#17. The Dangers of Smoking Nicotine
The use of nicotine is widespread around the world. It has been used since ancient times due to its various properties, which apparently help to relieve tension. Nicotine is known to be carcinogenic and the reality is that it is extremely addictive. Its effects can be felt within a minute after the user has inhaled the smoke which reaches the brain within a span of 20 seconds. In fact, according to a report published by the Royal College of Physicians in the United Kingdom in 2007, nicotine happens to be at least 5 times more powerful as other drugs such as morphine and cocaine when it comes to affecting the psychological and physical behaviour of users, especially since most effects are related to nicotine addiction. It gives users feelings of pleasure, which is why they keep turning back to it every now and then.
It is this addiction to nicotine which makes it extremely difficult for users to quit smoking, despite the fact that most users really want to quit. In fact, it has been reported that up to 70% of smokers and users of nicotine products wanted to quit this habit on a permanent basis, but only a few are really successful at it. But at the same time, 20% of those individuals who undertake treatment and rehabilitation for nicotine addiction are able to successfully abstain from smoking for more than a year's period of time.
Nicotine basically causes the flow of adrenaline to increase to abnormal levels by deterring the normal function of the adrenal medulla, which is responsible for the flow of adrenaline in the first place. This surge ends up increasing the heart rate, blood pressure and respiration amongst users, and due to long term and frequent use may lead to various cardiovascular conditions in the future. Nicotine may also cause insomnia like conditions, and affect your sleeping patterns. Its use helps to stimulate the nervous system. If used during the night time when you are about to sleep, it will keep your mind alert and stimulated throughout the night when you should be sleeping and taking rest.
The dangers of smoking nicotine do not end here since the risks mentioned above only describe the impact of its usage on the behaviour of users. Despite the fact that it might not be as dangerous as other drugs that are used commonly these days, the reality is that nicotine is responsible for the deaths of half of the regular users.
Nicotine smoking takes away many lives in the world on an annual basis. According to a report published by the government in Australia, up to 15,500 deaths in 2003, or 12% of all deaths in the country, were caused by nicotine smoking