Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Know that each soul has lived these situations. You might feel your life is together now, but do you know what happened to your soul before this lifetime? If you did know, you would view life very differently now and wouldn't be so judgmental. Your mind doesn't remember these past experiences, but your soul does.

“There but for the grace of God go I” means you do remember dimly that you have had similar experiences, but just can't realise now anything specific. You all could have had any of these happen to you previously and you have had many of them occur. Remember you have been male, female, rich, poor, powerful, and powerless before, according to the realizations you needed to achieve.

Every soul has had very difficult lives. Only by experiencing difficulty and eventually working through it, can you grow and learn the knowledge needed to survive and ultimately overcome this physical life.
Know you aren't alone. Know that:

v Every person you meet has been through a similar situation to you at some stage in their physical lifetimes.


v You have to work through that situation at some stage. Even if