From Earth We Came-The Atreyu Saga-Whetu Tawhiti (Distant Star) by - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight-Fight or flight

It seems the American president would like to speak to me, I allow him to stream his message.

"In the interest in world peace, world leaders insist you hand yourself in..."

I cut his message short as the evidence of self-defense in both cases has been ignored or rejected in this case, months ago I had setup my own social media sites on my own servers that are based both in my home and in buildings located within the hover cities this was a good move as none of the uploads could be removed, online access can still be viewed by the terrain walkers just as they would be able to with their own.

Planning this ahead of time was a brilliant idea that my son had suggested it that way government agents couldn’t hire hackers to try and find the source of AGM, Stats have shown that 92% of the world’s population have sided with me, they also agree to the self-defense video's that had been uploaded on each day in question.

Sitting down in front of a video camera I stare into it and prepare my final speech to the world "3, 2, 1 online sir"

"People of the world" I go over the details of both of the confrontations of the deaths of the two people in question, again the government wants to lock me up for 20+ years! The family to the police officer wants the death penalty! After walking away from the camera I yell "fuck this!"

Pressure from the world leaders to hand myself in and submit all my inventions and everything I have built has forced me to rethink, I will not stand and fight and be remembered as a tyrant but rather as a revolutionist a visionary, I have the power to destroy cities, countries but my next vision is to find a planet that can sustain human life, so in saying that I recruit the top astronomers, botanists, excavators, miners, geologist and list the list goes on, 23,000 staff are now on my payroll and counting in these areas.

 “First off we need to build arks” “arks?” my son says in confusion “yeah arks as in Noah’s arks” I reply with a serious look“ These ships must be able to hold at least 10 of each species of Earths creatures” silence and blank looks all around the room “also we will need to build a host ship, a mother ship and it must be able to hold not only 10 species of Earths creatures but also 10 of each human from each ethic group along with the floating cities based around the world.”

This will be a huge! No a massive under taking! If you are religious you will know that this is the second time this has been done in human history, well the Ark part any way.

Five hours pass technicians and engineers present plans for the arks, we will require one ark to represent each country this includes both its human and animal counterparts “sir we will also require plant life to sustain our oxygen levels and also to keep the balance for all life aboard the arks” “yes we must gather what we need, start operation Rebirth immediately” I command the staff.

Recruitment for more staff to build the arks, to gather plant, animal specimens will require massive amounts of coordinating so I leave these details to my wife, she will lead the hundreds of thousands of people it will take to complete this epic mission.

Taken what we have accomplished in building the hover cities, two million people set out to build a ship that will hold all of the hover cities and Arc’s so we can travel as one unit for protection and survival reasons, designs for this mother ship will be the biggest venture to date and money is of no object but time is.

All of the vehicle builds are composed of 90% carbon fiber materials stronger and lighter than steal also cheap to manufacture in a short amount of time, combine this with the suits that the 500,000 engineers are fitted with, similar to my own design but strictly for building we will have the ship completed in no time, this will take place just above the Earth.

"Get me the chief engineer for this region" "sir?" "We need to retro fit all of the mega cities with compressed air like how the space shuttle uses to move around in space as we are going to build the mother ship partly in space and partly in the Earth’s atmosphere."

Months go by the mother ship takes form and the world leaders are still trying to bring me down literally! But their feeble attempts start to annoy more than threaten, the Arcs are complete and are ready to be filled with specimens, each animal and plant specimens are segregate from each other except for two Arcs that will contain a super environment in which all species will be intertwined as we have acknowledge that one species affects the other, it is nature’s way to have a control on its life forms.

 “We are now at 99% finish rate sir” “excellent I will be with my family inform me when we are at 100% sky master” “sir yes sir!”