Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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you can't do it this time you'll have to do it next lifetime. All situations you will ultimately have to face.

v You are Me in a physical form. I allow you, and want you to forgive yourself and move on to more positive learning experiences. It might take many lifetimes but it's your choice.

v It is your choice. Know we are one and realise you no longer need the drama. Truly know this and you will be set free.

v Realise this ultimate truth and you will no longer feel judgmental to others. You also have passed through this same life stage. You have moved on, so encourage that soul to do the same. Remember, might be too soon for that person to move forward. Give them time. Empathize with that person as much as possible and try not to judge.

You cannot change others. You can ultimately only change yourself. Others can be shown a different way. Know that all people are evolving and moving forward gradually in their own way and time. You might not see this now and think that your way is better – each person has their own path and journey to fulfill. Rather than try to change them, help them move forward in their own chosen way.