Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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On the road to championship, there are many dangers. Dangers are part of every circumstance that life presents. A familiarity with roads will show the many dangers that it presents. From stiff bends to portholes, from over speeding to death, there is a chance that you would have come past any of these. As you drive on champion's road, you will meet many dangers. As you journey on this championship, your mind must be prepared for this dangers and this means there has to be a guard.

There is a tendency to overspeed. When the road seems too smooth, you may be tempted to accelerate to a very high velocity. When the going is good, our minds may direct us to wasteful spending and living on the high speedway. Womanizing, alcoholism, promiscuity becomes the order of the day and the path to championship status. There is need for you to drive calmly. You never can tell there just might be a porthole out there.

Portholes come in varying sizes. Some are large and gully like while some are small. However the size, they still pose some dangers to drivers on this road. Portholes can be considered as temptations. Temptations come in various sizes but they are temptations all the same. Just as drivers dodge potholes, you must not hesitate to escape temptations when they come. They may seem little but can be very deadly. Temptation is an attraction in such a way as to kill your championship dream and sincerely you will not want to let it take chance of you. As you drive lookout for potholes, the road may seem smooth but the devil puts these portholes of temptation to ensure you lose focus.

Always checkout for the warning signs on the roads. Many times while driving, you would have noticed road signs warning of impending danger ahead. What the signs are actually saying is „slow down'; your championship may come to an end if you don't. On the championship road, there are many warning signs. They may not be written in the form of road signs but the bearers are road signs anyway. The bearers are the persons God is placing on every path on your way up to encourage, stir you up and strengthen you. They are the courageous men and women who God is using to be a source of inspiration to you. Always listen to them for God has placed them there to guard you up through this road.

A man prayed, „„may your road be rough”. Now you may wonder what a prayer this is. The road should be straight and easy. You may have asked yourself why the roads connecting cities, towns are not straight. Why do they have to be curved? The designers of roads know that inside man there is a tendency to over speed and so to check that tendency, they chose to design roads that way. The man who said this knew that the best in life do not come cheaply and easy. It would take shorter time and cost less to build a straight road but lives would be wasted. True champions come on a different terrain. You have to swivel your way through. It does not come easy. So much hard work is required.

The road bumps. Sometimes you get angry at road bumps. You would say in your mind, why are this road bumps here? The essence is to control your speeding. There is a temptation to over speed and to curtail or check it, speed breaks are placed. There is a tendency you want to rush to the top. You want to get there very fast. The truth is championship status is only enjoyed when you walk carefully up there. There is a saying “what you rush into will rush you out’’ thus is true. If you do want to enjoy the ease of every level of championship, you need the break. At the break, enjoy the scene of the environment and then continue success and championship will walk with you through.

Those traffic lights at the junction, you sometimes wish they were not there. You would have loved the scenario where you are gone without any break. But the lights is keeping you waiting for a few minutes. You hate it now because you are having an appointment you are already late to. Get it straight. The traffic lights are to guide you. On a journey in which everyone desires to reach it, there need to get through the initial route. You do not have to rush in at the very important junction else, you may get an accident. The junction leads to many routes and everyone is getting through different routes thinking it will get them to championship but the most important route is that you must patiently wait to get the green light to enter into.

There are many dangers ahead. The real challengers know this remain cool headed as they drive on this special path. They do not rush to finish first but like the proverbial tortoise are slow and steady which ultimately win the race. Your business is not in finishing fast but finishing well.