Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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One virtue that has been found lacking in many championship desires is discipline. As they ride in the road to championship, they begin to enjoy the benefit of pursuing their desire. They lose their head. Pride takes one and they have not reached the final destination yet. As you head towards championship, fame begins to come in, and wealth is added. There is a tendency to wastefulness and pride. Champions are always very careful so that they do not carelessly loose what they had taken so long to build.

Before anyone can attain championship status, such a person would have consciously disciplined his/herself toward the goal of championship. Every drive on the road to championship knows that they must be disciplined drives obeying all the rules that come with the road. Even if it seems they have seen the signpost to championship, they must drive cautiously in the road. There is no need one rushing. Discipline calms the nerves hair. Just riding calmingly will get you there in no time. Champions became champions because they did love to be and they pursued earnestly with all discipline. They did not turn left or right. They faced their goal with all the tenacity they had. Discipline requires a level of steadfastness. There must be a conscious strive to have the head above water even if it seems the water wants to drown you.

From the very first step, all the way through this road, true champions acknowledge that the sure route to success come with mountain to climb, rivers to cross and valleys to get through. They acknowledge that the route to championship is thorny and that championship does not come on a platter of goal. They, therefore, discipline their minds towards the challenge they would face. Look out for the very successful role models, you see them an epitome of discipline. They are always on time at the bus stop of life.

They do not just jump when everyone is jumping in the wrong bus. They wait with patience until the right bus comes through. They do not follow the crowd. They always seem to stand alone when it seems everyone is getting along.

Discipline requires sacrifice. Sacrifice and disciplines are brothers. A champion who is discipline knows how to sacrifice. They give their all in pursuance of the set goal. They are ready to pay the price. However the cost, Champions knows that whatever input they may be making, it is certainly not equal to the benefit they would derive at the end of the storm. They have an uncommon driving that ensures all the right things are done to accomplish the championship feet.

Jesus was a disciplined master. He was himself controlled by the Holy Spirit. He only did and acted according to the leading of the spirit of God. Christ Jesus knew he was on an uncommon path of championship and so he had to be directed and well directed by the spirit of God his father. Christ knew what to say at every time. He knew how to answer every man. We have such a master as a mentor. Just look unto Jesus to give that life a meaning.

Most times when people begin to enjoy the benefits of hard work, in pursuit of their desire, they always tend to lose their head. It is not surprising to realize the number of persons who have had their championship dreams out short by a mere show of indiscipline over the little they have seen able to achieve. There is a tendency towards reckless driving because we seem to have passed that part of the road where there are portholes. The road seems so smooth, that we forget the absolute driver and owner of our lives and then we may choose to hand over our vehicle to a new driver. Having much more does not mean reckless living. It means a change to pursue an even more directed life in Christ towards championships. Watch the so-called musical superstars. They always tend towards wastefulness and useless spending. Once they see success ahead, they tend to forget that where they have reached is just the start point of better things. They choose to waste and end up worse than they had begun. There is a need to protect the resources that God has given as by showing a high sense of discipline.

When God created man, he made man a disciplined, responsible personality. Off course, man named all the animal and object and things God made. It took so much discipline for Adam to have been able to do that yet he accomplished what would seem as his first task towards taking championship over all God had made. Adam gave the cow, dog, cat, etc. their names. He disciplined himself to ensure there was no mistake.