add the powder of four

Massage the scalp with coconut

black peppercorns, two carda-

oil, and then apply this paste.

mom, cinnamon, two cloves, one

Leave it for half an hour. Wash off

fourth nutmeg and half tablespoon

and shampoo. Do this once a

long pepper. Mix it and leave it


for a month before it is taken for

 Massage your scalp with luke-

medicinal use. Take one table-

warm sesame oil. Boil four to five

spoon twice a day.

dried Acacia concinna (Shikakai

in India) pods in two glass of wa-

Herbal treatment for grey hair

ter. Strain well. Let it cool. Use its

 Soak Indian gooseberry, soap nut

water to rinse your scalp after an

seeds (Ritha) and pots of Acacia

hour. It gives relief from dandruff

concinna (Shikakai) in three cups

and promotes hair growth.

of water for a night. Grind it. Use

Acacia concinna (shikakai) and

it as shampoo.

lemon both are beneficial herbs in

treating dandruff. The mixture

Herbal treatment for frizzy hair

made up of these two, works

 Take following herbs in men-

wonder to make your hair free of

tioned quantity, two hundred g In-

ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 492

Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Diversity and Ethno-Botanical Potential of Tree Plants… Mall dian gooseberry (Amia), two hun-

& heart tonic, ulcer, antiviral, intesti-

dred g Acacia concinna (Shika-

nal parasites, gonorrhoea, epilepsy.

kai), twenty g Bacopa monnieri

Root: Dog bite, gastric troubles, heart

(Bhrahmi), one g Asphaltum

disorders, intermittent fevers, ant-

(Shilajit), forty g dried pomegran-

amoebic, hypoglycemic, rheumatism.

ate peel (Anar ka chilka), twenty

Bark: Stomach disorders, intermittent

g Eclipta alba (Bhringraaj), Soak

fevers, heart disorders.

them overnight in any iron bowl.

Seed: Febrifuge.

Grind to make paste. Apply it on

Flower: Expectorant, epilepsy.

your hair and Scalp. Wash after 3

Whole Plant: Abdominal pain, ab-

hours with lukewarm water. Do

scess, astringent back ache, dog bite,

not use shampoo. Shampoo may

breast pain, cholera constipation, con-

be used on next day.

vulsions, cramp, diabetes, diarrhoea,

dysentery, fevers, eye complaints,

4.3. Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr

gastric trouble, abdominal disorders,

It is a medium-sized, deciduous,

jaundice, laxative, nausea night fever,

armed tree. Leaves are tri-

heart disorders, snakebite, stomach

foliolate. Flowers are yellowish.

disorder, vomiting tonic, cut &

Fruits are large, globose. Phenolo-


gy is April-May & March-July. In

Root bark: Fish poison.

Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary

Seed mucilage: Plaster for walls.

Aeglemarmelos is found only in

Seed oil: Laxative.

teak plantation forest.

Wood: Beads worn by low caste, spe-

cial couches for rheumatic patients.

Ethnobotanical potentiality

Bael is one of the most important

Gum around seed: To improves adhe-

tree species used in various indige-

sive strength of water paints.

nous system of medicine in India,

Unripe fruit rind, Bark: Yellow dye.

China, Burma, and Sri Lanka. Bael is

Stem: Pestles of oil and sugar mills.

used in all tridosa- vista (air), Pitta

The medicine is prepared in the form

(phlegm) and kapha (cough). Out of

of pills, powder and paste. Ayurvedic

more than 66 ethno-botanical uses of

practitioners commonly use the roots

bael, 48 are exclusively for medicinal

of bael as an ingredient of dasmula

purposes. Almost all parts of bael are

(ten roots), which is useful in recover-

used in preparing medicine (Kala,

ing the loss of appetite and use fruits


in the preparation of chawanprash.

Leaf: Abscess, backache, eye com-

Bael fruits regarded as an astringent

plaints, abdominal disorders, vomit-

are frequently used by various ethnic

ing, cut & wounds, ulcer, destroy, ber-

communties for the treatment of diar-

iberi, weakness of heart, cholera, diar-

rhoea, dysentery, constipation, stom-

rhoea, cardio tonic, blood sugar, inju-

ach ache, intestinal ulcer, diabetes,

ries caused by animals, nervous disor-

dyspepsia, heart diseases and cholera

ders, hair tonic, acute bronchitis, child

due to its digestive and carminative

birth, veterinary medicine for wounds,


killing worms, fodder for sheep, goat

 Bael is highly valued in Ayurvedic

and cattle, stimulation of respiration

medicine for the treatment of chronic

and contraction of de-nerved nictitat-

diarrhoea and dysentery and as brain

ing membrane in anaesthetized cats.

tonic. Bael possesses antiviral, anti-

Fruit: Astringent, diarrhoea, gastric

helminthic anti-inflammatory, anti-

troubles, constipation, laxative, tonic,

bilious, anti-parasitical, anti-pyretic,

digestive, stomachic, dysentery, brain

anti-scorbutic, aromatic, astringent, di-

gestive, febrifuge, haemostatic, anti-

ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 493

Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Diversity and Ethno-Botanical Potential of Tree Plants… Mall diarrheal, laxative and nutritive proper-

 For Hindus, the Bael is sacred tree,


which they dedicate to the lord Shiva

Ripe bael fruit is sweat, aromatic

by offering of Bael leaves. Its three