Break Through Fear and Self Doubt by James Nsien II - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

How to Beat your Fear of Flying ?

Do you yearn to visit your dream holiday destinations but the unrelenting fear of flying thwarts you from materializing your dreams? If that’s true then you are an aerophobic. Aerophobia or Aviophobia, also known as the fear of flying, is a potentially distressing phobia that several individuals suffer from, irrespective of age. Though flying is considered the safest mode of traveling in present times, there are still many people who dread the slightest thought of flying. However, by taking the right measures, you can cure your fear of flying .

In order to overcome flight anxiety, the first thing you need to do is to find out the factors that triggers this fear in your mind. The thought of being trapped in an airliner for multiple hours often makes some people panicky thus making them aerophobic. Another popular reason that triggers this phobia in people is the fear that the plane will crash. Thus, to beat this phobia, you need to ascertain the causes behind it.

Overcoming Your Flying Phobia


According to experts, reading about the anatomy and functioning of an aircraft also helps a lot. A study conducted specialists concluded that mechanical glitch that may occur during a flight is the main reason that gives birth to flying phobia. Therefore, try to read and gather as much knowledge about the science of flight so that you can feel comfortable and secure the next time you board a flight.

Mindfulness meditation is an effective way of dealing with your anxiety. You can start by practicing meditation, or doing yogasana so as to relax your mind and body. Go for walks in the morning or evening to manage your restless thoughts. Take care of your diet and reduce your caffeine intake particularly just before boarding a flight as caffeine can multiply your anxiety. Remember that life is an adventure and you should be daring enough to take risks. Acknowledge the fact that human beings do not have control over their future; whatever is destines to happen, will happen. Ease your mind by diverting yourself from everything that makes you anxious about flying.

Contemplate on the optimistic facets of your trip and soon you will realize that flying is an enjoyable experience and not as much of a peril as you used to believe.

Try distracting your mind as much as possible so as to keep all unwanted thoughts associated with this fear at bay. There are several ways of distracting your mind; for example, read interesting books, or watch your favorite show on TV, or finish your pending office work. Pick up any fascinating hobby so that you can ignore your fear.