Before Forty by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Offsprings Before Forty Is A Blessing

Children are beautiful gifts from God and you were once a child. Imagine that your parents did not connect to bring you forth into the world. Imagine that parents everywhere chose not to produce offspring. The world would have  ended  at  some  point  before  now. Thank God, the world will never be empty because children will always be born!

Looking to raise children? The best time to do it is before you turn forty. Raising children is hardwork, energy sapping and time consuming. Children are like banks, what you get out is dependent on what you put in. the more you invest in them, the surer your chance of getting benefits from them. You need all the hardwork, energy and time to put into this venture.

Raising children early helps you leverage on the strength of youth. You are able to do all the shouting that should matter for your child. You’d also be able to share more gainful time in youthful plays that often characterizes young parenting.

It’s great growing old with your children and sharing fun together, sharing stories, playing sports, and creating a rapport as you see them grow into adulthood while you head into your middle ages.

As children grow into teenage hood, they become increasingly challenging. You want to be able to hold your own against your children tit for tat without been tagged “old school” or “out of touch”.

Raising children can be mentally sapping. You need the years when your mind is upstart, sharp and able to carry out the huge mental task that characterizes the early years of trying to help your children find their feet through life. You will however find fulfillment as they grow to turn out the picture you are envisaging for them.

One reason you should raise your children before forty is the possibility of doing less in your latter years. In your late fifties and early sixties, your children should have grown into adulthood when they should be able to live independent lives, leaving you with less work.

Every parent’s joy is to see their children grow to become parents too, to see the same success transferred down generations. I hope you want this too.

You want to raise your children in the years when you are strong enough to face the financial burden of raising children. While men have the leeway to produce children at any time of their lives, it will be unwise to raise children late in your life. With the life expectancy low in Africa and the third world generally, chance is you may die before the children you raise late in your life grow into adulthood.

The burden of raising children at old age is often higher. Children raised at old age face the risk of not been given correct discipline. The strength to discipline would have waned by then and you may be left helpless as you see your children grow wild.

In a situation where death arrives before your children get into adulthood, your children face the risk of catering for themselves early in their lives or at the mercy of whatever arrives from life depending on how little you’d leave them. You do not want to die when your children are still too young to cater for themselves.

Women who delay the years of giving birth increase the difficulty of giving birth as the years grow. Chance is higher that a pregnant woman beyond forty will have to undergo surgery to deliver her children.

Menopause for some women starts in the early forties. How about if you are caught around menopause? This means that even when you marry, you may likely not have children. This is not however true for all cases.

One of the interesting things about raising kids is that you don’t have to go through so many hassles in the years when you are retiring especially when your children have grown to take responsibility of their lives and perhaps yours too. It’s great been alive to see your children take over from you while you are still strong enough to guide them and help them with your experience.

I see parents in their sixties whose children are still in their early teens and they shouldn’t have allowed it that late. Some persons give excuses why they didn’t marry early to raise children early as well. Except in cases where the couples had challenges raising children as it sometimes is the case, it is a delight raising children much earlier in your life. If you are going through child bearing challenges, God is visiting you as you read this book.

Women are more easily given to marrying early because they understand the challenges that hang around them. But men tend to live it late. I’ve met several men who were past forty and were still single and they claimed they were waiting for the right time and the right woman when they were keeping several girlfriends, some of them sincerely willing to settle into marriage. If you are such a man, you aren’t really serious about your life and those you expect to become your offspring.

One of the reasons some men give for not marrying early is “lack of sustainable income”. But I have realized that it is not the lack of sustainable income that stops men from marrying early. They could easily make the sacrifices if they wished. Society today is putting bars on young people marrying in the name of “lack of sustainable income”. Nothing is new under the sun. Your parents weren’t millionaires when they married, start with what you have! Instead of spending your money that you claim you lack on promiscuous lifestyle, get married.

Circumstances of life may influence one’s desire to marry early in life but even those circumstances are subject to our willingness to take the lead in how our lives head. The quality of knowledge at our disposal defines how those circumstances of life affect us. This is one reason I had to write this book.

Grooming children is an interesting experience when you connect the process to the one who gave them to you. Every child is a gift from God and He gifts you because he deems you sufficiently filled with all the wisdom your child needs to grow.

Before forty is just the perfect time to do all the running around that characterizes child raising. You have the age factor on your side as well as the energy to follow through with the tricks that children tend to produce as they grow.

You might remember how you made your parents run around as a little child. Your children are going to make you run around too. You want to be able to run around when running around is fanciful.

One of the things I have learnt over the years, which is why I do agree with those who propose that early child raising is great is because it changes your viewpoint and mentality about the issues of life faster.

When I had my first daughter, I was twenty eight. I realized that I was joining God in doing the inventive work of raising my daughter. I’m always glad I had my children when I did despite the challenges it came with. By the time I am forty, my first daughter would be twelve. This means that a good part of her life would have been shared in my most active years when I can be everything to her and still watch her grow.

Parent children relationship is important. The younger the relationship we have with our kids, the more likely we are to enjoy a boom. Younger parents tend to easily share the mindset of their kids because the generation gap isn’t that far away when compared to older parents with a generation gap.

Forty is the perfect benchmark to have your children and you’d be glad you did.

Early parenthood means early maturity. But this maturity comes at the expense of our willingness to take responsibility. Many young parents refuse to take responsibility for their children. They want to enjoy a hippy life when they had signed up for responsibility.

If you are a parent early in your life, you have one advantage that your peers don’t have, the ability to share in the youth of your children.

Raising children help you develop the perfect picture so that you can plan more and plan well early in your life. The earlier you develop your plan, the faster you will see it accomplished. Knowing that you have children who are arriving behind can be the motivation you need to succeed in life.

While you may want to gather sufficiently before you start raising kids, everyone experiences that shift when children begin to come around. No matter how much you have stocked in your account, you will always need more.

I am not trying to talk you into early parenthood. If you think you aren’t ready for it, please don’t. You want to be able to meet the needs of your children as they arrive. But many have thought this way and have remained unmarried, waiting for the right time when they will have more money.

Some persons think raising kids will be a major distraction in their pursuit through life. They are aiming for a particular height before they begin to bring children in. It’s good to also realize that no one stops striving because children have arrived. A person who is ambitious before children arrive will still be ambitious after children arrive.

You don’t want to give your best years in pursuit of your personal care and money only to realize that there is still so much to pursue and so much efforts to put into your children when they arrive.

Training children is a major investment for life. The earlier you get yours in, the better for you and for life. I share in the school of thought that your children must arrive before you turn forty. This will ease the pressure on you in your middle and later years.

Please don’t turn forty and not have your children around you!