A Shortcut to Success by Bob Huttinga PA-C - HTML preview

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The third step in the formula—think correctly from the future

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. — Albert Einstein.

The third step is to think correctly from the future.

We have been told by the ancient masters how to think. But this technology of thinking correctly has not been taught in our schools and churches. So, most of us do not know the details of this final step.

Here is the third step to the formula: Each night, just before going to sleep, get comfortable, lie flat on your back, inhale and exhale three deep breaths, relax your body completely, and create a movie in your mind. In this mental movie, imagine whatever it is that you desire. And do this as if it were already completed. Insert a feeling of gratitude. Imagine shaking hands with someone. Imagine that you are being congratulated for what you have accomplished or that you are thanking someone for helping you achieve your desire.

After you go to sleep, your subconscious mind awakens and leaves your body. It goes out into the spiritual world of the subconscious mind to find ways to accomplish your desire. It locates the people, negotiates the deals, and creates the timing that will bring into existence your desire. After you do this, you might become aware of new ideas. You might receive intuitions and guidance. You might meet someone who can help you. All these things nudge you in the direction of your desire until it becomes an accomplished fact. There is a time delay on this guidance as well as the manifestation of the desired outcome. How soon it happens is determined by how well you have cleaned up the limiting memories of those past events that affect that particular goal or desire.

Barb and I live upstairs above The Healing Center. When guests would come to visit us, we had to run downstairs to open the garage door to let them in. One day I said to her, “We need an extra garage door opener. So when people come to visit, we can just push the button to let them in.” The next afternoon, someone gave me a garage door opener as payment for a favor that I did for him.

Is that creation or coincidence? After doing it many times, I believe it is co-

Play this mental movie each night just before going to sleep. Do this regularly until you feel your desire is a certainty. Sometimes when you awaken, you will be surprised that what you desire has not already happened.

Here are some key concepts to understand before you begin:

We only have now. The past does not exist. Only memories of our past exist. The only reality is now. When creating our desire, we must learn to think from the future as if it exists now or is already a memory in the past.

Here is the sequence of events of how things happen. Our conscious mind comes up with ideas. Our subconscious mind is unable to judge right or wrong. It has no discernment. Our subconscious mind does exactly what we ask it to do. It is like a loving spouse who will do anything we ask; however, it is not a slave or servant.

The subconscious mind implements these ideas exactly as we present them. Implementation depends on the strength and clarity of the thought. Remember, every thought is really two thoughts: The first part is our desire, and the second part is our fear that what we desire will not happen.

Our thoughts need momentum to be implemented into reality. Spaced repetition adds to momentum. Remember when you were in love? How often did you think about your beloved? Recall Earl Nightingale’s greatest secret, “We become what we think about most of the time.”

What do we think about most of the time: our desires or our fears that we won’t get what we desire?

Feelings associated with the thoughts are important for the momentum. The feeling “I am” is stronger than “I am going to.” And the feeling “I have done something” is stronger than “I am doing something.” The feeling of “already done” is much stronger than “doing it now.”

Thinking from something is more effective than thinking about something. Thinking as if it is already completed is most important.

A feeling of gratitude is a must. Gratitude always means that something is already completed; if it were not completed, we would not feel gratitude. Therefore, holding that feeling of gratitude greatly accelerates the creation process.

You can measure positive or negative momentum by how you feel. Remember, every thought is really two thoughts: our desire and the fear of not obtaining that desire. What are you feeling: Goodness, happiness, gratitude, abundance or fear, worry, lack? I recall a saying, “God does not hear what you say, but what you feel.”