Biotechnology for Sustainability by Subhash Bhore, K. Marimuthu and M. Ravichandran [E - HTML preview

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ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 116

Biotechnology for Sustainability

Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives

Biotech Sustainability (2017), P117-128

Biotechnological Approaches for Conservation and Sus-

tainable Supply of Medicinal Plants

Sagar Satish Datir1, * and Subhash Janardhan Bhore2

1Department of Biotechnology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune – 411007, MS, In-

dia; 2Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, AIMST University,

Bedong-Semeling Road, 08100, Bedong, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia; / (SJB);

*Correspondence:; Tel.: +91 8412013810

Abstract: Food and medicines are integral part of human life. Continuously increasing

global population and food demand has created an alarm about sustainable use of natural

resources. Due to adverse environmental conditions such as drought, salinity, temperature

and pathogens, it is very challenging to achieve high yield with current agricultural practic-

es. Due to deterioration of food quality and unpredictable environmental conditions, there is

a major public health concern about various diseases. Plant-derived compounds are playing

significant role in combating various human diseases since prehistoric times and therefore,

there is an increasing demand for production of plant-derived secondary metabolites. How-

ever, due to mismanagement of natural resources and faulty agricultural practices, several

medicinal plant species have become rare, vulnerable and endangered. Hence, alternative

strategies are needed to protect medicinally important plant species. Biotechnology has be-

come a center of attraction due to its innumerable advantages in agriculture, pharmaceuti-

cals, forestry and food sectors. In recent years, plant-derived compounds (also called as

natural compounds) are widely studied and biotechnological tools such as, in vitro propaga-

tion, transgenic for secondary metabolite production and cryopreservation not only provid-

ed alternative but also offer sustainable approaches towards conservation of medicinally

important plant species. This brief review highlights various biotechnological approaches

for conservation and sustainable supply of medicinal plants. Achievements, challenges and

perspectives on in vitro propagation for the conservation of medicinal plants are also high-


Keywords: Biotechnology; conservation; medicinal plants; plant tissue culture; secondary

metabolites; sustainable development

1. Introduction

problems have magnified the aforemen-

tioned threats and necessitated the sus-

Climate change, biotic and abiotic

tainable use of natural resources. Food

stress, depletion of natural resources, de-

and medicines are integral part of human

forestation and loss of biodiversity are

life and to fulfil the growing demand,

major challenges in the process of sus-

continuous global efforts are underway

tainable global development. In order to

for increasing agricultural productivity.

fulfill the basic requirements such as

The United Nations Food and Agricultur-

food, fuel, medicines and shelter, humans

al Organization (FAO) assuming that

are completely dependent on natural re-

global population will be about 9.1 billion

sources. However, continuous increase in

in 2050 (Godfray et al., 2010). It is re-

global population and associated food

ported that 83% medicinal plants have

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Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Biotechnological Approaches for Plants Conservation Datir and Bhore become endangered mainly due to the

though they are facing the threat of be-

human activity (European Commission,

coming endangered and or extinct (Ma-

2008; Ibrahim et al., 2013). Whereas,

nohar, 2012).

over-utilization of natural resources, pol-

One third of the global plant spe-

lution of the soil, water and the atmos-

cies are threatened at different level ac-

phere, and introduction of invasive spe-

cording to International Union of Conser-

cies have resulted into reduced biodiversi-

vation of Nature (IUCN, 2013). Further-

ty (Hunde, 2007).

more, the habitat destruction and loss also

Medicinal plants are important for

leads to the fragmentation of the remain-

the wellbeing of human population and

ing habitat which eventually results in

there is an increasing demand for the pro-

further isolation of the respective plant

duction of plant-derived secondary me-

species population. The destructive har-

tabolites/ novel drug leads (Atanasov et

vest of underground parts of slow repro-

al., 2015). Currently, there is constant

ducing, slow growing and habitat-specific

demand for plants and plant parts in

plant species are the crucial factors in

pharmaceutical industries as well as from






Ayurveda professionals. Furthermore, due

(Ghimire et al., 2005; Kala, 2005).

to major public concerns about dreadful

Providing high quality planting material

diseases such as cancer, HIV etc., phar-

for sustainable use and thereby saving the

maceutical industries are actively engaged

genetic diversity of plants in the wild is

in production of plant-derived drugs. Due

important (Krishnan et al., 2011). How-

to the toxicity and side effects of synthet-

ever, due to the human intervention there

ic drugs, the plant-derived drugs are be-

is rapid dwindling of plant resources for

coming more popular and as a result there

medicines; hence, alternative strategies

is increase in the number of herbal drug

and or innovative approaches are needed

manufacturers (Verma and Singh, 2008;

for their conservation. Bukuluki et al.

Agrawal, 2005; Lahlou, 2013).

(2014) had scrutinized the harvesting

The projected escalating demand

practices of medicinal plants in Uganda

for medicinal plants is increasing which

and identified harvesting methods for sus-

leads to unscrupulous collection from the

tainable supply of medicinal plants. The

wild and adulteration of raw material

good harvesting practices suggested in-

supplied to the manufacturers. Ultimately,

clude, careful harvesting of roots without

this practice has resulted into the over-

affecting tap root, careful removal of stem

harvesting of many plants from wild and

bark to avoid damaging the innermost

disturbed the population of various me-

layer that contributes to drying of the

dicinal plant species and several species

plant, plucking of leaves without breaking

even became endangered (Kala et al.,

the shoots, picking flowers those are fall-

2006; Rao et al., 2004). It has been re-

en down or selecting only a few in order

vealed that more than 50,000 plant spe-

to allow the plant to bear fruits and repro-

cies are used in phytotherapy and medi-

duce. Recently, Hishe et al. (2016) re-

cine of which 2/3 are harvested from na-

viewed the value chain of medicinal

ture leading to local extinction of many

plants and the associated challenges. They

species or degradation of their habitats

have conducted detailed studies of modes

(Tasheva and Kosturkova, 2012). Due to

of harvesting, storage, packaging, supply

the constant expansion of herbs trade, the

and distribution of medicinal plants. They

insufficient cultivation fields, and the

highlighted that the medicinal plants sup-

weak management of harvesting and

ply chains have varying requirements for

overharvesting of medicinal plants have

their cultivation, resource management in

led to exhaustion of the natural resources

the wild, harvesting, processing and mar-

and reduction in the biodiversity. Medici-

keting. Considering these facts, they had

nal plants are always in demand even

concluded that in order to become com-

ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 118

Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Biotechnological Approaches for Plants Conservation Datir and Bhore petitive in the medicinal plants global

for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic

market place, value chain must become

industries (Nalawade et al., 2003). A sys-

more flexible, innovative and efficient, so

tematic concept of sustainability was pro-

it can bring to market new products in a

posed by Prescott-Allen and Prescott-

timely fashion.

Allen (1996). According to them, both

As medicinal plants represent con-

humans and ecosystem are interrelated

sistent part of biodiversity, their utiliza-

and dependent on each other. Hence, in

tion and conservation strategies needs

conceptual terms, the essence of sustaina-

planned management for sustainability.

ble development is expressed by the rela-

Therefore, systematic efforts should not

tionship between people and the ecosys-

only be directed towards preservation of

tem around them. They further stated that

the plant populations but also elevating

the society is thought to be sustainable

the level of knowledge for sustainable

when both the human condition and the

utilization of these plants in medicine

condition of the ecosystem are satisfacto-

(WHO 2010). Developing strategies for

ry or improving. They concluded that the

long-term sustainable supply of medicinal

system improves only when both the con-

plants is challenging; therefore, it has

dition of the ecosystem and the human

been suggested that to meet future public

condition improve (Prescott-Allen and

food and healthcare demand, integration

Prescott-Allen, 1996).

of conventional methods and biotechnol-

In order to supply medicinal

ogy are essential. Biotechnological meth-

plants or medicinal plant-based raw mate-

ods not only offer faster cloning and con-

rial in a sustainable manner, various in

servation of the genotype of the plants;

situ and ex situ strategies (which includes

but also enable genetic modification, gene

in vitro techniques, botanical gardens,

regulation and expression for an efficient

plant banks, GenBank, gene sanctuaries

production of valuable natural substances

and seed banks) have been suggested for

in higher amounts or with better proper-

the conservation of critically endangered

ties (Tasheva and Kosturkova, 2012). Be-

plant species (Khan et al., 2012). Genetic

cause of innumerable advantages of bio-

diversity preservation is of prime im-

technology in agriculture, pharmaceuti-

portance while conserving plant genetic

cals, forestry, food industry and other sec-

resources. For the conservation of plant

tors, the field of biotechnology has be-

and or their germplasm, ex situ and in situ

come a center of attraction for conserva-

strategies are used. The in situ approach

tion and sustainable supply of medicinal

includes the maintenance of plant species


and or their populations in their habitats,

where they can naturally occur, grow and

2. Biotechnological approaches for con-

reproduce. Whereas, ex situ approach of

servation of medicinal plants

conservation focuses on the maintenance

of plant species germplasm under con-

It appears that biotechnology is

trolled conditions (Pathak and Abido,

emerging dramatically as a key enabling

2014; Rai et al., 2010). The multiplication

technology for environmental protection

of plants by classical methods such as

and stewardship in a sustainable manner

cuttings, budding, layering, and or graft-

(Cantor, 2000; Gavrilescu, 2004; Arai,

ing in nurseries produces enormous num-

2006). Biotechnological advances have

ber of plants. However, biotechnological

encompassed almost every aspect of hu-

methods such as micropropagation, meta-

man life including food, fuel, cosmetics,

bolic engineering and genetic manipula-

medicines and beverages. Most im-

tions are especially appropriate for spe-

portantly,, biotechnology based-methods

cies which are difficult to propagate in

are reliable and provides continuous sup-

vivo (Tasheva and Kosturkova, 2012).

ply of raw material and natural products

Hence, in situ approach of conservation

ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 119


Biotech Sustainability (2017)

Biotechnological Approaches for Plants Conservation Datir and Bhore alone would not be efficient and effective

(Sreekumar and Renuka, 2006). Biotech-

strategy for conservation and multiplica-

nological approaches for sustainable sup-

tion of medicinal plants. Krishnan et al.

ply and conservation of medicinal plants

(2011) suggested that prudent application

include micropropagation, mycorrhiza-

of propagating biotechnology tools in

tion, genetic transformation and devel-

plant conservation program is a prerequi-

opment of the DNA banks (Sheikhpour et

site to succeed (in sustainable use of me-

al., 2014; Rai et al., 2010). Figure 1 de-

dicinal plants) and to complement the ex-

picts the biotechnological approaches use-

isting ex situ measures. The systematic

ful in sustainable supply of medicinal