Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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As you drive along championship route, you will come across dark tunnels. Are you wondering dark tunnels? Yes, dark tunnels abound on championship route. Tunnels are always found in mountains regions where the mountains are bored to allow roads to be constructed through them. At the beginning of the tunnel, it seems lighted but as we travel through the tunnel, towards the middle, we come across a dark section. The section of the tunnel is sometimes scary. This challenging time occurs to test our capacity to move on. This situation develops our consciousness to see the world from a different perspective.

Challenging times are bound to happen in life but like the proverbial saying, there is light at the end of the tunnel no matter how long the tunnel goes. It is no tunnel if there is no light at the other end. No champion has had it good all the way. Circumstances come to test our resilience. All the celebrated superstars and models one time or the other had challenging moments to deal with. Did they stop driving because the path was dark? No! They drove on through it. They persisted. Today they are celebrated but those dark times are not usually recorded.

History is not short of persons who succeeded against the odds they had to go through. They earnestly contended and finally prevailed. There have to be dark tunnels to get through any mountain to the other side. Tunnels often are one way by which man has been able to surmount mountains. A new version of R Kelly's song will be “no mountain is too thick for a tunnel to get through''

Ask those men and women you celebrate, and they will tell you they had to go through challenging dark tunnels. Yes, one thing about tunnels is that there is surely light at the other end. Your vision may be blurred but continue, you'd see the streak of light.

Many persons struggle to get through and finally they do. But some persons don't. Some get into the tunnel but around the mid-point where it seems the darkness will overcome them; they give up and return the path they came from. Dark tunnels are normal. It is perseverance that takes you through them.

Caution has to be taken in dark tunnels so that you do not hit stones or break foot. Of course, these are the dangers to be expected while passing through this tunnel.

How about carrying with you a lamp? A lamp is very helpful in the tunnels. The lamp is the Grace of God you need to take you through the tunnels. During difficult times, you will need a lamp for direction. The lamp of God's word will take you through these tunnels. God's word will come handy and helpful.

How about a guide? Yes, you need a guide. The Holy Spirit of God is a guide that God gives us to sweat our path from falling off. God pours on us wisdom to get through tunnels. That wisdom comes through the guidance of His spirit.

Why fear? There is nothing to fear or worry about for indeed whatever comes in the tunnels of life; God will pour upon you the grace to overcome.

That light you want to see at the end of the tunnel is just one-step from this dark part. There will be a streak of light, and soon a ray of light. Do not give up just yet.