Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Every decision taken requires a departure from what had been a status quo. Every champion got tired of been taken for granted. They became champions because they decided there would have to be a departure from what had been and they needed to make the decision to cause that departure. If only you are not tired and discontented with your present state, it is unlikely you would take a different cause from where you have been.

There is certainly a departure point for every journey in life. On the journey to championship, you would likely have a departure point. Championship is the desired endpoint everyone wants to reach but many do not make a choice of starting the journey. It is good enough to desire, and it is good enough you have decided to take the journey but you have to leave the bus stop. You have to depart from your current position. You have to act first. An action must follow your decision. You have to depart towards the championship route. It is time for you to pack your luggage and say to yourself, I am fed up of being a failure. I cannot continue in this awkward failing lifestyle. I have to wake up to my dreams and aspirations. The bus has always been at the bus stop. It is just that only a handful ever make it through that route. Some fear the route is stressful though they want to enjoy the benefits that come after it. They fail to note that every success had to pass through this road. The road may seem rocky and mountainous, and it seems you are tired of this tedious journey but you must resist until the end.

There is always a departure time. Trains at the train terminal do do not always move together towards different routes at the same time. One waits for the other. The departure time towards championship has a time. There is a time and season for everything under the earth. The only difference between championships departure time and that of the train or airplane is that the choice of time of departure depends totally on you. The vehicle leading to championship is always waiting at the bus stop. However, it seems only a few see it. Only a few more ever enter this vehicle. It's great seeing the bus but it is much greater sharing in the experience on the road to championship.

At every departure point, there are a plethora of buses, train or even planes. Some persons carelessly or mistakenly enter into a bus or train leading to another route. They would find themselves before long at a destination unplanned and confused. Championship does not come by mistakes. You will therefore not get to another destination thinking you will be champion. You will be driving in a merry go round. Champions look out for the right bus to pick them. If it is not the bus, it is not the bus however alike another bus may look like. The bus may look alike but the routes are different. You do not have to rush into any bus just because it looks like the one you intend to enter.

You have to look out for the route. The route has to be CHAMPIONS CAMP. Departure means saying bye. You are saying bye to friends, family, desires etc. The Disciples of Christ chose to be fellow champions with Christ the champion of champions and they knew when to say bye. Immediately, they saw the one who could make them champions they just could not say no, they left all. They told mum, dad, son, daughter, job, friends etc. and they decided towards championship. Certainly, people around them would have wondered how absurd they were. However, they knew the direction. They followed Christ across mountains, over rivers, through valleys. They followed Christ through it all. You have to know that to be a champion you will have to say bye to some people, to some jobs, to head towards championship.

To get the training that will lead you to championship, there must be a setting aside of every hindrance that is likely to pull you down. During the training given to a nation's army the soldiers are taken to a place set apart for training where there will not be any hindrance. The essence is so that the training is well absorbed by the soldiers. The soldiers within this period of the training keep their minds focused on the training to ensure the goal of the training is achieved. To be a champion, you have to set yourself apart from the normal lifestyle. Jesus showed a perfect example when he set himself apart into a mountain to pray. Jesus knew to stay ahead of the crowd he has to do much more by staying apart.

Those that yearn towards championships have to let go everything that weighs them down and they must look up to the source of light. Without choosing to begin the journey, you will not see the signpost. The signpost is on the road but you have to start the journey on this road. If you do not let go the weights, it is certain they will weight you as well as the bus down. You will be slowing your pace and you could possibly get tired fast. This means you may not reach championship. Ensure you locate the departure point at the right time and be sure it is with the right bus and certainly, you would be a champion before long.

When you have departed, you must not seek to return. Champions do not look behind. They continuously look unto Jesus the author and finisher of championship. If you look back towards where you came from and desire to return the same route then you are not fit for championship. However, the challenge, you will have to fight on. Being a champion does not come in a platter of diamonds. It takes a courageous plunging off a mountain's horrible route. A champion never says die. He just pushes on until he reaches that place of acclaim.

Now that you have decided to take the route towards championship, be certain that you will reach it. God has assured us of this championship but it depends on our ability to act as well as act fast. You will be a champion and be sure you will live the champion life.