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28.  Massless Travel




Richard Lighthouse



Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

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ISBN: 9781310313233



Revision 2b--

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

31 January 2014


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This short technical paper discuss a method and technology that can be utilized to minimize energy requirements for all kinds of travel.  Specifically, there are three types of travel under discussion:  (1)  Time Travel, (2) Distance Travel, and (3) Travel between parallel universes.  The method requires precise control, synchronization, and amplification of very high frequencies, which is beyond our current technology.  However, within a few decades, it is expected to be possible.    Each reader must comprehend that our physical universe literally blinks off and on, many billions of times every second.






Previous papers on the Lighthouse Frequency have shown how the blinking of our physical universe can be utilized for three kinds of travel:[1], [2]


1)  Time Travel

2)  Distance Travel

3)  Travel between parallel universes



In this paper, a concept is introduced that will allow more efficient travel, ie., the energy requirements can be significantly reduced.  Specifically, they can be reduced to less than 1% of the normal value.  The correct title for this paper then, should be:  “Nearly-Massless  Travel,” however this would probably confuse most readers.


As Seth has stated, there are three universes which are highly connected and related. [3]  These are:


Universe of positive physical matter

Universe of negative physical matter

Dream universe



The relationship between these universes makes many things possible that have not been considered, in our terms.


Let's begin by defining some terms:



ENP -  Expanding Neutral Point;  this point is an overlap point between matter and antimatter, just as matter begins to re-materialize or “blink on” from the previous construction. 


CNP -  Collapse Neutral Point;  this point is also an overlap point between matter and antimatter.  (Note that these terms are arbitrary because from the perspective of the negative universe or antimatter – the terms would be reversed.)




Figure 1.  Note that the red line identifies a frequency that is precisely synchronized to pulse just before the CNP occurs each interval.  At this precise moment, the mass of any object will seem to be nearly zero.  A vehicle will respond to electrical charges as though it had near-zero mass.[5]




As the physical universe collapses each interval (at the CNP), the gravitational force and the physical mass of each object will seem to approach zero.  This can be expressed:


 g  ----> 0


 m ----> 0



If we take one small fraction of an interval “backwards” from the CNP, the gravitational force and the physical mass of an object will have very small values relative to their “time-averaged” values.  In our terms, this would be less than 1% of the “time-averaged” value.


Therefore, the energy requirements for the 3 kinds of travel can be greatly reduced. (These could also be considered 3 types of related probabilities.)


To precisely maintain synchronization with this point in the blinking universe is not a simple task, technologically.  It will require digital sampling, signal generation, and amplification that are beyond current technology.  And while weak signals can be generated now, large amplification of the signal will be required for them to be useful. 


It may also be possible to directly utilize the Neutral Points thru synchronization.  Although in theory, this may imply that an object has zero mass, and the equations for such a point become a singularity or unsolvable, ie., if



F = m*a


then the equation has no solution.



Only through direct experimental testing can this be determined.


We now understand that it is possible to synchronize with a moment in blinking time, when the gravitational force and physical mass are close to zero.  Based upon the equations for time travel, this can mean a significant reduction in energy requirements for any destination.







So we have attempted to define a point within the blinking physical universe whereby the gravitational force and physical mass of objects approach a value of zero.  This is significant because it makes some things possible that were previously considered impossible.


Also note that the “overlap” points or Neutral Points present us with a unique opportunity to glimpse into the universe of negative matter or antimatter. [6]



This document is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.






1.  Richard Lighthouse, “Mathematical Solution Unifying the Four Fundamental Forces in Nature,”, 2013.


2.  Richard Lighthouse, “Time Travel: An Approximate Mathematical Solution,”, 2013.


3.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 108, 1964.  “I had intended, and still will, involve us in a discussion of the parallel development of the physical universe, the world of negative matter, and the dream world. For each one depends upon the existence of the other.  There are so many interconnections...”


4.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 61, 1964.  “This physical matter on your plane we will call positive matter.  To the field of negative matter, your positive matter would be termed negative... The point is that perception is the criteria for what you call matter. You do not perceive the negative interval.”


5.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 63, 1964.  “One could be compared to what I will call a before image. Your universe is the focal point for physical manifestation, where the manipulation of matter predominates... The other of the two universes is formed as energy passes through your field, and can be likened to an after image.


6.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 66, 1964.  “This point of over lapse, or overlap, this point of overlap is extremely important, for there are points of overlapping in all universes; and this will also be a basic factor in travel...”




Historical Note:  The author realized the significance of the “overlap” or Neutral Points and their potential use on 28 – 29 January 2014.







If it is possible to directly utilize the Neutral Points and bring the implied mass of an object to zero – it becomes a possible explanation for how the stone blocks in the Great Pyramids were moved and positioned.  If a direct frequency can cause an object's mass to become zero, then the object would seem to levitate or float.  This would make it easy for one or two people to move large stone blocks weighing many tons.