Converted on LSD Trip by David Clarke - HTML preview

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2.0 Micheal becomes a Christian


Micheal’s story (this is a STOP PRESS story) and must be told by Micheal himself but in his letters to me when I asked him to write his side of the story to compliment, “Converted on LSD Trip” he wrote in May 1999, “with regards me writing my life story etc.etc. For you to include in your book! Please David forgive me but I am so screwed up I just could not handle it right now it takes all my strength just to write this letter to you”.

Our Church sent him a new leather bound bible and a couple of tapes and some friend wrote to him.

He said also he was very pleased my fellow Christians were praying for him and were concerned about him. He expressed he was so very low and did believe in God and had asked forgiveness for all his sins and trusted in him. He wonders could any one ever love him and would he ever smile again or could he ever be happy again.

Another reason why he could not think to write his story was because he was truly ashamed of many things he had done and really did not wish to broadcast his evil past to every one. He had confessed to the Lord and just hoped he would be forgiven.

In July 2000 Michael wrote he was reading Christian books and at that present time was reading, “Joy Unspeakable” by Dr. Martin Lloyd -Jones. I was very encouraged and soon realised he had become a Christian when he expressed his wish to work in full time Christian ministry.

Our local news reported sent some questions to Micheal by e-mail they were:

Our local news reporter Liz Millar of The News wrote to Michael as follows:

Envelop to: From:

To: “’Liz Miller’” <>

Cc: “’David Clarke’” <>

Subject: Micheal Clarke

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 18:51:53 +0800

Micheal Clarke wrote the following when I visited him in

Muntinlupa Prison on Friday August 25, 2000

Questions for Micheal Clarke

1) How do you plan to get out of prison?

Answer - Conditional Pardon by way of voluntary deportation

2) How can we be sure you’ve changed your ways?

Answer - It is my Lord Jesus Christ that has convicted me of All my Sins, but regards to the crime I was convicted for which I will always maintain my innocence as Fr. Shay invented this crime.

Cullen who is an Irish Priest and he himself has been charged with Rape and a warrant is now out for his arrest with NO BAIL granted. The Victim is a 7-year-old girl.

I amongst several foreigners have become a victim of Fr. Cullen and The Modus Operandi of him is now under investigation by the Secretary of Justice whom hopefully in the long runs will vindicate me Completely from present conviction.

The fact that I am now a true Christian and my FAITH will safe guard me from the temptations of the Devil. It is the same FAITH that assures me of eternal life. AMEN.

I wrote to Micheal to give him encouragement and said he must now be baptised (Dipped) and gave him the words as he had expressed into what name or on who authority should he be baptised. I said In the name of Jesus (his authority) be immersed in the name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost (Spirit). I said he must get one of the inmates who was a Christian to dip him or the Christian worked whom he knew.

This he did and on the 16 th September Micheal was baptised as a Christian in a make shift water trough (a 45 gallon oil drum) along with 25 other Christian prisoners. (See photo graph).


Photo 40 Micheal is baptised 16 th September 2000. Philippines

116 News of Micheal’s Baptism From:

To: “’David Clarke’” <>

Subject: My visit today to Micheal

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 16:37:09 +0800

He sends you this reply.

Micheal was baptised “by immersion” on Sept.

16th 200 a photo

Is now being developed.

Your suggested words were used even before I received your views.

YES please put on the web sites the NBI report. But do not give any details whatsoever as to his past criminal record this is personal so just say in general terms that over the years he did many things that were wrong including breaking the criminal law. This also concerns any newspaper stories about me. NO DETAILS only general.

Regards to Liz Miller question asking, “what does he expect the new story will do to help him”.


To expose the truth about the fabricated case against me brought about by Fr. Shay Cullen. But I believe that God used this situation to expose the works of Satan and in doing so I have surrendered myself to the Lord and have devoted the rest of my life to saving other lost Souls.

I have forgiven Fr. Shay Cullen for his evil acts and hope he too confesses his sins to the lord as well as publicity otherwise I know that he is not a Christian and the Lord will punish him in his own way.

Ps Micheal was first imprisoned June 7th 1995 – date of sentence Oct 11th 1996 To date 5 years 4 months in Prison


Photo 41 Micheal’s Baptism Group (Pastor Lucus-bottom center)

I was over the moon with delight I wrote and told him this was the way froward and we will go on together with Gods help and strength get him clear or aquital and out of prison.