Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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The road to championship is no easy road. It requires quite a lot of attributed. As you travel on this route, you will observe the varying situations you would find. You would meet mountains, you will have to go through valleys, you would have to cross oceans, or you would cross a bridge over rivers. Because the conditions vary, there is a need to have one attribute, dexterity. Have you seen the SUV or jeep? You have certainly seen one. You will observe that the vehicles are made for all weather and all situations. An SUV can get through a marshy region as much as a mountainous hilly region. Have you ever asked yourself why? The answer is they are made with dexterity in mind. The maker knows the entire situation they expect the car to function in. and the vehicle does finds the hills easy meat as the marshy waters. You know what? Those cars show dexterity.

Life situations come in varying forms and changes occurs that are opposite from what you have been enjoying. The beauty of it is that God has made you capable. That is why Paul the apostle of Jesus Christ said that he can do all things through Christ that strengthens him. Whether the weather is hot or cold, Paul is right inside it showing calm tenacity and a dexterity to overcome them. However way the wind blew, dexterity got him through.

Dexterity comes with a need to adapt. As the situation changes, there is a need to change to suite the change. You might have been chanced to see the chameleon change its colors as its environment changes. It is trying to say, look, your changing cannot stop me, I can adapt. However hot or cold the weather is, God taught man the lesson of dexterity and decided to scatter man into all corner of the earth whether cold or hot.

If you watch a football team play, you will observe the changing style of play according to the team played with. You do not expect the coach to use the same strategy for every team. The coach would probably lose. Every true champion knows that the road to been champion will not be an easy one so he prepares his mind towards the changes that he/she may come across. He keeps his mind flexible to new knowledge and information. He does not claim to know it all. Rather he accepts the challenges, decided to acquire the right skills to get the challenge done and adapt to the many challenges that will come with it.

Dexterity requires a great skill of flexibility and strength. Whether in the river where rowing skills come handy or on the road were driving skills are necessary, flexibility is required coming through them.

Have you seen a hovercraft? It can move on water as much as land. It has a flexible and dexterous design that makes it adaptable to both land and water. It can steer the seawater as much as transverse the rigidness of the earth.

The signpost is directing you to possibilities that can only be achieved by the showing a high level of dexterity, however, the challenge.

To achieve any dream does not come easy. To dream seems easy, to desire is even easier but during the accomplishing stages, the challenges rear their head. You have to find the right rugged vehicle or face the problem of flat tires at some point. The road before you is rugged and so a cool level headed preparedness and flexibility are required to come through it unscathed.

Remember, there is no expressway to success. Even if the road looks smooth at the beginning, the thorny mountains parts of it are right ahead of course you might have seen roads in mountain regions. It is always challenging during on such routes but with dexterity you can. No mountain is too light you cannot reach and no river is too long to get across, so says the lyrics of Celine Dion with the right frame of mind you can get high there.

The popular saying goes “No thorns, no crown” . Imagine a thorn on your legs. It would itch and make your legs swell. However, you have to get through this thorn. Dexterity thus creates the strong-leathered skin upon which your movement through the thorn is dependent. So then, the thorn is like another leaf when we show a high level of dexterity. It is great you've seen the signpost and are following it but you have to be aware of the challenges and boost your energy to following it through no matter what comes. Whatever befalls on the path must fall to you. Carry this mindset, do not fret, catch on your strength, it sure will take you through.

In a particular part of Africa among the Igbo of Nigeria, there is a particular dictum they say to show their strength and tenacity against any injury. They would say “odeeshi”. “Odeeshi” means strength and dexterity. Whenever a person is hit, the ability to stand the challenge and continue fighting is the quality of the “odeeshi” that persons has. There is something to learn from this. In God, there is a need to develop a strong strength drive to stand against the winds and storms that will rise against you. As a good soldier on the road to championships, you must fight on. Do you Remember Paul's words to Timothy? You must fight the good fight and like Paul, finish the cause. The race may be rough and tiring but you have fins to swim, claws to tear, sticky hand to hold, and affirm your way to the top.