Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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It is my destiny to win, someone once said about a competition he was involved in. We are all destined to win and everyone is. God threw that open to all. God said to man, multiply and conquer. It is in man's destiny to be champions. Destiny has been defined by one dictionary as certain already know future occurrence. See what God said of Isaiah “before your mother bore you, I had called you”. What this means is that God gave him a call even before he knew himself. God knew he would be what he would. God knew his destiny. God knows what you would be. He had fashioned and modeled your future already. He knows you are destined to be a champion because. When you are on the road to championships, there is a known destiny. That destiny is championship. As you wait at the bus stop for the bus to come take you, as you step into the bus, as it drives off, as you get into the mountains road, as you drive over swampy land, there is a purported future you want to claim, your championship Destiny. It is in you to win says a renowned minister of God pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

God knew you would be, passing the route. This championship path is part of your destiny. It is the only way to getting to the achieved point. Your championship status is already defined. The comfort at the other end of the travail is already known. Now all you just have to do is tell yourself you have to be there at that destined point. Remember the destiny is a picture, future already nurtured and created not just in mind but also in what you see around you. You have created the picture and that picture is already made in the future. Nevertheless, you have to obtain it. To obtain it, you need God. Remember Isaiah had to tell God here I am'. God knows our destiny. He created it and gave it life. You are only leaning in because you believe in that destiny.

It is in my destiny to be a doctor; I am destined to be rich, he is destined to success, etc. are all phrases often used by man in relating themselves with destiny. As a desiree champion, there is a destiny that you must strive to accomplish. If there was no destiny, you will not be going through all the challenges.

Destiny can also be marred by taking the wrong action. Imagine a football team with all the best players in the world. It has players who have achieved success by no mean feats over the years. Now, they are on their way to championship and a team, the players choose to womanize, forget the training and drink their way. They would be whipped like chickens. Even if in them is the capacity to win, their failure to work together could mar their achievement.

Everyone has a great destiny. You are not left out. God is good at giving this out. He gives destiny like parks of water. In short, he gave it before you know you were yourself but the task is to take the initiative, to walk your way to it.

Do you know many persons do not know what their destiny looks like? They cannot picture the future ahead. They have no painted image of what that future looks like. They live their life to chance. They hope on whatever comes. But God knows the end from the beginning. God said that already. You may not have the money or wealth that will drive the world In pursuit of you but God is fixing you up along the way in his own purposed destiny. You may hope for only little things but God's word for you is that his thoughts for you are thoughts of good not of evil to bring you an expected end.

Man has no part in your destiny. The highway can contain only you at a time. The drive and passion that can come with a heart to achieve championships is not dependent on the precedence of some human personalities. God placed you on that highway so that you can achieve what you want to achieve. God cannot be wrong. God does not fix things; he makes and will make perfect all he has promised to do.

God has given everyone a great destiny but this is at someone else's displeasure. Satan loves to rubbish God's purpose in every man's life. Satan tries to in plant this destiny into man. He did that from the beginning when he dealt man an heavy blow that took man away from been enjoying the bliss of an earth Eden if not for God's purposed destiny. Man would have accepted the devil's sweet looking but rotten inside apple. The devil is still doing same today, killing and destroying people's future. There is a hedge that God has placed around us. The hedge in this battle for your destiny is Jesus. Jesus finished the battle in your life and destiny and ensured Satan remains the eternal loser.

The battle for your destined championships is tense but you win all the same. All you need to do is keep a cool head and let God show you the edge. Whatever happens, once you acknowledge the options that God is giving you, you will sense the air of peace that he gives. The kind of peace you would know when you have your destiny right there seated in God's arms. You cannot afford to lose that destiny, that picture you have always seen cannot be lost now. You have to ensure it is protected. Protect your destiny, engage the right attitude and see you achieve and then the world will say, we knew we saw it, it was in his destiny to be a champion.