Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Championship requires taking a bold, deliberate step. You have looked at the cost, understudied it and decided, well whatever the cost, you are good to go. The road to championship requires a cognitive ability of action. I want to drive to success camp. If I would love to reach championship city, I would have to board a bus, ship, or plane to this city. Championship city may be out there and it seems everyone heading there but if I do not jump into the bus to this destination, I would remain at the same place where I was.

No matter how desirous you would love to stay in success city, without a deliberate strategic plan to get there you will be nowhere. Success is not achieved by a sleeping cocoon. You have to wake up from that slumber, wash your face, pick up your clothes and get going. I must reach the top but I must prepare hard. I must choose to pay the cost and the absolute cost. Scholars in the university know this principle. For them to get through each course, they would have to study hard. They know too that if they do not, they would naturally end up with F's and perhaps extra years. To escape this they subject themselves to a deliberate action to study night after night, day after day.

Success is not achieved by coercion. A father does not force a child to success. The father may advise on the importance of education but it is in the willingness of that child take a step to achieve academic brilliance. Success is not forced, it is taking responsibility. You are responsible for your success. Sportsmen know that to win a championship, they would have to train and practice. A deliberate action of practicing is a necessity to achieve these feats. Records are not broken overnight. It begins with a seed of desire. A deliberate action must be taken.

On the road to championship, someone may come along to say this route is impossible but a deliberate action of championships stirs your ship through the stormy seas. That road is rough but a deliberate active mind tells you, you can get through this by taking bold steps.

No frontline achiever celebrated today slept at the time of action. While others slept, like the ants they toiled the ground. They took decisive steps. They look ahead into the future are decided they would take the right steps by bringing the future's load of hard work today. There is no vocation that does not require action. There has to be action to propel that vocation. Only mediocre dare stand aloof when they should be acting. Champions do not stand to watch, champions act and are watched.

Our actors are celebrated because they act how be it a created role. Poised by their quest to produce movies that would look real, they give themselves deliberately to the role. Whatever talent is deposited in you, there has to be a deliberate action to kick-start the talent to activeness.

Your best is right there only if you would refuse to let it lay fallow. You have to get busy at something. That dream has to be stirred up. Once going to space was a mere dream. Someone took action and started what became an aspiration. Before long in 1967 man conquered space. Though it seemed tedious and challenging but once the first step of action is taken, the next step becomes easy. As you make progress each step of the way, reaching the top even becomes easier than you once thought. Now space travel is like a child's play to today's ever-growing scientific world.

Enough! Wake up!! Do not sleep any longer. It is time to take that action that will build your future all the way to championship.