Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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While driving on a route you have never passed through before, there is always what seems like a constant doubt racing through your mind. Am I making the right choice? Am I taking the correct path? Is this road actually leading to safe land? This doubt elopes every day. There is a picture you have painted and you want to reach there but you are not too sure of the route that leads there. You seem confuse and doubtful.

It's great knowing you are not the only one in such dilemmas. Thomas had doubts. Even Jesus acknowledged that Thomas was indeed a doubter. Thomas maybe might have doubted if Jesus was truly the son of God or if Jesus was truly the way to eternal life. Jesus after his death had to prove to Thomas. It is certainly normal that these doubts will come but the true champions know how to check their doubts. They lay solid on the infringing words of Paul the apostle “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me''. They say God has not given me a spirit of fear but of a sound mind. They face their doubts with the tenacity of purpose. They stand to face the risk whatever befalls. They see beyond the plains of their doubts when you begin to doubt, you begin to sink. Real achievers have no place for doubts. There is no space for it in their dictionary. Peter while in the ship with the other disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea and he said “Lord can I come?'' off course Jesus told him to come along and he climbed into the sea and began to walk but immediately doubts entered his heart he began to sink.

Doubts are like busted holes in a ship that allows water into the ship and sink the ship altogether. Just like Peter began to sink, if you allow doubts in your mind, the ship leading you to champions land would sink. Peter needed the trust of Jesus. And you also need a special trust to pull you out. Doubts is a canker that kills real time championship. Once the seed of doubt is sowed, you begin to lose self-confidence. This is true with sports teams. There is a certain degree of truth in the fact that once a winning team allows doubts to enter into the heart, there is a certainty that they will always lose.

Doubt is an acronym for

D – Danger ahead

There is true danger ahead when we allow doubt in. Just like Peter was sinking to his death, you naturally hit bumps and summer sault before long. You must, therefore, look out for doubts and crush it before it poses a danger.

O – Off direction

You may be on a path of championship but doubt comes in to pull you off this path. Doubt makes victorious men faithless, mediocre. Doubt pulls you off track. Rather than see yourself as a giant, you tend to doubt your ability and become an ant.

U – Understanding little

There is this belittling of ability that doubt brings. Imagine a car that has the ability to run 150kms/hr. The owner though sees the capacity of the vehicle but doubts it, he may never run past 100km/h because he feels the vehicle may lose control at such speeds. Of course, the manufacturers have ensured its safety and balance at such speeds but the driver fails to understand this because he allows doubts in.

B – Believe Anything

You'd natural believe anything when you doubt what you believe in. once there is no strong grounds for faith and confidence and doubt steals in you'd accept anything as truth and end up in a statement.

T – Team destroyer

Any team that allows doubts in any of its ranks creates a loophole through which that team is ultimately defeated or fails. Strong teams know that their greatest weakness will be to doubt the strength of their side. No one who is doubtful is fit to enter into the kingdom. You are fit and strong but you must battle doubt to get through.

S – Success undermined

Finally, doubt undermines success. That success you are running after is a success well rehearse and win if doubt fleas but doubt normally steals in and eats every joy that success gives. Doubt is a canker worm and it must be fought and won. Do not leave in mediocrity when you can live up and surpass. Get on a perfect yet challenging championship ride. Tell doubt bye.