Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Devotion is one attribute that separates champions and achievers from the rest. From the word go, there must be a desire, a decision a disciplined mind and a devotion. Once you have decided to pursue that desire of being a champion and you are started on this path, there has to be devotion to following this success path. Nothing must take your mind off it. David's statement was clear. He knew he required devotion when he said quicken thou me in thy way, the way of championship. On the road to championship, you must be quickened to only this route. There is a need not to lose sight of the signboard and the direction. Every signboard shows a direction which is developed towards the route of championship.

To attain championships, you need to follow this devoted route.

Devotion requires an earnest determination, an uncommon quest, and an eye on the goal. Have you seen athletes preparing for a competition? They are so devoted to the pursuance of the goal. They spend weeks practicing in preparation for the Grande day. They do not welcome distractions. They ensure they are separated from the crowd in pursuance of their goal. Champions must be devoted if they must win and be champions indeed. Having achieved championship status, a devotion to staying on top is required to remain the championship status. Scholars are devoted to studying, writers are devoted to writing, singers are devoted to singing, and engineers are devoted to engineering. Any and every achievement requires devotion. Whatever you do, you can achieve championship only by devoting time to know more about it.

Every field of study has so much to offer the scholar under such fields. In the academics, there are qualifications you aspire to reach.

There is a new level of knowledge to be obtained as you climb in the academic ladder. As you devote your time to study, you get to know more and acquire the desired knowledge. Solomon the Wiseman was clear when he said that whatever your mind sets to do, you will achieve it. In another way, what your mind is devoted to doing can be done. Nothing is difficult to accomplish with a devoted mind. No challenge is too big for a mind that is committed and devoted to what it has set to do. A devoted mind always gets to get through their challenges with ease.

Many religions teach devotion. There seems to be a relationship between devotion and spirituality. As one devotes himself or herself to the study of a religion and its ethics or law, such a person develops the same level of the spirituality as those devoted to that religion. So then, many preachers and spiritual leaders teach their members to be devoted to their religion. This goes to show how much devotion is desired in any achievement of a certain state.

Take time to study many of these civil right activists. There is a common quality amongst them. They share a devotion to a cause of action. Whether it is HIV/AIDS, sickle cell, polio, woman/girl right, child education etc., they show a consideration passion and dedication in pursuit of the set goal of their organization. They spend most of their time in strategizing, planning, and implementing programs meant to pursue their expected goal. However challenging the hurdles on their way, they are driven by their devotion and before long; they are making position influence and effect.

Devoted persons do not have problems having people to back them up. People are caught up in their air of devotion. Once they set the pace, devoting person-hours and energy, they soon always get admires who admire their qualities and characteristics. Before long, the advisers become followers and what had been a one-man movement becomes a national movement. Mohammed Gandhi, the reputed Hindu leader is an example of what a devoted mind can achieve; Gandhi did not need to live in a grandiose palace to be influential. From his one bedroom with just a pen and paper and with a little cloak around his waist, he painted India red.

How? He was devoted to the cause he had set his heart to achieve, a free India of over 300millon person. India did not need to be under the colonial ruler-ship of England because they had a freedom fighter in Gandhi. A man who devoted his time to making sure India was free.

Many circumstances have been changed because of a sincere devotion to duty. As part of business ethics, every employee of an establishment is expected to show allegiance to the company/established. It is unprofessional to work in an institution where you have no allegiance. You get weary over a short time. Devotion is very important to any ethical and enjoyable success. As you pursue achievement in any chosen career, do not forget there is a continuous expectation of you, a devotion to the principles of handiwork, a pursuit for excellence and a dedication to duty. It may not seem you are gaining ground now but persist, devote more energy to it. You will get there before long.

Devotion requires a clear head and stability. Consider in the university. They study with devotion. They let go every distraction and ensure there is moderation. They remain stable. Some psychologists are of the opinion that for any mental development to take place, the personality involved must show a conscious effect in devoting all the needed or required characteristics of devotion, discipline and a mind that is desirous.