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laysia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms
and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 87
Biotechnology for Sustainability
Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives
Biotech Sustainability (2017), P88-103
Spent Mushroom Substrate of Hypsizygus ulmarius: A
Novel Multifunctional Constituent for Mycorestoration
and Mycoremediation
Padmavathi Tallapragada1, * and Ranjini Ramesh2
1Department of Microbiology, Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Jain University, 18/3,9th
Main, Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore, India; 2Department of Environmental Science,
Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, 58, Palace Road, Vasanthnagar, Bangalore, India;
*Correspondence: /; Tel :
+91 9448533337
Abstract: ‘Spent Mushroom Substrate’ (SMS) is a composted growing medium that results
from the mushroom growing process. The spent substrate remains after harvesting the
mushrooms, which is entangled with innumerable mushroom threads (collectively referred
as ‘mycelia’), would have been biochemically modified by the mushroom enzymes into a
simpler and more readily digestible form, which could then be used in ‘mycorestoration’
and ‘mycoremediation’. Mushroom mycelia can produce a group of complex extracellular
enzymes that can degrade and utilize the lignocellulosic wastes found in nature, which also
reduces their potential for pollution. It has been revealed recently that mushroom mycelia
can play a significant role in the restoration of damaged environments. Saprotrophic, endo-
phytic, mycorrhizal and even parasitic fungi or mushrooms can be used in ‘mycorestora-
tion’, which can be performed in four different ways: ‘mycofiltration’ (using mycelia to fil-
ter contaminated water), ‘mycoforestry’ (using mycelia to restore degraded forests), ‘my-
coremediation’ (using mycelia to eliminate toxic wastes from soil and water) and ‘my-
copesticides’ (using mycelia to control insect pests). These methods represent the potential
to create a clean ecosystem, where no damage will be left after fungal implementation. ‘Ap-
plied Mushroom Biology’ can not only convert this huge amount of lignocellulosic wastes
into human food but also can produce notable nutraceutical products, which have several
health benefits and it is discussed in this chapter.
Keywords: Applied mushroom biology; Hypsizygus ulmarius; mycoremediation; my-
corestoration; spent mushroom substrate
1. Introduction
and high-yielding varieties have been fol-
lowed to overcome the constraints (Dal-
Soils in the tropical regions of the
gaard et al., 2003). With the help of these
world are fragile, contain very less organ-
technologies, there has been a world-wide
ic matter and are prone to severe degrada-
doubling of food crop production, but at
tion, especially with increased deforesta-
the cost of environmental degradation of
tion and loss of topsoil. These attributes
soil and water quality, reduction in biodi-
of tropical soils put constraints on food-
versity and suppression of ecosystem
crop production in these regions of high
functions (Vance, 2001). Today, more
and dense human populations. In the last
than one billion people lack in food secu-
few decades, Green Revolution practices
rity and many village communities in the-
like using pesticides, synthetic fertilizers
se areas are continuously affected by a
ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 88
Biotech Sustainability (2017)
Spent Mushroom Substrate of Hypsizygus ulmarius Tallapragada and Ramesh steady reduction of food grains. In addi-being utilized extensively in industry, ag-
tion, the increase in industrialization has
riculture, medicine, food and textile in-
polluted our environment with chemicals
dustries (Prabhakaran et al., 2011).
and toxins of various kinds (Singh et al.,
Hypsizygus ulmarius, the ‘Elm
2011) Most contaminated sites usually
Oyster Mushroom’ (Figure 1), is a new
contain a mixture of non biodegradable
variety of edible mushroom, developed by
persistent compounds, which increase the
the Indian Institute of Horticultural Re-
difficulties of remediation. This is due to
the intensification of agriculture, range of It is a type of basidiomy-
crops grown and the diversity of manu-
cete, also known as ‘white rot fungi’, of
facturing industries. The excess usage of
which there are about 1,400 known spe-
chemical fertilizers has also contributed
cies. It can be commercially cultivated by
to the deterioration of the environment,
solid-state fermentation method, using
with soil degradation, loss of soil fertility
agricultural wastes such as paddy straw,
and agricultural productivity being the
coconut husk, tea and saw dust, among
main consequences (Khan and Ishaq,
others. Mushroom cultivation is environ-
ment-friendly, in addition to providing a
For improving the long-term sus-
cost-effective source of food protein for
tainability of industry and agriculture,
vegetarians and a source of income for
emphasis should be on the holistic man-
rural women (Ahmed et al., 2009). Mush-
agement of natural resources. Microor-
rooms are a good source of vitamins and
ganisms can control pollution and pests,
minerals, while having low content of
maintain the fertility of soil and enhance
fats, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. With
plant growth, with no major adverse ef-
their nutritional value, mushrooms can
fects on the environment or other non-
reduce malnutrition in the rural poor to a
target organisms (Gomathi and Ambika-
large extent, and are also effective in re-
pathy, 2011). These types of mechanisms
ducing the occurrence of life-style diseas-
rely on stimulating the growth of specific
es like hypercholesterolemia, hyperten-
species of micro-organisms or mixtures of
sion, diabetes and cancer (Alam et al.,
microflora native to the contaminated
sites and are thus, able to remediate the
area more easily and efficiently (Kumar et
al. , 2010).
Recent research has favored the
techniques of ‘bioremediation’ for clean-
ing up the above types of sites, as it is
both environment-friendly and of relative-
ly low-cost (Sasek, 2003). Bioremediation
is the addition of biological agents, main-
ly microbes like yeast cells, fungi or bac-
teria to detoxify the contaminated soil and
water. When fungi are specifically used, it
is known as ‘mycoremediation’. Lignino-
Figure 1: Hypsizygus ulmarius: The Elm
lytic basidiomycete fungi such as Phan-
Oytser Mushroom, growing naturally on
erochaete chrysosporium, Pleurotus os-
treatus, Lentinula edodes, etc. are well
known mycoremediation agents. These
microbes use the xenobiotics to be de-
graded as nutrients or as sources of ener-
gy (Tang et al., 2007). Fungi play an im-
(SMS) is the by-product of mushroom
portant role in bioremediation, besides
ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 89
Spent Mushroom Substrate of Hypsizygus ulmarius Tallapragada and Ramesh cultivation, and contains the fungal myce-lic acid, 2,6-dimethoxyphenol, etc (Ike-
lium, fermented substrate, residues of in-
hata et al., 2004).
organic nutrients and secreted enzymes
Phenol, also known as carbolic ac-
such as ligno-cellulases, proteases and
id, is a highly toxic element that is added
peroxidases (Medina et al., 2009). SMS
in the manufacture of resins, herbicides
is also a rich source of carbon, nitrogen
and various other industrial processes
and other nutrients, and can be added to
(Amara and Salem, 2010). It is one of the
enhance crop growth and maintain soil
most persistent chemicals, with high tox-
fertility. It contains a consortium of bacte-
icity even at low concentrations, and is
ria and fungi which can mediate the for-
considered a ‘priority pollutant’ under the
mation and weathering of soil, nutrient
and water mobilization, nitrogen fixation
(Chandrakant et al., 2006). Phenols can
and denitrification processes. The fungal
be degraded by various white rot fungi
mycelium on the spent substrate is similar
like P.florida, L.edodes and H.ulmarius
to ‘Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi’ – AMF
(Ranjini and Padmavathi, 2013; 2012).
(Jonathan et al., 2013). AM fungi espe-
Pleurotus florida, Pleurotus os-
cially function to mobilize water and