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26.  The Speed of Light in the Electrical Universe





Richard Lighthouse


Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

CC BY 4.0

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ISBN: 9781311172761



Revision 1a

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

25 November 2013


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The Speed of Light in the Electrical Universe





This short technical note provides a hypothesis regarding the nature of the speed of light. 

We know that no speed actually exists  as a fundamental property in the Electrical

Universe.  A possible explanation and suggestions for research are provided. 

Description and mathematical explanation are summarized.  This paper will be

meaningful to those with a background in physics, math, and/or engineering.



The Speed of Light in the Electrical Universe



Richard Lighthouse






In the Electrical Universe, there is no time, distance, or velocities, in our terms.[1] 

We can deduce then, that the speed of light must represent something that is

fundamental, but has nothing to do with speed. 


We know from Einstein that all mass can be described as energy. 






Another way to describe this energy is:



  Energy = Volt*(Amp*sec)



Physical mass in our physical universe can be equated with an Electrical Mass or

Volts in the Electrical Universe:



  Volts = x*Mass


  where x is a unique constant for each object or physical mass that must be experimentally




  (Amp*sec) in the Electrical Universe can also be described as an Electrical



 c2 is then proportional to (Amp*sec)


 c2 = z*(Amp*sec)


 where z, is a constant or dimensional transfer unit (DTU).[2]






A suggested test could be performed to determine if an apparent upper limit or

boundary condition exists, and in particular, what occurs when the boundary is breached.  While using the Lighthouse Frequency, an energy amount that exceeds the limit

implied by cis placed on the glass ball. 





Figure 1.  360 degree camera system contained with a glass ball.



One hypothesis is that the boundary is an artificial limit, and if exceeded – this might

imply inter-dimensional travel, in our terms.  Use of a camera system, as described in reference [3], may prove helpful in such tests.







This document is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.



1.  Richard Lighthouse, Mathematical Solution Unifying the Four Fundamental Forces in Nature,, 2013.


2.  Richard Lighthouse, Preliminary Model for Grand Unified Theory (GUT),, 2013.


3.  Richard Lighthouse, The Discovery of Parallel Universes,, 2013.


4.   Seth (Jane Roberts) Early Sessions, Book 2, Session 78, 1964. “No system is a

closed system. The framework of all systems is basically infinite. Any appearance of enclosure is the result of camouflage distortions, quite necessary within a given system so that the organisms within it can focus their main attentions to the problems within a particular system.”


5.  Seth (Jane Roberts) Early Sessions, Book 2, Session 78, 1964. “A closed system is, in other words, the result of the limitations of the outward senses, whose nature it is to distinguish as a meaningful reality only one portion of an open infinite system.”


6.  Seth (Jane Roberts) Early Sessions, Book 3, Session 101, 1964.

“There are even other physical dimensions which do not appear physical to you, your antimatter being one. But there are many others. Some dimensions, or planes or fields, contain others, and some are sufficient unto themselves, with others dependent upon it, as for example your fifth dimension as I have explained it.”