Converted on LSD Trip by David Clarke - HTML preview

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18.0 Meeting my Second wife


101 I Fall In Love

Whilst attending the Titchfield Church I met a lady one day in the car park. She was driving a white car and looked forlorn. She had four children and was on her own. She was in fact going to the church at Titchfield. When I asked of her well being I found I had a desire to help and support her in her difficulties. I had been going through a time of aimlessness my self . I very soon found my self falling in love with this lady. She fulfilled my every dream . I knew this was wrong but with my new philosophy it was good and no one could say it is wrong. So because I wanted this relationship I denied the truth of God in order to get what I wanted.

Thinking totally of my self I left my wife and four children to be with the women I wanted. I lived initially in a caravan hoping all would be resolved easily. My wife had opened her mind to turn from God and I thought we could easily divorce and I be free. She had entertained obtaining another partner and leaving me. Now I wanted to marry the girl I loved. Things were far from easy.

Whilst I was dizzy in the height of my new found love and modern philosophy all was going well and in the build up of new love I felt nothing could go wrong. I reasoned there was no God , no condemnation and so I could do as I pleased and I was going to get my women at all costs.

But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord. 11 Samuel 11 verse 27.

Needless to say all failed and the spirit of insecurity took over from the spirit of presumption  and my girl friend realised she could not cope with the situation as things stood as they did. I found I couldn’t cope if she didn’t cope and soon she told me she couldn’t cope and I would have to give up and go back. I did not want to go back I wanted my women but now was at my wit’s end.

I became depressed and at the end of myself I had no where to turn for help. I was desperate.

102  Repentance Towards God

When I was utterly cast down and at the end of my self I knew I needed God. I did not believe in God, where or what could I do. I knew I had wronged my wife children and many others in the process. I would have invented God if I could, for I believe only God could help in our situation. I was impossible. I just needed to cry out for help to someone or being to deliver me from my utter despair.

I knew that I could not pray to God ( the God whom I knew from the scriptures) in my present state because of a truth which had remained with me. It is written God will not hear the prayer of the wicked. I knew that whilst I was not prepared to give up my sin, the sin in particular was adultery me wanting and having the women I loved. This relationship was wrong and against all Gods truth. (I loved her but it was unlawful) I knew unless I give the relationship up then I could not pray as God would not hear my prayers, if I regarded that iniquity in y heart.

At that time ( November 1994 ) I was living in my caravan it Abshott Country Hotel and I remember reasoning in my mind as to how I might turn back to God in prayer. This was because I needed deliverance and help. I shared this with my girl friend and we both decided we had to give up our relationship because it was wrong and I ought to offer to go back to my wife. I had no idea how I could manage but from that time forward I was able to pray and I sought Gods forgiveness . I looked to the shed blood of Jesus Christ to cleans me from all my sin. I depended upon His promises of forgiveness and sought to put right the wrongs I had done.

At that time I meet a person called David Nanson and he made an appointment to see me to talk through my delma and difficulties. He was a great help and support and encourage me to seek God. Both he and his wife had been through divorce and difficulties and were able to appreciate all the heart ache and pain associated with it.

If it were not for the mercy of God I would have been totally lost and in an awful state of mind. I may had ended my life as things were so bad. I had no where else to turn and I needed God more than ever before. I bless the Lord for He heard my cry.

At that time it was the simple words and truth of Jesus that helped me and washed my mind of the lies I had believed. Faith came by hearing the Word of God.

On reflection I now know God had drawn me back to Himself, as he was not going to let me go. You might call this more grace and grace upon grace. As Jesus had once said to me he would never leave me. I left him but he came after me. Using life’s difficulties to cause me to come to a sensible realisation as to where I had gone and using the knowledge I had of God He brought me to look to the source of salvation and hope.

Sharing these things with my girl friend, which I loved dearly, we both agreed we could not continue the relationship. This was in February 1994. By this time my wife had started a relationship with her now present husband and when I said what had happened she was not prepared to risk me returning home. She did not want me back and eventually with help from various parties she divorced me. I began to hope that my girl friend and I might be able to be together again.

103 Micheal The Philippines

I knew his business, called “Paradise Express”, and was immoral, as I had already spoken to him at my mother’s home in Eastbourne after I had seen his advertising. See Web publication - www.dclarke49. “Paradise Express”. He was advertising holidays in the English National newspapers for persons to enjoy the sexual attractions, which was a way of life in Angeles City in the Philippines.

He maintained it was all right that they loved that sort of thing in the Philippians every one was into it that it was perfectly above board and legitimate. I was not happy about it.

I asked him how would he like some man to use his daughter Jessica as a sexual attraction and be one of the girls he was advertising. He said he wouldn’t but out there they are different - they love it


Photo 27 Front & rear cover of “Paradise Express”

104 Micheal Arrested

Micheal had always protested his innocence of the crime he had been found guilty of. “Promoting child prostitution”. His sentence was announced on national l TV news and it was the ITN news clips, which were used as evidence to convict him. I was awful it made him out to be selling children for sex. I had no sympathy for him at the time and felt he deserved to be dealt with.

I have written to Micheal several times. I did not really believe he had been selling or promoting child prostitution as the ITN TV camera portrayed. He has written to me and I have the story in his own hand as to how he was” set up” by Malcolm Cottinham and Fr. Shah Cullen.

Micheal maintains the TV camera was cut and spliced to make out he was doing some thing he was not. He also describes what actually took place between Malcolm Cottinham and his friend Graham as they pretended to be holiday seekers with Paradise Express.

My brother letters at first we very bitter against Shay Cullen and he really believes him to be the real culprit of many evil actions in the Philippines.

He outlines his life style in a lovely mansion and bodyguards etc. These things he writes about in his letters. See “Michael’s letters 01”.

105 Micheal Sentenced To Prison

It was a very shocking and sad to hear the news on the radio and television on that Tuesday lunchtime at Collage. It was announced that Michael had been sentence to a 16-year prison sentence in the Philippines for promoting child prostitution.

The ITN news at 10, those evening, showed video clips of Michael apparently directing an enquirer to a child prostitute. The picture were very convincing and I felt very sad and groaned in side, I was shocked because I had no reason to ever think Micheal would be involved with child prostitution. He had always been straightforwardly blatant with what he had done in the past and so I had no reason to believe he was involved now in the said sad and awful crime until now.

When we first heard Micheal had been arrested in June 1995 we had no real idea what the actual charges were against him. I assumed it was to do with his travel business, which he had designed to make use of all the existing exotic night life and sex attractions in Angels City.

Micheal had written to the Eastbourne Herald asking Anne Mari Shields to contact mum and dad as he could get through to them. He wrote, “I’m fine but the thought of being on possible Death Row is getting to me. My attorney is great. So far we a winning. Armed escort has transferred me from the military jail. I am now at the Headquarters N.B.I. Olongopo City”.

No doubt Mum and dad were not responding the way Micheal wanted this was probable due to the last time he got in trouble in Bangkok, Thailand. Mum had to do so much for him and deal with all his affairs. Mum had become ill and couldn’t deal with the demands he kept placing on them for financial help and dealing with his affairs in England.

I too had little sympathy for him because Mum had bailed him out of Prison (for not paying he visa) in Thailand and no sooner had he gone to the Philippines he was in trouble again. His travel business was immoral (from a Christian point of view) as it was trading on the promiscuous nature of persons not bound by Christian values. It was encouraging fornication and I was opposed to him and has activity and told him so before he went to the Philippines.

Michael protested his innocence of the alleged charge from the beginning and maintained a certain Fr. Shay Cullen an Irish Priest was behind the set up and apparently it was he who directed the ITV news video crew to entrap him on Baloy Beach.

The full NBI report of the incident is displayed  on my Web site. This report clear Michel of the said charges but seriously indicts Fr. Shay Cullen. I never saw this report until January 2000 some 5 year after the event.

106 Number 2 Hayling Close

In the early part of 1994 I had decided I should find more suitable accommodation and I enquired about a room available at number 2 Hayling Close. A Simon Noel and his cat, “Baldrick” which only had three legs, occupied this.

He had been a tenant for some time renting one room and was technically unemployed but kept him self busy doing various things. I took the room from the Landlord for £37 per week sharing all the amenities with Simon and Baldrick the cat.

The house was a 4 bedroom semi detached house with an integral garage which was filled with Simons building materials and also a rear garden which had overgrown. This garden was ideal for the cat. An ironing board was placed in the garden and I noticed take away do it your self barbecue placed on the board which must have been there for months as the weeds in the garden had grown up and over the board. I thought the garden was a mess. Ideal how ever for a cat.

After living in on room for a few weeks I notice a small bedroom, not in use, filled with Simons gear so I asked the landlord if I could rent this as well as I would like my kids to come and stay. It was agreed I should have this for a further £25 a week. I don’t think Simon was please because that was Baldrick’s bedroom and Simon wanted it also as an office.

It was some time after this I began to shop at “Harrods” this was the local council amenities tip at Abshott and I found some really good bargains at the dump. I asked Simon if I could just put a few things in the garage as a store, not that it was Simons garage but because he was the older longstanding tenant he had taken over the garage for him self. After a few weeks he began to moan about my televisions being stored in the garage. I think he felt I was taking over. It was shortly after that he had a blazing row with me because I refused to pay part of the TV Licence. He apparently had been caught watching the TV without a license. The rules were that each separate room had to have a TV license if they were not the same household. He felt had the house had just one license we would not be bothered by the Licensing authority so he felt I should pay towards the license he was being force to pay. I maintained I did not watch TV and did not wish to buy a license. He got very angry one evening when I repaired a TV in the front lounge knowing I had not got a license and he had been force into buying one. It almost came to blows smashing a wooden chair in his rushed attempt to get me in his fury. He is a well built man stocky and about 6 feet tall he could have flattened me if he had hit me but I stood my ground and he scurried off back to his room.

I really was unaware of how I must have got up his nose however shortly after that he moved out and the landlord offered me the whole house for £400 per month. Which I took on board and was able to rent out the other rooms to who I wanted.

My first tenant was a Mr. Alan Macarty a window cleaner. I said he could have a room for £40 per week. I hadn’t realised it but he had been living in an ambulance in a garage some where near Segensworth that winter and had severe problems due to possible drug abuse and his broken marriage.

He was a baptised member of the Mormon religion but not actually practising those things he should. I think he appreciated the fact I took him on without references. He had a few pounds but that was all.

I am sure he felt a but like Johah as things started to go wrong the moment moved in with me.

In straightening out his room he attempted to nail down the floorboards in his room only to find he put a nail through the central heating pipe that Sunday evening. Water was running every where. Alan felt he was to blame and found it difficult to cope with.

My next tenant was Sean Land (some say Private Land) he was a friend of Alan and had bee living in his Fiesta during the winter nights. I think Sean too had problems with drug misuse broken relationship and not able to see his daughter. Sean had a more personal problem-his music and his feet. The music was too loud and his feet smelt.

It was Sean’s music and Alan’s which caused the neighbours to complain to the council. We were served with noise monitoring forms and threatened with confiscation of equipment if the noise level was not kept down. It was difficult to convince these lads of the amount of noise they made.

The next inmate was Mark another acquaintance of Alan and Sean. Occasionally Marks girlfriends stayed the night.

Joe Neve was the next to take up residence; he loved cars and was in an out of trouble with the police.

It was from Joe that I obtained my lovely Fiesta, a 1.4 cc engine in nice condition for £40. This, which took the place of the car (TAN 707Y) I bought from Tim Cragg’s at the College.


Photo 28 David’s Fiest one of the best cars I had ( Cheer’s Joe)

107 Problem My Fiesta

The problem with older cars is that they tend to go wrong but with a Fiesta they can be fixed. One evening coming back from Gosport my exhaust pipe was blowing and I got pulled over by the police on a routine spot check. I was given a producer to note and rectification certificate to get the car fixed within 7 days. On my way Homo I had to pick Esther up from the Locks Heath Free Church and on my way in the dark I realised my indicators had stopped working. Nearing the church I notice another police car coming in the other direction and I felt oh dear my indicators are not working and I would now be pulled over again. I put into the church car park and lest the car only to find the church locked and I felt certain the police were about to come back to the car and check it out. I lot of things in side, which look like I was moving house of to a policeman as though I had robbed a house. Not wanting to face the police again I decided I would just leave the car and come back later so I went around the back of the church to walk up the road and ring up Esther to see where she was. To do this I had to climb a fence. A wood spiked fence.

As I straddled the wooden spiky fence I slipped and felt the spike go up and into my ground. I was stuck, in pain, straddle across a fence almost hanging by my testicles. All because I did not want another rectification certificate for my indicator lamps of fine or something.

I managed to get down from the fence and hobble up the road. My inside legs felt wet and warm. It was not too painful but I hobbled to the phone and found out where Esther was.

After this I decided I had had enough. I thought to my self what I am doing here hobbling about in pain waiting for the police leave ma alone. I said to my self I would return the car and just go home, as it was only the winkers that had stopped working. I was hoping that the police had gone by now.

As I walked back down Hunts Pond Road the police car had parked along side my Fiesta . I marched up to them and asked directly could I help them as they were busy checking the car over. I had left the doors unlocked and they were now checking to see if I owned the car, they could see all the stuff in side and it must have looked as though I had robbed a house. They asked me who I was and did the car belong to me and what was I doing. I then explained to them I had come to collect my daughter but the youth group had closed earlier and she had been picked up. By this time a returned radio call confirmed I was the owner of the car (Thankfully I had it registered in my name and it was taxed and I had an insurance certificate). They the left me and I drove home. The winkers were not mentioned.

All I did was retire to bed I was not well and could not see the damage I had done by being caught and spiked across the wooden stake. I slept in my clothes and called for help the next morning. When my wife to be came, who was a nurse, she said I must go to hospital as I was damaged. The stack had pierced my left testicle sack and blood was every where, all down my trouser legs and it was difficult to see the extent of the damage.

After going to QA Hospital I was examined and it was felt I would have to go St Mary’s Hospital for surgery as it was a sever wound. It was there two male Indian doctors dealt me with. This wont hurt I was told with what looked like a huge syringe needle. The open my legs (I felt must embarrassed and humiliated when they asked how it happened) They though I was burglar running from the police.

I was sewn up and eventually released.

It was a very near close shave and I felt God had a sense of humour and I must learn a lesson. I wonder if you could tell me the lesson. E-mail me with you thoughts. The torn jeans were hung up in my lounge for a along time as a token to remember.

108 My House Becomes Full

The next inmate was Rob White, a friend of Sean, who had no where to live, so he had Baldrick’s bedroom. Rob had a small Jack Russell called Sally and shortly after that Rob’s girl friend Carla Walsh needed short term accommodation. Carla was only years old and I was informed her mother had kicked her out. She moved in as well - I had tried to get alternative accommodation with a girl called Angee - which is another story. Needless to say Carla and Sally ended up at number 2 Hayling Close.


Photo 29 Sam Jones& Bruno,Carla,Sally,Rob and Joe Neve

109 John Five Year Old Apprentice

By this time Alan had met a girl Samantha Jones from Manchester and she bravely moved to Fareham to be with Alan. Sam, had a son called John and a small Jack Russell called Bruno and they were looking for a home of their own. They all ended up at number 2 Hayling Close. Sam son John spoke with an accent just like I had done when I moved at 5 years old from Oldham to Watford. He would always ask me technical questions on how to repair things and Sam soon realised he had become my apprentice.


Photo 30 John my apprentice

Joe’s friend Kinder soon wanted somewhere to live as he had just come out of prison so the lounge as to be his room. The lounge had been my room and so I had to move out.

If you have tried to live in a house with 10 or 11 people and two small Jack Russell’s it was quite taxing n the patience. Some time Sean and his friends would stay the night so the house was quite full. Is was Rob and Carla that cause a bit of a stress as they always left their washing up undone. They always denied it so I ended up by installing a “No bodies washing up sink” which I had managed to scavenge from Harrods.


Photo 31 No bodies “Washing Up Sink”

It was about this time I felt the need to tell these friends and their friends about the Lord Jesus Christ and what he had done for me to I held a meeting in my lounge. I managed to get some of them to listen but they did not seem too keen. I asked the minister Mike Hearne from the Church at Locks Free Church Heath to come and help that he gladly did.

110 The House Court

About this time my go kart, which had been given me by a farmer who attended in Wantage Strict Baptist Chapel many years ago was stolen from outside of my wife’s to be house in Stubbington.

After making a few enquiries I found out who had taken it so I decided rather that get these youngsters (16 year olds) into trouble with the police I would give them a chance. I spoke to one of the culprits mother ( he is P.R. of Stubbington) and said what I intended to do and she was most obliging and appreciated me not involving the police. I knew where the kart was and went to the house and sure enough the lad was there. I simple said I had come to collect the kart. He was unable to say a word as there it was in the back garden so I go him to help me put it in the Fiesta, I told him that I wanted to see him and his friend at 8.00 p.m. the next day as I was taking them to my house for a hearing.


Photo 32 Alan the House Court Judge

At 8 p.m. the next night I collected these two lads (Their names are with held) and I had assembled in the lounge at number 2 Hayling Close a lounge villains, ex-convicts friends and renowned characters from Fareham. Rob Whites brother was there who has just been release from prison. These made up the court. Alan Macarty was the judge.

The two 16 year old stood (in there pear group they would have been considered cool and hard) as quite as mice. I think they were asked did they plead guilty or very guilty. After listening to me then to David White and a few others they were warned of the dangers of stealing goods etc. We did not want them ending up like some of us. They were fined £25 (the cost of a powder coat re-spray) and given tome  to pay. The money was paid on time. We heard no more other these lads. I hoped they learned their lesson. If you know them get them to e-mail me as they are on my list.

111 A Tent In The Back Garden

I decided after this time to move out in the garden to make room for Kinder Joe’s friend. So I built a spacious tent in the garden out of scaffold poles and an awning from Harrods. It was a lovely (tent) room. I had a wardrobe, drawers, and table System etc. Some said I was like Lawrence of Arabian living in the comfort of a lovely tent in the summer. I enjoyed my stay that summer but then the winter came.


Photo 33 David’s tent in the back garden. Photo 34 Inside Davids tent

At that time a student offered me room in his house in Locks Heath. I stayed here until November 1996.


Photo 35 The tent comes down Photo 36 Sean and his friends

All these lads are on “Dave’s List”

112 Post Scrip: Xube Fathers to Zach and Xube

Alan and Sam Jones now live in Fareham and have another girl called Elarnice and also a baby boy called Zach Macarty.



Photo 37 Xube and Alan the fathers of Zac Macarty 260