From Earth We Came-The Atreyu Saga-Whetu Tawhiti (Distant Star) by - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven-Invasion of the human kind

While away traveling the world looking for new ideas for new inventions and going over the events of the stabbing, I receive a video call from one of my security officers who looks out for intruders who may be lurking around the area of one of my AGM factories that builds hover vehicles in Wellington "Mr. Coleman sir there are police here wanting to speak with you" he says "what do they want?" "They will not say sir they have a warrant to search the property "what the fuck!" What does it say they are looking for?" "Says concealed weapons sir what should I do?"  "Nothing as there isn’t anything you can do, I will be there soon!"

'Boom' mach1, 2 and 3 I fly as fast as possible and when I get there the place is swarming with police and armed forces “what is this who is in charge here!" I command with anger "I am Mr Coleman we have a warrant to search this property for concealed weapons, you are not under arrest at this time" “what makes you think that I have weapons?" "Sorry mate we can’t comment on that at this time." the arrogant officer smiles.

I call up my top lawyers to come in and verify the claims and warrants that have been executed on me and they concur that it is genuine.

Sending home the staff that day was a good idea but I knew the police would interview them one by one because that's how it is played, after they search the premises and find nothing I sit down with my lawyers they explain to me that a man had been found dead in a building in Auckland his head had been popped on his shoulders like a balloon and they suspect that it has something to do with me or the technology that I created may be involved.

A police officer sits on the other side of the table holding photos of the man who had fatally stabbed the woman "do you know this man or have you ever seen him before?" I reply quickly "I don’t know him but he is the person who stabbed the woman that night and who later died in hospital" "so how do you know this?" he says with anticipation.

I explained the whole thing from start to finish and showed the footage that my HUD records when I am flying in my suit, my lawyers are stunned that this has happened "Mr. Coleman you are under arrest for murder" "Murder! Piss off I tried to save that woman from that peace of shit! If I hadn’t he could of killed more!" "That’s not your job to judge I’m sorry you'll have to come with me!"

My lawyers advise me not to say anything else but the cat's out of the bag now so what’s the use, hand cuffs go on and I am escorted to a police car then off to the local police station, soon my arrest goes viral within an hour of been arrested, the police question me over and over I just tell them the story once and show the video evidence but one officer tried to get heavy on me for 48 hours I sit there taken in the threats from the clueless people around me "48 hours, 48 hours you cannot hold me any longer you have 5 seconds left" are the only words that I push out of my exhausted mouth.

"I've had enough of your threats, I am cooperating, understand that you cannot threaten me as you are making it personal, you cannot take what I have built nor can you hold me here any longer, I choose to be here and on that note have been here long enough" I say with a calm voice, as I start to head towards the door the same asshole officer pulls out a Taser gun and fires!

What he doesn’t realize is that I have AGM clothing on but it looks like everyday clothing, the Taser hooks repel and hit another officer on my left by the wall ‘arh’ he screams as he hits the floor on his back, I open my arms to free them from the hand cuffs right ten an armed officer raises his 9mm gun at my chest and as he pulls the trigger I try to raise my left arm to deflect the bullet away from him but It's too late It rebounds off me and enters his right eye, falling sideways he falls to the floor it all happened so fast but seems like the shooting happened in slow motion!

Standing there I don't know what to do?, the sound of approaching feet litter the hall way "in here!" a voice yells, the door opens two officers enter with guns! Without hesitation I jump through the building’s roof then into the sky! I see the traces of the bullets wiz by as they shoot at me from where I just came from but I know I am already safe.

While flying home I inform my family about the events that are unfolding "what the hell! My wife says with confusion? “I’ll  be there soon gather everyone I will meet you at home I need to activate our shields that protect our mansion "ok" I know that there isn’t any weapon on Earth that can penetrate the shields and will protect not only my family and staff but also everything that I have worked hard for.

All those who work for me are informed by me personally via multi video call that It was self-defense in regards to what happened at the police station, the hovering city’s that hold millions of people are also informed within the hour I give them the choice to leave the hover city’s and go back to the land based city’s "you have 12 hours to make a decision to leave or stay after such time the city will not be reopened, no one will leave and no one will enter."

This is so to protect those who aren’t corrupted by the government, but I have given them a choice.

"Hi Danny how's my sky commander?" "I’m doing good sir, sir just so you know I am loyal to the end! I know it was self-defense, and as for that woman killer good job!" he asserts me "Danny you are the only non-immediate family member I will ever trust, you have been here since day one, there will always be a place here for you, activate city shields my man" "yes sir!" the smile on his face was proud his stance that he was in was hard "I will see you soon I need to go to my family I will update you as things happen" glimpsing over I give him the raised eyebrow look "no worries" he replies.

On the way home my son calls me "dad!" he yells!

"What’s up?" “Police and armed forces are gathering outside the mansion!" "I’m nearly there" as I come in for a high altitude entry I stop and see hundreds of people gathering around my family mansion, zooming in with HUD vision I can see the army and armed police with dogs and two helicopters with machine guns on them "hold on guys I am going to levitate the mansion" I inform my family "yup do it before they come onto our property!" my daughter yells out.

The mansion I have built and the property that it is on including the whole 20 acres can lift up out of the ground just like a hover city but I had kept this quiet and only my family were aware of it, looking down a squadron of soldiers are heading towards the front gates as they do "lifting now" the ground starts to shake all who are around it are thrown down to the ground, the 20 acre circle rises slowly into the air, the armed forces start to fire their weapons which has no effect, the helicopters move to one side to avoid been hit, looking down at the gaping hole in the ground it is massive, the people on the ground will never forget what has happened here. 

"Mr Coleman the police are requesting you give yourself up" my lawyer informs me "no I refuse to bow down to these people any more I relieve you and the other lawyers of your duties" a brief pause of silence "are you sure?" "yes I’m sure" "been a pleasure Mr. Coleman" with that the transmission ends, a whizzing sound is what I hear once my conversation ends it's bullet fire from sniper rifles coming from the road where the armed forces are, I don’t bother acknowledging this and decide to raise my home above the clouds to avoid small to medium arms fire.

Scanning the vicinity where I had raised the 20 acres of land I see no casualties, avoiding further death is the goal here unless they manage to actually attack me somehow, finally I set down on my land hovering somewhere around 12km in the air my family greet me, we discuss the events that have happened and what to do next.

Everyone here knows it is nearly impossible for the armed forces to attack us and at this stage we are totally self-contained meaning we have our own resources such as food, plants, animals and power also weapons beyond the imagination, It's not like the government can come along and turn off the power or immobilize us with any other method, so with this knowledge we are safe but I point out that "we can no longer stay here, we must go out there!" as I speak I raise my arm into the air "you mean space!" my wife says with uncertainty "yup I mean space."

While plans are set in motion for our epic ideas the government tries everything from negotiating to small missiles but we just carry on ignoring them like they are not even there, weeks go by without a word from my end.

My reasons my intentions will be announced soon enough.

That night there was a media frenzy, did he kill the officers in cold blood or did he set it up to start a war! Either way there was no going back to a normal life with the now dubbed the terrain walkers by the people who now follow me and we will be known as HM's or hover masters?

Social media sites blow up the names of the now separate human race nearly over night! but hey I like the names it gives us separation, most of the updates are from world leaders who are looking at hold a summit in an undisclosed place just in case us hover masters find the location and exterminate them, I care not about the bickering of politicians at the end of the day it will be about war!

One hot afternoon I look around and hear the thunder of jet engines moving at hi speed? I know this sound as I grew up in the age of jet aircraft and knew that sound from any other, I also knew that our government sold our air force years ago so what I was hearing had to be fighters imported from elsewhere, looking into the sun from where the sound was coming from I activate my armor "HUD scan for fast moving objects" as I finish my sentence an explosion breaks over the calm cool air 'boom' my HUD detects jets "zoom in" the images are in silhouette because of the sun in the background the image is black but I know what they are "F15 Eagles nice."

'Boom, Boom' missile after missile hits the shields protecting my home with no effect "sir all cities are under attack by fighter jets" interrupts the sky commander "I am aware of this Danny, keep it locked down do not attack I repeat do not attack understand!" "roger sir" the attacks lasted two and a half hours with no damages or loss of life, I think they are trying to test me or find a weakness to me it's just an excuse to fire off some tempers.