Craftsmanship - 12 Traits of All Exceptional Master by Aman Varma - HTML preview

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“Never hope for it more than your work for it”


Highly successful people are often said to be "blessed with talent" or lucky. But the truth is, they have worked harder than the average person can even imagine. Thomas Edison says there is no substitute for hard work and he is 100% correct. Nothing can beat hard work if you work hard in the right direction. Highly successful people work about 20 hours a day on an average and that is why sometimes they burnout. They are able to work this much because they love what they do and so work doesn’t seem like work to them. If you are a 9 to 5 person, you have to change, work extremely hard if you wish to live an extraordinary life. Now, I don’t mean you have to work 20 hours a day, but try to work more than you think you can.

Extreme hard work is essential; but you should now where you have to work harder. If you keep running to the west to see the sunrise, you will never see it. Hard work should be combined with cleverness. Even a donkey does the hard work, which is senseless. An intelligent approach towards your hard work is what will bring results. Many people work hard, but they do not succeed because they don’t know where to work hard and where not. It is important to know what to do, but more important is to know what not to do.

I want you to work harder but intelligently, like all the highly successful people did. Smart work is the key. You must know where to apply your energy, you must know whether to spin around, hit in the center or breakthrough it. Below is a smart work model that I have created which will guide you to avoid donkey work and work like highly successful people.


The central idea of smart working is to know where you need to work hard.

To work smartly you have to be absolutely clear about your goals, crystal clear. Example of a crystal clear goal: I will write a 200 page book self help book by 01.04.2016 and get it publish by 15.04.2016. or I will earn $100,000 by 02.04.16 by selling a 100 pieces of book shelves. They key thing over here is being SPECIFIC.

The real problem comes when you start working on your goals. You come across a lot of distractions and situations that use up your energy and attentions and don’t give any output. So, to work smartly you need to identify the problems and distractions as soon as they occur and deal with it or delegate it to someone else. This will help you be more productive.

Prioritise like a genius. When you know what you need to do, there comes a long list which we commonly call as To-Do list. I want you to grade these tasks according to their urgency, importance and priority. Doing this will give you high speed and intense focus.

Highly successful people have planned their life! Do you even have a weekly plan? You need to work on it. First known your life purpose and break it into small bite size goals that become your yearly goal, then break it down further to month and further to weeks and plan your day according to your weekly plan.

Block time and schedule your day to specific task, which gets the task done quicker than your normal approach. Set aside some specific time of the day just to think or just to schedule or just to solve problems. This is called smart work. Do you do smart work?

You need to create momentum to jump higher which starts by accomplish small things continuously, once you get that momentum you are ready to fly.


“I was a workaholic. I never stopped. I lived in fifth gear. I bought cars. I invested in stocks. I made more money than I had ever imagined.” Mitch Albom (Author)

“It is not what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.”

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