From Earth We Came-The Atreyu Saga-Whetu Tawhiti (Distant Star) by - HTML preview

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Chapter Six-Suit made from AGM

             A meeting is to be held in an hour with two of my top scientist and engineers to discuss matters on a new transport vehicle, so this give me time to get out and shop around at our local shopping mall, I thought I’d go by myself and not bother to conceal my identity as I didn’t mind the press and the fans.

I park outside the shopping mall then head inside, waiting to get on an escalator I hear a loud ‘Bang’ then another ‘Bang’ people start to scream and run all around me “What the fuck!” I mumble to myself “There’s a man with a gun!” a woman yell’s from behind a rubbish bin, another loud ‘Bang’ my left arm goes numb then the pain sets in “he’s coming this way” shout’s the same woman “run!” she gets up to run ‘Bang, Bang’ a horrible gargling scream emanates from her mouth as the bullets pass through her throat!

She hits the floor face first then rolls onto her back with both hand covering her throat “Oh my god what the hell!” the gun man is now five feet away from me “where’s the money! Give me some money or die!” he says in an angry shaky but dominating voice, “O.K. I can get you five thousand from my money machine just over there.”

 “Move it!” he says while waving the hand with the gun in it, walking quickly towards the money machine I notice a security guard sneaking up from behind the rubbish bin where the woman was shot, it’s only 3 feet away from the card machine, my eyes meets the security guards at the same time, he signals to keep my attention on the gun man “I need to get my card from my pocket” I say with a bit of confidence, the gun man reply’s “don’t fuck with me or bam!”

Grabbing the card I place it in to the machine “What’s the maximum you can withdraw in one day?” jabbing the gun into my head “five thousand” replying in a submissive voice, ‘Smack’ is the sound I hear next like a baseball bat hitting a ball ‘Thud’ turning around I see the gun man lying on the ground moaning like a drunk “You alright? That was good timing” replies the security guard while grabbing the gun “Yeah man I’m good, ring for an ambulance and the police”.

By the time we got to the woman she wasn’t moving further checks confirmed what we were thinking “she’s dead” I explain to the operator on the phone, There was so much blood! I started to feel sick to my stomach as the pain from my arm got more intense, getting light headed the last thing I hear “You’ll live mate you’ll live.”

Eye’s slowly open bright lights everywhere feeling a little high, black shadows start to come into focus “Hi dad” it’s my family standing beside my bed also my staff who I was meant to meet “A gunman tried to extort me for money, he killed an innocent woman” I manage to murmur “We know the police filled us in “my daughter says with sincerity.

 “How’s it bro the name Danny, you’re lucky to be alive dude I knew who you were the moment you walked in the mall, I was thinking why are you alone?” I slowly lift my right arm and shake his hand “You saved my life man let me return the favor, how much you make an hour?” Danny leans over my bed “I’m on $15 an hour” sitting up I say with a smile “you work for me know $40 an hour how’s that sound?” “Fuck yes!” Danny says with excitement “good! Start tomorrow come to Gargoyle Estate 9am.”

Directing my attention to my scientist “Forget the transports for now I need protective armor…” whispering as I fall back to sleep.

My family agree we all need protection from the ever day person as greed, money and social media can turn an innocent into a murderer.

A few weeks later the gun shot injury heals with no complications so now I am back on track, I present a 3d image of a suit, it is a full body suit that I am hoping will protect me from small arms fire, my images look like a black Silver Surfer but bulkier!

One of my scientist says in an excited voice “We have made a new discovery in regards to the AGM, we used various guns to shoot at the AGM and results show that all of the various size bullets did not penetrate it” “really!” I say with amazement “the AGM seems to generate its own protective shield, anything that moves at a certain rate of speed towards the AGM gets repelled, further tests show that AGM repels all forms of matter lead, silver, gold, gem, plastic, rubber etc.” The look on my face was priceless.

Within two days we had created a mock-up of the suit, the skin has been made from carbon fibre integrated with the latest expandable fiber the AGM has been woven into the skin similar to how a grid iron protective chest and shoulder plate is made, the weight of the suit at this stage is only 40kg the helmet and feet need to be added as well.

It fits well to the skin so I walk around in it all day to break it in and loosen it up without the AGM active, I have decided to implement a parachute into the suit just for backup in case something fails cause falling out of the sky with no way to land safely is just suicide.

A few days later the suit is complete I had decided to have both voice commands and physical command incorporated into the suit so I will have a backup just in case, a highly experienced programmer created a program that will bring me home via a way point in case I am incapacitated it can be activated in a number of ways, it will be fully automated so I will not have worry about controlling it.

 “Sir recommend testing the suit at a height of about 4-5 meters high for your own safety” a staff member says with a concerned voice “Yup I intend to thanks.”

Walking out into the five story hanger I realize that I have ample room to move around in, will go with voice movements first then hand signals “up, stop!” one story above the ground “feels strange?” just like walking on the ground with the added difference of not having solid Earth beneath my feet, I had requested that the hanger be filled with padding in case I fall or something.

I lean to my right to see if I fall to the ground but as I lean towards the ground my fall starts fast then half way down my fall slows then stops at 90 degrees? “O.k. this is weird but cool” I roll over on my stomach then place my hands under my chest and to my surprise I start to move up right! My feet are at what I call AGM level or at the level I set the hover at, so my feet stay on the invisible ground while my top half gets pushed the opposite way until I am standing again “amazing.”

Tests are carried out over the next couple months as I progress I fine tune the suit, adding in GPS, camera’s, no weapons have been added as I can increase the repulsion on my hands and use open hand or closed fist to increase or decrease the repulsion and I can also use it in waves or make it constant.

Calling in my chief programmer I get him to design a program that will place me at a different angle when in flight mode, this requires enormous amounts of data as controlling the AGM at the right time is critical, but I am able to deactivate it at will and go to manual mode when required.

The setup is as follows:

Vertical mode-V mode, can fly upright up to 300kmph

Angled mode-A mode, under Mach two

Horizontal mode-H mode, over Mach two

Will require radar of some kind as I don’t want to fly straight through any conventional aircraft that may be filled with people that would be a huge disaster, the suit protects me from incoming objects they just bounce off or disintegrate so I’m not too worried about my safety but rather what is colliding with me.

During the time I was testing the AGM suit I had technician’s fine tune the repulsion and a weapon in the form of a short sword to match the AGM suit, it has a straight blade the same as a ninja sword, it generates a repulsion field when the sword is swung the repulsion field is in the shape of the blade and the distance depends on the intensity the AGM is set to as to the following:

Stun-(5 meter range) will knock down people like a sturdy push, will make small objects move like paper cups

Incapacitate-(10 meter range) knock out people cold, will push over small animals cats, rodents

Kill-(20 meter range) remove limbs, burst organs, will cut cars in half

Annihilate-(50 meter range) level buildings, disintegrate biological entities.

Although I am not too keen on weapons I swear I will never use it until my life is threatened to the point where I cannot save myself, amazed by what has been created I store it in a place that is secret and where no one knows the location as it is too dangerous if it got into the wrong hands.

Today I go for my first free flight meaning anywhere within the Wellington area, stepping out of the lab and onto the concrete outside I look around and see no clouds in the sky “Man has always dreamed of flying without wings, propellers, rockets, parachutes, I will be the first in the history of our kind to fly without these things” these words will become part of the human history book forever!

Without any notice I jump up and levitate 1km into the air then check the radar in my HUD heads up display to search for any aircraft in a 25km radius I see nothing.

Starting off at 100km in a vertical position felt awesome I felt like magneto but without the cape, I look down and see the public taking vids and pics but I didn’t care this is what I was wanting, many will be fascinated by what they see others will see it as a threat some will see it as a sign from god, either way the world will know that I mean business and will not tolerate another attack on me or my family ever again! My AGM suit is connected to WI-FI so I can be kept updated on current events, and as predicted I see vid and pics of me all over social media sites, many know that it is me and are fascinated.

Once again I setup interviews with the media and have videos and pictures uploaded to social media sites for let the world know that It is no fake and give an explanation into why I created the suit in the first place, millions thought it was awesome while others see it as a potential terrorists threat, but with new things there comes mixed emotions but I made a promise to myself that I will never bow down to anyone or anything ever again.

A lot of my flights took place at night because under cover is the best way to get around, I travel the world over and stop at every country, many have the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in my life! With many beautiful cultures, but with beauty comes the beast what I mean is what I see ultimately I see war! Poverty! Disease! Murder! I don’t like what I see and go home with these disturbing memories and think hard about a solution but I am just one man living beside millions “what can you do?”

One night I am sitting on top of the sky tower taking in the view I happen to look down and see a couple arguing so I zoom in with my HUD to see what the fuss is about, the woman is screaming for help! I see the male moving his arm back and forth like he is tabbing her! I jump off and get closer and see him doing just that! I fly in hard and fast and grab him by the hair and pick him up off the ground and slam him into a power pole he was unresponsive after the hit, flying back to the woman I call for an ambulance but looking at her I knew she wasn’t going to survive! The ambulance will take too long to get here!

Picking her up from the road I launch us into the air and head for the hospital taking only a few seconds to get there I land outside the emergency doors “do you know the attacker? “ I ask “No” she says in a fading voice, walking into the hospital I get the uncertain stare from everyone inside “this woman has been stabbed multiple times help her!” without hesitation the staff rush into action and take her away “who are you and what happened?” I can’t explain the details the person is still out there I will be back after I take him to the cops.”

Walking out the door I get a “stop police!” I carry on and then fly off back to where it happened, on arrival I see the cops in the area I scan their cars but don’t see the guy? Heading to the power pole I noticed he had vanished I scrap off the blood on the pole and place it on my scanner on my arm, then jump up and land on the tower again, zooming in with the DNA tracker that’s built into my HUD I see his DNA or his blood drop trails leading into a building that’s behind the power pole.

 “I see you mother fucker you can’t hide from me!” I flank the building so the cops don’t see me and fly straight through the window and land a meter in front of this guy “bring it on!” he yells, he reach's for a hand gun sitting on a chair I lift my right arm at the same time he fires one shot it deflects to the side, I give him a short but powerful pulse of AGM “oh no!” I say with anger but without regret as his head explodes! My intention was to beat this loser then hand him into the police, my HUD is recording everything.

Shocked by what has happened I don’t have a choice now but to confront the police it was self-defence! And this guy got what he deserved, I don’t report it straight away as I need time to think.