Creating Happiness: Tools for Improving Your Life by James Carr - HTML preview

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Develop a Vision


Here’s a fun project for you. It’s actually quite popular and I didn’t come up with it myself, but I can tell you that it works. It will keep you focused on your goals, your idea of success, and will help you to keep a positive mindset. Also by doing this activity, you are allowing yourself to take some action. By completing this project, you’re already progress towards obtaining results and getting that positive cycle moving.


I want you to get a piece of poster board. It can be a piece of cardboard, foam board, or if you’re a crafty person you can get one of those foldable presentation boards that kids use for science fair projects.


I want you to get a stack of magazines and go through them. I want you to cut out everything that you want. Go shopping! Pick out nice clothes, pick out your favorite cars, find a nice house, and find anything that symbolizes love, family, friends, good physical health, education-anything that makes you smile! If you have a printer, browse the internet for these pictures. You can also grab quotes, articles, or even just words. Anything positive. Cut it all out and paste it to the board. Fill that board up with positive things.


For my personal board, I filled it up with the usual things that people want: a nice car, a house, a really fancy watch, a couple of kids (stranger’s kids, but that’s ok!), and I added a wedding cake. I was already happily married, but I wanted to remind myself that someday we will renew our vows and have another amazing wedding. I filled it with various triggering words like “mind”, “knowledge”, and “love.”


Once the board is full, hang it up somewhere in your home. Hang it somewhere where you will be forced to look at it every day. In the bathroom, above the kitchen sink, above your bed, etc… Look at it every day and imagine yourself having all of those things.


Someone in the world has those things and they are just like you. You already have the potential. So look at it and know that you will be there someday. Don’t ever get rid of this board. In 5, 10, or 20 years I want you to look at that board. Ask yourself, “Am I happy now? Am I successful now?” then look at the board and see how it aligns with your current life.


You might be surprised that you don’t have any of those things, but you may still be happy and feel successful with your life-and that’s great because as we grow, our standards and our values change. As you make more money, you might feel that money isn’t as important as you originally thought, so your vision might change.


As I said before, we grow and change, so in 10 or 20 years you might not need those things to be happy, but the important thing is that you have something to strive for. You have specific goals and dreams. You have the hope, the confidence, the potential, and the belief that you will succeed.


Need some motivation? Here are some ideas:


Inspirational videos: Watch motivational speeches by famous speakers like Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, MLK, or Roosevelt.


Find a mentor or role model: Who has an amazing life or amazing values?

Who can you look up to? Be it a super hero, athlete, actor/actress, friend, or relative, find someone that you want to be like.


Inspirational movies: There are a lot of great inspirational movies out there, especially if you enjoy sports. Find one that makes you feel positive and motivated. One of my favorites is The Pursuit of Happyness.