Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Every champion began with a desire. That desire was brood. Before a hen produces its chick, it brood it's eggs. The process could be considered as a desired process. If the hen does not brood the eggs, its quest of having babies would be useless. The hen must, therefore, seek to take a decision to undergo the 3-week burden involved in seeing that desire of having a baby come through. Every champion had a desire just like everyone has a desire but one quality differentiates champions from failure or infidels. It is the decision-making process. The word decision is derived from the word decide. You decide you want to achieve that desire and then you make a decision to sacrifice everything sacrificial to achieve it. Being a champion is more than desire because everyone has desire. It is decision that moves champions one-step ahead. Champions know how to make decisions. They look at their goal or desire; decide what it would take to achieve them; and make a decision to do what they have decided to do.

Daniel a renowned prophet in the bible is an epitome of a decision making man. Daniel and his friends' had a goal. They had found themselves in the University of Babylon and they desired to achieve success. Success could only be attained by taking a decision not to bow to the idols of Babylon. They knew the only source of championship was God and their decision was to serve God, however, the challenge, for it is only in God that true success is obtained. They decided they would not eat food offered to an idol. However, it seemed challenging for them at the time but they knew the path to true championship is not an easy route and they strived under the study of some of Babylon's finest tutors. During the examination done by the king Nebuchadnezzar and his aides, the king observed that the quadruple were ten times better than their peer that was the beginning of championship to come.

Joseph had a desire. Someday he would have to live the dream he has always had. Nevertheless, there had to be a decision he would have to take to see through this dream. He had to trust God and flee from all forms of evil. Indeed, he decided he would make that decision. Even when he was enticed, he stood firm. In the prison or out, he was firm. Joseph got through his desire. He became the desire he wanted to be.

Any desire, however, beautiful it is without a decision would end up a dead desire. Ask president Obama, president of America, he would tell you he took a decision to act out his desire.

Decision requires a fixed heart. Your heart must be fixed towards the desired goal or ambition. Decision thus ensures you do not waver in your action. It requires a firmness of character. Before every desire was achieve, the Desiree had to make major decisions. There were odds at every time but they were firm to ensure they achieved their goal. The bible gives a clear picture of an indecisive person. It says a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. When you do not set out to achieve something, you would hardly achieve anything. You must be dedicated and firm. That is the only way a champion can be made.

You may be a fan of a particular sport and team. Learn from every winning team. They always start the season with the desire to win. The desires propel them to making a decision. Everything that has to be done to ensure they win is stated and a code of conduct for both staff and players is made and they are set to go with every match, there is an increasing desire to continue winning. At the end of the season, it is the most dedicated and decisive team that gets it right. Every team desires to win but only one team ends up winning.

Remember, winners and champions never quit. They go all the way to see the end of any event they are pursuing. Students in school know how much a decisive mind can do. It can turn failures into winners. Every student who desires success know that the only way they can achieve it is to take a decision to study. Sportsmen know that to achieve a medal they must make a decision to train constantly and daily. Academics know that to be renowned they must make a decision to study. Even criminals know the power of decision. Criminals that want to be renowned normally would take a decision to make their lives worthless for the wealth that would not last.

Every desire is strengthened when a decision to act supports it. King David knew this and thus declared that whatever man sets his heart to do, he can do it. Our modern world could not have been without the decision undertaken by scientist and engineers to live their dreams and desire. Most of the things being enjoyed today was people's desires and an inbred decision to ensure the desire saw light. 7up a notable soft drink was a decision someone took never to accept defeat but to pursue a desire. The electric bulb and Edison are stories of a decision to meet up with desire. What this means then is that our decision must meet with desire.

Do not forget, whatever desire you have, you can see it through by taking the right decision today. That decision can be taken now.